this issue 3400 copies classified ads back page vol 5 no 4 thi rbibuxe stolrtvtlle thursday june 1955 twelve fage3 highway dept trims local road budget stouffville municipal coun- j eil received notification this i r thai he supplementary i of sloqq fir road work has been trim mi i by department j highw ays to s50 a total of 3400 gallons of road oil tvcnt onto the streets us l week and preliminary gra ding cost s703jo according to an account tabled at monday nights meeting of council there was some discussion or the new pavement to be hid by the highway dept from lurch st east and it was re vealed that the main st is to be widened from 2i ft to 32 ft with mot of the increased width to be taken oif the north side boulevard ta collector k ft davis local tax collec tor requested an increase in salary from 500 per year to 750 due to the steady growth of the community and the ad ditional work entailed in his department the increase was approved by resolution of coun cil police report the regular monthly police report from our local opp officers revealed that six were prosecuted for violation of the liquor control act during the month and six were convicted in addition nine more cases are pending under this act one prosecution was registered tinder the highway traffic act and a number of local bylaw offenders received tickets two cases are pending a total of eightythree checks were made of business premises salary increase a bylaw was given two read ings authorizing the increase in councillors salaries from 73 a year to 130 a year an amount of 2 is deductible for each absence from a meeting the clerk reported that the town auditors eddis co had complained of councillors receiving public funds for the performance of work and had stated that the matter would bo brought to the attention of the dept of municipal affairs the matter was discussed at some length and it was pointed out that the ontario statutes pro vide that the chairman of a de partment such as roads is permitted to accept remunera tion for his services council agreed that the clerk should take the matter up with the de partment pointing out that in addition to the statutes it had been found difficult to obtain labourers even from the ranks of local unemployed loading areas a revised bylaw covering tra- flic regulations in stouffville was placed before council and in addition to all clauses pres ently in force a new clause was added providing for five min ute parking for sixtyfive ft from market st east and the same distance from church st west and edward st west i the purpose of the loading areas is to provide for shoppers who wish to load their groceries and busy evenings reeve dan iels commented that he believ ed uch a move should not be taken unless representation was made from the merchants for such a step however the remainder of council did not oppose the bylaw which passed and will be forwarded to the dept of highways for approval store has served nearly 100 years one and half mill increase whitchurch 55 tax rate whitchurch township coun- 1 aurora high school rate re el ruck their 1s55 tax raxe on mained the same as in 195 j thursday nm a- mius ut j one and a half roil usher r vv stou- than last year the filial pass- ffvilie high s hool rate is upj age of the tax rate came after mills to 305 for a levy of a lengthy six hour council scsj 1613350 sion the new genera mill rate additional levies are as fol- wil he based on an assessment j lows of 3 mu the county rate statute for this year remains much ic slss013 same at 107 mills for a lew of tee ra 3930300 school in the field of education the separate highway dept approves markham rd budget y public school grant public school trus ts s01773m7 public leberitures 2746149 school rates 50512 whitchurch tp rejects keilington subdivision the proposed subdivision of i lct tho school board appeal to the garfield keilington farm i mi1 board declared the lemonvilie general store operated by mr and mrs david vv greer for the past five years will be closed the store has served the community for close to 100 years the business and prem ises js still in the hands of a real estate firm mr ed barkey purchased the business from mr joseph grove in 1016 and operated the store for thirty years it was then sold to mrs vera cake and then to greers mr barkey reijplls how resi dents in the district would travel by horse and buggy to do their weekly shopping at the store the business was previously operated by a mr canning a peter steele and a mr french the annual convention of the whitchurch sunday school association was held in the vi vian mccormack memorial church on tuesday may 31 lets have the family in sun day school had been chosen as tlie theme for tiie day and this though was carried thr ough the entire program after the morning devotions and pre liminary business had been completed mr merlyn baker conducted a panel discussion hinging around t h e days theme the panel agreed that bible study is of great import ance if we would live a full christian life that sunday school is a good place for this study however education in itself can never meet the need of mens souls there must be a soulsaving experience the sunday school is a good place to make a decision for christ it was also concluded that those children who are taken to sun day school by parents who are county york agree disband police to vork county pi depart ment one of the oldest law en forcement bodies in ontario is to be disbanded vork county council accept- 1 a recommendation by the attorneygenerals department that the 150 yr old force cease to exist on september 1 ever nice the county was split by the establishment of mtro the fate of the force had been uncertain council in repeated bi iefs to the attorney- gerierars department indicated that could not pay the oper ating costs of the 16man police department chief function of the force in the last 10 year has been that of escort and court duties the attorney generals de partment indicated that it could pkce four members of the force council will endeavour to place other members on other police forces interested enough to stay in sunday school themselves are often the ones who continue on in the lords work through later years of life rev lloraceburkholder from the ontario council of chris tian education brought the message of the morning under the heading the sunday school as an agency of edu cation ho defined education as the process whereby one learns the knowledge skills attitude loyalties and resour ce that lit him best to live ton- hing on each he said that we must have knowledge first o all and the bible is our best levbook in gathering chris tian knowledge we must also have the kill to usethis know ledge just as a doctor must nave skill as well as hook- knowledge our loyalty must be placed in the great eternal god xo man has all the power necessary in himself but he must know how to plug into the power of the living god the teacher mui use each of these attributes in teaching boys and girls he must build a highway for boys and girls to reach god it is important to help the children to make the right choices in life but the childs choice must be his own the afternoon speaker was rev frank wellington of the evangelical sunday school as sociation of canada speaking on the subject of decisions in tho sunday school if we lead a child to christ we shall not have to worry too much about his -future- social life many people make a contribution to a childs conversion mother and dad should- be the best teachers the sunday school teacher has much to do with his conversion faith comcth by hearing and hearing by the word of god the pastor also has a great influence on the child through the parents and teacher there are three cs to observe personal challenge bible stories must he made to apply personally to his own life or they arc useless in win ning the child to christ cau tion we must guard against using undue pressure with the child the childs decision must be his own also guard against mob response to the invitation by dealing with the child indi vidually whenever possible clarity be sure the child understands your words use his language without resorting to slang we must have a planned ap proach and he thoroughly pre pared in dealing with children nd not take tile place of the holy spirit in pressing them into a decision we must wait until the time is right during the evening service rev harold meddle conducted tlie installation of officers with mr fred yake being returned as president for the coming year some of the resolutions brought forth by the commit tee were that 1 we commend the township executive and continued on page 0 a request is going to the do minion government from whit church township asking that no further government licenses be issued for pigswillfeeders until a bylaw can lie prepared by council to regulate these op erators garbage tenders john e storry was awarded the annual contract on thurs day night for the collection of garbage at the three lakes within the township total price of the contract was 5000 this figure included s3s00 for wilcox lake 1000 for mussel- mans lake and 200 for pres tons lake an account was passed for payment in the amount of 100 for a heifer killed by riogs the property of geo w richardson road accounts road accounts for the month passed for payment amounted to si 10c0 council discussed complaints on the progress of the work being done on gravel hill on the east townline a project undertaken some time ago by stouffville sand gra vel road sup davis stated that representation had been made concerning the temporary hydro and telephone line and some answer should be sought on how the work could be speeded up council agreed that mr e marritt county weed inspec tor and constable mulholland should confer on moves to be made to clean up weeds on small lots said to be very pre valent in the townhip council agreed to a x25 grant to the upper holland conserva tion authority which would enable xewmarket to benefit by a 37 government grant i towards the restoration of the dam at fairy lake damaged during hurricane hazel deputyreeve legge stouffville would reap the was rejected on thursday eve- benefit from the development mug by whitchurch township i commented councillor wall- council council was divided work we got stouffville their high school and it looks as if well have to build up their town for them too continued deputyreeve legge reeve maclaughlin advised council that the ringwood school trustees would not be happy with the subdivision does anyone know the real reason why stouffville council turned down the subdivision asked the deputyreeve i on ly know what 1 read in the tribune replied councillor wallwork following the vote deputy- reeve legge declared that whi tchurch was in a state of stag nation under the veterans land act on the issue and a recorded vote resulted in councillors richardson and graham and reeve mclaughlin voting ag ainst the proposal and deputy- reeve legge and councillor wallwork favoring the sub division prior to the vote on the reso lution which was put forward by councillors richardson and graham there was consider able discussion on the advisa bility of the subdivision with the chief objection centering around the problem of school ing we cant sit back and turn down a subdivision just be cause of the school problem markham township has re ceived approval of both their regular annual road appropria tion and a special appropria tion for repairing bridge da maged and destroyed in hurri cane haze the regular an nua appropriation amounts to 1g5coo and the special bylaw for hurricane damage is for 212000 this latter amount of which the department will pay 0 will be debentured pro viding the municipal board ap proves a communication was re ceived from the central hurri cane damage comm regard ing personal property damage in markham requesting that final accounts be submitted as soon as possible in order that the business of the committee may be closed out early esti mates of damage in markham were set at 0000 but only 1600 in damage accounts have been submitted and forwarded slock damage an account was received on behalf of chas hooper but- tonvillc for a heifer allegedly killed by dogs the account was for s5 and was submitted by c s boynton valuator however council questioned the account and payment was withheld pending further in- us accident near is on wednesday june 1st mr j k agnew passed away sud denly at his west end residence in stouffville though not en joying the best of health death came suddenly born at mil ton the son of william agnew the deceased took up residence in richmond hill where he op erated a hardware store in 1027 he came to stouffville where he was prominent in the hardware trade he is survived by his wife the former ellison bowman one daughter edna mrs harold cunningham of islington and a sister miss georgie agnew of toronto the funeral service was held from the residence on friday june 3rd at 110 pm conduct ed by rev d mckillican of st james presbyterian church in stouffville with interment in evergreen cemetery milton the pallbearers were messrs reg stouffer don doner john mathewson stanley martin cee hendricks and c g mc- kenzie the salvation army salvage ruck will be in stouffville on monday june 13th for a gen- i pickup always a popular ride with the kiddies mr and mrs walter ken of wihowdale had their wedding versary dinner with their daughter kathryn arid ons kcsj and paul at the home of mrs dewih and joyce last friciay was longtime village smithy on tuesday mr william griffiths a resident of stouff ville for the past fortyfour years passed away at his home following an illness of two weeks he had been in failing health for the past year born in wales the deceased came to stouffville in 1910 he operated a blacksmiths shop on market street until only s years ago he worked for a time in partnership with mr ed ward limner the late mr griffiths was a life member of the richardson masonic lodge and tho oes he has attended markham o es for the pat twelve years besides his wife the former elizabeth morris the deceased is survived by a brother in wales the funeral service will be held on thursday afternoon at l from the chape of l e oxeili stouffville and will bo conducted by rev geo thomas of st andrews united church markham with inter ment in the stouffville ceme tery the pailboarers will be messrs herb wagg henry og- den a e weldon joe borin- sky oilie madill and william wallace william e grant 23 of rr 3 xewmarket died in the vork county memorial hospital in xewmarket on sunday of in juries received on saturday night when his truck went out of control and rolled over on the aurora sideroad near bal- lantrae according to reports the truck skidded a considerable distance onto the soft shoulder and rolled over spilling out the occupants two passengers ted hall is and a brother jo seph 13 escaped with only mi nor injuries t cligat on trailer on lili con mrs tyson ttii con appear ed before council regarding a trailer being used as living quarters beyond the thirty day limit as allowed by bylaw no tice had been received from tne police dpt councillor grif fon stated that the township it self could be prosecuted if it allowed the bylaw to be broken trailers have been chased out of searboro and theyre try ing to squat in markham commented deputj reeve clark we must uphold our by law declared reeve lemasu- i ier police report markham township police officers travelled 9037 miles during may in the performance of their duties according to the police report tabled at the township council meeting our monday afternoon cost of fuel and maintenance for the ends- era was 3307 as compared to 00330 in 1954 number of calls in may of last year was 203 as against 497 this last month the report revealed seven teen accidents investigated 103 summonses served six liquor seizures and 21 complaints of dogs running at large saiktv club friday evening june 10 is club night again ninety chil dren have registered to date come to the town hal for roll call and opening exercises at 7 after this meeting base ball teams will bo chosen to play in competition with one another refreshments will be served engagements mr and mrs w g sander son obrien avenue announce the engagement of their dau ghter margaret elizabeth to artie ii larson of ottawa formerly of copenhagen den mark the marriage to take place july 2nd lion want curb on wilcox theres one section al tho lake thats little better than jarvis st and the only way we can have nice properties there is to clean it up de clared mr mason wilcox lake ratepayer one of a delegation who appeared before whit church township council on thursday night the delegation came specifi cally to ask if remaining good furniture in the community hall there could not he remov ed before it was destroyed by vandals the hal was said to bea shambles also dangerous since even the meter box had been torn from the wall and live wires were lying about the roof the men said was not j fan- held for examination norman fair townline west convicted last week in magis trates court newmarket on a charge of indecent assault appeared in court on tuesday remember the date remember the date mon- day lime 13th for the iniuii el pal vole on the installation t of a sewerage system in stou- ivvillc lists have been posted- iir hie poslonicc the clerks office and k it davis store of hose eligible to vole if you are a properly owner in siouilville see that your name is on the list and bo sure lli1t you exercise your franchise on monday this vole is very important li flic progress of our com- iminily and whatever your opinion of the issue a slake be sure thai yon oie and will lie heid in custody for me month lor examination police stated he would appear before the magistrate a tha end of this period for sentence pi nding results of the examina tion still active at 92 safe and upon it teenagers were seen hammering holes through reeve mclaughlin told the delegation ills hal was put there by public subscription i and held by trustees only one of whom survives the build- ng was private property and council had no jurisdiction to j enter mr geo smith of to- 1 ronto was said to be the lone i surviving trustee if we have a police force i i dont see why these older kids i sixteen to twenty cant be i caught and punished aid mr dan cook its pretty hard for i the police to cope with when i ail the magistrate does is turn them over to their parents for punishment commented clerk jack crawford council agreed that the pro per way to deal with the build ing was to have it put in the hands of the community cen tre board for a iministrauon the board would listen to any qualified eroup of ratepayers drew n s n j ear moreas of i on o eiy i i on f lx mr loodw an- ol in car- ond mr hi next i aurs good joj on 1 the lake pointed the frame home of mr and mrs fred baldwin of goodwood he also shingled the veran dah roof mr morgason says lie expects to retire now and take things a little easier mr morgason attributes hij long life tt hard work he brothers jake and are pfih oer so v another brother p away t tk ywr ago at si i