yag 4 the gtouffrffle trfiw tbarfer apr 10s8 rehoboam king of judah illustrated sunday school lesson e ahth j iuw scriptare u chroolcw 1u i king u after the death of solomon his son rehoboam went to shechem to be crowned king- all urael came to the city to ice him crowned jeroboam who had led to egypt from solomons wrath ttumed and went with them rehoboam told his people to come back in three days and he would answer them first he sent for the older men of his fathers court and asked them what his answer ahould be they told him to be kind and just his people came to king rehoboam com plaining that his father had put griev ous burdens upon them if he would ease them of the heavy yoke that solo- mon had imposed they would serve him loyally all bii days then rehoboam aent for the young roer who had grown up with him and asked them what he ahould say they said to lay that he would increase not lessen the peoples burdens and he did memory versejamta 14 the olden tei behoboam formtej the council of the old men w any of yov lack wisdom let him ask of god that giveth to all sue oberelly and epbuidtib not and it shall be given him ia rehoboam king ok judah how- his kingdom was divided because of his unwise decision scripture 2 chronicles 1013 1 kings 12 by newman campbell our leon today is taken ifrom the history of israel arid judah three kin- had reigned over a united israel saul da vid and solomon under them israel had experienced her greatest glory reaching the nations peak in solomons re gime underneath this seeming pro sperity however there was secret rebellion extravagance immorality and idolatry flour ished an unbearable load of taxation was secretly but bit terly resented this finally re sulted in the tragic division of the kingdom which was never gain to be reunited as we shall see it is queer our commenta tor tells us that although solo mon had 700 wives we know of mon bad 70 waves we know of only one son rehoboam son of naamah who was an idola tress for whom solomon built a high place to moloch in front of the temple moloch was one of the gods worshipped by pa gan ammonites solomon eventually died and rehoboam reigned in his stead and rehoboam went to she chem for to shechem were all israel come to make him king do you remember jeroboam who had been driven into exile by solomon he was in egypt where he heard that solomon had died and he returned and came with the people to see rhoboam crowned the people now complained to rehoboam saying thy fa ther made our yoke grievous now therefore ease thou some what the grievous sevitude of thy father and his heavy yoke that he put down upon us and we will serve thee rehoboam put them off say ing come again unto me after three days so the people went home the king first called a council of the wise old men who had counselled solomon and he asked them what counsel give ye me to return answer to this people and they spake unto him saying if thou be kind to this people and please them and speak good words to them they will be thy servants for ever being an arrogant man re hoboam however turned away from such wise counsel of the old men and asked the young men who had been brought up in the luxury and licentious ness of king solomons court what they would counsel they told him not to ease the bur dens borne by the common people but to increase them so this foolish man then in his 12 nd year hold the people in rough language my father made your yoke heavy but i will add thereto my father chastised you with whips but i will cahstise you with scorpions what was the reaction to this stupid and harsh speech how would any liberty loving peo ple jreaet to such tyrannical ar rogant words what portion have we in david neither have we inheri tance in the son of jesse every man to your tents o israel and now david se to thine own house so at the ringing cry to your tents o israel all went home the tribes of judah and benjamin stayed with reho boam but the other 10 formed the kingdom of israel and chose jeroboam for their king after the division of the king dom rehoboam gathered to gether a large army from his two tribes to fight against is rael and get it back under his rule but the word of the lord came to shemaiah the man of god saying speak to reho boam the son of solomon king of judah and to all israel in judah and benjamin saying thus saith the lord ye shall not go up nor fight against your brethren return every man to his house for this thing is done of me the lords order was obeyed then rhoboam built a number of fortified cities and stocked them with provisions and arms against possible enemies af ter that he followed in the steps of his father solomon and took many wives and con cubines and had 2s sons and k0 daughters forsaking the way of the lord then shishak of egypt who in the egyptian records is the pharaoh shesonk i invaded judah and seized the fortified cities and he found judah so incapable of withstanding in vasion that they yielded to plan completion for farmstead improvement plans were laid last week for a 956 farmstead improvement competition n which it is hop ed 400 farmers of ontario cou nty will participate agricul tural representative h l fair will convene the meeting in h6 office sparked by the fact that 1956 will sec this county host to the international plowing match and following the successful experiencee of other counties the farm beauificauon contest will be organized it is probable that it will be a doublebarreled affair pro viding one category for those farms which have been consist ently wellkept and another for the belowpar farmsteads the overall program will include work which can be begun this year planting painting hedge rows and general cleanup of rural properties essex county- has a similar contest in progress at the pres ent time waterloo county 1951 host to the plowing match re ported great success with the contest at that time him the precious treasures of the temple and the kings palace that is the story of a man who given power used it ty rannically and ruined not only himself but destroyed his na tion we wonder if unhappy rehoboam ever learned that compassion for the poor and oppressed kind words and un derstanding of others are more to be valued than great riches memory verse if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of god that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given him james 15 business directory dental neil c smith lds dds graduate of university or toronto office over cansdlan bask ol commerce telephone i67w siotrffvtue e s barker lds dds honor graduate of university of toronto office over harolds grin phone 374w stouttville medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner ol obrien main phone 196 coroner for york county f noscaasgssnaxnaanmaabmnaasggaecngx cream for best results ship tour cream to stouitville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers for immediate rentals stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone 186w 2sqqqqttzzi whey available cheapest source of vitamins proteins and minerals for pigs poultry and calves homey farm rh markham 575w 10th con markham new neighbourhood near unionville victoria gardens looked ipon favourably by mauy residents of unionville developer mr sam sciber- ras and his associates held a dinner meeting at unionville on wednesday april 6 1955 at which the village trustees the school board businessmen and interested individuals attended opening the discussion the planners dr alfred bernhart and mr eric embacher out lined briefly with models and plans on hand the new ideas adopted in designing the lay out of the neighbourhood as described in our issue of march 31 at the following pane dis cussion mr sciberras and mr r rowland manager of the toronto dominion bank ba- thursteglinton brafich as well as the planners answered ques tions mr tandy asked about the proposed procedure and timing of construction and mr sci berras outlined that the first thing to construct would be the services such as watermains sewers and roads at the same time some ten model homes would be erectd followd later on by some 60 houses to be completed within one year and the balance of the 2g0 houses to follow in orderly stages mrs toogood and mr w austin school trustees wanted and re ceived assurance that the con struction of the school would keep pace with the completion of the houses in answering mrs mason mr embacher stated that only single family houses would be erected in- order to emphasize the country like living conditions rigid ar chitectural restrictions should be adopted beneficial for both the individual house owner and the community as a whole it was clarified by a question of mr kerswell village trus tee that the present commer- f tt yotfte wtohgj if you tiihk milk fatiehfhg no one food in itself is fattening and that includes milk sound dieting advice puts milk in every meal it is a protective food that contains valuable protein vitamins and calcium when you are dieting slim safely with milk here is a sample days diet about 1400 caloriesi orange juice poached egg buttered toasl whole milk coffee with milk no sugar at all meals if desired consomme tomato and collage cheese salad mayonnaise whole milk tomato juice lean lamb chops baked potatoes string beans lettuce salad french dressing fresh fruit whole milk frttl calorie contror handy pocket guide to safer slimming write to dairy foods divibmi of dairy fomtti o cowda service bureau 409 huron sr toronto conodo aple leaf dairy build better canadians drink more milk phone 165 cial business and stores could take care of the increased re quired services and that new stores should not be built at the initial phase of the develop ment a quession of mr w austin brought the point up that with water and sewers av ailable and with good roads and railway service the area would become attractive to new in dustries mr m smith village trustee made it very clear that he does not like the taxes to go up due to the proposed develop ment dr bernhart outlined that all services roads school etc will be provided for by the developer and that the possi bility to connect to the services means a gift of some 400 to each individual present house owner in addition the fire in surance rates would decrease due to the better fire protec tion such as hydrants tc the future maintenance cost of the services would be more than taken care of by revenue from the water supply system in addition the tax revenue would increase using the pres ent tax levy due to the in- 1 creased assessment represent ed by th proposed houses the assessment value of the new houses will average at least twice as high as of the present houses messrs tandy mason sliver and wilks sup ported these points and indi cated that residents having trouble with water or sewage would be glad to solve their problems by connecting to the service systems rev w butt felt that water and sewer serv- icees would be vry desirable and would improve the health protection mr gleaman added that the mere fact of water and sewer available adds to the value of each property mr rowland gave a picture of mr sciberras abilities and previous record on develop ments in north york and scar- boro he pointed out that reg ulations of government agen cies and mortgage companies will be met before the devel oper commences which will be an additional guaranty for pro per completion of the develop ment the point was raised by messrs stiver and mason ami it was agreed upon that all discued facts regarding serv icer school architectural re strictions etc should be incor porated in the suodivision ag reement the meetr concluded vry armoaously with all jiartie to agree that a wonderful piece of planning has been done and that it would be most desirable if the proposed neighbourhood would become a reality a writer lists five things that cause mom the most trouble during housecleaning days and he left dad out failures are divided into two classes those who thought and never did and those who did and never thought its easy to lose friends by agreeing with people who say they look bad sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired 24 honr service c stunden richmond hill th to 41245 38tf accountants john c wylie fcis chartered secretary public accountant auditor income tax returns rr2 stouffville telephone oljl dr f j button dr g f buckley telephone 371 ji 875w xray hours daily a lo 12 am and 130 to 300 pm evenings 7 to 9 pm sundays 11 to 12 am and by appointment otllco over llultou ulk drs mitchell smith physicians j surgeons xrax phono i0 stouitvillo office hours daily 912 am 14 pm 79 pm wednesday office closed in am sunday office open 23 pm chiropractors a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffvllle monday nnd friday 9 to 12 am optometric e a grubin ro optometrist picton stouffvllle at stouffvillo office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays afternoons and evenings only april 4th 5th may 2nd 3rd 30th 31st phones i 8gj2 and 25jl garnet v gray ro optometrist hours 030 am to 500 pm every tuesday evening by appointment wm birkett residence main st west 3 doors west of albert st phono 40j2 for appointment insurance hair dressing permanent machine machlneless cold waves also hair styling for appointment 6tl ph stonftrille 74j4 boss a keller mil street aaananaimaaia stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin plant phono 125 office phones 870 126 uiianzasjiriririrririrnnarnnai birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259w2 ken laushway general insurance phone 270wl 270w2 stouffville ont firo automobile liability f g alsop insurance stouffvllle ont fire life auto casualty 10th year in business main st east iliono 223w fred m pugh general insurance phono stoiioville 38w2 what if the unexpected would happen today how would your dependents fare consult your local mutual life of canada representative fred m pugh stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flower3 milt smith prop insure today the coop way for information enquire at your local coop or write to john sytema newmarket ph 211j4 brierbush hospital day and night servico maurntty medical and surcica miabtr of the allied privat hcsrital association government llceoo1 main street east stouitvillo marie jack hairdresslng lloyd avenue stoarltille permanent waving hairstyling and shaping machine mciineless cold wav piiono itowl betty beauty salon victoria street mach1neless machine cold wave hair styling shaping phone sloultlllo 287 k uadgero auctioneers sellers atkinson ph agin 201v2 ph sto 36j licensed auctioneers and sale managers over 30 years experience sales conducted anywhere spe cializing in farm stock furni ture and property sales all sales personally listed and ad vertised bills prepared and posted at no extra cost our rates aro most reasonable for this complete service which really pays off no sale too big or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estats sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for tho price of one milllken po ph ax 359s7 markham po ph mark 346 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cty uxbridge pickorlng townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po tclcphono stouftville 07312 s d pollard phone stouffvillo 61813 licensed auctioneer farm stock implement housohold furniture ileal estato 6028 real estate when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison rcrd real estate broker phono s7jl funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone servlc day or night phono stouffvillo 98wl theaker drewery funeral directors ambulance service phone 8103 mt albert damaesssegaaaaaaascpbbj sssessssssssss joy beauty salon permanent vavlnp individual styling razor shaping mrs verna austin prop phone stouftville 98tv2 j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone 90 mnrkham ontario 2s5 stouffville machine tool works telephone 2s3 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs