Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 2, 1954, p. 14

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flie tribune stouffville ont tfcuratoy december 2 195i classified wanted articles for sale sale register miscellaneous boom board available in a modern home salt butltsesa person write box j co the tribune custom chain saw wokk abso wells dug and cleaned phone clare 33402 2s2 piano tuning a repairs s hoffman formerly with gerhard helntx- man phone fairs radio electric stouffville 300 22tf all orders promptly attended to if vou wisn tour pork or beef killed cured and pro cessed ready to cook or stored without pain to them or you just call 12tf echelis meat market ltd stouffrille ill 220 will pick up and deliver live stock for sale 125 yearling hens hiline phone clare- mont 30304 for sale young german shepherd dog ph stouffville 64906 for sale muscova ducks roasting chickens dressed phone 6715 we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market ph 35 stouff 49tt electrical wiring installation service repairs leslie leonard ph 3swl stouffville 12tf chalk refrigeration sales service commercial farm household guaranteed repairs on all makes phone king 163w 8tf 24 hour service anywhere for sale 30 pullets laying also hot water radiator never used size 26 x 36 phone 63615 stouffville for sale two shorlhorn hoktein forward springers at con 5 lot 9 elmer jones ph claremont 33422 wanted pine stump fence or well beasoced apple wood cut app roximatel r is nches phone stouffville 66s1 j for sale piano upright j phone stouffville 65s21 wanted to rent hotuse in stouffville or immediate vicin ity ph newmarket 27irl collect commuters wanted to golden mile district and east end toronto arrive dawes rd danforth 845 am and leave 515 pm c3ll stouff 63115 for sale 2 hinman milk ers phone stouff 60s07 quantity of tools for sale also kitchen rocker mrs w r dougherty ph 30w3 for sale mossberg 22 riflo with telescope sight prie 3560 ph 64704 stouffville wanted large findlay cook tove with reservoir jack morgan 33610 claremont for sale 20 girls good ph ladies coat size coat size 3 both stouffville 6 4906 for sale a number of buildings reasonable ph sto 66015 for sale i about 100 lbs average about ph stouffville wideman pigs average also 20 pigs 50 lbs each 61104 leslie for sale 4 registered here ford bulls ranging in age from sl months earl dowb- well 2 miles south of good wood cats wanted painlessly de stroyed also rabbits white rats guinea pigs etc troy- ett natural science service oak bidges ph tu 42507 hid wanted a copy of the volume past years in pick ering by mr wm r wood printed in 1911 apply to po box 31 s stouffville wanted woman available for hounecleaning by the day ph 29w2 stouffville wanted married woman 2s wants work 45 days a week in stouffville area box m co the tribune orders taken for christmas turkeys norman neal clare mont rr3 ph stouffville 66614 293 for sale pair of skis in good condition complete with harness and poles ph 30403 claremont help wanted help wanted immediately male clerk minimum educa tion grade xi excellent op portunity for advancement apply bank of nova scotia markhara ph 263 2tf electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k h midillcmiss 16ti phone 367 stouffville septic tanks pumped ph markham 241j 21lf washing machines all makes repaired and serviced good supply of new used machines always on hand we are exclusive bcatty dealers for new- washing machines ironcrs dryers etc c h bell son phono stouffville 281w pfepare for winter driving rechargit battery restorer removes sulphation ends term inal and cable corrosion pro longs the life of your battery easily applied 100 prepaid quantity discount to dealers brooks texaco service rr1 markham ont 21lf call for free estimates leslie bros air conditioning hot water warm air heating oil burners richard wilson engineering dept apply to f g baker ph stouffville 225 16tf musicians wanted by the newly reorganized new marketyork county band re hearsals in the band hall new market monday nights at soo pm uniforms provided write austin brammer secretary box 66s6 or phone 1222 new market 294 lost found lost holstein heifer strayed from pasture in area of con 6 and 7 finder please call elgin hastings stouff 63715 wanted turnips for wax ing harold lapp ph 93j4 markham wanted to buy all kinds of live poultry best cash prices paid call mr m nash stouffville 267j 13tf wanted table turnips must be free from water core and worms ph stouff 60s01 after 6 pm 273 commuters wanted leave stouffville 730 am week days to scarboro golden mile via markham agincourt return at 5 pm ph 177j parttime employment want ed truck driver or private chauffeur also gardening greenhouse and farm exper ience claremont 3290s employment wanted young girl 16 wishes em ployment baby sitter or light housekeeping weekends and christmas holidays ph 91j2 a quantity of spruce christ mas trees for sale ph 65121 mrs albert e hoover stouff ville rr4 2s2 for sale streamlined elec tric train like new with two transformers 25 tracks and other accessories john houck ph 60509 stouffville christmas selection mabel 1 sisson see baxter needle prints in shadow boxes and in black frames also choice stock in many other lines beef from good young tattle front quarter 30c hind 42c cut wrapped and put in your locker if desired sa stouff- er ph 64706 292 for sale christmas trees scotch pine and spruce may be purchased at stouffville bakery or at home residence select your tree early elgin wagg ph 30w4 stouff 293 saturday dec 4 exten sive auction sale of dairy cattle including a whole herd of holstein cows vaccinated bt also a number of good big strongbodied holstein oa heifers at the stouffville live stock pavilion on no 47 hgy also a number of good quality stockers pigs all sizes calves horse ponies sheep there will also be the regular concessions in the hall selling clothing foot wear cheese all kinds and sizesi vegetables poultry etc dont miss this depart ment of the sale it is fast becoming a shopping centre for the ladies there win be 2 auction rings selling livestock at the same time 2 rings out side come eary sale starts 1 pm sellers and atkinson auctioneer friday dec i extensive auction sale in the hall of tho stouffville sales pavilion on no 47 hgy this sale will start at 130 130 and in the evening from 710 selling a great many christmas gifts indies this is your chance to start your christmas shopping be sure to attend this sale there will be bargains bar gains more bargains starting the christmas season right wednesday dec 15 auc tion sale of near new model va case tractor with mounted twofurrow plow hydraulic lift farm stock implements hay furniture etc at lot 26 con 4 scarboro twp on midland avenue mi south of milliken public school the property of wm m macklin sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke prentice auction eers jas smith clerk real estate to rent 2 rooms separate entrance children welcome phone stouff 60614 for rent apartment 3 rooms oil heated modern conveniences newly decorat ed adults only phone stouff 61202 2s2 100 fertile acres choice location and top grade oil with frontage on highway and good side road front pond and artesian wells extra large l shaped barn two concrete silos hen house frame home and garage all buildings in excellent condi tion close to schools and churches near markham and only 1 hour drive to toronto real value only 30000 ph now to greenwood home of real estate markham 212w v w v w v r0xy theatre markham dooi open 630 pm evenings sat matinee 13o pau for sale boys coats one navy blue trench coat also dk brown tweed winter over coat both fit 1416 years in very good condition phone 63616 lost or strayed 1 red steer and one red heifer yearlings from lot 12 con 9 pickering earl mcmullen ph claremont 3400s lost tire and wheel 750x 20 on don mills rd 2 miles north of no 7 highway on thurs am nov 25th re ward phone stouff 63902 miscellaneous enfd albert lageer wood choice hardwood immediate delivery claremont 30916 mount albert 4120 30tf filing repair shop all kinds of saws scissors etc sharpened also skates mens boots and shoes half soled small lathe work done 29ti isaac smitn rear of library phone evenings stouff 01816 or 03807 shoe repair tour shoe repairs can all be handled at georges shoe repair full or half soles and all typos of repair located in the holden block 23tt main street stouffville harold heating air conditioning dealer for howard furnaces and oil burners sales installations service vacuum cleaning 294 phone stouffville 60912 n goldkind son purchasers of all kinds of poultry 21tf 427 manning av toronto phon wa 25260 or call booth- ph 12 stouff or 80ivl aida cleaners cleaning that gives sancx moth protection at no extra cost phone stouffville 343 markham to 6tf ken ogdens garage nwxastrae all makes of 22tf tractor cars repaired fboaa stoufftillo 609241 unionville plumbing heating free estimates all work guaranteed septic tanks installed repairs a specialty hid phone 53 unionvillo for dependability am ease ok operation gel a 29tf mccu lloc h chain saw francis starr newmarki t 705513 commuters wanted down town toronto s30 am leav ing 5 pm stouffville phone 63106 room wanted a quiet warm furnished room with board for elderly lady fn a christian home terms 520 weekly or s0 per month in advance write box h co the tribune highest prices paid for all kinds of live poultry norm davis ph mark 337m3 36tf dead stock dead and crippled farm animals re moved promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect to stouffville 255 or toronto em 33636 gordon young ltd tf iork wanted graduate in commercial education de sires bookkeeping and typ ing to do at his home or in your oltice letters invoices statements etc also rop records farm accounts or full set of books ph bob kerr 67903 stouffville preston bros gene and clare excavating grading bulldozing wc specialize in ponds free estimates 22tf ph aurora parkvicw 74100 sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned nnd repaired 21 hour servico c stun den richmond hill ph tu 4- tain 3stf sanitary excavating septic tanks tile beds ornamental ponds drains ditches of all types manure leading 52tf arnold hriiiinger stouffville rri ontario phono 00807 septic tanks steel reinforced vihita packed concrete extra large capacity for less money delivered installed york county approved cy bellman sons stouffville 290 see cy for all your trenching ditching a digging problems cy bellman sons slouflvuie ziti farms wanted we have numerous enquiries for farms in this district please contact us 258 joseph qu1nn realtor 218 main st newmarket phone newmarket 1038 days 1237 evenings cars for sale for sale skis 6 red ash with harness 2 pairs also mans black ski boots nor wegian hand made like new size 10 reasonable phone 299j4 for sale 3point myers bros force pump large size beatty stock hand pump also a number one pump jack ph 33407 claremont for sale frigidaire cold- wall refrigerator 6 cu ft plus large storage bin excel lent condition working order foord stouffville 65511 cards of thanks to the many friends relatives and neighbors we wish to con vey our heartfelt thanks for tho countless acts of kindness words of sympathy and floral tributes during our recent bereavement the isaac foskett family i wish to take this opportun ity to thank my many friends who sent cards letters and gifts and made inquiries during my stay in hospital also a special thanks to those who so kindly donated blood it was all very much appreciated mrs alvin byer home for chrimnias we can show you the homo you have dreamed of in time for prechristmas occupancy if you ask promptly prices range from 950000 to 17- 900 choose your location in the village of markham stouffville or whitevale we serve to please you its greenwood home of real es tate markham 212w to rent unfurnished self- contained flat good size kit chen stainlesssteel sink lge 3piece bath room and 2 lge rooms centrally located gar age available ph 39wl sto for rent unfurnished business or apply harry wood ontario 2 large suitable elderly harper for sale three ladies win ter coats 1 hudson seal 1 cloth coat with persian lamb collar both size 40 one cloth coal with persian lamb collar size 3s ph 33w3 stouffville for sale all wood hiproor barn with lightning rods about 45 x so standing also standing wood stave silo with roof well painted 12x30 j e cober con 4 gormley rr1 for sale honeywood kitchen set including 4 chairs buffet and table also 15 bags eement at bargain price ph stouffville 67921 christmas cards available scriptural personal etc also personalized wedding invita tions matches napkins for weddings showers parties or luncheons ph bob kerr sto 67903 notice of sale under the warehousemens liens act pursuant to rso 1950 chapter 417 and emciidments thereto i the undersigned will offer for sale by public auction at the hour of two oclock in the afternoon on friday tho 10th day of december 1954 at the premises known as midtown garage main street in the vil lage of stouffville a 19 is maple iyeaf dump truck owned by one walter blacklock under license no 1773sr ontario 1953 sgd midtown garage per ray sargent no 1773sb ontario 1953 2s2 personal i roy m mlnton stouffville will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name following thi date without my written consent 292 trusses body belts etc fitted to your satisfaction various makes modeiate pri ces houstons the rcxall drug store stouffville hid large septic tanks installed drain digging tile laying all material supplied for estimates call between 530 and 7 pm 19tf murray baker eagle street newmarket phone 051 we wish to express our heartfelt thanks for the many acts of kindness expressions of sympathy and beautiful flo ral offerings extended by friends and neighbours during the loss of a dear son and bro ther husband and father harry jones mrs ernest jones and paul and mrs harry jones gary and lynn we wish to extend our appre ciation to the many local friends particularly around melville for their many kindnesses and words of sympathy during our bereavement in the passing of a beloved father and grand father willis lehman mrs willis lehman and family s m sinclair real estate bhokew 7500 sj acres of choice mar ket garden soil attractive insulbrick home in excellent repair good barn hen house elose to school immediate possession 5000 cash re quired ask for mr heaton ph 232 stouffville ontario s si sinclaht bealtor 16900 almost new 1 storey brick home featuring a cozy living room with attractive log burning fireplace and southern exposed picture win dow dining room modern kitchen 4piece bathroom 2 large bedrooms downstairs 2 upstairs full divided base ment hot water oil heating laundry tubs 2 car garage situated on 109 ft lot close to business section possession and terms arranged call s m sinclair realtor stouffville phone 232 5000 6000 needed for first mortgage on new home s m sinclair realtor stouffville 232 coming events adult entertainment also frank sinatra in revelle with beverly wednesday thursday dec 8 9 december 4th saturday night st johns bingo town hall newmarket jackpot 12500 time s pm admission 25c hid skates we buy sell and trade figure speeder tube and hockey skates good allowance on tradeins on we mr geo evans and fam ily wish to express our thanks to the staff of port perry hospi tal dr lennox and mrs thos wilson for the care of our wife and mother in her last illness also for the kindnenss and un derstanding toward ourselves to the friends who by their acts of kindness words and messages of sympathy and beautiful flow ers helped to lighten our sorrow to mr england for his sympathy and words of comfort we wish to express our grateful apprecia tion markham election this monday new skates lawton shoes repairs mnrkhnm 2610 and precast concrete septic tanks delivered and installed york county approved brnoklln concrete products phono 155 brooklin tf custom bulldozing basement excavation back- tilling landscape designing shaping grading pond drag line available when necessary agent for popular prefab homes cottages k garace 9tfbut in our hearts she liteth art stecklev phono stoiffvillo 00810 or 00804 continued from front page marks of alleged unfair prac tices he charged the reeve with receiving pay for sunday work and meetings not attend ed he said he had called for a special meeting and his re quest had not been granted mr hooper alo claimed non payment for the personal loss of 120 worth of chickens and spoke of homes being built without permits win timbers also proposed for the oflice of reeve spoke briefly he claimed that good men on the township staff had been discharged and that in bis opinion the roads were in a deplorable state the inexper ience of those in office he claimed was responsible for many errors and discrepancies the planning board he said was an essential part of the township administration but he claimed members were not allowed to stay long enough to get their proper bearings on what is required in the best interests of the towaship exreeve griffin thornhill businessman and candidate in ward i claimed he was sorry agar in loving memory of jto see that ward system intro- our dear mother janet agar jriuced mr griffin said that if who passed away dec 3rd i elected he would request a full 1951 j investigation of the police dept god took her home it was his i from bottom to top tile road ill jdep also he claimed needed investigating turkeys dressed ready for the oven at reasonable prices delivered 29tf reesors poultry farm phono stouffville fi201 in memoriam till donald dvcnn and clifford sadly missed hy florance king two other officeseeker id myrtle i spoke briefly pretelephone era continued from front page the spring breakup the roads were in such a condition that the horse could not go faster than a man could walk dr hunter had been called to an other patient and the time of his return was uncertain when the messenger reached home daylight had returned the sick man was suffering so severely thai it was decided not to wait for dr hunter so a messenger was sent to un ionville for dr eckart a dis tance of more than six miles dr eckart was in his office and responded immediately even so midday was approach ing ere the sick man received any medical attention about midafternoon dr hunter ar rived the malady was diag nosed as inflammation of the bowels totlay it would be appendicitis in those days the mortality rate was very high among sufferers from inflam mation of the bowels in this particular case the long delay in obtaining medical care de stroyed any chance that the sick man might have had he died in 1ss0 joseph leary oper ated the sawmill that stood at the corner of the 5th conces sion line of whitchurch and the markham townline one afternoon abraham sider an employee in the mill came in contact with tjie shingle saw and received a terrible wound fred meyer who was working in clubines field near the mill mounted a horse and galloped to stouffville for dr wilson when the doctor arrived and discovered the nature of the wound he declared that he must have assistance to make certain one messenger went for dr hunter while another went for dr s l free both doctors arrived hut their as sistance was unavailing again delay had destroyed all chance of recovery if indeed there had been any chance probably the man was doomed from the mo ment of the accident even so the delay had added greatly to the mental suffering of all who had been brought in contact with the tragic occurrence gar cobrhgr techntcozoh mf rosiiwaxle ff grmnwat v v if ttmsst siattttg i sterling haydem c gloria grahame fe i a universal- internatiokal picture adult entertainment rwvv couple married fifty years fvf are rose umrs rose lewis george ronald richard james violet mrs basil mc- jleeken and dorothy mrs charles middleton a family celebration tues day will mark the golden wed- the stouffville livestock pa ding anniversary of mr- and vilion was the scene of much mrs frederick george heck- activity last saturday as close ett who were married near to 1000 animals passed over stouffville ont dec 7 1001 the auction block r took thir- mrs beckett the former miss teen hours of continuous sell eliza iee hopkins was born ing to dispose of the livestock in pickering township 72 years furniture and miscellaneous go mr bccket was horn near articles the barn was filled markham at 7i he is employ- to capacity ed as a stableman a new ceiling is being install seven children 10 grandchil- d in the livestock barn the dren and two groat-grandihil- building will be heated during dren are living the children the winter months hunting reports already in dicate thai more birds and am mals have been shot than nunt- trs this christmas give the gift the yearround a subscription stouffville tribune to ba8fcwa83i

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