Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 8, 1954, p. 3

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the stouffville tribune enablithed 1s8s member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized at ttcondclatt mail poitoffice dept 0tor printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 250 elsewhere 350 c h nolan editor jas thomas sports asst a v nolan son publishers notes and comments no results yet the new five cent postage has now been in vogue for some weeks and weve yet to see any great im provements in the mail service hours are curtailed stouffville is provided with one mail delivery a day although four mail trains pass through and service from toronto is nonexistent again this week we have received more complaints from residents in and around the city where delivery of papers are three and four days late toronto residents receive only one delivery a day although the population is greater demand for service is greater and postage rates are at their peak once a newspaper and even letters are not immune land in the toronto delivery depot there is little or no surety of when they will arrive at their destination law says weeds must be destroyed weeds usually hold their own even when growing conditions are not good this year with ample mois ture they are particularly difficult to combat under the ontario weed control act every oc cupant of land or if the land is unoccupied the owners are required to destroy all noxious weeds as often as is necessary to prevent the ripening of seeds this applies as well to municipalities property owners are reminded that if noxious weeds are not cut they will be cut at the owners ex pense plus administrative costs but even with the best of intentions enforcement of the law is sometimes easier said than done to be sure some weeds are not difficulty to deal with those that hug the ground cant be seen except upon close inspection but others that grow to a considerable height are the most readily observed by the neighbors they are- the ones that cause the most objection a busy man even with the law as a goad cannot always keep them under control the law is good but it should be administered with reasonableness how to have a vacation and live vacations spent in ontarios niagara peninsula algonquin park muskoka kawartha lakes or even a few miles outside your own backyard are supposed to improve health rest bodies and minds and help you to live longer unfortunately too often these vaca tions end in tragedy last year more than 3000 people were killed on canadian highways nearly 1100 of them in the province of ontario alone most people today drive cars when they go off on a holiday they pack mum and dad children and pets into the family chariot and head for the open road usually unaccustomed to long drives and fre quently tired from overwork in offices and factories most vacationists are in a hurry to reach their favorite summer spot and so every year our highway fatal ities especially on summer holiday weekends the safety people say that many summer highway accidents are caused by fatique your reflexes slow down even if your car doesnt accidents can be prevented then if you take precautions to overcome fatigue ontario safety league officials alarmed at this increasing death toll have drawn up simple rules which if followed may help save your life this summer this is what they suggest you do 1 start trips when rested not after a days work 2 take along a thermos of hot coffee it will be useful if you travel at night or if you are on those long highway stretches where eating places are few and far between 3 drive according to conditions sometimes its safer to drive slower than posted speed limits 4 dont pass on hills or curves and dont cut in 5 dont be a bumper chaser stay 100 feet or so behind the car ahead dont rive after drinking 17 out of 100 drivers involved in fatal accidents last year had been drinking not coffee always dim your headlights when following or approaching another car keep your car windows open and breathe deeply drink coffee or some similar alertness beverage every two hours 10 stop to exercise if you feel drowsy or rest if you are sleepy 11 change drivers every two hours if possible 12 dont engage in heated conversation with other occupants they may take your mind off the road obey these rules the ontario safety league says and you will have a happy vacation and come tback alive 6 8 9 taxed out of their jobs if automobiles were more reasonably priced in canada the decline in sales which is causing extensive layoffs in the industry would not have occurred the principal reason for the recession is the multiple bur den of taxation which automobiles bear the average tax going to ottawa on the sale of a canadian auto mobile is about 400 for every dollar paid in wages and salaries by the ford motor company of canada last year it paid out 130 in taxes most of it to ottawa with the current slump in buying ford of cana da announces layoffs affecting 6650 employees most of these are temporary but some of the workers at windsor will not be recalled when production is re sumed other units of the industry in this country have similar cutback and layoff programs and if the market continues to lag not only will still other mem bers of the group be affected but the temporary layoffs will be of longer duration the cumulative sales and excise taxes on auto mobiles are the principal source of the industrys trouble this year earlier surveys of the potential market for automobiles and trucks were not out of line the 1954 production schedules were based on the rate of industrial and commercial expansion and the normal increase in the use of family cars but the potential demand is now found to be still only a potential as the year draws toward the end of its first half elsewhere in the national economy this first half year has seen a gratifying series of adjustments marked by lower prices but so long as the average tax of 400 is maintained on automobiles there is no economy capable of bringing the retail price down to a level that would translate potential demand into actual sales taxation is thus a prime cause of layoffs both temporary and permanent the industry takes the only course open to it it cuts back production schedules and by that means retains those reserves which would be dissipated if full production were maintained while sales are slowing down to the extent of 15 per cent below last year the federal treasury will suffer from the result ing cut in income when fewer cars are made assem bled and sold it takes in less cash in sales tax on com ponents and finished units it receives less revenue in general and special excise levies and it also gets less in both corporation and personal income taxes the obvious place to start a corrective movement is to modify these taxes automobiles no longer are- a luxury and should not be taxed as such that these percentage levies turn out to be an insupportable tax on jobs is inherent in their nature if ever this country is to return to a normal economy in which our manufacturers are not to be priced out of their markets fiscal policy must lead the way and as our automobile production is so obviously taxed out of its market an immediate adjustment in that particular item of fiscal policy is essential in the in terest of social stability as well as industrial activity and even the ultimate security of the national revenues parking meters fairest parking method stouffville municipal council is likely to deal with the matter of a parking meter contract at its regular meeting this week and whether it accepts or rejects the idea we are of the opinion that the parking meter provides the fairest and most satisfactory parking method and the surest way of making sure everyone has an equal opportunity to make use of the top priority parking space in the main business area where one person may enjoy a good parking spot in front of a business place all evening or day under metered parking a dozen or more motorists may use the same parking space since customers move on to less important parking streets once their business is done councillor daniels pointed out at the last meter discussion that it was a matter for the business men to decide this is only correct to a degree since after all its the people who are doing the parking who are most concerned and we believe that with metered parking they would find many more available spaces in which to slip into the front of the store where they wished to shop with metered parking there is a constant movement of parkers under present condi tions the hundreds who arrive in town on a saturday night after eight oclock are shut out as the allevening parkers have the entire business section solidly filled from a financial angle the town has all to gain and nothing to lose since the meters are installed without payment of any kind and are paid for by fifty percent of the revenue received through the meters the meter companay takes all the chances as to the amount of revenue which may or may not come in meters are installed for a period of twelve months on trial and if at the end of that time the town wishes to discontinue their use the company will remove them at no cost to the municipality aurora and new market collect between five and six thousand dollars a year from their meters and are more than pleased with their operation newmarket has placed meters in their town parking lot as well as is done in most towns in the usa meters in most smaller towns are operated only at stipulated times which appear on a plate on the face of the meter both uxbridge and port perry are contemplating meter parking and councils in both towns are giving the matter a thorough study it is expected that chamber of commerce representatives will appear be fore council here in stouffville this week in support f the meter idea third annual potato day cedar grove observer visits parliament hill on dominion day the air of formality so pre- the members and alert sense of valent in the nations capita duty could only be accomplish will be slightly less this weekj the jt than last parliament has fin- ally ended its recordbreaking the tribune stouffville ont thursday july s 1954 xot until next november will visitors se the tradition- sion and the weary menvjal speakers parade which ev- bers who stayed until the drawnout end have left the city ottawas fcrmal beauty er day opens the session even the mace carried into the hojse by the sergeantatarms and the nations business is has earned a rest tne house behind them the protective i is silent the heated debates staff whose presence is quiet- witty remarks and long hours ly felt in every corner of the j of discussion ate now records rambling buildings will now government remove their tunics and cope it has been a long and some- with the summer heat and the j times dull sesion but although hordes of tourists 75000 in some proposals had to be post august in a littie more comiponed until fall many have fort a vacation has been welljbeen subjected to thorough de- earned by the little page boys j bate when we look back at whose energetic attendance to some of the business of par- for parkxts only mothers vacation the third annual provincial potato day will lake an entire ly different form this year with the glowers and processors on the bradford or holland marsh providing a tour of that famous vegetable growing area and vis its to storages and processing plants on thursday aug 12th tdifei9 and 4un galore i hm big 9 mw feat yor twe jtit fc imimv to o her mr b north bay parry sound hunrsville 1480 1165 1010 round trip by bus snowballs bapber shop j7ftw the potato committee met with the local committee last week at bradford and themsel ves made a test night of the threehour tour which has been planned as a come and go open house sort of informal day in stead of a programme of spee ches there will be guides ac company each group to explain points of interest and also com mentators at each stop on the marsh or in the plants visited the committee is preparing an illustrated folder with a map of this seven thousand acre garden giving some of the highlights of its history development and economic place in ontario agriculture these will be mailed shortly to all potato growers and extra copies to the agricultural rep resentatives the marsh located 35 miles north of toronto on yonge st or no 11 highway straddles the schomberg river which divides york and simcoe coun ties it is not surprising then that the committee for the day consists of w m cocicbum newmarket agric representa tive for york ns chairman r e goodin crops branch to oh dear i could do with a splendid holiday in a complete vacuum from christopher frys the ladys not for burning vacation plans are in the minds of everyone half the fun of a holiday lies in antici pating its joys son is talking about camp or working on a farm daughter is looking for ward to a trip or to her best chum visiting with her at the family cottage dad is over hauling his fishing tackle but what ahout mother the hours of the average homemaker are much longer than those of women in any other occupation there is noth ing new about this but there is an increased tempo in mod ern living and greater demands on mothers reserve energy to far too many homemak- ers the summer months are the most taxing ones of the whole year shopping for ad ditions to the summer outfits for all the family remodel ling last years clothes figuring out costs of vacation plans plus extra outlay for entertainment of guests trying out new me nus to tempt flagging appetites in the torrid weather who would choose to fill a mothers role during july and august in the many vacation areas part tame or full time domestic assistance suddenly disappears in the directing of the summer resorts during their brief prosperous season the motels and tourist centres just must have abundant help in the kit chen dining room and bedroom work the operators of these vacation resorts are in a finan cial position to offer fantastic ally high wages no ordinary household can compete with their scale of pay what can be done about this situation just accepting an unsatisfactory summer for mo ther insofar as any real change from her regular household du ties is decidedly unfair mother needs a vacation as much as anyone feeling sopry for her self is exhausting for her emo tional health all summer the constant heavy demands on her physical reserves frequent ly leave her with very little op timism or energy for the aut umn work surely mother and father together can discover some partial solution to mo thers vacation problem where theres a will theres a way every household has its own peculiar setup and so contrast ing solutions appeal to differ ent homemakers but thevery fact that her partner in mar riage is tackling this knotty point with her will put new heart into mother in one home monday wash day during the summer months without the usual outside help paid by the hour invariably ended up with mother laid low with a sick headache brought on by fatigue a decision was reached to send out the wash ing to a commercial laundry and this proved to be an ex cellent investment in mothers health one husband bought a much needed new combination washing and drying machine as a summer surprise for his wife still another family with school age children at home were organized by dad to give mother more help with the housework especially on wash day a family trip still leaves mo ther with the major responsi bility for supervising the chil dren and keeping them from dis tracting dads attention when he is driving a carefree vaca tion for mother and dad with out their children is strongly advocated by many marnage counsellors this is an excellent cement for a happy partner ship mother and father have a chance to talk without inter- ritption from the small fry they can recall their honey moon days and discover in a new way what good company the other person is this plan is difficult to earry out when the children are pre- by nancy cleaver home following their usual routine but once boys and girls are of school age a camp holiday for son and daughter sometimes leaves the parents free to va cation together in some fam ilies a barter arrangement has worked out ellen johnston looked after the browns chil dren for a week while their parents got away in july then in august june brown took on ellens twins and for the first time in ten years mother and father johnston went holi daying alone together where there is a will there is a way has proved to be a sensible saying mother needs a vacation father and the children if they are determin ed to give her a bit of a holi day can surely manage it copyright liament the ten year revision of the bank act a long dreary affalr the overhauling of the national housing act pen sions trade relations de fense amendments to the criminal code the continuous spending of the countrys money we cannot help but wonder how all was included in spile of the lengthy ses sion and the humid heat in ot tawa during the final week it was gratifying to see how ma ny members fulfilled their duty to the bitter end the closing weeks were hard ones busi ness begins at 11 am and goes through until 11 pm or after every day the buildings which on entering feel cool soon re veal themselves as tombs of heat sealing out even the faint est breezes and somehow after hours speeches notes and arg uments must be prepared however since running our large and productive country is now not only a fulltime job but a full paying job we have every right to expect their full attendance visitors to the house during the last two sessions have left much more aware of business in parliament than heretofore there is now a fine public ad dress system installed from the floor to the gallery with out lets on every seat and the words of the most mumbling members reach the gallery clearly while the house was in ses sion canadians from all parts of the dominion filed through confederation hall investigat ed the tower and sat in the gallery of the house of com mons they have watched and listened agreed and criticized and taken advantage of every privilege open to them as mem bers of a democratic country although our parliament is based on the customs of the english house as far as applic able this is only a guide and our sessions may be and indeed are stormy entertaining bor ing or interesting our ruje and our government are dis tinctly canadian atetij investigate 16 careers in one visit canadas army active fore hai many different career opportunities for men between the aget of 1 7 and 40 or 45 if you already have a trade a talk with the cana dian army information officer will give you a chance to decide if the army is for you and what this fine force has to offer men who wish to serve canada act now visit iht canadian army information team post office thursday july 1 5th 200 pm 300 pm theres a place for you in the canadian army active force important new legislation respecting levators and lifts i wish to bring to attention tbet the elevators and lifts act 1953 came into force on june 17 1954 under thi legislation in ontario the owner of an elevator dumbwaiter escalator manlift or incline lift must obtain an annual licence to operate the elevator or lift the legislation further provide that only a person who holds a certificate of competency issued under the act may make inspections of these installations in ontario in addition contractors who construct install repair or maintain elevators or lifts etc may now only canyon business in ontario if they are registered under the act in order to comply with the legislation any person employed by an insurer to make inspections must make application immediately for a certificate of competency owners of elevators dumbwaiters escalators manlifts or incline lifts must make application im mediately for licence to operate their installations contractors must make application immedi ately for annual registration mm minister w ontario licences and certificated of competency for the period ending december 31 1954 are now available and enquiries and requests for application forms should be directed to the chief inspector elevator inspection branch department of lalkiur parliament buildings toronto ontario department of labour charles daley minister hsu w is boakwfflh ronto secretary and 1 k l j school age unless ihere is a mcruer ailison agricultural willing granny aunt or house- representative for south sim- keeper whom the youngsters coc assistant secretary with know and love who will dou- local growers plan managers b for mother little folk are and veaetaoi inspector as usually best looked after by a nemhers noihersutmt ra the own a c b yourbalanc p onev every of depouib corner lav start a tip of 8uc tbra have more s3m m the canadian bank of commerce stouffville branch y h atkinson manager

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