the stouffville tribune etabliskei a member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized at ttcondclast mail pojtojfice depi otlatrc printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 250 elsewhere 350 c h nolan editor jas thomas sports asst a v nolan son publishers notes and comments camp life with the approach of summer and the end of the school year many parents consider sending their son or daughter to a summer camp in every wellorganized camp there are wise counsellors who are familiar with the problems of youth these camps are of great value in eliminating any antisocial tendencies and team play is empha sized the spirit of camaraderie which is built up by this team work is of the utmost importance to a growing child from being in a group of his own age in the performance of camp duties and activities the children learn what they owe to their homes parents the community at large and to the nation while the child is not conscious of it there is a process of education present in camp activities they learn nature and folk lore become experts at swim ming canoeing playing ball and making things with their hands they receive instructions in firstaid life saving and resuscitation techniques and are made more selfreliant courteous and considerate of others fortunately few campers are aware of the educa tional aspect of camping but it is present neverthe less the president of a great us university is credited with saying this summer camp is the north american continents most significant contri bution to the field of education a few weeks at a summer camp have become essential for the children of many families even comparatively young children will benefit greatly from the disciplined freedom that they find there go many fascinating things if a child wanted to eat what he bought he went into the neighborhood store where a wide assortment of sweets looked most alluring sometimes it was mighty hard to choose between a chocolatecovered marshmallow elephant or sugar coated peanuts which could be eaten behind a book in the schoolroom there were in fact so many different kinds of candy to be bought for a penny that a child looked as he dawdled knowing all the while that hed be late at home or school and if a girl or boy wanted a pennys worth of something to last longer than candy there were jacks marbles and even sheets of colorful transfers to stir imagination as well as laughter in those days children knew the value of a single penny to them it seemed a big piece of money now one penny clutched in a small hand is a lonely thing theres almost nothing it will buy reel or rotary the tilwre stouffvie ont thursday jure 3 jktt buy the mower best suited to your lawn a popular question is which carefully watched tyson and i tests ard eliminate the pctssi- 1 which are sown for their car- decline of penny a single penny is still onehundredth part of a dollar onetenth of a dime and onefifth of a nickel it still has its place in the everyday use of money to make right change but the purchasing power of a single penny has gone into a sad decline what can you buy for a single penny todays children are unaware of the joys once to be had for a penny of the fun and adventure available in bygone times when the spending of a penny required careful decision because it could buy redesigning the hen man keeps tinkering with nature in the hope of making improvements a case in point is the interest ing project of a maryland scientist who is trying to develop a type of chicken lacking flight feathers and unable to fly the expert has been working on this scheme for seven years and says he now has a flock of 1000 hens that can barely get off the ground they cannot get over an 18inch fence and their nests and roosts have to be close to the floor or in the alternative ramps or steps must be provided the explanation of all this effort to redesign the hen says the ottawa journal is that it would cost less to prepare the bird for market if it did not possess these strong flight feathers in both wings the question is not one that concerns the comfort of the hen and its security would be impaired if anything by its inability to quit the ground for a perch beyond the reach of hungry dogs behind the experiment is the profit motive if the day ever conies when chickens are wingless it would mean fewer problems for the amateur qflrver and the ottawa paper thinks loss of this appen dage wouldnt matter much to the hen which is not too bright and not much given to flying or to intro spection it goes on to say give a hen its daily ration of what a hen should eat and it will go placidly about its business of producing eggs and in due course its alloted function in the preparation of a chicken dinner feathers or no feathers wings or no wings it doesnt mean a great deal to the hen maybe not in these times when baby chicks are raised in hatcheries but there was a time when the mother hen would have been hard put to keep her children peeping cozily without having wings to keep them warm in many a case the person who yields to the itch to write has a tough time scratching out a living may amend veterans land act the ree mower operates on the principle of revolving blades cutting against a station ary knife bar while the rotary type features a single wade revolving at a high speed the answer depends upon the conditions involved for the home owner who is fussy the oldfashioned reel mower is recommended because it cuts more cleanly ard evenly however for an impartial opinion the old gardener refers to a series of tests conducted last year by james tyson head of the soils science department at michigan state college and an authority on lawn care tyson points out that the ar guments of both groups must be judged in the cold light of proven results before beginning this ex periment i believed that both types of power mowers had definite merit but that the de cision to buy one type over the other depended greatly up on the situation in which they were to be used said tyson setting aside several test plots near the college in which growth conditions could be planted 1 1 with a common variety of lawn allowed to grow higher than reeltype mower had an even grass which soon became in- four inches and contain fast- healthy appearance whereas fested with tall weeds and growing tall weeds such as at the swaths cut by the rotary dandelions approximating the a place in the country visited mower appeared comparatively only on occasional weekends ragged and with a pronounced the most satisfactory power whitishbrownish cast that re- kind of lawn area not too well tended one half of each area was cut with a reeltype mower d the other half with a rot ary mower each machine was factory new to guarantee max- mover to buy is the rotary on the other hand he finds that for the average lawn that is mowed frequently and is made up of such grasses as mained for as long as 4s hours he said however he concluded the rotary will give excellent perf ormancc for problem imum performance for the blue grass fescues and bent i lawns a man should plant a tree if a man plants a tree and watches it grow over the years he has a personal intimate link with the faith and mystery of life there is more to thus experience of living through the cycling seasons than just the bread and butter of daily routine if a man plants a tree he has established a link with the ver ities that govern our flowering world he may not understand but he has faith and living without faith is dwelling in a house built on shifting sands for parkxts only within a tree is the answer to problems that have beset mans mind since ancient days when he lirs watched the moon wax and wane and the sun rise and set the seed of j come large and th can watch the growth of that which he has planted the slender shoo reaches toward the sky the small limbs be- birds come a tree is the kernel of life cut to build their nests open an acorn and within that w is the meaning of life shell is the embryo j what shoum man accomplish billions of seeds fall to the in his three score and ten earth each year and many fall who among men can give the on barren ground many start answer rut this we know the life process and die re- this can give comfort and turning to the soil which gave strengthen faith if a man plants a tree he is working first baby by michael stair mp ontario riding niqhqowns hr wideawake fire departments may soon be turned out in a new heatresisting suit built on the general lines of the old- fashioned nightgown made of reflective aluminum foil this outfit gives the hookandladdcr lads a lot more protection from extreme heat canadian farmers have the ame idea when they build their barns of aluminum sheet not only is aluminum fireresistant but it also keeps barns cooler in summer because it reflects the heal of the sun and in winter reflects back into the barn heat that would otherwise escape in fact you might say that in the products of canadas aluminum industry arc reflected countless aids to better living on the farm in the city in your own home aluminum company of canada ltd alcan 90b8- on wednesday may 19th the minister of veterans af fairs the honourable hugues lapointe moved that the house go into committee to consider the following resolution that it is expedient to bring in a measure to amend the vet erans land act to provide fi nancial and technical assist ance to veterans for home con struction and also to provide further financial assistance to veterans presently settled un der the act as fulltime farmers or who may be so settled in the future and to veterans who may in the future become qua lified as parttime farmers or commercial fishermen this resolution presented by the minister seeks authoriza tion by the house to introduce a bill to amend the veterans land act by adding to it two new parts to provide veterans with new means of assistance to build their own homes and to settle on the land for full- time or parttime farming this portion of the bill will be known as part 2 of the vet erans land act its purpose is to assist veterans o world war 2 and the korean operations to become home owners it is par ticularly designed to assist vet erans who because of the na ture and location of their em ployment cannot be established conveniently on two or three acres of land as parttime farm ers under the veterans land ct and whose income is not sufficient to meet payments on the cost of a home built by a regular contractor under the national housing act in introducing this resolu tion the minister expressed the opinion that in his experience he found that many veterans if given technical guidance and supervision were willing and ready to put their own labour into building a modern home and thus bringing the cost with in their reach the assistance proposed by the department provides training courses which are iplanned to give the veter ans who are concerned a gen eral knowledge of house build ing supervision and technical guidance during construction financing on an interestfree basis while the work is in prog ress the supply of standard plans and drawings and free legal service up to and includ ing deed and mortgage under this measure there will be no conditional grant as for fulltime and parttime farmers but veterans retain their right to reestablishment credit which if it has not been used may form all or part of the down payment required under this proposed legislation this ell authorizes the director of the veterans land act to en ter into a construction contract with an eligible veteran who after a course of instruction or another suitable test is con sidered to be competent to build his own house and who has been approved for a loan under the national housing act refore entering into such a contract the veteran must ei ther pay to the director not less than ss00 to be used to purch ase a lot o transfer to the director title to a suitable lot worth at least that amount or make his down payment partly in land and partly in cash there will be no restriction as to the size of the lot provided it is suitable for a singlefamily dwelling this cash or land require ment will serve first as a se curity deposit during the life of the building contract and second as all or part of the veterans down payment when the property is reconveyed to him subject to a mortgage in favour of central mortgage and housing corporation or an ap proved lender under the na tional housing act the cost of construction up to a maximum of eight thou sand dollars will be financed through regular progress pay ments by the director from a revolving fund of 15000000 upon the completion of the house the director will con vey title to the property to the veteran and register a mort gage in favour of the lender the proceeds of this mortgage will reimburse the revolving fund this legislation was approved by all parties in the house and will be most welcome to veter ans who have up until now been unable to donate their own labour to the construction of their home for the purpose of holding the cost down to where they are able to handle it prop erly the canadian legion pro posed this sort of plan in a brief which they presented to the government last november do you remember when your firstborn was put into your arms there are few moments in all of life which can compare with this experience there are none greater mother forgets the long months of waiting the hours of childbirth in the joy of feel ing this warm vibrant little bundle with the soft hair the long lashes sweeping the deli cate pink cheek the miniature nose and mouth she slips one of her fingers into a tiny shell- like palm and babys fingers close tightly around hers i had no idea a new baby was so small a young father said recently but when i looked through the hospital nursery glass at my son asleep in the tiny crib did i ever feel big many a father is almost as relieved as a mother that the baby is safely here and is perfect in every way if fa ther had been counting on a boy and a daughter arrives any sense of disappointment soon disappears little girl ba- bies have ways of casting a spell over their fond fathers one of the loveliest of good wishes for a childs future ap peared in antony a record of youth by the earl of lyt- ton antony writes these lines to lady gage after the birth of her son may all the besl things in the world be his al ways and life fall on his shoul ders like a brave rich and beautiful cloak the best things in the world all parents want just that for their children and whether or not boys and girls will receive this heritage de pends to a great extent upon the character and ideals of the parents the mother or father must try to 10 what they want their children to become be cause example is so much more effective than precept a welladjusted happy suc cessful individual usually comes from a home where par ents enjoy their children it is by nancy cleaver try to understand the reasons for desirable or undesirable be haviour a good parent views problems objectively and not with a personal or emotional bias in a recent book mary lin coln biography of a marriage by r p randall there is a chapter four dollars a week of the early married life of tne future president of the united states the author writes one can picture the anxiety in the deepset eyes at the birth of his firstborn and then their lighting with the joy of father hood a basic human experi ence had come to the lincolns to bind them together two heads bent over the perennial miracle of a newborn baby flesh of their flesh from this time on the name molly dis appears from the record some times lincoln called her play ful pet names like puss childwifeor little woman but mostly after this he called her mother freda newton bunner a canadian poet who is the mo ther of three children has echoed the emotions of many parents as they look down on the lovely little form of their baby in these thoughtful lines whioh are quoted by special permission newborn this is our child at last the dream of yesterday is past and now he liesa person in my arms what have we done what have we done brought a new soul to birth to face a lifetime on this earth all lies ahead and whats ahead oh god what glory or what dread what can we do we are not wise enough we two to guide this precious life we have begun god show the way we both must pray them birth when a man plants a tree he can choose the species he can select the spot he can nurture it with food and water year by year as his own life passes he with a spirit that keeps the planets in their courses and offers man an occasional glimpse of the light at the end of the trail ottawa journal b ax an inexpensive auoyabtemip ilhanwur 1954 hociaor vow see fxs oftmuaaynjyeneversleiibefore- not easy to enter imaginatively into their joys and sorrows and i we both each day ontario department of travel publicity hon i p ceciie qc minister round sirloin t bone 65 lb standing rib roast 52 lb shoulder roast 40 lb smoked picnic hams 49 lb side bacon 69 lb beef pork liver 39 lb leg roast of pork 65 lb carnation milk 16 oz 14 oboyles meat market ihone 3 stouffville bedroom suites xattowa finish regular 19000 sale price 160 radios tv sets l e oneill furniture real buys new johnson floor polisher regular 5950 reduced o 53500 one used johnson floor polisher 1000 floglaze 4hour enamel variety of colors clearing at 175 ql suffolk viceroy lawn mower 1295 wsss3hs famous clipper lawn mower 1695 toro power mowers whirlwind and reeltype 9900 up main street siouftville plastic weed killer cane 249 those popular karry karts 649 100 ft hose reel only 425 a great variety of gift suggestions for the june bride you will enjoy shopping in hendricks hardware stouffville phone 283w childrens s we still have a wide variety in all sizes materials and colors some as low as 650 25 reduction on all ladies coats suits drop in and see our large range of ladies summer dresses h widen stouffville clothing store phone 273 kovvvvvcovvvocccvc all vvvcvvvvv vvvjnv