the tribune stouffviue out thursday apri 15 1954 the pickering vote by poll on friday a o powell 27 106 101 2s calverts 100 87 91 100 liverpool 98 34 36 97 dunbarton 205 132 111 22 rouge 253 112 97 340 e woodlands 113 06 it a cherrywood 43 84 78 40 kinsale 7 92 s3 12 brougham 38 237 213 01 whltevale 2s 14s 129 41 mt zion 14 107 102 21 claremont 87 193 178 100 spangs 9 121 111 14 pickering beach ss 19 21 89 fr bay 111 75 79 110 fairport beach 94 82 os 101 highland creek m co 17 111 brock bd sin 25 104 101 25 31 8s 87 172 300 101 35 9 54 29 15 95 9 s2 92 72 71 24 61 79 107 278 9s 45 s 28 18 14 55 5 s5 91 75 111 15 95 93 37 111 118 go 7s s5 244 139 104 17s 109 19 s5 go 57 100 29 9s 96 173 291 100 42 9 90 co 29 90 94 52 7 91 95 42 159 130 5s 87 80 30 190 240 27 137 149 9 103 101 74 195 1s1 4 123 119 ss 10 22 120 55 si 7s 59 103 70 39 51 31 s3 100 missionary conies to stouffviue native africans are differ ent from americans they are either completely heathen or devout christians there are o inbetweens 1531 1813 1718 1653 1377 1277 1772 13s1 1570 1910 ballantrae ballantrae wa held their easter meeting at the church last wednesday mrs ii crow- hurst pres was in charge the service opened with the hymn crown him with many ciowns the lesson was the risen christ after the devo tional period group two enter tained and provided lunch miss maud jaynes sang near er still nearer and accompa nied herself on her autoharp mrs fred cummings read the legend of the dogwood mrs pens pattenden was pianist after singing the hymn when 1 survey the wondrous cross mrs crowhurst closed the meeting with prayer we wish a speedy recovery to mr will hood who is get ting around on crutches result of an accident while at work at the vivian reforestation mr w cockerill is home again after visiting with his family for the winter months congratulations to mr and mrs mient wiersma on the birth of their baby boy born april 3rd mr and mrs george talbot visited last thursday with mr loo evangel book shop uxbridge ontario books fiction devotion theology music bibles and childrens books gifts glass lerninstone plaques china novelties motto sunday school awards stationery cards open every afternoon except wednesday and saturday night po box 422 phone 370 oooo and mrs harry windsor and family at whitby little gayle and robert pat terson are on the sick list we wish them a speedy re covery the sewing group met at the home of lmrs j paisley last thursday fourteen ladies wore present mrs j ward of los angeles cal entertained the ladies with a very interesting talk on los angeles and also showed some pictures great missionary convention april 19th to 25th stouffviue united missionary church monday evening 19th kev john henderson of sudan interior mission will show film entitled out stretched hands tuesday evening 20th miss c cuthhertson representa tive of the voice of the andes will show film the story of a vision wednesday evening 21st rev harold hallnian from nigeria west africa thursday evening 22nd miss mary keinrath illustrated lecture entitled the benefit of the persecution friday evening 23rd rev e benedict illustrated lecture entitled reapers are needed sunday services missionary day in sunday school 10 am miss tjageer will speak in the morning service at 1100 am subject the gates of hell in nigeria sunday evening rev r reilly director for youth for christ in calcutta india bloomington the april meeting of the ladies aid was entertained at the home of mr and mrs zwier in stouffviue on wed afternoon the roll call was answered by a verse of scrip ture containing the word res urrection the quarterly mis sionary offering was taken by miss fockler amounting to thirtyfour dollars birthday greetings were sung to mrs g w ibrown mrs h burnett and lmrs a w storry two dresden plate quilts just completed by the sewing com mittee and made at the home of mrs w dougherty were on exhibit the program in charge of mrs chas tindall included a reading by mrs e lemon scripture- lesson by mrs m barnes mrs jos winterstein and miss a fockler sang two duets bev ihuson of the united missionary church brought a missionary message mrs zweir and miss nellie zweir served refreshments mr and mrs m barnes and mr robt barnes were visit ing in toronto on sunday and mrs l paisley returned with them for a visit mr earl davis was in to- lonto over the weekend mr howard mills conducted the church service here on sunday morning in the absence of the pastor rev g w brown who with mrs brown and beverley are motoring with friends to florida mr r johns ton and miss alta fockler sang a duet rev and mrs h shantz and daughters of petrolia are vis iting with her parents mr and mrs o tranmer mrs germaine is ill and in a nursing home in stouffviue is the opinion which many of us hold but harold mailman home from his first term in nigeria west africa knows this is not true the voruba people with whom he has worked are definitely among the group who have a form of godliness hut deny the lower thereof rev hallman was deeply impressed with this fact when three of the sunday school scholars with whom he worked drowned in the nigel- river and the parents were left to mourn and wail not know ing whether or not their chil dren were going to be with the heavenly father they are a people without hope this ex perience has caused rev hall- man to plead for the prayers of those here at home although converted as a sun day school scholar in his home church in ontario when a boy mr hallman was for many years unwilling to have gods best for his life he was anx ious to be a farmer but he knew god wanted him as a missionary in africa the night when he and his wife de cided definitely to follow every leading of god was a highlight in his life preparation for the foreign field brought many difficulties but with gods help and his own determination he was able to meet the standards for serv ice he is a graduate of em manuel bible college in on tario before going to africa he served as a pastor in onta rio while stationed in the heart of africa their baby boy con tracted polio the story of how god miraculously under took to answer the prayers of his people is a burning part of irev hallmans message mr hallman has worked among and studied the lang uages of both the hausa and kamberri tribes the language of the latter tribe has not yet been reduced to writing you will be thrilled to hear him speak of his interesting ex periences and of the work in which he has been engaged at the stoulfville united mission ary church april 21st s00 pm altona mr and mrs cecil neale and family of toronto had tea sun day evening with mr and mrs john pallister april 18 deadline for warble fly treatment live stock branch reminds cattle owners that where town ship bylaws have been passed cattle must be treated penal ties provided for failure live stock branch of the on tario department of agricul ture has issued a warning to all cattle owners residing in townships where bylaws have been passed under the provis ions of the warble fly control act that they must have their cattle treated between april 1st and april 18th and again 30 days later penalties are pro vided under the act in the case of persons who fail to treat their cattle in the manner and at the times prescribed to date some 210 township councils have passed bylaws under the warble fly control act since 1918 of this number thirtythree township councils enacted the necessary bylaws this year under the terms of the orig inal bylaws owners were re quired to treat all cattle for warble grubs after the con trol program had been in op eration for two years the coun cil had the authority to pass a second bylaw exempting cat tle over three years of age which are free from warbles and calves born after septem ber 1st of the preceding year to date approximately 20 town ships have taken advantage of this provision of the act ontario live stock commis sioner w- p watson points out that in order to obtain a high measure of control two treat ments are required the first treatment must be applied be tween april 1st and 18th the second treatment during the month of may in view of the fact that ap proximately one month elapses between the time the warble grub pierces the hide and even tually emerges an interval of one month should elapse be tween treatments two methods of treatment are recognized in the act namely the brush and the spray method unde r the brush method the mixture is applied with a scrub brush while the mixture is applied by a pressure sprayer under the other method regardless of the method used care must be exercised to insure that the backs of the animals are thor oughly wetted the mixture must penetrate through the openings in the hide and come in contact with the grub other wise it will not be killed rhenone has proven very ef fective in destroying this pest it is sold commercially in the form of derris powder this powder when mixed with wa ter is used in the treatment vandorf vandorf womens institute will meet at the home of mrs geo richardson on wed apri 21 there will be a report of the standing committees and the roll call will be an emer gency hint current events mrs c powell hostesses mrs h long mrs c pogue and mrs f van nostrand congratulations to mr and mrs arthur preece muriel pattenden on the arrival of their son and also to mr and mrs ray mccarrbh on the birth of a daughter mr and mrs gordon mackey and bruce were sunday sup per guests of mr and mrs grant morley and billie glad to report that miss ruth white is improving after her long illness mrs charles dibb enter tained at an afternoon tea and personal shower on saturday for mrs harvey preston who recently returned from eng land masters bill little and bry- son powell are spending the easter holidavs with mr and mrs h c powell the keswick koraleers are presenting a variety program in vandorf hall on thursday evening april 22 at s pm they are being sponsored by wesley womens association spring always brings the urge to hit the open road which you find closed for re pairs ooooooooooooooc it takes a lot more than just hot air to keep you breezing along in the course of time one can become accustomed to almost anything in this implausible world except of course an ingrowing toenail freeport silos now made in canada ijasting vibrated concrete with the exclusive corrugated staves completely interlocked top bottom and sides a picture of beauty with outstanding features manufactured by macoun bros box 337 campbellford ont locaii dealer i ken walker j markham rr2 j phone stouffviue 65510 sooooqoooooooqot federation of agriculture unit for uxbridge twp a meeting was held in good wood hall recently when twen ty interested farmers did much toward putting an organization off on the right foot mr a gerrow of scugog isl and president of the south ontario county federation of agriculture was chairman for the meeting and introduced mr 1 a c k 1 i n representative from the provincial federation mr jacklin outlined some of the efforts of the provincial group in the hog marketing agency marketing schemes coop movements and legisla- tion to improve agricultural conditions there was some discussion regarding the hog marketing agency for that was the week that hogs going through the agency brought s315j and hogs sold direct to the packers brought s3350 for the farmer uxbridge township needs no introduction to the coop move ment but the hospitalization offered by the federation the auto insurance and the coop stores were mentioned so that all farmers might be sure they were using these privileges for their greatest value it was reported that the most outstanding complaints in ux bridge township had been the grading of eggs and the prices of potatoes and beef in reply to the price of potatoes it was suggested that the county fed eration might be able to help through its radio broadcast in- selling potatoes providing the growers produced the best in quality there is always a mar- ket for quality foods mr gerrow read a copy of a proposed bylaw for a township organization and asked the wish of the meeting it was moved by mr clubine that the township organiza tion be formed the motion was seconded by mr harper and carried directors were named for each school section some of those named were not in the meeting and mrs hamer was asked to do more fieldwork around the township as soon as the roads improved so that more would be acquainted with i the wonk of the federation before another mooting was called those named were school section no 1 mr ball mr c gould mrs stjohn ss2 mr and mrs turner forsyth mr ei johnson mr and mrs hogg gordon ewen ss3 ivan norton ss1 mr wm shillinglaw ss5 mr and mrs albert illockley ss0 mr and mrs morgan hill mr grant drewery ss7 mr and mrs harry harper ss8 mr bruce beach ss9 mr bruce taylor mr kennedy mr lome tin dall sijlo mr and mrs lloyd feasby mr gordon risebor- ough ss11 mr and mrs jack johnson mr clarence armstrong ss12 mr and mrs robert l nesbitt mr bol lewis msj2m nows the time to fertilize use targanic will not burn promotes healthy vigorous growth in old or new lawns fine for shrubs plants etc 100 lb bag 475 50 lb bag 285 25 lb bag 1s0 this year mow with reo see our display of reo and bob-a- lawn power mowers a size and type to suit every lawn bobalawn is rotary mower with briggs stratton 4 cycle 9750 engine reo mowers standard model deluxe 18 cut deluxe 21 cut 11225 14900 15950 garden tools of all kinds lawn roller for rent st oufser hardware stouffviue ontario ftwvrvvvv mesh leather combinations patent suede childrens savage shoes lehmans shoes