tat tribune siottffvffie on thursday ocober 21 t54 claremont and pickering township district graduating class makes outstanding record mr dor hedges and family visited witfs mr and mr- gor don neil of greenwood mr and mrs paul spencer of uxbridge visited with mr and mrs art spencer mr and mrs bill wallace of altona iisited with mrs con nors over the weekend mr and mrs wm boniface of toronto are spending a few roup is in enarge of ramme mrs turnout rv ano spent manv days with mr and mrs e bon iface mr and mrs geo foate of stouffville spent the weekend with mr and mrs pilkey mr and mrs ke lawshway of stouffvilie spent sunday with mr and mrs h porter the claremont community a credit union is now open for business from 8 pm to 9 pm every first and third tuesday of each month at the claremont coop deposits are accepted and loans are granted the pre sident of the association is reg s a lies eofwauy w- the boys choir assisted at whitevale united church last sunday evening and will be busy at both morning and eve ning church services at two separate localities next sunday mr and mrs evans ward and mr and mrs morgan pugh of uxbridge returned home sunday after spending ltwo sentenced fo penitentiary after uxbridge breakin a pickering township man who had just completed a nineyear sentence meted out by magistrate k s ebbs was ordered back to the penitenti ary for two years by his wor ship in the whitby police court william garbutt 34 of guild street pickering was emenced to the minimum i term in a penitentiary for week wsjuag breaking entering and theft at relatives and friends ai brougham fine former iiik c is ti v hoskins ralph the sec treasure the anniyersar the claremont u will be held on sui day m n ing rev h moon- will be the cle pr special speaker special music dent will be provided morning ser- service vice will commence at 11 o clock with evening worship at 730 dont forget the euchres in the claremont legion hall every monday night commen cing at 830 under the auspices of the wa mr and mrs jack morgan motored to western ontario recently and attended the cash crop day held at st thomas they spent a few days with mr and mrs alex mor gan and family at sarhia and also visited mrs morgans cousins mr and mrs clarence mcmaster at amherstburg near windsor on saturday morning the home of mr frank ham and daughter nora was the scene of a very pleasant event it was mr hams birthday and the family were all present lunch was served and the usual birthday ceremonies were performed mr jlam was the recipient of some very ap preciative gifts from the fam ily and in his jovial way he thanked them for their kind remembrance the goodfellowship class- entertained the mt zion ac tive service class last week mr glenn ratelift of stoutt- ville took everyone ou a men tal tour through sunny mexi co with pictures the quaker hill quartet simg three lovely selections accompanied by mrs brethour mrs henry johnson led in prayer and the scrip ture lesson was read by mrs l pugh mrs camuhers pre sented a reading the president thanked mr rateliff on behalf of all present and closed the meeting with the benediction refreshments were served the mission circle will be held in the baptist church on tuesday october 2gth com- atr mr md mt- mel norrish and children of brougham and mr iti mr- d ooates and son of brooklin were sunday visi tors of mr- cora redshaw the wm s held its autumn ottering meeting last oct loth in the unil- urch with guests from ale mt zion brough- em mt baptist cir- loyst presi- the opening all present mrs ed for comiii and expressing regret for the unpleasant wet afternoon mrs barclay mr burton and mrs lackey of brougham wms were in charge of the worship service the latters contribu tion being a lovely contralto oo the guest speaker miss schlicter a missionary on fur lough at her home in toronto where she received her educa tion told of having received a definite call to missionary work while in her childhood years and she has been a mis sionary in japan for the past five years she gave a thrilling account of her work a white- vale member contributed a beautiful piano solo mrs car bon very graciously thanked personally all who had con tributed to the very fine pro- served in the ss room by the group in charge mr frank hamm enjoyed his 80th birthday last saturday oct 10th members of the fam ily from claremont and stouff ville gathered at his home on saturday evening for a happy time together we join in wish ing him many more years of health and happiness anniversary services will be held in the united church next sunday oct 24th both morn ing and evening rev mr moore of greenwood will be the guest speaker at both serv ices special music by the choir it is hoped to have fine wea ther and a well filled xhurch both morning and evening a beautiful basket of dozens of- white and yellow mums and carnations were placed on the table of the united church memorials for the passing of one of our oldest and lifelong residents of claremont mr d daulphin during the week hicklin brothers grocery store in uxbridge garbutt had been sentenced to ten years by magistrate ebbs in oshawa following the shooting of a store clerk he was re leased only recently after serv ing nine years sentenced with garbutt was william delorme 34 of 272 jarvis street toronto who also received two years in penitentiary also because of hi- lengthy record joseph gar butt 27 also of pickering and james maher 20 of 209 can non street hamilton were each sentenced to six months for their part in the affair green river sorry to report that several in our midst are victims of the flu also sorry to hear that mr wm hamilton had the mis fortune to fall and break a rib mr and mrs w binstead pent sunday evening with a hutchings mr and mrs a pearce at tended the wedding of miss g pearse on saturday mr and mrs j buckles spent the holiday weekend in hali- burton mr and mrs e forsyth en tertained a few friends on sat urday mr and mrs wm duncan entertained a number of guests to thanksgiving dinner on monday a few friends gathered at the home of mrs m draper on monday evening the occasion being a birthday party a miscellaneous shower in honour of mr and mrs duncan turner will be held at the home of mrs f turner on sat oct 23rd at 8 pm all are welcome iadies please provide owing to the severe storm this show er was postponed till above date mrs harvey sr spent a few days last week with friends in toronto miss marsaret burton of de troit also mrs c balsdon of pickering visited with the for mers sister mrs m hamilton on sunday evening mrs lemon visited with her brother mr and mrs fhood of valentia on sunday mrs matthews spent a few days last week with friends in toronto sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late duncan dolphin who passed away last week two carloads of our local ladies were guests of cherry- wood wms on wednesday last mr- 3nd mrs ross knox al so mr and mrs ray ellicott visited with miss befhice mc- guckin who u recuperating at her home near goodwood af ter being involved in a serious motor accident a week ago all join in wishing her a spee dy recovery the storm of the past week did considerable damage around here by uprooting trees and taking roofs from barns a well as putting the commun ity in darkness for some time anniversary services will be held in st johns church on sunday october 31st at 230 pm rev king of whitevale will be guest speaker and at 730 pm the service will be in charge of rev s j hillier of brooklin special music at each service the regular weekly euchre sponsored by the womens in stitute was held as usual on tuesday evening last when the following were winners mrs iva jewell mrs h pugh and mrs shea mr ed williams mr h malcolm and mr h pugh euchre euchre every monday night at 830 in the claremont le gion hall under the auspices of the w a english classes for new canadians pickering district high school has carried on beginners eng lish for new canadians for sev eral years these classes are held two nights a week on tuesday and thursday 730 to 930 classes are provided for beginners and more advanced students it is hoped that the news will get out to all those concerned who live in the im provement district of ajax pickering township or pick ering village there is many a belle that finds marriage just one wringer after another constable for obstructing officer a former constable on the pickering township police de partment donald dand has been lined 10 and costs for ob structing the sergeant of the department while in the per formance of his duties the charge laid by sgt david free man was heard before magis trate f s ebbs in the whitby police court sgt freeman told the court that at 1220 am september 26th he had been called to rouge hills drive by andrew dand accuseds father regard ing an alleged assault when he arrived there he said he could see nothing of the com plainant but farther along the road at the rouge hill golf and country club he said he saw a circle of people and mr dand sr beckoning him to come along he arrived there he said and found about 30 people some with bottles in their hands and one stuffing a bottle in a hip pocket andrew dand he said had advised him that he had not been called out to look after this matter but he had inform ed mr dand that he could not permit the consumption of beer outside on a club parking lot at this point he said donald dand the accused step ped from the circle stood in front of him and after some conversation ordered him to remove both himself and the cruiser from the premises at that time said the serge ant he could hear several of the persons present muttering why dont you go and catch some criminals i decided discretion was the better part of valor con tinued the sergent so i called for assistance some 15 minutes later con stable bob watson arrived he said and a search was made of the scene a number of empty bottles were covered by a blan ket he said and more were hidden by a coat as they completed the search he said donald dand stepped up to him and said freeman ill get you ill get you when you are out of uni form at this point he was arrested constable watson took the stand and stated that he had heard part of this conversation and had heard dand say he would see the sergeant out of his uniform the accused took the stand and stated that the empty wheat club has splendid year a very succevfui 60bushel winter wheat ciub was held in ontario county this year this high yield club is spon sored by the maple leaf mill ing co toronto and the on tario county soil and crop im provement association contestants must ue regis tered winter wheat they miiit ow a minimum of rive acres and they can use any means at their disposal to secure the highest yield possible the results of the high yield winter wheat club is ai fol lows dunrobin farms beaverton no 3 cornell 503 field score 01 yield 604 total 226s wm heron blackwater cor nell 505 91 56 206 ross h miller sunderland dawsons golden chaff so 536 1962 xo 2 dawbul so 52 iw gordon b fisher ashburn dawbul 01 1ss 18s6 1 dawsons golden chaff 02 172 1864 otto kahn brooklin no 1 dawsons golden chaff 00 44s 1706 the maple leaf milling co has withdrawn from this pro ject for 1055 if the ontario county winter wheat growers wish to carry on this high yield club it will be necessary to find a new sponsor probably this will be the ontario county soil and crop improvement asso ciation or one of the ontario county agricultural societies an astronomer says the sun will be cold in 15 million years add that to all the other things you shouldnt worry about bottles had been delivered with the wood for the corn roast he denied that any beer had been consumed that night he admitted telling sergeant free man to leave his father also testified that he had seen no drinking and stated that the empty bottles had been de livered with the wood his worship ruled that don ald dand had no right to accost sgt freeman while he was performing his duties which in this case happened to be investigation into pos sible violations of the liquor control act he might have incited a small riot said his worship in levying a fine of 10 and casts sgt freeman stated he was later served with a writ charg ing trespassing dr lewis beanie ba- l ld superintendent of secon dary education for ontario will be guest speaker at the annual commencement exercises of the pickering district high school on friday october 22 ralph robertson of ajax ha been chosen class valedictor ian to speak on ehaf of his fellow graduates ralph is an honour graduate and disting uished himelf as prime minis ter in the student parliament miss irene porter a commer cial graduate has been named outstanding girl for her abili ties as a scholar her active interest in athletics anil her keen interest in student af- i fairs bill mckee a graduate of the i general course is named out standing boy bill is a keen sportsman participating in i footbau basketball track field and gymnastics an ex cellent student and an active member of the student parlia ment graduates of the upper school will receive their dip lomas from the hands of dr lewis bealtie this class achie ved a brilliant record at the departmental examinations having successfully passed 075 per cent of the papers tried this record of achievement will be difficult for future grad uates to excel bob brimbecom the boy with the highest academic standing winner of the phys ics and chemistry prize awar ded a dominion provincial bursary and who obtained six firsts two seconds and one third is presently enrolled in the engineering school of the university of toronto bob cowie awarded an at kinson charitable foundation scholarship is also in engi neering at the university of toronto margaret hortop winner of the history prize is in train ing at toronto western hos pital miss joyce morley is enroll ed in arts at university of to ronto bruce cossar winner of fre nch prize is at the toronto normal school william mccarthy at st mi chaels college university of toronto winner of the latin prize was awarded an atkin son charitable foundation award alan bentley is enrolled at the university of toronto in engineering gordon rimmer winner of the biology prize is working in industry john black is working denis dowliug enrolled at the university of toronto in engineering ralph robertson class vale dictorian winner of the eng lish prize is employed at dun- lop tire 4 rubber company ray mahon is enrolled in journalism at ryerson insti tute otto oenelt is in engineering school university of toronto thirty graduate- will re ceive the high school gradua tion diploma general to be presented to them by mr d s claringbold chairman of the high school hoard sixteen of these graduate- are continuing their education in grade xlll at pickering two are enrolled in special commercial two are at ryeron institute of tech nology two are at norma school one is a public school teacher in ajax two are em ployed in industry fourteen graduates of the special commercial course will receive their diplomas from mr d s claringbold one of these students has enrolled in the general course at pickering one is at ryerson institute of tech nology and the remainder are employed in industry intermediate certificates will be awarded to students who have successfully completed the work of grades 0 and 10 agricultural prizes sports trophies and scholastic awards will be awarded to students who have made outstanding achie vements in these areas tile commencement exer cises will be followed by a dance in honour of this years graduates and graduates of former years have been espe cially invited with the inten tion of taking steps to form a pickering district high school alumni association the public is invited to at tend this third annual com mencement honouring the achievements of our students money is relatively unim portant says a philosopher if so then living is relatively unimportant as a person cant live without money a bride of three weeks asked for a divorce because her hus band threw his dinner at her getting hit by a can is no fun mencing at 230 pm mrs da- 1 contributed by old friends eatre stoufkvilik roiilcy 2 shows xitel 7 o pm matinee saturday 2 pm friday saturday october 22 23 x at feather 23 buried car on barrie highway snapped by tribune p guy madison frank lovejoy mi amatory last complete show 830 pm monday tuesday october 25 26 plys comedy cartoon wednesday thursday october 27 28 executive suite william holden june allyson barbara stanwyck plus oirtoon this startling scene of a enr practically buried on the barne jiisrhway was taken early saturday morning fol lowing the big storm by jim thomos assistant editor and photographer of the trib une in addition to the aban doned car huge oratere can be seen in he pavement gouged out by the water this scene is not far from the holland marsh where devastation ws- so wide spread the twoane barrie highway is till closed to traffic and will be for some the 1 time until the great lake of highw water in the marsh recedes ing th latest plans for reclaiming area and call for using the ay se a dyke and pumi- e water from the inner