Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 14, 1955, p. 1

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3400 copies this issue ritmtie classified ads on page ten vol 65 no ih the tribune stouffville thursday april 14 1956 ten paces making way for new grocery town council is giving consideration to immediate vote for a sewerage system construction work is in full swing on market street mill street and main last week a sizeable barn on the schell meat market property was moved by joe harrison and sons of mount albert to make way for the building of a modern supermarket the tarn is pictured above or main street as it moves down to the schell farm moh warns of flood pollution at goodwood the heavy flooding of lands in goodwood could pollute the well- in the village and present a health menace dr stjohn ujpbridge township moh told the township council on monday afternoon since out side toriet facilities are in use in a great many instances the situation could become definite ly unsanitary the doctor said the moh admitted that he knew the question had arisen a number of times previously but he was asking council o reopen the question and take some action reeve stuart ball told mem bers that the last engineer who had looked over the situation was of the opinion that it would require 700 to 1000 to make a survey he said that the annual flooding in the vil lage presented a nasty situa tion although it was not as bad this year clerk john ashenhurst said that spring floods in goodwood had been a problem for forty- five years and had been dis cussed many times by various councils the suggestion had been made that the water might be pumped out and councillor bunker voiced his support of thts method of getting rid of the water greatest problem appeared to be where to take the water after considerable discussion a resolution was passed asking that the county engineer arrange for a survey to be made of the situation and re port on how to do away with the surface water no extra fire truck considerable time during mondays meeting was spent in the discussion of the purchase of a water tank truck for the uxibridge fire brigade scott township had agreed to assume a portion of the cost reach tv p u as not favorable and a resolution in support of the purchase was defeated when finally voted on at the uxbridge twp meeting the estimated cost was 2000 with an annual upkeep of ss0q council members were consid erably divided on the issue clerk ahenhiusi reported that council would shortly be in receipt of an unconditional grant from the province amounting to 168500 a grant late truman grove ardent worker in christian church mr truman grove passed away on thursday april 7 at his home in ringwood with death due to coronary throm bosis he had been in failing health for the last five months the deceased was born in markham township on march 6 1s76 on march 10 1902 he married edith rarkey mr grove lived all his life in mark- ham where he owned and worked the farm now owned by albert king and for the past 14 years he has been retired from the farming profession he attended ringwood chris tian church where he sang in the choir for 50 years and also taught a sunday school class for many years he also served as a trustee at dicksons hill school for 15 years mr grove is the son of ja cob grove and martha raymer of ringwood he is survived by his daughters lila mrs f steckley margaret mrs alex ratcliffi and jean mrs stew art stouffer there are also two sisters mrs elias hoover and mrs yv h conner both of stouffville a younger brother wilmot predeceased him 47 years ago two grandchildren also survive the funeral service was held on saturday april 9th in the stoutfville christian church conducted by rev gibson brown assisted by rev k morton interment was made in the stouffville cemetery the pallbearers were messrs fred steckley bruce stoutfor jacob grove albert reesor george johnson and joe fock- ler markham sand and gravel co reported sold the markham sand and gra vel co operated by messrs harold koyington and murray little of markham has been re ported sold the new owners are miller paving co the own ership is expected to change hands next month according to reports miller paving intend to deepen the present pit the purchase price has not been announced stouffville municipal council is giving serious consideration to taking an immediate vote on the installation o ewers pen ding survey estimates from 2 engineering firms if a favor able estimate price is given the survey woud be proceeded with an estimate received on the total cost and a vote o the people called all members of council fa vored taking a vote of the ratepayers once an estimated price had been determined the ontario municipal board ad vised council that the job could lie proceeded with by calling a public hearing only but the date at which such a hearing could tie called was so far ad vanced that council believed a vote could be called in shorter time the tentative proposal was to call for a contract on only that portion of the sewer sys tem which would cross the main street where the new pavement is to le laid this summer if much of the sys tem is required to cross the highway thousands of dollars could be saved while the road is torn up messrs hisey barrington consulting engineers who ap peared before council on tues day night stated that they could complete a survey in six weeks they agreed to advise council this weekend on the cost of the survey and council is expected to meet immediate ly to make a definite decision whether or not to proceed new pavement messrs baker and mclean of the ontario dept of high ways last week laid before reeve elmer daniels council lor mill burk road chairman and a e yveldon utility com mission chairman plans for the repaying of a portion of stouff ville main treet the plan call ed for repaving only that por tion of the street from baker ave east this year however on a closer survey of the situa tion the department men were readily convinced that the re- paving should at least extend to church street the storm sewer up the cen tre of the street will be re moved and relaid down the nbrthslde boulevard the road will remain the present 28 ft in width but highway dept men were completely in accord with the widening from obri en ave to the cnr when the next section is rejkived particularly bad sections will have the 6inch concrete base removed eighteen inches of crushed tone fill new concrete and asphalt in other portions only the asphalt surface will be received reeve daniels questioned messrs baker and mclean on their opinion of laying sewer pipees when the road was torn up the dept of highway men thoroughly approved of the idea utility chairman weldoii expressed the view that thou sands of dollars could be saved by doing a portion of the job now as the installation of sew ers vis definitely coming very shortlv large industry looking for nearby site mrs corbet t wife of our lo cal cnr agent is presently ill in hospital in toronto stouffville lions club will hold their regular meeting this coming monday night was made to the kinsmen club fair uxbridge of 25 and markham fair special centen nial year of 25 road accounts passed for payment amounted to 8000 including approxi mately s7000 as payment on a new grader would demand better cottages in whitchurch summer cottages when used as a yearround dwellings are a detriment to the ovnmp l p evai of the io plan ning h i told whitchurch township i oiin on thursday ma 11 nc its have been rtd and upheld in ae nient court when cottage- were used as permanent home- but the taxe- o realized were still in- gnlfieant councillor wallwork cited a case of one family with chil dren paying as high as 50 a month for one of these cottages and moving to another where the rent was s0 were p into the hand- of is li r rem i- ig by htcfc owners wa aid to be commonplace at wticox lake and muemans the suggestion was made that the erection of summer cottages be banned in the town ship entirely but councillor i graham did not see how such a restriction could be enacted mr evan- believed that rais ing the standard of summer cottages mighu assist to some degree council discussed the matter at some length but took no definite action the plan ning board chairman pointed out to council that a request had been received to allow the erection of cottages con junction with the proposed rus siangreek qrthodox church jvin the ith con ard permission for cottages had also beers i-k- ed by 3 5tiblivider at wilcox iak whose land had been turned down bj the health unit si too wet for permanent dwellings ten holsfeins in gormley herd classed excellent during the recent official se lective registration grading of the romandale farms herd of holsteins maintained by s b roman at gormley four head were classified excellent and seven very good this brings the number of excel lent cows in the romandale herd to ten few herds in can ada have ever had four animals graded excellent at once and few have had as many as ten excellent cows in the herd at one time during the past year only thirtytwo holsteins in the entire dominion were graded excellent which calls for a score of at least 90 out of 100 points for bodily conformation aside from their excellent grading each of this quartet is a noted individual one is ma- honey babe lochinvar with a yearly record on three times a dav milking of 26321 lbs milk and 117 lbs fat 424 another is kneland farm an nabel who received honorable mention for allcanadian aged cow last year after being sec ond at the royal and reserve grand champion and best dd- riered female at the cne the third is elmcroft adeen may grand champion at peterboro championship show and hon orable mention allcanadian 3- year old in 1952 and the fourth is rosehill governess wayne daughter of the famed rosehill fayne wayne who was grand champion at the royal winter fair and allcanadian aged cow in 1916 and three times ailamerican aged cow vote io proleci valuable corners all our valuable corner lots are being taken up by serv ice stations stated councillor donald deacon at the regular meeting of the markham twp council on monday evening the township could find it self in trouble in later years said councillor griffin council showed concern over the number of gasoline service stations on the don mills road between steeles avenue and gormley two more requests for permits were received re cently for erection of stations at button ville and at the cor ner of don mills road and carr- 1 ville avenue the clerk was asked to direct a note to plan- ning board requesting mem bers to proceed with caution when issuing such permits in the future mr dick scrivener construc tion engineer estimated the cost of replacing the bridge on steeles avenue at 56000 of this sum markham will pa 5600 north york will share- a similar cost council agreed to renew the contract with mr j m grove for the use of his property north of ringwood as a dump ing ground for this service the township pays 15000 to show pictures of southern trip a cordial invitation is given by the stouffville united church womens association to anyone wishing to see and enjoy in the church auditorium coloured pictures of mr and mrs waller atkinsons recent trip to the southern states it will be presented monday april 18th at 8 pm the cyprus gardens st augustine washington south carolina florida beaches edisons home and the par ade at winter haven are just a few of the places they visited special music by the junior farmers quartet and refresh ments will contribute to a most interesting evening the stouffville ioof will meet on monday evening ap ril 18th in the lodge hall mrs robert young had her nephew kenneth mcgregor of cobden ontario visiting her on the weekend weekend visitors of mr and mrs c armstrong were mr and mrs murray xendick of toronto also kenneth and y- vonne xendick of uxbridge all stouffville churches were well attended on easter sun day both morning and evening the united church with the largest auditorium had congre gations of more than six hun dred during the day local hardware stores in biggest merchandising event hendricks and stouffers hardware stores will partici pate in one of the biggest xa- nonal promotions ever staged in canada the event will be known as hardware week and will involve the biggest advertising and merchandising campaign ever conceived by the hardware industry hardware week will be ob served throughout the entire continent of north america april 15 to 23 by almost 25000 independent hardware stores in canada almost 20oo mem ber -tore- of the canadian re tail hardware aociation will lead the campaign j thirtytwo of this countrys most prominent hardware and housewares mamifacturesr in j conjunction with wholesalers j all over canad3 are support- 1 ing these stores in this once- ayear opportunity week for consumer iocal stores will be decked out in their sunday best for the occasion including colour ful pennants and cay eyecatch ing display posters mr souffr and mr heno- nek ny hardwar weejti means open house and urged folks to come in and browse around even though you dont need anything in the hardware line at this time xkw position h srp u ask whitchurch to sanction 520000 high school addition messrs c e toole principal lockhart and secretaries from the xewmarketsutton area board waited on whitohurch township council on thurs day evening to ask sanction on a proposed 360000 addition on newmarket high school and siboooo addition on the sutton school the former would pro vide nine classrooms and the latter six the whitohurch township share of the expen diture would be about 13 the board delegation pointed out that in the case of the new market school the annual in crease in the number of pupils is currently about 191 council concurred in the request mr arthur mcelroy presi dent of the local federation of agriculture presented a re quest for the passage of a drainage bylaw a move which was recently discussed at the federation annual meeting payments were passed by council to the humber valley conservation authority 25 and the upper holland conser vation authority 17800 a communication was re ceived from the coury setting forth the annual levy 3930505 only slightly less than last years figure of 4068500 the 1955 amount is divided thus general purposes 2026227 and road maintenance 1001279 road accounts passed for payment amounted to 685805 including 85754 for new cul verts and 3011 for bridge con struction a half dozen applications were received for the position of assistant assessor and four of these prospects will be inter viewed shortly the application of elmer drewerev for a taxi license was turned down on a divided vote uxbridge couple married 50 years on april 5th mr and mrs thomas h farrow of uxbridge quietly celebrated their golden wedding anniversary the couple were married 50 years ago at parry sound and lived near there until 1909 when they moved near stouff ville mrs farrow was formerly annie cooper daughter of the late joseph and charity cooper mr farrow is a son of the late samuel and serah farrow and was born at owen sound mr and mrs farrow have three daughters mrs we porter nola stouffville mrs bruce beach florence si- loam and mrs clarence hood velma of lemonville they also have five grandchildren marilyn gloria and clarian hood robert and gary beach the family presented their parents with a lovely floor lamp and a beautiful basket of king alfred daffodils following a pleasant evening a dainty lunch was served in cluding a threestorey wedding cake pipe line offer too low say local farmers fanners in pickering and markham townships are con cerned over the attempt by the trans canada pipe line com pany to purchase right of ways through their properties a number of property owners have held meetings to discuss the problem they are not sat isfied with the offer of s500 per acre but feel the land should be purchased for its present value which is con siderably higher a representative of the pipe line company will be present at a meeting to be held at cherry hill farm unionville on tuesday evening april 19th at 8 pm he will speak and answer any question- on the subject all interested are requested to attend mr j c morris of speckert and morris engineering appear ed before markham twp coun cil on monday evening seeking tax and land concessions in or der to establish a one-quarter- million dollar industry in the municipality the structure would cover 50000 sq feet with a proposed expansion to 75000 square feet in two or three years access to a railway sid ing is necessary and the iudus try must be located close to a highway the site requires from two to four acres of land the industry does not re quire sewerage and a large am ount of water is not necessary the business would employ up to 10 persons and following expansion this number would be increased the payroll would reach 200000 when in full production an additional 100- 000 plant is likely to follow the construction of the first struc ture more than 5000 tons of ma terials will be manufactured per year four thousand tons will be shipped out by rail and fifteen hundred tons by truck the raw materials will be brought in from northern on tario it is a paper product in dustry mr morris stated that main- areas are offering inducements to industry both in land and tax cuts markham village has also been approached council lors vein griffin and don dea con will act as a committee to discuss the matter further mr and mrs donald hope of weston and mrs janet hope of kingston were easier visitors at the home of their parents air and mrs fred hope past end fire brigade has five calls in four days stouffville fire rrigade re corded a record number of five calls in four days commencing with a grass tire at ballantrae on saturday in rapid succes sion came call- to altona where a vacant frame house unt up in lames then to whitchurch townhip on sunday for a gras fire to a grass fire on lloyd ave m town and to another grass tire at mussel- mans lake the property at altona be longed to s 1 dunn the place was vacant ami used for stor age purposes faster sunday afternoon the brigade was forc ed to take to the 6th concession of whitchurch which is almost impassable in places to fight a grass and fence tire at w g chamberlains on the sideroad between the 6th and 5th near ly three dozen cars accom panied the truck to the scene greatest number of calls is always recorded at this season when overzealous gardeners frequently allow grass fires to get out of hand by not taking proper precautions when the fires are lit lemonville store sold air john coutourier of rich mond hill is the new proprie tor of the lemonville general store the store was formerly owned by mr and ills greer who have operated the busi ness for just over 5 years and are moving to a homo south of richmond hill mr coutourier fe installing a complete line of hardware and will be well equipped to do welding peewees lose 42 at gpderich hockey tourney v jbffw claude brillinger alxtvel area supervisor united co operatives of ontario has been appointed dairy pro ducts manager in the cco dairy and poultry products division he will work closer cooperative to dveip cev- 1 tral marketing services for j tneir pro iucts 1 markham police receive promotions markham twp police con stables harvey cox and bill shearn were promoted to the ranks of sergeant and patrol sergeant respectively at a re cent meeting of council the promotions were recommended by chief clarence wideman officers cox and shearn joined the markham police force in april 1951 the markham force ha now beer inereaed from five to eiih men constables rob v hood louis r durant and john mcgh officially took office this week the picked stouffville lions peewee team were eliminated from the goderich tournament on tuesday afternoon when beaten by port perry 2 larry malloy star centreman with the local squad counted both stouffville goals the ports goals were scored by two play ers who performed- on the towns bantam team earlier in the season following the game mr c hendricks called lxick to stou ffville from goderich with the final report on the contest he said that the home town squad put up a very creditable show ing against the heavier opposi tion his carload and another driven by mr ken betz elected to stay over for the night the other cars returned markhams peewee team did not fare so well as the repre sentatives from this town as they bowed to temiskaming 16- 5 both stouffville and mark ham placed their entry in the tourney for the first time since it was organized larry malloy the twogoal marksman for stouffville was one of the best men on the ice norm galbraith was outstand ing on the local teams defence and rick wedseltoft turned in a steady game glenn jackson and marvin bet- shared goal- tending duties stouffville had a good share of the play despite a rather shaky start both goals from the stick of larry malloy came in the final period in the last minute of the game brother jimmy malloy bounced the puck off the goal post coaches casey milliard and bill lennox moved defenceman roger stover up on the front line with winger rick wedsel- loft and centre larry malloy the threesome worked well to gether following the game the god erich lions club treated the team each player received a namoplate the entire tourney is well organized according to the local coaches who made the tripwith the club the final games in each class are run off on saturday stoutfville was placed in class b with a popula tion range from 1500 to 5000 local florist had fine easter display mr milt smith to al hoi si ier lilie the dy potted port l pictured 3lqv beside his plants found readv sale other over ane display of beautiful eas merchants in town also r- a word a the holidav e of flowers weekend

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