the stouffville tribune ettablithrd isit member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized cs teondctax mail postoce oepl ottcura printed and issued every thursday at stouffviile ont in canada 250 elsewhere 5350 c h nolan editor jas thomas sports asst a v nolan son publishers notes and comments road in dangerous condition the markhamwhhchurch towriline between the 7th and 6th concessions is in a most dangerous con dition both a truck and a car upset on this bad stretch last week and there will be more and possibly a fatality unless repairs are made and soon a short time ago the road was widened and much fill was brought in and believed prepared for a hardtop since that time nothing has been done and the heavy traffic which travels the townline both daily and on weekends has gouged caverns out of the rough surface which could easily result in broken springs high banks of treacherous loose sand are along ihe side and any vehicle getting but a foot from the travelled surface is likely to topple over the road committee of york county is meeting this week and it is hoped that repairs or the re quired hardtop to this dangerous half mile will be a must on their program iz tt could be a reason a prominent high school principal in one of ontarios large collegiates recently made the state ment that much of the overcrowding in our high schools is due to elimination of high school entrance examinations and the lack of job opportunities many children are in high school these days who would have been out earning a living or learning a trade in days gone by this situation is not peculiar to local communities but is a problem that is being grappled with across the nation with fewer jobs available this year many students are staying on at school taking up valuable teachers time space money and at the same time pulling down the standards of the good student who wants to finish high school and perhaps go on to college it is certainly desirable to make education available to all but we must always realize that everyone is not capable of taking a com plete education it should be the responsibility of the parents to realize the limitations of certain children rfnd it is also the responsibility of the community to try to provide jobs for these people to make a worth while contribution to our town k wr k b what happened to the monday holiday movement a couple of years ago there was a strong move ment afoot in this country to have all holidays reli gious holidays excepted observed on a monday so as to make long weekends come at more frequent intervals and cause a minimum of disruption in the workaday week as a result of the movement canadians did enjoy one extra monday holiday in 1953 victoria day but that is as far as it went this year the whole project seems to have collapsed and the monday holiday idea appears to be a thing of the past the apparent withdrawal of interest in the idea is something of a mystery and as in most movements which advance so far and then drop out its advocates do not seem called upon to explain could it be that the more universal adoption of the 5day week has made the idea of a long weekend less attractive or is it that the exponents of the monday holiday scheme have concluded that a day off in the middle of the week is not so bad after all k k police service lacking taxpayers were highly indignant last week and justly so for the lack of police supervision at the school where more than two hundred and fifty kiddies had to cross the busy highway during bible school days stouffviile is paying big money for police pro tection and certainly the municipality is not that busy that wheii the need is urgent service cant be given it would appear that council is not taking enough note of their service to see that police are on hand in these vital situations the school has always had great difficulty in obtaining service and this is one place where taxpayers are definitely paying for it there was no excuse for the situation which ex isted last week during the bible school and we add our protest for better service this weeks sunday school lesson for parents onxt dad an active partner newmarket man ccf candidate larry seheffe andrew st newmarket was elected last night as ccf candidate in the riding of york north for the next provincial election donald mnedonald ontario leader of the ccf party was guest speaker at the nomina tion nice ins held in the ev- niarket tire hall auditorium last week schefte was born and edu cated in toronto and moved to newmarket after the war he had been stationed at the army camp here at one time during the war he has been active in newmarket intermediate hock ey team for three years and managed the lacrosse team in win he spent five and a half growing thbolgh ting up od disturb every pkavkk body and erhaje set up pan- pa 4610 la 4io 31 luke demonium iiii3 phii t hrb lujiei verse because of his im- ivesson for juv 25 1954 1 jportunky he will rise and give golden tvvt krjoic evrrmor i him as many as he neeceth pra without eain in evjtte persistence of the friend tr thing ge ihanks fo outside leaves no alternative ihu u the will of god in here christ jesus concerning jouity a exasperation ltomhnaai hi- raa wh iniost childhood problems 1 the 31618 verse 9 ask and h shall j boated hi- dad it joe given vou seek and vei brand new car thk iksson as a whole i shall find knock and it shall by xanrj cleaver a group of smai boys were even- storv a happy solution is a case of ne swjbagging asoul jheir fartw can usually be worked out for tomerning ouj- o exasperation the tribune stouffvhje ort- thursdar jyh- 22 1954 the old home town by stanley by j c maeaulay lt approach to the lesson prayer is a muchstudied sub ject hut a littlepracticed art prayer is so simple that a little child can engage in it yet it is so difficult that the study of it is exhausilfesj and the matures saints cry ilord teach us to pray prayer i- the easiest of the christian ordinances using that term in its wider signifi cance we can pray almost without effort on the impulse of the moment yet prayer is trie most demanding the most exhausting the most crucify ing exercise that can occupy the christian there are vast reaches in praper it is like the mighty himalayas most of us never get beyond the lower slopes of the foothills some climb the lesser peaks has anyone beside the lord himself ever sealed the summit of the ml everest of prayer mourns imop praying is a transfiguring experience mos es forty days of prayer gave him such a radiance of counte nance that the israelites could not look upon him till he put a covering over his face see exodus 34835 it is iuke who lolls us that our lords pur pose in going up into the mount was to pray luke 928 29 and as he prayed he was transfigured in the sight of his wondering disciples the favor ed three 1 am sure they could not be quite the same after just witnessing the transfigur ation of their praying master certainly they never forgot it and if we bore the transfigur ing marks of prayer in our lives we should be making more indelible marks for good on the lives of those cho touch us archbishop trench has giv en us this excellent sonnet on prayer lord what a change within us one short hour spent in thy presence will avail to make what heavy burdens from our bosoms take what parched grounds refresh as with a shower we kneel and all around us seems to lower we rise and all the distant and the near stands forth in sunny outline brave and clear we kneel how weak we rise how full of power why therefore should we do ourselves this wrong or others that we are not always strong that we are sometimes over borne with care that we should ever weak or heartless be anxious or troubled when with us is prayer and joy and strength and cour age are with thee verso by verse luke 111 as he was pray ing one of his disciples said lord teach us to pray our lords own praying revealed the master of the holy art and inspired this request for a lesson in prayer here is an interesting sidelight on john the baptist and the training lie gave his followers verse 2 our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will he doner as in heaven so in earth this model prayer is for those who have a right to call god father notice that the first requests are not for our own needs but concern the fathers name the fathers kingdom and the fathers will god first verse 3 give us day by day our daily bread the physical need are not overlooked in i do not be opened unto you these would seem to represent three degrees of prayer with appro priate results here 1 a spiri tual application of the princi ple you get what you after verse 10 asketh re ceiveth seeketh findeth knocketh opened a three- it ls good or children ai they grow older to know some thing about the way their fa ther earns a living if they have no opportunity to learn about j ms work they are apt to take 1 htm verv much tor granted it club the and he got a new one every year jlminte claimed bis father worked hard er and made more money than the other fathers bill said his dad won first place tournament ai his go week before but b silenced them all when he said my dad j can catch fish an t sometimes ihe asks me to come a au can of tone ins children in their attitude is partly his own fault if fa ther becomes just an animated pay cheque there is nothing a small bov father does not give a hurtful gew a gt of a man wo substitute tor a sons legm- which l5 fascinating a mate requests in each case the substitute proposed has a certain likeness to the thing asked verse 13 his lad as a companion a boy orid i md which lie must enter some day small boys cannot keep up with grown men hut a father how much moderate his pace his son wont be more shall our heavenly fath- er give the holy spirit to them that ask him one of the great how much mores of scripture compare matthew 711 the holy spirit is the bestial l0 otb on or daughter in the choice of their own life work providing father realizes that this is a decision a young person must make for himself or herself children need both parents they lose a father by death nat divorce they are apt to be completely j hitter out of breathi it means so much to a boy for his dad to include him in his leisure time plans once in a while how can they but it is quite possible of the good things which we have in christ see john 16 g 7 phil 4 be careful for nothing everything by prayer with thanksgiving made known unto god for careful read anxious prayer coupled with thanksgiv ing which is an evidence of faith is the great antidote for worry verse 7 and the peace of god shall keep your hearts and minds through christ je sus keep signifies guard gods peace is an effectual guard against mental and emo tional disturbances the heart of the lesson no greater indication of the depth and richness of our lords prayer life can be found than the fact that it drew forth the request of the dis ciples lord teach us to pray i wonder how many of us who have preached on prayer did so because our own prayer life challenged our people to ask for instruction in the holy art our lord was a master tea cher and nowhere does his technique show to better ad vantage than here he began the lesson in prayer bypresent ing a model which has come to be generally known as the lords prayer luke gives a somewhat abridged form of it but the essentials are present notice the intimacy of the prayer addressed to god as father the reverence of it hallowed be thy name the expansiveness of it the king dom of god its dealing with universal needs bread and forgiveness here we have prayer at ils simplest and its completest i rather think that every conceivable request would be found to be but a particular aspect of one of the items of the lords prayer after the model comes the illustration in story form the story like the model is utterly simple drawn from life as any oriental knew it the late ar rival of an unexpected guest the embarrassment of depleted for them to lose touch with a father if he is indifferent to them if he is too preoccupied with making money or if he is away from home a great deal of the time tlie children who are mi- ire not atone occasionally when a boy reaches adolesc ence he will be off with the gang father will not have adjusted and unhappy frequen the same chance then to spend time with him a father plays a very special part in a daughters develop ment his word of praise about her appearance in a new dress gives her confidence in her tly come from homes where father and mother have not given them loving understand ing and guidance the mother has tiie major responsibility for the childrens upbringing but the father provides neces- feminine appeal when she is i sary balance in a family where upset over a quarrel with a j parents work and plan and play together with their chil dren boys and girls are pre- little chum or if she is not get ting along well at school fa ther can usually help her by i pared for adulthood when they just listening to her tale of will have homes of their own woe he is likely able to be building a home is a cooper- more objective than a mother stive enterprise dad are you and he can encourage her to i an active see that there are two sides to i household partner in your ihe sower and the reaper 4frlj years in the army and served as a medical sergeant in kng- j this godgiven prayer land italy france and belgi think we are justified in spir itualizing this request al though it is true that he has the daily manna for our souls too verse 4 and forgive us our sins and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil this is not legal istic but is normal operation within the family see topics for development we do not want to be so sure of ourselves that we are blase about temp tation verse 5 which of you shall have a friend at midnight friend lend me three loaves now we come to the illustration the parable of the three friends two of whom ap pear in this verse midnight was an unearthly hour for those days only a real need would have justified the dis turbance verse 6 for 8 friend is come and i have nothing to set before him hospitality was so vital a part of life that the lack of the means for pro viding it was a sore embarrass ment verse 7 trouble me not my children are with me in bed i cannot rise and give thee picjure the single room with rh sleeping mat spread nd all the familv lying survey made to see why teachers leave positions in a recent questionnaire to teachers by mavnard ilallman inspector of public schools for york 9 to determine changes of staff those leaving their present teaching positions were invited to state reasons for making the change a summary of the reasons stated by teach ers for leaving the employ of the boards concerned showed that 33 of teachers leave the teaching profession to secure better salaries elsewhere with personal reasons running a close second with 2 tempo rary leave for further training lfii and accepting a position nearer home 1 within the inspectorate of york 9 nfii- of the teachers have left their present employ ment markham township schools have suffered the great est loss with 15 staff turnover while vatighan township fol lows with 31 the township school area no i markham and vaughan has one of the lowest turnovers with only luc staff change in urging school boards to consider this report mr hall- man has expressed the hope that this data may help boards to take steps to reduce the ex cessive turnover in the teach ing staff there is always a loss of continuity where there is a change of teacher- he points out with such lack of contin uity pupils progies l bound to lie adversely affected the situation is more urgeni dur ing a time of extreme teacher shortage when jubirban and rural boards are in compeii- merorvt3n boards provision the midnight plea and tihe persistence overcom ing unwillingness to disturb the tranquillity of the sleeping household if prayer on the hu man level can win through in the face of resistance says our lord how much more will prayer move the hand of a father who longs to bless after the illustration comes the application an exhortation accompanied by assurances ask seek knock and in proportion to your intensity you will obtain to enforce the application our lord adds an argument human fathers will not give hurtful substitutes for the nee ded provision which their chil dren ask no more will the heavenly father what he gives may indeed seem like a stone instead of a loaf or ilke a serpent instead of a fish or like a scorpion instead of an egg but receive what god sends and it will be found to be good and acceptable and perfect despite first appear ances good things he has in stone instead of a loaf or like children the god who stands ready to bestow his blessed holy spirit upon redeemed sin ners will certainly withhold no good if only we could embrace these certainties confident ask ing would chase worry and our minds and hearts so much the victims of conflicts and anxie ties would rest in the secure protection of the peace of god itmztaitv its beautiful its compact it has more new features than ever before the printwork is superb it operates with ease ond speed come in let us show you these quietriters carrying ease included budget terms arranged exclusive miracle tab simplified ribbon changer super strength pram new beauty in printwork larger sized cylinder free touch method initfurfkm boole the stouffville tribune in oool cwixi- leave ab your cores b go by bus for a reahy rei ful vacation in oniorio land beaverron 585 orillia 675 owen sound 940 round trip by bus snowballs barber shop ph stouftville 270j2 bank services smooth the way for travellers travellers cheques from a bonk are convenient and safer than cash for daytoday travel expenses together on it tht father get- or the bes teacher bs a bank handles foreign exchange transactions or business or travel in any ftatt of the world on longer trips requiring larger sums of money a letter of credit may suit your purpose better mm mm vhen you go on a business or pleasure trip your local bank can help smooth the way money arrangements can readily be made in advance valuables left with the bank for safekeeping currency and similar questions straightened out before you leave whetne you journey near or far the bank helps you travel with an easy mind th banks serving your commuwtt