toe trswne stouffville ont thursday july 8 13m editors mail himebrand aad treir daagiterl j heather mr u halaey riiited a fe lay the p eek with mr and i editor the tribune mrs gordon kirk and mr and mrs keith bradley of pontypool j dear sir mr add mm hill and mw- issss rea dooth and caroline oi a farmers ifen the j vernacular savs a mouthful toronto vuned mr and mr t foowing few u rooert haine y oue ldioo- m nc ill in a series your hydro ai work for you and yours vincent winter the 5yearold aberdeen boy hailed by critics and cinemagoer alike as the tineit child star discovery tor many years as he appears in the kidnappers unionville news mlstes nancy and peggy diack i descriptive talk on the two in- are having two weeks holidays j stllutes she attend in england with their cousin miss ruth there were 14 members and 3 lilond at genildion visitors present mrs lee of the markbara unionville 1 england mrs debett of collins- business and professional wo mens club held tve june meet ing at the home of mr lynn hughes briarwood farm owing to the holiday falling on thursday the regular month ly meeting of the women insti tute was held on friday july 2nd at the home of the president mrs russellbrown the presi dent thanked al those who worked o hard to make the garden tea and sale of goods wieh a success ig5 was made t the various booths antiques were decided on as the project for markham fair exhibit mrs snowball and mrs g ogdejn were appointed as conveners to look after name mrs lee of brighton england gave a short stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smitp prop wood and mrs f while of montreal the hostesses were j mrs g g maynard mrs f pollard mrs w young and mrs fugard there will he no august or september reetins october meeting is to be an ex cursion to viit mrs neils house filled with pioneer things at thornhill the urn of 50 was donated to the unionville swim ming pool mrs f white of montreal is visiting her brother and nephew the two mr caceys of east drive mrs debett of collingwood spent a rew days last week with her daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs e lemasurier mrs iee of england who is en joying her first trip to canada is also a visitor there the unionville hockey club has arranged the draw on the chev car to take place on aug hth the date of the field day to be held at crosby park mr and mrs george med- calfe attended the funeral of mrs ellen murray of st thomas on monday of last week l mr and mrs torne pilking- ton oakercst ave have sold their home to mr m madisson of toronto who expects to take up residence there very soon mr featherstonehaugh indus- trial relations manager of de haviland aircraft co of canada and mrs fealherstonehaugh have purchased the property for merly owned by mrs f frlsby and are now remodelling it mrs marge henderson of toronto spent the weekend with her parents mr and mrs c mr and mrs whitevale formerly of ville risited oa thursday ning at mrs h maynard mlv joan carroll of toronto was the guest at the hotel on thursday mr and mr jack hildebrand attended a wedding in illinois last week flmher kveuen solveig heiene evensen the daughter of mr and mrs i m evenen exchanged vows with edgar john fischer on of rev and mrs e fischer lniontllle in a ceremony at st anfgar iutherau church ret e christeiisen officiated assured by the father of the groom the bride chose a princes style gown j of while embroidered nylon sheer over satin the maid of j honor grace fischer irene rimstead beryl stuland and the flower girl gerda evensen wore iden tical ballerina length gowns of ice blue nylon over taffetta paul fischer was best man david pengelly douglas shaw and david fischer were ushers the brides mother received in a dress of copenhagen blue the grooms mother was in lilac with white rose corsage sympathy is extended to miss kathleen walker and mr and mrs j walker in the death of their cousin mr john walker at the home of their aunt miss annie walker during the month of july the congregation of grace church markham and st philips un ionville will worship together in grace church at 930 am morehouse thompson on the day of her parents silver wedding anniversary with rev dr e e kent officiating shirley jean thompson daugh ter of mr and mrs clarence thompson langstaff formerly of unionville became the bride of charles roderick morehouse son of mr and mrs albert morehouse marathon ontario the double ring service was held in candlelight ceremony on tuesday evening june 15th at 730 pm in thornhill united church mr and mrs norman hiemler spent july 1st holiday at the home of mr and mrs james mattel at kitchener and atten ded tlie centennial celebration mr and mrs ross heimler enjoyed the weekend at lake caesarea in the kawartha lake district mr and mrs robert gough attended the gough hooper wedding at buttonville on satur day afternoon mrs crozler of toronto and tat week when they go down it is 6 to 10 cents a week when wheat was 190 a bushel we paid 1516 cents for bread and when wheat is s135s145 a bushel now we pay 18 cents for bread and again they tell us labour doe it dont we farmers work just as hard now in growing wheat as we did when the price was 190 and so al along the line the prices for our product declined while the price for what we have to buy u the same or up in tiiis readers humble opin ion every worthwhile interest in the nation will be served yes and conserved to the ex tent that we find a way to tuneout the price jitters j which at steady but unprediet- v hi aitemiati able i pretty well sab otage canadas greatest and most essential industry agri culture many references are being made by speakers and news paper columnists these days intimating that our farmers are in clover in contrast with their status in the 30s ie the depression decade while this undeniably is the truth it certainly is not the whole truth unless that picture is tiedin to the general conditions across canada in the prewar years k seems to me that i gives a very erroneous impres sion i turn to my trusty scrap- book for a brace of authorita tive assertions by agricultural exrts they will speak for themselves support the opin ions expressed above and make crystal clear what one of the rural observers had in mind in warning bleeding the farmers white is a mugs game a in 1930 when the depression struck the average canadian farm income dropped to 538 per year by 1932 it was down to 200 per farm but the im portant point is that for the last ten years the average in come per farm has been only 409 per year president han- nam cfa in canadian countryman sept 15 1940 and b the cash value of our wheat production in the two fiveyear periods 192534 mer its the spotlight your hydro key service in a new community with food pleasing people isnt hard you serve thine they like and flavors that go together thats why so many homemakers are choosing sparkling ioccold cocacola to accompany good things to cat the unique flavor of coke gives a wonderful lift to the meal and you serve it in a jiffy right in the bottle try it serve coke tonight authorliod bottle of cococola under contract whh cocacolo lid uxbridge beverages limited uxbridge phone 105 19251929 bushels value 2151000000 2176000000 19301934 1740000000 777000000 j b mrs c thompson langstaff visited mrs rainey on saturday and attended the cemetery dec oration and the crosier reunion picnic at fort perry at central united ss on sunday morning a yery fine missionary story entitled the chiefs revenge was given by mrs glen kennedy the young people of central united church took a boat trip to qneenston on saturday all reported a very enjoyable time the wms will be in central united church basement on thursday july 8th the pro gram will be in charge of the fideles group mr o wilson of toronto vis ited his son and family mr owen wilson station street mr and mrs f harrison and mrs lowry thornhill visited mr m findlay on saturday eve ning mr and mrs fa phillips and mr and mrs jack phillips from reinbeck iowa v6lted on friday with miss velma findley dr harold braithwaite of chicago visited on the weekend with his mother mrs e braith waite and his sister mrs v trunk and family film council news the film club which is a part of the ontario york counties film council had a very successful picnic last wed nesday evening at mr and mrs clare keevils summer home at caesarea about 35 members and friends were on hand to enjoy the fun arranged by miss mildred ward and her commit tee there was a treasure hunt boat rides games films re freshments and fun galore summer activltlm during the summer months there are not many bookings anticipated by the film council as films have been recalled by the national film board for summer tourist circuits the council feels that they ome a debt of gratitude to the nfb for supplying films for their winter circuits and also to the department of education for supplying block of education al films each month for school showings port perry on summer circuit for special occasions during the jummer films may be se cured through mr ernie stil- man port perry film librar ian who will be receiving films for the summer tourist circuit mr stiknan has been putting on film showings in port perry park every sunday evening during july and august so drive out lo port perry ally sunday evening at dusk ana enjoy the film programme j from 1947 to december 1953 the num ber of new dwelling units built in ontario was 183515 each required an average of li kilowatts of electricitv a total of 229000 kilowatts or 307000 horse power these homes didnt have to wait for hydro service crews were stringing lines before the homes were completed hydro was there before the door key to meet this demand ontario hydro and your local municipal system must plan far into the future power projects must be started years before their immediate need arises o that new homes new schools new shopping centres new muni cipal services and new industries all have power when and where required lowcost power that is the keynote of modern living ontario hydro at work for you and yours intormation concerning ontario hydro can be obtained by writing to your hydro chairman 620 university avenue toronto oaf nematode is serious threat the oat nematode a tiny wormlike creature so small that it cannot be seen with the naked eye is causing severe damage in many oat fields all across the province the pest which attacks the roots of oat plants has been reported in york county on several occa sions and farmers are advised to be on the lookout for it usually the nematode is pre sent for several years before it is noted and the buildup of the nematode population de pends to a great extent upon the ifrequency with which rains and particularly oals are grown on a field the oat nematode will survive and might even increase slightly on wheat and barley but it is on oats that it multiplies rap idly and causes such heavy losses in severe cases tlip oat nem atode infestation may be noted in an entire field but more fre quently it is in patches of vary ing size in infected areas the oat crop will germinate nor mally but in a week or ten days it is stunted and the grain stands very erect without the usually wavy appearance of healthy grain tips of the blades turn reddish and later yellow and withered the grain will stool little or not at all and infected areas maintain a backward appearance the roots of infected plants where the nematodes attack will be short and stubby with shallow branches with an un due amount of soil clinging to them infested roots usually have a yellowish colour while healthy roots are while at the present time the female cyst stage of the oat nematode may be visible to the eye on the county rate reduced 12 mills york county council at its final meeting till next novem ber amended the finance report roots as a small roundish white sack about the size of a grain of salt control measures for the oat nematode are long rotations avoiding oats as much a pos sible fields badly infested should be seeded down and left in hay or pasture for at least three years if oats are to be grown they should be seeded on the sod ground and followed by wheat seeded again to hay or pasture farmers who are suspicious of nematode damage in their fields are requested to bring samples of the suspicious plants to the office of the agricultural representative in newmarket presented early in the session to read delete the item of 00000 granted to yoi coun ty hospital the grant to be provided for by the issuance of 300000 debentures without in terest with the first payment and levy to be made in 1966 this will reduce the county levy by one and onefifth mills this year and is a way of guar anteeing the hospital board the money to go ahead with thear project they are assured al their grant from the county and can get their government grants this with the passing of the bylaws authorising the warden and treasurer to borv rw money to carry on the oourv ty business for 1954 and for tfce payments to the ohildren aid and the grants to various o ganizations completed ae woit for this session 1 if a debt lives pest m day it will most likely have joins life kpot class onl gmc differs everything you want in a truck you can choose from a wide range of carrying capacities power plants transmissions and axles you can get more loading space more comfort more outstanding chassis features more of all the important details to make your operation efficient and economical yes a 1954 gmc truck offers unsurpassed quality dependability and value find out the facts from your gmc dealer today i gmc vx lo 2ton trucks el hsvt th famous valvinhad tonomv onglnts plus tougher frames to carry th load at lower operating cast from the 5on class up no imitttr haw great the lead or hew tough w the operating condition omc j has the right truck engineered for the oh 1 omc m450 and m470 in the 4- and 5ton clan faring you ex clusive hydromatle plus volve- inheod power and redesigned com f orf master cafae the widest range of truck power plants transmissions and axles on the market a forward control omc with load space and greater carrying opacity h panels or plchvps omc has the right truck for the ofaavou able wmh standard or hydra- malic transmissions oet a real truck omc 3ln lrkl o l cmfrlntotf cbt ht mm iow on onr rood for lot a model for evory houtma noed mole motors ltd stouffville phone 312