Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 24, 1954, p. 9

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1820000 horsepower sir adam beck no 2 generating project truly a big job how big is big tion of the intakes seems a mir- when all is units are installed at aele in itself here square water ontario hvdros 1828000 norte- j will m effect be turned into power sir adam beck niagara round water toe gathering generating station no 2 near j tubes are 43 feet square from toe queenston this mammoth develop- nverface slot to the control struc- ment will have a powerhouse i lure and the tunnels are circular approximately 1150 feet long the shape with a finishing diameter near the generating station sit these camps are miniature com- m unities in every respect with aci commodatioa for the workers re- eation hall and cafeterias each has its own fire department and sanitary services and no crack city fire brigade ever polished its equip- the opencut canal is 1 mileslment to a more gleaming surface imposing structure will be 63 feet wide so feet high from the operat ing floor with sor 85 feet of sub structure below e floor if this impressive building were of 4 feet it is easier to construct a straight line in concrete than a curved so the gathering tubes have been built like tapered boxes as the iran set oa bay street in toronto it sition progresses the corners of would reech for three blocks ithe square are gradually and al- from king street to queen street most imperceptibly rounded off with four storeys above the until a perfect circle is achieved ground and seven storeys below it is calculated that the water will the street level yet the sole purpose of mis great structure nestling at the foat be flowing at ten feet per second mis in the square and twelve feet per second in the round this of the 300foot niagara gorge six i speedup makes it possible to carry- miles below the cataracts is to the same amount of water per sec- supply power to the people of on- jond in the round as in the tano and the powerhouse is not the largest part of the niagara pro ject bv any means yes the big job is big visited by press j square a400foot long circular pressure tube leading from the transition section to the tunnel inlet portal demonstrates one of the most amazing feats of the big job deal- i ing in millions of tons of earth more than 0 representatives of and rock mlles o intakc tunnel press and radio from eastcentral ontario and the toronto arco were shown the initial results of on tario hydros 18230oo horsepow er niagara development on satur day when they saw in operation the first 10000ft horsepower unit of the sir adam beeknrogara gener ating station no 2 the development stretches from the intake structures two miles and canal with all parts of the job separate entities called divi sions and under their own super intendents it would seem literally impossible to join up the various parts without going greatly out of kilter somewhere yet when the pressure tube for no 1 intake was completed it was impossible to tell where the tunnel crew left off and the intake workmen took alwve nc rails at chippavacight i over we1 has tne pro been miles across country almost to desjgned on the hydr0 drawing- quecnstonand includes intakes boar s0 weu has f been carried unnc 5 bv hydro workers that this deep as 330 feet under the city of niagara kails a 2mile opencut canal a pumped storage scheme large forebay end the power house at its peak it employed a work force of 6s00 men and hundreds of machines it created hydro cit ies involved the building of 25 millions of tons of earth and rock and pushed back the shoreline of the niagara river temporarily useful monument a useful and spectacular monu ment to canadian engineering skill and initiative the big job nears completion in december 1950 the first power shovel took its first mammoth mouthful today the project approaches b record of construction achievement second to none tomorrow more and more power will flow into the transmis sion and distrubution lines of the province for the big job is scheduled to start work this year when the first five 100000horsepower units of its 12unit phase will be placed in service chairman robert h saunders onnounccd recently that the commission expected to hold the official opening ceremony in august this year early in 1957 the 12unit phase of the project together with the power developed by the turbinegenerators at the pumped storage reservior will add a triumphant 1428000 horsepower of installed capacity to ontarios power pool with provision for four more 100000horsepower units to be added as required the eventual capacity of the new station is 1823000 horsepower lets look at the big job the way it is today and how it got that wby the intakes the intakes consist of two gath ering tubes oach 500 feet long each will suply water to one of the twin tunnels at the normal rate of 7500000 gallons a minute no 1 tube is now completed con crete is being placed in no 2 that is the bald progress port it tells nothing of the diffi culties encountered and overcome during construction the intakes had to be built in a location where sufficient water would be available without turbu lence and in such a way that floating ice would not interfere with the flow of water the loca tion is two miles above the falls anyone who has seen this area and recalls the sweeping rush of the niagara river at this point will reolizc what problems faced the engineers and construction men the first step was to build an 1100foot timber crib cofferdam and an earthen dike 400 feet long nclosing 14 acres of the niagara aters before excavation for the itructurcs could proceed it was necessary also to place a grout cutoff curtain around the whole area to be unwatered this was bccomplished by diamond drilling some 1200 holes approximately 2o feet in rock and pumping in grout a mixture of cement and water following this operation in which some 109000 bags of cement were used it was possible to begin ex cavation in the dry although large pumps rmd to be kept going constantly to throw back into the stubborn river the forces it still sent to the onslaught in placing the structures it was necessary to excavate 782000 cubic yards of earth and 202000 cubic yards of rock this put the work ers far below the level of the niag ara river the gathering tubes with apertures through which wat er will enter resemble oversized mouth organs to bypass ice and to obtain the most efficient flowers the gathering tubes have been lo cated below the water surface par- ellel to the main currents of the river to ensure that an adequate sup ply of water would be available for the lubes and to carry ice post the intakes 250000 cubic vards of perfection is commonplace when the intakes are completed they will be backfilled to the origin al level from stockpiles maintain ed on the job tunnel no 1 completed tunnel no 1 lining was com pleted in december 1953 with the las of the 490000 cubic yards of concrete placed with the 45foot form excavation for no 2 tun nel is finished and concreting is wc it is anticipated that tunnel no i will carry water in june this year well ahead of th original schedule over nine million tons of rock were re moved from the big holes togeth er the tunnels will convey 15000- 0 gallons of water a minute to the canal enough to supply the needs of the city of niagara fajls for a week access shafts to reach the underground dis tance required for the tunnels five access shafts have been sunk into the rock past the depths of the tun nels these have provided en trances and exits for men mater ials and equipment and for the removal of the excavated rock the shafts were offset in such a man ner that they could be used for the construction of the twins running parallel some 250 feet apart from centre to centre the shafts were sunk 6225 feet apart each has an elevator capable of raising or lowering a maxiumum of 20 tons two rocks skips and hop pers the tunnels are being con creted in two stages first the in vert followed by the arch con crete is dropped into the tunnels through 10inch downholes these are drilled along the length of ffie tunnels from the surface at vary ing distances underground work shops have facilitated repairs right on the job ventilation in each shaft is supplied by huge fans forcing air through two vent pipes 4 feet in diameter thought has been given to the future should the tunnels need re pairs at any time the gates of the intakes can be closed steel logs placed in checks at the outlet portals and the water pumped from the tunnels these twin hydraulic pressure tunnels are as far as it is known the largest of their type in the world soon they will be ready for the sole purpose of their making- conveying water to generate pow er for the people of this province no man will see the filled tun nels but they will be there in their silent service for more time than man can contemplate opencut canal the job of removing 3646000 cubic yards of earth and 46260o0 cubic yrds of rock for the canal and forebay is completed the huge development moved a step closer to inlitial operation on march 6 when 25 tons of explo sives blasted out two huge rock plugs in the opencut canal section the first blast blew out the forc- ba- plug a 12000cubic yard wedge of soli rock separating ghe forebays or headponds of the new plant and the existing adja cent sir adams beckniagara gen erating station no 1 thus for the first time water ontercd the new forebay marking a major turning point in construction the second blast tore out the massive 3450ocubic yard rock car rier at the lower end of the cross- o r bctwen the existing and new opencut power canals extensive safety and security measures were taken to avert any damage to hydro facilities or in jury to personnel elaborate pre cautions were taken to protect the screenhousc of no 1 plant only 160 feet from the forebay plug an air bubble curtain was intro duced for this particular operation to cushion the impact of shock be tween the forebay plug and the screenhousc through this process developed by ontario hydro ro se engineers and explosive ex perts of canadian industries lira- material were dredged from the i itcd compressed air was forced bed of the river in a hazardous i through holes drilled in a scries of but accldenfrce operation making pjpej submerged in the forebay of a tunnel section 400 feet offshore two gates will be installed mid wav between each gathering tube and inlet portal of the twin tun nels these gates will be used to stop the flow of water should this be necessary for any reason in the future each gate 58 feet high and weighing about 200 tons will span the 45foot opening the control structure for no 1 which will hold the electrically- operated gate is in place also in- stalled is a sectional emergency gate in order to protect the tun nel should the cofferdam give wav this is considered an im probable contingency but precau tions must be taken to eliminate if ossble all risks and hazards in such a project this emergency gate operating on the same prin ciple a the stoplogs ott an ordin ary h draic dam has eight steel sections piled one on top of the i the no i plant the resulting cur tain of bubbles acted as a buffer and reduced the impact of the plug- blast explosion so that- the shock against the building was only l70th of normal seismic recordings in dicated a minor amount of tremdr use much explosive six tons of explosives were re quired at the forebay plug and 19 tons at the crossover plug the latfcsl blast yet fired on the can al section of the development flrlnj of the forebay blast re quired 100 electrical horsepower for the crossover blast 200 horse- pew cr it was necessary to pour concrete in only one section of the big ditch this is the trapezoidal resembl ing a spread v section built over ancient glacial debris many years ago the niagara river had its course across this section lead othsr these fit into steel slots or ing to what is now- known rs the i-t- is mbedded in the eon- whirlpool the 2200foot long ira- ir pcoidal ecllon required 77000 cu- the intake section whirlpool camp sqlalik water bic yards of concrete and 2380 tons near the centre of the development the 100foot long transition tecof reinforcing steel and the third close to queenston long 200 feet wide with a depth through earth and rock of 70 feet and it wil have a water depth of some 30 feet the pride of canada steamship lines is the giant freighter t r mclagan launched in 1ss3 the largest cargocarrier on the great lakes it is 715 feet long the maximum length allowed to lock through the wetland canal the great ship has a beam of 70 feet and a maximum draft of 25 6 the canal could carry a total of 32 such craft 16 travelling in each direction with 13 feet of open wa ter between each ship and some 60 feet of passing room yet the canal of the big job is designed only to convey water to create power for the people of ontario pumped storage area one of the unique features of the huge project will be the pumped- storagc scheme authorized in july last year this has necessitated several changes in the plans for the development including crea tion of a storage reservoir cover ing some 700 acres and containing 650000000 cubic feet of water widening of a portion of the open cut canal enlargement of the fore- bay and extension of the head- woks for operation of the four ad ditional units to be installed as re quired a pumping plant equipped with eight pump turbine units will be located at the upper end of a 1400- foot offtake canal now being excavated the pumpedstorage scheme scheduled for service in 1957 will increase the generating capacity of the project by pumping water into the reservoir at night and at peak periods running the same water back through the nnlts as needed when these pumps are operated in reverse they will act as turbine- generators and will generate some 228000 horsepower the reservoir will also enable fuller use to be made of all units of the station par ticularly at times of high demand when quantities of water allowed by the niagara diversion treaty would place temporary restrictions on full capacity operation huge penstocks at the foot of a twolane service road carved from the face of the 300foot cliffs of the niagara gorge is the powerhouse of the big job steel penstocks 19 feet in diameter and 492 ft long for the first five units have been installed with work on the remaining penstocks of the 12unit phase welladvanced the powerhouse looking like the rotunda of a great railroad station and the control building which will eventually operate both the new station and its predecessor just downstream the sir adam beck niagara gs no 1 have most of the concrete placed the scroll- cases for units no 1 and 2 are in place ready for the installation of the first generating unit and the scrollcases for units 3 and 4 arc in and being readied for con creting to prepare the powerhouse site more than a million cubic yards of rock were excavated for the first twelve units this phase will require 235000 cubic yards of con crete and some 19000 tons of steel designed to mend into the na tural grandeur of the niagara gorge the powerhouse is already assuming a shape of beauty that is a credit to hydros architects and engineers best possible designs nothing was left to chance in preparation for the big job to ensure the best possible designs being employed and to make nec essary modification to the original plans ontario hydro constructed five models one a duplication of five miles of the niagara river com the tip of grand island to the rainbow bridge below the cat aracts set up at the a w manby service centre islington ontario four other smaller models of the canal crossover the tunnel outlet and canal transition the canal and forebay and the intakes were lo cated at the university of toronto it is estimated this design insur ance saved ontario hydro more than five million dollars remedial works will be built out in the niagara river above the horseshoe falls under a joint agreement between canada and the united states creating a more uniform flow of the niagara river over the cataracts and contribut ing to the most effective use of water for power production thus not only will the beauty of the falls be enhanced but the maximum use of the water available for gen eration will be made ontario hy dro has jurisdiction over the build ing of the remedial works on the canadian side of the river remedial works the remedial works will consist of a 1550foot long dam at grass island pool controlling the water level in the chippawagrass is land pool area excavation of rock from the canadian and goat is land flanks of the horseshoe falls will produce an unbroken cataract crestline and give the desired dis tribution of flow over the falls at the same time earth and rock will be used to fill in the ends of the horseshoe eliminating the incidental flow over the extremit ies of the crest this will permit an unbroken curtain of water to flow over the precipice the fills landscaped to blend with the for mation of the gorge and the reme dial works as a whole will pre serve the beauty of the falls as an unparalleled tourist attraction building of the remedial control dam is being preceded by umvat- cring through the erection of cof ferdams upstream and down stream the unwaterlng and con struction will proceed in four stag es the cofferdam will be com posed of steel frames 39 feet by 10 feet these will be placed on the bed of the river supported by h piles and countcrweighted with sixton concrete blocks steel sheet piling will be driven along water surfaces as a water stop backstage operations the big job could not have been carried on to its present state had it not been for considerable backstage reparation some 25 miles of access and service roads were built by hydro to facilitate activities on the development dis posal areas 640 acres in extent were set up to handle the millions of tons of earth and rock exca vated on land judged of small value for other pusposes there are three hydro cities on the job chippawa camp near than the firemen at the camp fire halls the recreation halls have fa cilities for bowling billiards mov ies refreshments and television regular church services are hed as a major portion of the work on the two tunnels has been com pleted chippawa camp was closed on march 9 with the smaller la bor force being more economically accommodated in the whirlpool and queenston camps shells of the four main buildings at the chippawa site will be sold by tend er camp cafeterias good food is a necessity for hard working men a sign in each camp cafeteria states that the men can nave more food for the asking and it means just what it says each i of the three cafeterias can serve 600 at a sitting some 5000 meals a day are provided while lunches are made up for the night shifts behind the scenes at each cafe- j teria are spotless wellequipped kitchens the weekly shopping list for the niagara project would stag ger most housewives it included at peak construction 6000 loaves of bread 14000 pounds of vege tables 12000 pounds of meat 1000 j pounds of poultry 1800 dozen eggs 1200 pounds of butter and ingredi- ents for 2500 pies and 5000 pa stries project hospital hard by the nerve centre of the big job the administration build- j ing is the 30bed hospital which hydro built solely for the workers on the project a temporary build ing it is decorated in attractive pastel colors the design was by the commission architect kenneth i candy in consultation with hydros medical authorities from exper ience gained on other hydro de velopments such as des joaeh- ims the spacious corridors lead from the comfortable waitingroom into a completelyequipped operat ing room xray room consulting room pharmacy and wards that would be the envy of many city hospitals in charge of the hospital is dr donald grant who came from the hydro hospital at des joachims and brought much of the equipment with him he is assisted by dr j dales black four resi dent nurses and firstaid men as well as other hospital staff meals for the patients are prepared at the nearby hydro cafeteria open ing july 27 1951 the hospital had new sir adam beck generating station pride of hydro here where three-and-a- half years ago there were only the bare and ancient rocks of the 300foot cliffs of the lower niagara gorge ontario hydro engineers- and workmen have created the modern giant of the 1828000 horsepower sir adam beck niagara generating station no 2 adjacent to its predecessor extreme right on the side if the cliffs and blending into their natural gr andeur are the powerhouse and penstocks of the new station above these are the two canals the new one at the left dwarf ing the older channel the en tire 2i mile length of the new opencut canal is now watered since the blasting early in june of a massive rock plug at the upper crossover of the wto can als enabling water to enter the section of the new canal leading back to the exit portuals of the twin 5 underground tunn els one unit of the new plant is already in service and four will be in operation when the station is officially opened aug ust 30 by her royal highness the duchess of kent just back of the righthand tip of the ori ginal powerhouse is hydros famous floral clock on the island between the forebays is the switchyard for the new station handled 1623 bed patients up to de cember 31 1953 quite apart from the numerous engineering achievements of this the latter and ontario hydro on be the generator floor facing south this photograjrti shows the 100000horsepower generators being assembled on the generator floor one unit is already in operation and its ex citer may be seen in the right centre of the photograph di rectly below the two 200ton over head cranes each 60cycie gen erator weighs over a million pounds when completed for 16 units the powerhouse situated six miles downstream from the cataracts will be approximately 1150 feet long 63 feet wide and 50 feet high largest hydro development is the record of good relations between labor and ontario hydro free of strikes with a large construction force working on the development it is entirely conceivable thai difficul ties might have developed at one time or another yet not one hour has been lost through strike action this has been due in great mea sure to the establishment in 195051 of the niagara development allied council af of i which repre sented 17 international craft unions in fact this agreement was char acterized by a prominent labor leader as the most worthwhile bargaining agreement in canada today so successful was this aggree- ment and the one signed with the ontario hydro construction allied council af of l that in october 1953 an agreement was signed by half of approximately 9000 con struction workers throughout the province in 98 trade classifications and representing eighteen unions this agreement described as one of the most progressive in cana dian labor history provided for substantial benefits thus the ex perience gained on this project paved the way for benefits to all hydro construction men in all parts of ontario this then is the big job its magnitude cannot be contained in one story or in a number of stor ies it is a volume with its most interesting chapters yet to be written the end of the big job will be its beginning church founder the first congregational church in scotland was founded by james haldane at edinburgh in 1799 employees take over agency toronto six long terra j executives of the walsh advertis ing company limited one of the leading advertising and public re lations organizations in canada have purchased the interests of w george akins president of- the company since 1944 the purchasers are cxmanagbw director k g anderson now presi dent of the company vicepresi dents george e cross managers toronto office f rex werfs manager montreal office and yves g bourassa chief of french department and directors f f j james m simpson secretary treasurer colorado peak found to top 14000 feet washington colorado which earlier this year was awarded the boasts more ofty mountain peaks jo in i it medal for engiaoa ing than any other state can pride achievement he is a trustee of itself today on another that ex- the natioral geographic society cecds 14000 feel the psirnu the united states geo logical survey while celebrating its 75th anniversary found that el dienlc the tooth shoulders the sky at 14 if feet el diente hither to had been overlooked as a high mountain but new survey research fixed its true altitude in disclosing its finding to the national geographic society he geological survey said colorado can thus add a new peak to the 47 she already lists in the 14000foot class maps even some fences the survey carries on one of the governments prime longrange projtots mapping the nation down to every hill almost lo every house and even to some fences and windmills now it is investigating thr ccorido plaleua o speed tlc quet for uranium the vital atomic ore in this work the survey measur ed el diente in southwest colora do it also gauged other colorado peaks and lowered some wil son mountain from 14 250 lo 14 240 feet and wilson peak from 14026 to k017 not all calculations will be cut down- over the country oo sur- ve yexpeels to lift other heights imo the top category no ciai fes however are in store for alt witn- nev in california the natfoita trl- lesl 14493 feel its uitude lias been tied down meticulously the same is true of ml kllict colorados monarch only 04 feet lower thai whitney the csogical survey s headed 1300 maps a year dr wrathcr overseas the sur veys topographic division whose surveying parties anil aerial pho tographers plot the country con tours in a year the survey tub- lishes more than 1300 new maps many merely update old ones a thud of the united states is rover- cd by still usable quadrangles it wiil probably be several generals before the entire country is map ped adequately for irslbiice iowa much of in- loiiv texas georgia and ala bama are unmapped kansas mississippi and the immense spaces of nevada and utah require new surveys not long ago the survey imap- ped illinois if found peoria out of place so new maps shifted peoria about a mile to the south west the surveys map revisions keep one type of american hobbyist on the go the person who fiankrs to stand at the highest and lowest spots in every state a michigan real eslatc man re cently accomplished such a feat af ter years of travel but upon reaching home he learned mint the survey had estimated some of the elevations anew floridas highest place was announced as a hill in walton county near the alabama border it was given as 345 feet 26 feet higher than the previously listed point near lake wales there were chuiges in other states ton undaunted the michigan real es tate man started out again still eager to now the land in most of by dr william e wratlier who its ups ahd downs slide menacing panama canal recalls construction problem washington an old trouble the menace of land slides is haunting the panama canal deep cracks in a high rock ledve overlooking gaillard cut have fore- earthmovers to blast and carrj ed authorities to hire professional off the huge mass that threatens to topple into the cut and blok the canal the situation recnls construction days when tons of rock dirt and clay frequently obstructed the gig antic slashes then opening up the istliniiiv ol panama the- national geographic ma zine in 1914 told how hostile naurc was seemingly bent on thwrrting every effort of the canals engin eers sometimes quiet intake structures some two miles upstream from niagara falls work is proceed ing on the intake structures asso ciated with ontario hydros 1828000horscpower sir adam beckniagara generating station no 2 a cofferdam was construc ted to hold bark the waters of i intake leading 0 i tunnel is now complete loking like a i grant mouthorgan the waters i of the niagara river will sweep through the openings shown at j left each intake structure is 500 fee long and will divert a total of 2flxjl ithu feet of w liter per the river so that the structures minute into each of the shmlle cojld be built in the dry so 1 i long tunnels at times the slides were qusos- cent as if lo lure the engineers into a false security reported a geographic author who had just re turned from the scene now- tltov make a feint stopping short of actual conflict now they come in the dead of night speading chaos and disrupting everything in what ever direction they move in all slides destroyed 200 miles cubic yards of material they delayed completion by two venrs gailard cut was the greatest hurdle that faced the paaima builders eight miles long this stretch on the pacific side lay through rugged terrain reaching a height of 662 feel at the summit of gold hill the cut was originally called culebrn after the neighboring cu- lebra mountain its nome was changed to honor the engineer m charge of this phase of 111 work david d gaillard who eventually gave his life to the undetaking as the culebra section wis dug deeper slides became more iclive before 1910 they added less than eight per cent lo the total of rround removed by 1913 the year before the canals opening slides were responsible for nearly hatl u mountain cf accumulated debris pkannk1sii slides in heir onslaught the -ia-jer- like masses of rock and dirt often played praikish tricks on one oc casion the moving earth picked up 1 fleam shovel and deposited it 50 feet away still upright and ready for work distractions cause of most accidents says woman judge distractions cause 75 per cent rf all automobile accidents accord ing ot a prominen twoman traffic judge window shopping looking a pretty girls settling squabbles a- mong children in the back seal headswivcling conversations with passengers lighting a cigarette these are the things that cause ac cidents in the opinion of judge geraldine f macelwane of the toledo ohio municipal court hearing 80 to 120 traffic viola tion cases a day she qualifies as an expert on human behavior be hind the wheel in 1953 she heard 7300 traffic cases it takes only a second of dis traction on the part of the driver lo cause a serious injury or death judge macelwane points out if a moving car is left unguided even for a second a serious accident can result she cited the example of a tear ful and trembling young mother who recently appeared in her court the mother had made the common mistake of allowing her small child to stand on the front seal beside her as the driver of ihc car ahead signalled an intention to turn left the child diverted the mothers at tention for an instant long enough for the car ahead to stop for oncoming traffic judge ma celwane said the woman crash ed into it the child required hos pital treatment and she was hailed into my court on a reckless driving charge improving the drivers know ledge and attitudes is more im portant than punitive action in such eases judge macelwane be lieves although women can rally pub lic support for enforcement and en gineering advances they can be even more effective in reducing accidents by focusing attention on more common dangers like dis traction she says restricted limit for live minnows toronto restriction of the number of live minnows an angler may have in his possession is con tained in the 1934 ontario fisher ies regulations from april 1 to october 31 no person stall have in his possession bull in excess of fifty fish except under a commer cial dip net licence for bait a com mercial seine net licence for bait or a commercial minnow trap li cence previously there was no limit in this respect officials of the ontario dcixirtmcnt of lands and forests point out with the result that some persons would take large quantities of minnows far in ex cess of their requirements which occasionally resulted in great wa stage of these fish regulations also provide that young orp and some undesirable species may be used only in w iters from which they arc taken this prohibits persons transporting min nows of undesirable species from one body of water lo another thus avoiding the possibility of intro- diu itg carp into water which they soiretnin tantatiing slides rol ttl railway truk and dumid ooed down lo the hiidwoiking odo net now inhabit iind where they ithe canal bed more than 3oo0oowels whenever they cleared the wayarc not wanted

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