pgt tm stoufryttu town thursday apml a w55 coming to boxy markham six bridges to crossmarkharn for three days next a thrilling motion picture willweek monday tuesday and appear at the roxy theairewedneday may 2 3 and 1 for best results use tribune classifieds church news sne- wlr melville bethesda and peaches united churches ret h d moddlo sunday may 1st 10 am peaches 1130 am melville 300 pm bethasda reformed church op canada dutch meeting held in tho fellowship centre ienionviil pastor mr dykstra sunday may 1st j 16 am worship serric f 11 am sunday school brethren in christ church heise hill gormley pastor bishop a it winger sunday may lt 1000 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 1 pm evangelistic wed 730 pm prayer meet ing oak ridoes sunday may 1st 1030 am sunday school 200 pm regular service 730 pm evening service stout fa lle united missionary church thurs s pm prayer service and bible study friday 1 pm childrens hap py hour sunday may 1st 3000 am sunday school 1100 am worship 730 pm evangelistic altona union church 1030 am sunday school 730 pm evangelistic rev f g huson speaker memorial christian church ret e c moddle pastor sunday may 1st 10 am sunday school classes for all ages 11 am worship followed by holy communion 730 pm worship subject the greatest thing in the world tues may 3rd prayer meeting at the home of mr ken wagg leader mrs hodgson word growth attend your church on the lords day if you have no church home you will find a warm welcome at the christian church east on main street united missionary church gormley bethesda rev c e hunking minister sunday may 1st bethesda 1030 am morning worship 2 pm sunday school gormley 145 pm sunday school 245 pm- worship service 730 pm evangelistic service broadcast time 815 each sun day morning cklb oshawa christ church anglican rer j i tilleit rector sunday may 1st 3rd aftor easter 10 am holy communion 1100 am sunday school fri 730 pm choir practice iet the peace of god rule in your hearts col 315 stouffville baptist church rev h f branlon pastor sunday may 1st 1000 am church bible school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm evening service wed s pm midweek service fri s pm young people be sure to attend church this sunday if you have no church home we heartily invite you to worehip with us bloomington and ringwood christian churches rev g w brown pastor sunday may 1st bloomington 10 am sunday school 11 am worship annual foreign missionary offering received at this ser vice fri 8 pm christian endea vour ringwood 10 am sunday school 730 pm worship monday s pm christian en deavour prayer meeting aitona 1030 am sunday school 730 pm evangelistic service hev f huson will speak wed s pm praver meeting all welcome st james presbyterian church stouffville rev d r mckilllcan na bd sunday may 1st 10 am morning worshlo vivian mccormack memorial church rev w s whltcorabe ma pastor thurs s pm prayer meeting at the church sunday may 1st 1030 am sunday school 730 pm evening worship tues s pm ladies meeting at the home of mrs ralph keaman weil s tvm young peoples youth for christ 713 pm saturday night 2nd markhiin church sonic time for iryonc teams qulrns ttili vtci are joan barrets and hob stovers see the ieenser in action tfc yfc girl choir will brine mesaitm in sons film rjitonuood lno tune in oklr ohaiva satur day at a b abo suaday i am evanjjelical baptist churches rev norman rowan pastor sunday may 1st second markham 10 am sunday school 11 am- worship and commun ion pastors subject should our public and high schools be guided by christian prin ciples 730 pm church service in charge of the young people wed s pm prayer meeting also building program con sideration baker hill 130 pm sunday school 30 pm worship and com munion thur s30 pm prayer meet ing at jacob rakers home a welcome to all victoria square the regular monthly meet ing of the wa was held in j the church on wednesday eve ning of list week and cond- ertng the condition of the roads there ws a good attend ance with several visitors from the melville united church tne scripture lesson was read by mrs lloyd beatty the les son thoughts were given by mrs gordon mortson miss beflty huston was guest svlo- ist with miss carol perkins as introduced the guest speaker mrs wam marjonbarks past president of the womens division of the united nation toronto branch mrs marjori- banks gave a wonderful des cription of the united nations assembly hall and how the problems of the different coun tries are dealt with referring to it as the clearing house of the troubles of the world also how- the power of the voo is applied mrs marjoribanks quoted that all nations use it russia abuses it she explained that the press will always drama tize the assembly meetings ulit will give little space to the wonderful work done by cialized agencies such as ho which helps wherever there is need for assistance kao with food for the hun gry and agriculture assistance uxesef help for the children of the world whether their co untry is a member of the unit ed nations or not unesco which assists with education as twothirds of the worlds population is illiterate mrs marjoribanks said the united nations slogan is help them to help them selves she asked that we pray for the success of the united nations and for peace and said that more good had been done by prayer than the world will ever realize mrs h mccague thanked the speaker for her inspiring talk a social half hour followed misses audrey gee betty glover marion nichols and mary siberry messrs neil mortson nelson buchanan ronald gee david and donald boynton attended the young peoples union of the toronto presbyterian annual banquet held in the queens ville united church on wednesday evening of last week the regular monthly meet ing of the sr womens insti tute will be held on tuesday evening may 3 at 8 oclock at the home of the preside mrs marcus jarvis roll call is to be sponsored by canadian wo man in the news reading by mrs a frisby mrs bruce the district president from to ronto will bring greetings the topic life of anna jar- vis founder of mothers day will be taken by mrs d par sons hostesses will be mrs jarvis mrs a mortson and mrs h mcintosh the rural rally of the wums of the toronto centre presby- terial will be held on wednes day may 4 10 am to 3 pm in the aurora united church please bring a box lunch des sert and tea will be served at a small charge it is requested that as many ladies attend as possible mr and mrs ehvard have returned home after spending the past several weeks in flor ida the open house at the new- united church training school at 77 charles st west toronto will be held on friday may 6 and june 3 from 230 to 5 pm and 730 to 0 pm the closing exercises of the school will be held in carlton st united chu rch toronto on may 10 at 8 pm there will be 13 students to graduate all the wms ladies are invited to attend araom mortsos mrs f wajc- er and mrs percy bennett en tertained about 40 young peo ple of the community in honor of neil mortson freddie walk er and r3y bennett whose birthdays were in april mr arnold mortson took his trac tor and two wagons and gave the young people a hayride over the township roads then they returned to the commun ity hal where they enjoyed games and contests and re freshments prepared by the above three ladies during the refreshment period three young ladies lit the candles en the birthday cakes and everyone sang happy birthday while neil freddie and ray blew out their candles an hour or so of dancing followed mrs f walker and miss mabel sanderson attended the mundinger accordion concert held in the massey hall on thursday evening miss crace boynton left on wednesday evening of last week for england where she will spend the next month with her cousins over there mr and mrs ear empring- ham and girls had sunday din ner with mr and mrs l knapp and irene mr and mrs elmer clubine and mrs lome clubine all of richmond hill spent sunday with mr and mrs j empringham mr and mrs alfred mac- donald of jefferson had sunday i evening dinner with mr and mrs percy bennett and ray rev a c huston was the guest speaker at the north parkview united church to- ronto on sunday evening congratulations are extended to mr and mrs staney defoe who on april 3d will celebrate their 17th wedding anniversary congratulations are extend ed to mr r e sanderson who on may 3 will celebrate his soth birthday birthday greetings to mr l l nichols rav bennett harry barber jr all for april 28th jimmy valliere will be one year old on april 2s ronald orr will be 5 years old on april 30 mrs douglas gee had a quil ting at her home one day last week mr douglas mcwhirter lea ves this week to take up du ties with the navy at halifax for the summer months we wish douglas every success miss marion nichols and mr nelson buchanan had sunday evening dinner with mr and mrs lloyd canning miss betty gayman is spend ing a few days with her cousin miss karen chadwick a speedy recovery is wished for mrs a frisby who is ill in bed easy does it bt kiaule opper bottomed utensils v which have darkened can be brightened very quickly if you rut the copper with leftover lemon peel and a little sprinkling of jalt grease or oil spots on clothing are difficult to remove but this works rub the spot with sharopoc and an old toothbrush to get the shampoo well into the material then launder as usual with hot water and suds if the fabric will take hot water if you find brown stains on your rug after spilling water youll un doubtedly discover that the stain progressiveconservative nominating convention for the purpose of nominating sn official progressive conservative candidate to contest the forthcoming provincial election in ontario riding the convention will be held in the arena at port perry rkcipje ok the week easy lemon icing for 8 x 8 x 2inch cake 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon shortenins i cup milk 1 tablespoon butter vi teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind 1 to 2 drops yellow food col oring place sugar milk shortening butter and salt in saucepan bring slowly to a boil stirring constantly boil for one minute cool to lukewarm add lemon rind and food coloring beat un til thick enough to spread russian thistle should cut early russian thistle also known as russian tumbleweed and russian cactus is a weed that has probably migrated from russia to the prairie provinces of canada and is now common throughout ontario this weed which looks like a cactus and has spines like a thistle also breaks off at its base and blows about like a tumbleweed hence the various names by which it is known the plant is bushy dark green in color with narrow spinetipped leaves which drop off in july or august as the plant and seed matures one plant will produce hun dreds of seeds but they are dis lodged only when the plant breaks off and is blown about by the wind western farmers with their on saturday evening mrs large fields find russian this- is rust from metal at the bottom of the chair or table legs these stains can be removed by apply ing any of the rust removers as directed venetian blinds can be painted and its worth the eftort an easy way to do it is to put screw hooks on the rafters in the basement as the blind is painted hang it by the rope slots on the hook after you have polished brass or copper door fixtures in your home spray them with plastic this seals the metal against air and will prevent it from tarnish ing chrome on your range which has become badly tarnished can be cleaned by rubbing gently with fine steel wood tie a real menace ontario with its small fields numerous fen ces and lack of high winds has not provided the weed with too much encouragement how ever it manages to increase a bit each year and is steadily be coming a problem to farmers especially in pastures the field crops branch of the ontario department of agricul ture recommends that russian thistle be cut before the seed is formed and while the plant is still green since it is an an- on tuesday may 10 1955 at the hour of 7 pm registration will commence at 630 pm and must be completed prior to balloting balloting will com mence at 10 pm good soil essential for good lawn there is much more to the care of the lawn than simply mowing the grass the suc cessful lawn goes right back to the soil in which the grass seeds are planted soil requires thorough prep aration as its physical composi tion cannot be changed once the grass starts growing idea soil is well drained well fertilized and heavy en ough to hold moisture without nual and can spread only by seed cutting before the seed is produced will eradicate the plant thistle is seldom a problem in gardens or cultivated fields but spreads from waste land and roadsides in these areas the field crops branch advises the use of a spray of 24d at six to 10 oz of acid per acre this will kill most of the plants in the green stage and a followup spray a month later will prevent for mation of viable seed becoming soggy raw subsoil bad dont try to plant grass on raw subsoil it should be cov ered with at least eight inches of topsoil if topsoil is not av ailable the subsoil may be gra dually conditioned by turning under successive cover crops if you intend to plant on sandy soi add body with ma nure humus or peat moss conversely still clay soils may benefit by adding fine sand or ashes or peat moss here are some other pointers fertilizing thoroughly rotted barnyard manure is the best fertilizer to mix with the soil before making a lawn but unfortunately it is very diffi cult to obtain fresh manure is invariably full of weed seeds and should not be used pulver ized sheep manure is an ideal lawn fertilizer apply at the rate of 100 lbs per 1000 sq ft and as an additional fertil izer apply bone meal or fertil izer 50 pounds per 1000 square feet sheep manure bone meal and fertilizer are best applied after spading and raked in if barnyard manure is used it should be dug in spade dceplv prbparation spade or plow as deeply as soil condi tions permit then rake rough ly to fill in hollow spaces re moving all rubbish coarse lumps and stones at this stage particularly if much grading or filling has been necessary al low the ground to settle for a week or ten days before the final raking this will also give weed seeds that have been brought to the surface an op portunity to sprout so they will be killed by the final rak ing seeding to ensure a thick even stand sow plenty of seed one pound for each 300 square feet or an excessive way to be sure of sdwing seed evenly is to divide it in hall and go over the plot twice ma king the second sowing at right angles to the first covering the seed the seeds in our lawn mixtures are very line and should be covered lightly in fact rolling with a medium weight roller to press the seed into the soil is the best method watering it is often nec essary in dry weather to water the lawn this should be done in the late afternoon or eve ning to prevent scalding which is better than nightly light sprinkling and have a thor ough soaking twice a week mow frequently every week is liiw j ominion next week april 27lh to may 2nd is national baby week but ol course when you have a little bundle o joy in the home every week is baby week and every week at dominion you can choose from wonderful variety oi nationally known baby foods at popular prices treat baby to the best and cut lood costs at dominioni f v v r w w stouffville united church rev douglas davis minister sunday may in 10 am sunday school 11 am morning worship the evening service is with drawn for the summer months tues 730 pm scouts cubs thurs 7 pm cgi t 815 pm choir practice friday i pm explorers beautiful magnolia a lovely gift for mothers day may 8th reserve one now a lasting gift bushy plants in bloom 600 ea many other attractive gift plants we have a good selection of large shade trees at very attractive prices example 1214 mountain ash 795 ea united missionary church rer h shantz minister sunday may is molvt joy 10 am sundav school 1 1 am mornlni worship 730 pra- evangelistic thur s pm prayer meeting dicksov him 10 m morrin worship 11 am sunday school tnc s pm prtyer mtn f wed may nil wms annual peat moss natures soil conditioner handy 3 bus bag 175 large 15 bus bale 475 fertilizer pays big dividends on lawns and plants we have i hem all vigoro torganic miiorganite and turf special free use of mechanical spreaders unionville nurseries fruits vegetables assorted b oz tin heinz infant junior foods 3 for 29c gerbers assorted 8 oz pkg infant cereal 23c infant or junior 16 oz tin assorted 2 oz tin evaporated milk 2 for 31c swifts baby meats 23c bee hive golden corn syrup 5 lb tin 31c farmers wife partly skimmed christies biscuits arrowroot 12 oz pkg 35c enquire at your dominion for details about the famous brands fortune hunt meat niagara brand kind on breakfast bacon flavourtitk wei n ers culverhouse fancy 7 oz tin asparagus tips 35c monarch sweet 15 oz jar mixed pickles 23c produce clean and easy to peel imported new potatoes 5 lbs 39c fresh green pascal size 4 florida celery 2 for 25c now at their best ripe sweet large size 12 cuban pineapple ea 29c ready to cook selected 10 oz cello washed spinach 2 bags 29c mitchells fancy applesauce 20 oz tin 2 for 35c firm red ripe tomatoes 1i oz carton 21c in the beautiful new tumbler clover valley cheez pleez 8 oz tumbler 25c creamed to perfection a ylmer fancy golden corn 15 oz tin 2 for 27c sweet tender garden flavour york choice peas add flavour to cereal ok des3ert miss canada raspberries 15 oz tin 2 for 29c 15 oz tin 29c lb 45c cello wrapped lb 33c special offer lc sale rcr bars sweetheart toilet soap 4 for 29c contention 15 3 rj 36 s3 i garden centre phone unionville 05 maple leaf pork sausage lb carton 45c economical budget wax paper 100 ft roll 29c maple leaf smoked pork shoulders mothers day sunday may sth lb 39c regency assorted chocolates sb box 75c willi- fftfttir tliur iri st april 2k dominion stokes i4mitku storfrviiik