rout local master ocaui stiver b stouffville oxt bethesda the institute has been post poned and will be oa wednes day one week later i oct 27 at the home of mrs a paisley the topic is a debate resolved that a large kitchen is more desirable than a small one affirmative mrs clenclenning mrs banks negative mrs marwood mrs barkey mr and mrs fred allin shirley and murray had sun day evening supper at the home of mrs allin of aurora miss margaret burkholder spent the weekend at elirri lodge mr and mrs roy smith and relatives spent the weekend et the cottage mr and mrs cliff burkhol der and family had friday eve ning dinner with mr and mrs art piki of toronto the wms was held last week at the home of mise s and f atkinson the presi dent mrs hunt was in charge and opened the meeting with tlie singing of a hymn follow- ed by prayer the devotional was led by mrs gibson all join ing in with the thanksgiving program leaflet provided or the wms program composed of a trio by mrs steckley mrs watt and sirs bolender a solo by mrs yake and a reading by mrs empringham the guest speaker was miss annie steck ley and she spoke on the condi tions and the missionary work in india which was very inter esting rev mr robins said a word of thanks and apprecia tion in their recent oereave- ment rev mr robins closed the meeting with prayer we were very glad to see rev mr and mrs robins back in ijetheda for a few days looking very well after their return from england they were very fortunate to move into an apartment at orillia where their daughter is nurs ing at the hospital mr and mrs albert scott and roy had thankgiving supper with mr and mrs leo nard brillinger ami children the tribune stoviihe ont thursday october 1j 1951 local and personal happenings the big rexal one cent sale is continuing this week at the houston drug store harold zellers and grandson of toronto were visitors in stouffvihe during the weekend xearly three hundred skat ers enjoyed a firstseason whirl on the wades when the stouff- uile arena opened on wednes day night- mr and mrs ken laushway accompanied by mr and mrs milt burk motored to h3li- burton on sunday to view the autumn colours the regular ioof meet ing for the stouffvihe lodge will be held on oct isth at which time election of officers will be held mrs edward herbert and son timothy are enjoying a three weeks vacation with mrs herberts parents at their home in pueblo colorado mr and mrs fred madiil of george martin of pickering torinto were saturday visitors and george watson toronto in town with mrs geo lee 1 formerly of stouilville called on friends in town on the holi- mr and mrs wes schel day and daughter were in xew york for weekend the thanksgiving mr and mrs bob bone church st have sold their home and the family will be mr and mrs don chadwick amoving to a newly acquired and mr and mrs j3ck smits i home at mt albert shortly have returned home from a trip to the british isles and the continent mr and mrs geo pearce and family roved this week from their house on park rd to oshawa where mr pearce is teaching according to statistics ob tained by town clerk garfield brown 50 births have been registered here since july 21st of this number 30 have been boys and 10 have been girls mr and mrs charles min- aker are shown after their recent wedding in the home of her father mr wm rise brough the bride is the for mer marion ina risebrough daughter of mr and mrs wm risebrough of markham ae weldon son are dis- playing all the latest in ice skates hockey fancy and reg ular tuba skates read their adv in this weeks issue stouffville cooperativfc annua meeting stouffville sales arena thursday october 21st guest speaker a k musgrave uco director everyone welcome refreshments wm be served weddings seymour moxkhouse the marriage of ethel monk- house daughter of mrs lau retta monkhouse and the late w j monkhouse formerlly of altona and stouffvihe to tho mas xewdegate points sey mour the son of the late mr and mrs frederick albert sey mour of whitby was solemniz ed saturday october 0th by the rev h e xordlund at castlefield ave baptist church toronto the bride was attended bj- her cousin miss rhoda hood and the groom by wm hood both of toronto a reception was held at the home of the brides aunt mrs m hood keewatcn ave later the cou ple left on a trip for points north and on their return will reside at whitby ontario regular meeting of the stou ffvihe lions club is scheduled for next monday oct isth one week later due to the thanks giving holiday geo storey local utility commission secretary has a new home underway on char les st near harold truman baxter is the contractor and has the foundation completed the regular meeting of the stouffvihe womens institute will be held in christ church parish hall on thursday oct 21 at 215 pm rollcall name a farm product and its manu factured product motto mrs lickorish the program will be in charge of the agricultur al and canadian industries convener airs burk and her committee come and bring a friend miss marion atkinson and mrs harman hoover attended the mcmullen and curtis wed ding at unionville on saturday last mrs harman hoover re turned to toronto spending thanksgiving with the parkin sons mr and mrs ernie teece of agincourt had thanksgiving dinner with mr and mrs b loveless mr and mrs tees tire leaving wednesday of this week for saskatchewan to vis it mr teeces parents who are ninetythree and eightyfour years of age graduation exercises for the indoctrination of chap lains were held at the us na val schools command at us xaval station newport rhode island of which the rev rob- en s clyde soninlaw of e r good main st e was a student chaplain clyde was stationed at port hueneme calif chaplain and mrs clyde nee audrey good spent thanksgiving weekend at the e r good home on their way to elkhart indiana chaplain clydes home and thence to their post in california the 4flth annual convention of christian endeavour was held in fort erie over thanks giving weekend the theme was forward with christ special speakers were dr gene stone general director of c e from colum bus ohio and rev mariano de gangi of hamilton eight at tending from the local chris tian cong church ce union were misses helen lemon xelda dunkeld joyce byer jean brown dorothy wagg mrs lillian byer mr howard donor and mr elmer reaman the extension of edward st north past the new high school was completed last week by the whitchurch road depart ment the road was graded ditched and gravelled and cros sing culverts installed mr and mrs percy tarr and gordon and miss vera tarr motored to new liskeard and kirkland lake on the holiday weekend and visited friends and relatives and while there attended the fiftieth wedding anniversary of their cousins mr and mrs arthur fisher mr and mrs geo armstrong of toronto will occupy the bob hassard house on lloyd ave during mr and mrs hassards winter absence bob who is playing xiii hockey with chi cago black hawks was joined in the windy city this week by mrs hassard and baby son george armstrong is also a hockey player member of the toronto maple leafs rev richard reilly is the general secretary of the unit ed missionary society which maintains its headquarters in jslkhart indiana he is recent ly returned from india where he spent over five years labor ing as a missionary during the depression dick was forced to quit school and work full time by attending night school he was able to fin- a cordial invitation is given to all the members and friends of the stouffvihe united chu rch wa to attend our month ly meeting to be held oct is at s pm in the church parlors mrs delbert booth will be in charge of devotions and miss marilyn and roberta bone will sing mrs a king who has re cently returned from the west will tell us some of the inter esting events of her trip thanksgiving sunday and monday passed quietly in stou ffvihe with the sabbath wea ther making it a real stay-at- home day rain and fog per sisted most of the day and kept even the usual capacity church crowds below average monday proved a little better and mon day evening saw a heavy line of traffic proceeding back to the city from the haliburtoh highlands and other northern haunts the death occurred in to ronto last week of mrs hiram lott widow of a former stouff vihe shoe merchant she was in her 00th year and had been making her home with a son ernest who survives her mrs lott was the former miss da vis and the family moved to stouffvihe from atha mr lott built the a c burkholder home recently sold and pur chased the underhill shoe busi ness the late mrs lott is re lated to numerous members of the davis family locally famous designer styling the sensational new look in tv styling in fine walnut or mahogany finish cabinet new lumaray for i lie finest delai in tv today blacker and looti- more grays new t104 full range chassis revolutionary new design with all the latest electronic developments for steady constant reception no streaks hopover or flutter no glare no blare design slanted tulx- and safety glass reflects room glare down slanted speaker grille directs sound to ear level perfect reception without glare or blare 21 5wensole see them today at farrs radi electric pfione 3tf stoutlviile onu i rev richard reilly ish high school and proceed on to bible school college and seminary and has also been able to secure a private air plane pilots license rev reilly has worked as a youth evangelist with the am erica back to god movement pastored a church in indiana and served as the first fulltime director of elkhart county youth for christ then god called him to be a missionary to india that land of 302 mil lion souls who are still in dark ness here he served as princi pal of the raghunathpur bible rnstitute two years as direc tor of calcutta youth for christ and the eastern repre sentative of youth for christ it was under his leadership that youth for christ began a broadcast over the worlds most powerful short wave station radio ceylon rev reilly has scores of miraculous incidents to relate iii overwhelming enthusiasm about missionary work thrills every listener xo one can hear him without visualizing the in evitable results of no taking the gospel abroad still no one can hear him without visualiz ing the working of god among the crowds of india rev reil ly will e speaking in the stou ffvihe umted missionary chu rch from october 17th to 21th sunday services will commence at 11 am e service at 730 pm each week night at a00 on saturday night or 23 we are planning a great youth rally make your plans now o attend bring others with you stouffvihe branch of cana dian mothercraft society open ed in oct 1915 on tuesday sept 2sth 1951 members of the executive and mothers gathered for a farewell tea and presentation to miss walker morthercraft nurse for over years as stouffvihe has grown so have her medical facilities and whereas at opening there were two overworked doctors she now has six doctors plus pub lic health doctor nurse and clinic it was felt that mothercraft could serve a greater need in a less congested area the executive wishes to thank the united church for its generosity in providing suitable quarters the lions club for financial backing and all who have contributed to bake sales concerts in support of the work mr and mrs lambert malloy and family were in attendance at the opening xhl hockey game in toronto on saturday night as guests of roy conna- cher member of the chicago black hawks and connected with sports in leaside during mr malloys term there as teacher mr and mrs donald dean have moved from the mcxabb apt on church st to their newly acquired home on main st the former daley heme and more recently occupied by mr and mrs oullihan notice e a grubin ro optome trist will be at his office in stouffvihe on monday and tuesdav oct isth and 19th phones s6j2 and 25j1 during the weekend th snack bar truck driven by john scott of stoutvville was involved in an accident which considerably damaged the ve hicle and injured mr scott mr scotts cuts required more than fifty stitches his lunch service however will not e interrupt ed by the mishap mr diuglas crawford will continue the ser vice and the sales arena res taurant business will not be interrupted marauding bears menace beekeepers bears are very plentiful in the north country this year and are proving a real menace to beekeepers whose beehives are being raided nightly byer bros local beekeepers shot two of the bruins last week ed win being the marksman and walter felled another on fri day night the animals were not overly large running a hundred to a hundred and fif ty pounds mr byers told the tribune that the bears were never worse in the madoc district than this year they come right onto the lot and tear the hives apart scooping out the honey with their big paws they will completely wreck a yard in a short time liocal delegates at youth for christ conference delegates from twelve com munities representing 20 high schools are gathering in hamil ton at the centenary united church october 89 for the launching of the youth for christ high school club pro gram in canada guest speaker at the conference is mr jack hamilton of wheaton illinois director of the youth for christ international high school club program under hamiltons direction the yfc club program has spread to 11 states and 5 for eign countries in seven years and now numbers 1500 clubs reaching several hundred thou sand high school youth month ly and serves as a definite bul wark against teenage delin quency in many places says ham ilton the bible has been forc ed out of the schools our job is to put it back through the lives of cleancut students who place spiritual values alove ev erything else u s president andrew jack son once stated the bible is the rock upon which this re public rests in this genera tion the bible is not used in our high schools no- are its precepts generally followed as a result though church attend ance is on the increase so is teenage delinquency 29j in the last four years todays youth need the bible through yfc clubs and the young peo ple it embraces the bible is reaching them stouffvihe is represented at the conference by 7 young peo ple sent as delegates by the local- youth for christ rally un- ider the direction of mr don liatcua 1 wcaggs jewellery china stoufkvimk ont stouffvihe coop stouffvihe phone 269 or 122