the tribune stouaviiie onu thursday february is 1954 gouzenko gambles future in filmed tv program igor gouzenko former soviet decoding clerk in the russian embassy in toronto i- shown in the first photo ever permitted of him as he appeared with drew pearson on his tv show wanted dead or alive by enemy agents from behind the iron cur tain gouzenko risked his life appearing n exclusive filmed tv program wear ing a specially designed mask to protect his ident ify the gouzenko film in which be is alleged to have disclosed information that had been restricted thus far was made in can da at an undisclosed idea tion in cooperation with the canadian government crm ttion as to the date the filming was withheld as a o urity measure in order to permit gouzenko enough time io return to js closely guarded quar- i rs somewhere in canada united church will call for abstinence vole the board of evangelism and social service of the un ited church of canada will make an appeal dur ing the lenten season for 500- 000 people to voluntarily de clare their abstinence from drinking alcoholic beverages the board chums that 200- people in the united church have already declared their support of the united churchs temperance policy by signing declaration of purpose cards or forms used by congregations as groups declaring that the consump tion of beverage alcohol is in creasing the united church board describes the problem as serious it claims that 1 million canadians drink bev erage alcohol united church ministers lave been provided with fac tual material outlining the temperance policy of the unit ed church of canada as slat ed by the general council the literature also points out that the church recognizes the liberty of conscience in this matter purpose cards will be dis tributed signing will be pure ly voluntary forms will be posted in churches for group signatures the wording of the card reads in harmony with the spirit of new testa ment teaching that i must not do anything whereby my bro ther stumbleth romans 1421 and trusting in my lord and saviour jesus christ for strength i purpose voluntarily to ab stain from the use of alcohol as a beverage for my own sake the welfare of my fam ily and my influence on oth ers claim packers trying to break marketing agency the south ontario county j federation of agriculture met at myrtle ou wednesday feb i 3rd present were twelve diri ectors representing every township in the south end of i the county john hamer secre tary read the minutes follow ed by the financial report and correspondence i was decided on motion of mr johns seconded bv mr a downey that mr j pow ers and mr r rodd be com mittee for the cooperators insurance to promote auto in- j surance in the county reports were heard from the delegates to the annual con- j vention and various phases of i marketing were discussed mr harper told how the potato growers in this country have refused to sponsor the mark eting scheme presented to them this scheme is finding much favour in other counties and perhaps after the farmers have had more time to think about it they will fee better qualified to vote for the idea it was brought out that packing houses are working hard trying to break the hog marketing agency by paying truckers to deliver hogs direc tly to the plant instead of tak ing them to the agency and necessitating the packing hou ses bargaining for them in ome cases the trucker gets 50 cents per hog and in other cases the trucking is paid in other ways of course the far mer pay the trucking on his hogs too so the packing hous es are using the truckers to break the value of the market ing system this scheme has never been equalled in advan tages to the farmer and it is the responsibility of the own er of the hogs to see that the hogs do go through the mark et there was a discussion re garding a coming meeting la ter in february to promote the brucellosis vaccination in reach township it was moved by mr harp er and seconded by mr dow ney that the president secret- wwr hello everybody we want you to know that we hove friendly ser vice and good products to offer in 1954 this year folks start your baby chicks on the famous purina chick startena we are earryintr a fresh stock of all iurina chows on hand and will deliver your requirements riirht to your farm household finance offers two products one is money the other is far more imporlant it is a combination of service and management this is vital because money is only as powerful as good management makes if we offer quick friendly dependable service and the advice of properly trained men and women we offer counsel on how to improve the management of your resources it is this service which brings three out of every four borrowers to hfc for help write for our free informative booklet money manage ment your budget at consumer education department 80 richmond street west toronto ontario these book lets are also available at any of our branch offices 0usih0ld finance canadas largest most recommended consumer finance company series of crop meetings encouraged by the success of the series of weekly after noon meetings last year the york county soil crop im provement association has de cided to carry out a similar program this year the first meeting will deal with fertil isers and land use with th lane of the ontario agricul tural college soils department as speaker on friday feb 19 the remainder of the meet ings will be held on mondays commencing feb 22nd and will include grain crops hus king corn and drainage all meetings will be held in the board room of the depart ment of agriculture newmar ket from 145 to 1 pm and all speakers will be supplied by the ontario agricultural col lege either slides or motion pictures will be shown as part of the programs last year the average attendance was ap proximately sixty which was the objective set by the direc tors this size of meeting gives a better opportunity for ques tions and discussion notices will be mailed to all members of the association a professor claims the av erage man has no head for fi tires he better have with the income tax coming up hlmid of sunshine a flying side trip to havana where you spend two nights and one day sightseeing is a feature of this attractive tour in florida you visit st augustine silver springs tampa and st petersburg in miami youenjoy a tour of miami and miami beach then the scenic south bay cruise and a trip to key west and there sightseeing all the woy when you go by bus ask your agent for wore details of this and many other pleasure planned vacations round trip fare from toronto subcf to change includes hotel room for 13 nights 2 in o room snowbalps barber shop ph slouffville 270j2 more chicks are started on iurina chick start ena than any other chick starter altona feed supplies rr3 claremont fred lewis your purina dealer phone slouffville 61306 ary and mrs hamer approach east whitby uxbridge and reach townships regarding the halfmill rate for financing carried it was moved by mr a downey that the delegates to the convention be paid ex penses mileage and hotel bills motion seconded by mr a johns and carried a public relations plan was discussed mrs hamer had been approached concerning a plan to use radio for public relation work and she presen ted an offer from station cklb to use a 10minute period each saturday from 1250 to 100 o clock a sample script was read and found favor with the directors it was moved by mr rodd seconded by mr harper that mrs hamer be hired to write the script and deliver same for the radio sta tion ckdb for die south ont this is an era which will be recalled when a bankroll had plenty of roll to it you can depend on a for depend able fine car features a j i ls rr abt yy k nfc cl 4- sa ps on 11 find more of them than ever in the 1954 ere are still more dodge fine car features mi add hydrive noshift driving idno offers the lowestpriced and rt noshift driving you just shift j r and go hydrlve will keep ur car young for many years ike it worth more at any time add full power steering you have effortless parking and steer ing all driving becomes easier and safer with dodge full power steering now available on all dodge models at moderate cost when dodge offers you new features they stand up with dodge dependability lets look at some and try them feel the dodge ride more level smoother softer a real finecar luxury ride your docige hugs the road takes curves in its stride then note the full clear vision all round the belter closein view over the low hood look at the quality of dodge upholstery fine fabrics and soft leathergrained vinyl beautiful twotone shades to harmonize with new body colours and feel the comfort of dodge chairhigh seats theres full support under your knees and behind your hips and shoulders youll feel safer in a dodge too theres a lower centre of gravity for stability clear safe vision with constantspeed electric windshield wipers safety rim wheels independent parking brake dualcylinder frontwheel brakes for safe stops for thrilling performance theres a new more powerful dodge engine with higher compression to get the most from modern gasolines with finecar precision engineering for long life and economy roadtest the 1954 dodge discover how much more dodge gives you in finecar features ijasatz 6 gcjb wife dodge lrwixa tidfc ub juhw lovtll manufactured in canada by chrysler corporation of canada limited keyson motors limited phone 390 stouffville ontario