Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 19, 1955, p. 13

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bylaw na777 for tic village of stouffville bylaw no 778 corporation of stouffville brlw to prorwe for the conceit chnsoer and ctl btlaw vlmbbr 7ti jtuwartr ot efe ad melpl- of iou of th elwior daris shall be the deputy re- thf corporation or thb of thr village of suhiffrlll on tuciag offleer therea pollics 1 tb mid inter coupooa pfopotrd bylw profiling for subdivision no 2 comprising v r hal b gnd r lie trssmrsr borrowing of h- sum o all that part of ti village of a bjruw to prorme for th miif rhroi r fir hundrpd thousand dolun stouffville aortfc of main stuet borrowing of ih vv wrimro 3p1 utho- s30o00o00 for the purpose ol a tar tor of k r htevrj main grained or engraved constructing sewerage system street and k r daris shall be tint for the purpose of tn village of ktouffrille and the daputy returning 03cer palog the said instalments ot to ba the ivue of deben- thereat principal aod iotereat as the therefor t- the reeve municipality wilt the man fire handrrd thoasaod dolhwrt oooo0ooo for the parpoae of coaatrartiag a sewerage ftra- tem la the village of stoattrlue ami so authorize the isaac of d- henlurv therefor whcrbas the corporation ot the village ot stonstrllle deema it necessarr and expedient for the said corporation to con struct a sewerage system in the said village of stoubvllle and whbrkas in ordr to eaatbl the aaid corporation to eaiatraet the aaid sewerage sys tem it win be aeceery to raise the sum of rive hundred thous and dollars 1500 000 00 by way of debenture and wh break it is desir able to make the principal of the said debt repayable by an nual instalments during the period of thirty yeara nei after the issue of the said debentures such instalments of principal to he of such amounts that the ag gregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to what is payable for principal and interest during each of the other yeara and whereas the amount of the whole ratable property of the said corporation of the vil lage of stouffrllls according to the last revised asseeement roll for the year 1954 is the aura of ll15018tno and whereas the amount erf the existing debenture debt of the said municipality exclu sive of local improvement debts secured by special rates or assess ments is 1 4324202 as of january 1st 1955 and no part of the principal or interest of such debt is in arrears and whbrkas the depart mem of health have approved of the said bylaw as required by subsection 2 of section 107 of the public health act and the said bylaw has been approved by the municipal board as re quired by section 67 of the on tario municipal board act therefore the municipal council of the corporation of tie village of stouffvllle enacts as follows 1 that for the purposes aforesaid it shall be lawful for this corporation to borrow a sum not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars j50000000 and to l5ue debentures of the said municipality to the amount of j50u00000 in sums of not less thatn 10000 each payable in the manner for the amount and at the times hereinafter set forth 2 the said debentures shall hear interest at the rate of 4 per annum payable yearly and a to both principal and inter est shall be payable at the stouffville branch of the canad ian bank of commerce 3 al the said debentures shall bear the saine date and shall he issued at one time and within two years after day on which this bylaw is passed and shall be payable in annual in stalments during the period of thirty years next after the date of the issue thereof and the re spective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be the amounts so designated in schedule a hereto annexed 4 the said debenture shall he sealed with the sea of the corporation and signed by the head of the council or by some other person authorised by law to sign the same and by the stae become interest as the due respectively whereas it is necessary nn- of the said ttend at the of len oclock in the forenoon to given for and against the pro- eight oclock in the afternoon posed bylaw both daylight saving time and read a first and seeerd time at the following places polling and anally passed the isth day subdivision no 1 comprising a of may ad 1955 that part of the village of stouffj elmer r dstiiels reeve ville south of main street at the garfield d brown clerk during talrty rears the currency d section 27j of the municipal council chambers on saturday ot the debentures be issued i act to provide by separate by- une 11th 1955 at the hour of under thia bylaw there shall bellow for taking the votes of eer- j 11 am for the appointment of raised and levied in each ear on any bylaw requiring persons to attend at the polling by epecial rate on all the ratable j he assent of the said electors i places and at the final ummins property in the said municipality therefore the municipal up of the votes by the clerk on of stouffvllle the sum of twenty- council of the corporation of the behalf of persons interested in eight thousand nine hundred 1 village of stouffvllle enacts as and promoting or opposing the and rifteen dollars and five follows said bvlaw cents f2sslf0s 1 that the vote of the eiec- 1 3 the clerk of the said 7 the said debentures may of the said village of stouff- municipality will on tuesday contain a clause providing for j villa on the said proposed by- 1 june 11th 1955 at the council tiie registration thereof pursuant i law shall lake place on monday chamber at the hour of 2 pm to section 335 o the municipal june 13th 1955 from the hours sum up the number of votes act pending the sale of the said debenture the reeve of th said municipality and the trea- urer thereof may raise for the purpose aforesaid by way of a loan on said debentures any sum or sums of money not exceeding in all the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed and may hypo thecate such debentures for such loan 9 the council of the said municipality may proceed after the final passing of this bylaw to install that part of the said sewerage system under main street between church street and tenth street and the re maining part of the system at such times as may be deemed de sirable and expedient and in this case the debentures herein before mentioned may be issued in sets of suob amounts and at such times as the circumstances require but so that the firut of the sets shall be issued within two years and all of thetn within five years after the passing of the said bylaw 10 the corporation shall have the right at us option to redeem the said debentures either in whole or in part on any date prior to- maturity at the places where and in ttie moneys in which the said debentures are expressed to be payable upon payment of the principal amount thereof together with interest accrued to the date of redemp hon and upon giving previous notice of said intention to deem by advertising once in the ontario gaistte and once in a daily newspaper of general pro vincial circulation published in the city of toronto and once in a local newspaper such notice to be advertised as aforesaid at least thirty days before the date fixed for redemption notice of intention so to redeem shall alto be sent by post at least thirty days prior to the date set for such redemption to each person in whose name a debenture so to be redeemed is registered at the address shown in the deben ture registry book where only portion of the debenture of this issue is so to be redeemed such portion shall comprise only the debentures that have the latest maturity dates and no de benture of this issue shall be called for such redemption in priority to any such debenture that has later maturity date 11 this bylaw shall take effect on the day of its final pass ing read a first and second time this lsih day of may 1955 elmer r daniels reeve garfield d brown clerk read a third time and finally passed in open council this day of june 1955 reeve clerk unionville news i the stoorrvull trlujrrt thursday may w 1955 tin 13 schedule a to bylaw number 777 of the corporation of the village of stonffvillo 1 2000000 1 s 915 05 2s91505 2 1964340 927165 2s91505 3 19 27254 964251 2s91505 4 1sss6s3 1002822 2891505 5 1848670 1042935 2s91505 6 i806s53 10s4652 2891505 7 1763467 ll2so3s 2s91505 171s345 1173160 28 91505 0 1671419 1220086 2591505 10 1622615 126ss90 2891505 11 1571860 1319645 2891505 12 1519074 137243 2891505 13 14 64177 143732s 2s9 1505 14 1407084 lls442t 2891505 15 1347707 154379s 2s915oo 15 12ss955 1605550 2s91505 17 1221733 1669772 2s9i505 is 1154942 1736563 28 91505 19 1081479 1505026 2s91s06 20 1ti13239 187s266 2891505 ii 9 38 1 os 1953397 2s91505 22 s 599 72 2031533 2891505 13 7 7s712 2117795 2891505 14 694193 3197306 2s91505 25 606306 22 s51 99 2s91505 26 514s99 2376606 2s91505 419s35 2471670 2s9160s 2s 320967 257053s 2s 91505 29 1si4s 2673359 28915 os 10 112212 s7s0293 50000000 2891505 take notice that the above to a true copy of a proposed by- iaw to provide or the borrow ing of the sum of five hundred thousand dollars 50000000 i for the purpose of constructing a sewerage sytem in the village of stouffvllle and the authorlxa- tion of debentures to be issued iherefor and if the assent of the electors is obtained to it the said bylaw will be taken into consideration by the council of the said village of stouffvllle after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publi cation which said date may 19th 1955 and that a tenant who desires to vote must deliver to the clerk not late than the tenth day before the day appoin ted for taking the vote the dec laration provided for by subsec tion 3 of section 276 of the municipal act and further take no tice th ihe votes of the elec tors of the village of stouffvllle on the said propoied bylaw shall be taken on monday jur ulh 1955 from ihe hours of ten oclock ft the forenoon o elgjt oclock la the afternoon both daylight slng trice and al the following places polling subdivision no 1 comprising all that part of the village ol stouffville south of main street at the council chambers and cecil davis shall be the deputy returning officer thereat poll ing subdivision no 2 compris ing all that part of the village of stouffvllle north of main street at the store of k r davis main street and k r davis shall be the depuly re luming officer thereat the reeve of the said muni cipality will attend at the coun cil chambers on saturday june 11th 1955 at the hour of 11 am for the appointment of per sons to attend st the polling places and at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk on behalf of persons interested in and promoting or opposing the said byiw the clerk of the aid munici pality will on tuesday at the council chambers june 14h 1955 at the hour of 2 p m sum up toe number of votes given for and agatri the proposed by- law dated at stouffville this lth goodwood fifth ijne indies aid held their may meeting at the home of their minister mr and mrs hill mr ostium a former pastor in the baptist church came on tuesday evening from clinton to preach mr woodlands fun eral service on wednesday the plans for pallbearers hymns to be sung and duet from mr and mrs stofford were al left in a letter writ ten by the deceased in 1918 mrs fred baldwin visited a couple of days with her sister mrs a momurray and other toronto relatives mrs george baldwin return ed home from hospital on sun day we hope for speedy gain in health rev harold e lewis of to ronto vice president of the baptist convention of ontario and quebec will be the guest speaker at the anniversary services of the baptist church on sunday may 20 services at three pm and 730 pm there will be a trio from his church to provide special music along with our own choir mr and mrs joseph ogden are visiting with his daughter mr and mrs chris yakcley word was received at the first of the month ofthe pass ing of the infant daughter of mr and mrs j innes marion reaman in nigeria west af rica our missionaries do suf fer trials in their work mr and mrs a e england are spending a few days in hamilton mr england at a ministerial retreat mrs eng land with friends mr andrew morgason has taken up the brush again this spring he is brightening up mr f baldwins house mr and mrs norman may spent saturday night with his sister and husband mr and mrs a pilkey who had been in a slight car accident on sat urday the annual business meet ing of the baptist church is may 26 at the home of mr and mrs harry woodland bvpu will be this thurs day evening when a sound film will be shown may we have a lot of visitors mr and mrs reg eveley and david left on saturday morn ing by train to visit relatives in newfoundland while driving to town on saturday night mr and mrs george todd and grandchildren john paxton and sharon cla rke wove in a headon collision with mr tom dowey mr and mrs todd received medical at tention at brierbush hospital stouffville and were released the same night while mr dow ey was taken by ambulance to toronto east general hospital and at time of writing the ex tent of his injuries was un known mrs doug holmans parents have been visiting at her home this past week local ball players are gath ering at the park these nights iast wednesday webb school played against goodwood school and both the girls and boys teams from webb were winners the young girls who took part in the local tagday on pine orchard mr and mrs whitfield thornbury and mr walters of calgary were guests with mr and mrs rae mcclure mr and mrs r chapman spent sunday with mr and mrs walter johnston mr and mrs howard mc clure were dinner guests with mr and mrs walter hall on sunday mrs george mason attended the wl convention at guelph last week mr and mrs fred reid and girls spent friday evening with mr and mrs howard mc clure mr and mrs edson johnston attended the funeral of mrs johnstons aunt mrs breckon on friday mr oregan is on holidays this week mr and mrs s rusto were guests friday night with mr and mrs byrnes we were all saddened on thursday when word was re ceived that mr allan cody was rushed to hospital and passed away a few hours later al though on the sick list for a couple of weeks nobody real ized his illness- was of a serious nature the cody family mov ed here from newmarket a few years ago and he had made many friends in this district our sincere sympathy is exten ded to mrs cody bob and dau ghter mrs kirpatrick in a driving test in a michi gan town 10 out of 40 pupils flunked they couldnt learn to pass saturday did an excellent joib thank you the people for your cooperation too spring time is song time is the theme of the annvtal school musical festival to be held friday may 27 at 815 in the goodwood united chu rch mrs colby musical direc tor at garibaldi glasgow webb fifth line and good wood schools is rehearsing the students for this event ilrs norman feasby and laura spent the weekend with mrs campwell and mr and mrs jim hopper in toronto sorry to report that mrs j beachs father mr foster has been ill we hope he will soon be belter master laverne masters had his tonsils removed at port perry hospital last wednesday morning mr and mrs gmacdougall and nelson and mr and mrs bruce taylor and larry spent the weekend at brandy lake the metry mixers are hav ing a eroquinole party in the united church basement on wednesday may 25 everyone welcome the bake sale held in the stouffville sales arena on sat urday was a decided success there will be another one on june 11 mr and mrs eric granger have sold their house here and expect to move to toronto on may 27 the new owners arc mr and mrs williamson of toronto who have three chil dren we will be sorry to have the grangers leave our com munity i fire works 24th 1st of mir ati 1955 garfield d brew- cierk stouffer hardware main street mr and mra herbert smith spent the past weekend in otta wa visiting their daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs donald maycard- mr and mrs george hirst and gina have returned home follow ing a years rli n england re porting a very enjoyable time they were visitors with old friends on station street on fri day afternoon sorry to hear mrs w gohn has been 111 in the hospital this week mr and mrs harry boadway enjoyed last weekend at their cottage at prospect lake sympathy u extended to mr beverly boadway of lnionvilie in the sudden death of his father mr george w boadway whlie- horse yukon last saturday may 17th before moving to the yukon mr and mrs boadway resided at lnionvilie he had been suffering from a heart con dition for several months he was in his 75th year interment was at whltehorse left to mourn are his wife the former eva t collins hi son beverly of lnionvilie norman and mrs a c atkey dolly 1 of whiiehorse he was the brother of norrls iaura and lyle of lnionvilie mr milton findlay and mrs l raiuey attended the funeral of their aunt mrs william pat terson at orono on thursday mrs patterson was s3 years of ag and had been in ailing health for some time miss lauretta sutton of tor onto a bridetobe in june was entertained by her friend mrs ross heimler to a miscellaneous shower on saturday evening the future bride was the recip ient of many lovely gifts friends were present from toronto bradford and many other points mrs w whitmore and child ren of bradford visited her par ents mr and mrs n heiiiiler for the weekend word was received here last week of the passing of jean b black wife of rev d a mac- keracher toronto rev mac- keraoher was the pastor of cen tral united church unionvllle for a number of years miss velma findlay mr mil ton findlay and mrs rainey of unionvllle mr and mrs gordon walker and children gail and arlene of hyland park and mies evelyn macklnlay of toronto visited with mr and mrs david macklnlay and family at ajnx on sunday the wa of central united church will meet in the church basement on thursday may 26 i scripture reading by mrs gcd- dard topic by mrs a e miner hosteases win be mrs j cham- pios mrs a k brown and mrs p raicey the rector rev j d tiller jot s philip anglican church assisted by rv knot officiated at the sacrament of infant bap tism on sunday laat the fol- f lowing became members of the church mary eliwbih daugh ter of mr and mrs allan walker laura lee daughter of mr and mr harry maynard melody jane daughter of mr and mrs charles maynard jr jesry douglas son of mr and 7rs m jone richard wayne on of mr and mrs ernet norton and douglas john son ot mr and mrs r dalrymple mr and mrs mcrse and fam ily of lindsay have moved to the masseyharris farms we wel come them the members of the wm s will be packing a hjte in the basement of central united on friday night thoy are asking for good ued clothing suitable for childrens christmas gifts clothing may be left at the par sonage miss mauee sydall of agin- court visited on sunday with mr and mrs harold brookfield sorry to bear mrs clarke young has not been well this week the womens institute mem bers of stouffville have invited the unionvllle branch to their 50th anniversary which they are celebrating monday may 30 at 330 pm in the legion hall situated just nortli of the town line on the fuli concession of whitchurch any members wish ing to attend please notify mrs gresham by saturday may 21st mr myrl smith havs purchased the austin property on the hill north of unionville he intends to rent this place mr and mrs william mc- glmpsey sailed for ireland for a holiday on may 2nd according to the way the ap peal for funds of the canadian cancer society has been going in our district the eastern part of markham township it should yield about 2500 the rich mond hill and district units quota for this year was 56000 the womens missionary so ciety met in the sunday school rooms on thursday afternoon may 12th the devotional per iod was taken by mrs a e milner the topic given by mrs a gardhouse was a chapter from the study book on the main business of the church births waluace mr and mrs eric wallace ne mean beare are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter chery marie at hurriber memorial hospital weston on sundav mav 13 ikjs martens mr ard mrs er- wtrt martens nee franoes clarksonl are very proud to announce the gift of a son richard erwin t ricky on mav 10 1935 a vancouver bc mrs a gardhouse and mrs w young were appointed as dele gates to attend the 2sth rural missionary gathering at zephyr on wednesday june stb mrs a c kennedy and mrs mclnnis the hostesses served lunch at the close of the meeting mr and mrs codling miss carol wilson and mrs hughsion of toronto were guests on sun day of mrs e lamoria miss andrea lionde of tor onto was a visitor with mr d findlay on sunday mr bert norton and family- have moved to their new home in north markham mrs w sellars moved to her newly built home on maple ave on saturday glen major mr alec hirrgston and boys spent saturday with mr 3nd mrs j a hirgston mr and mrs edgar johnson and ltnda visited on sunday evening with mr and mrs ev erett hockley mr and mrs david sim- monds and sons and mrs a simmonds spent saturday t braeside the pine grove anniversary will be held on sunday mav is the afternoon service will be at 230 vclock the speaker wl be miss miriam collins and the quaker hill quartette wih supply the music the eve ning service will be held at 1 730 the speaker will be mr l simmonds with mrs col bys boys choir supplying the music come and bring your friends mr and mrs jim jones spent saturday evening in brooklin mr and mrs c a neville spent wednesday in toronto mr and mrs joe jones spent one day last week with mr and mrs arthur pejciie clar- mont mr edgar kiss has installed a tv bi a sincere thank you on completion of he installation of our new store front we extend our appreciation for the fine co operation and workmanship of the followinp imikington glass co carter neon signs ltd can adian general tower for the vinyl deluxe floor tile smith welding stouffville planinjr mill ed garnet plumbing and heating mr chas atkinson mr cliff gordon mr ed neville and a special thank you to mr fred jackson who has so awy helped us through the many and varied details of difficult weeks evelyn harold spofford hhl mm 9f performance not promises is still the progressive conservative motto these ere performances to give producers a voice in product marketing ontario now has the most advanced legislation of any province for the betterment of rural living the province makes special grants toward the building of community halls arenas skating rinks and swimming pools 864 projects have been developed under this policy i to lighten the farm load and brighten farm homes the province pays half the cose of new rural hydro lines r over 85 of all farm homes have hydro for more profitable returns the depart ment of agriculture through its livestock branch finances a siretesting program milk- testing service and provides assistance in the eradication of brucellosis and warble fly for higher income from dairying legist lation allows producers by collective bargain- ing to obtain best possible returns ontarios fluid milk price formula has maintained price stability to increase the productivity of the land new seed varieties have been introduced and policies adopted providing for a sound land usc program to open up farm areas in northern ontario the ontario department of agricul ture gives special grants toward the clearing and breaking of land assistance in the pur chase of livestock veterinary aid and farm water supply to promote scientific highreturn farm ing constant studies are carried out by the farm economics branch with findings avail able to all farmers to assist in the lowering of production costs under a farmer minister f s tommy thomas and with farmers like w a bill goodfellow of northumberland and j n jim allan of haldi- mandnorfolkin the cabinet rural ontario has an important place in the progressive conservative program conservative 1275

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