the tribune stouffville ont thursday january 7 1954 the tribune stouffville established 1sss member of the canadian weekly newspaper association j and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized as fcondclasj mall postoffice dept ottawa printed and issued everv thursday at stouffville ont in canada 250 elsewhere 300 c h nolan editor jas thomas sports assist a v nolan son publishers notes and comments old tin bath tub brings memories the past 50year span has been outstanding from the standpoint of personal cleanliness since 1909 the per capita use of toilet soap in the united states and presumably also in canada has increased 300 per cent bath facilities in the home have been revolutionized in fact there were many homes minus bathrooms 50 years ago and now practically every one has a bathroom and many have two authority for these figures is jr dick of the nat ional vanity corporation bayonne nj he should know because his business devotes itself to glamoriz ing the bathroom which is a flourishing business at the turn of the century bathing facilities in the home were rather primitive and tubs were prominent most of the bathrooms had the tin variety one too can recall the cold rooms because heating was difficult and saturday nights all the children of the family in turn from the oldest to the youngest were bathed with fresh hot water being added for each vic tim bathing was an adventure then not a pleasure as now whether the improved bathrooms caused the greater use of soap or the desire to be cleaner than 50 years ago is a debatable point the cold bathroom with the tin tub has gone the way of the potbellied stove in the hall with the red mica window and the wood shed the new bath rooms have brought oodles of colored and perfumed soap and finally soap operas that get milady all adith- er with suspense what the picture will be 50 years hence regarding soap bathrooms and soap operas we shudder to think cannot force anyone to church one of the most ridiculous suggestions we have heard for a long time was recently made to the ontar io legislatures select committee on reform institutions a body which has been almost swamped with ideas of cranks and fanatics this suggestion was that a law shouldbe passed making it compulsory for children to take their parents to church it is hard to believe that a suggestion of this kind was made seriously we do agree that it is eminently desirable in the interests of character building that children should in their early lives be made familiar with church and with sunday school one of the sad facts about our modern living has been the decline in sunday schools generally from the standpoint of enrolment and atten dance it does seem as if parents do not encourage their children as they used to do to attend sunday school but passing a law to compel their parents to take children to church and sunday school is quite a differ ent matter from giving them encouragement to attend the essence of christianity is that it is voluntary it cannot be imposed from without but must come from an inner spiritual experience people can be led to it but they can never be driven to it and any measure of compulsion would destroy the deep spiritual value of the christian religion christs own way of putting it was come unto me ye are weary and heavy laden and i will give you rest the founder of christianity never suggested parental compulsion or any other kind of compulsion to bring followers to himself we already have enough laws that are neither en forced nor obeyed enough laws that are defiantly dis obeyed in a spirit of bravado it would be senseless to add to the list a law that would be impossible of en forcement even if a new army of sin hounds were cre ated for that purpose then and now since the colder weather arrived a lot of new at tention has been paid to the heaters in cars and there is a lot of griping if they arent working well many of us can remember when motorists felt lucky if the side curtains werent flapping as the car breezed along at 35 miles an hour restore postal efficiency the principal advantage of higher postal rates in canada after april 1 next year will be that airmail ser vice within the country will be provided where avail able at ordinary rates that is an advance in efficiency on a national basis but it is being achieved at the cost of efficiency in local urban mail deliveries transcan ada air transport for first class mail has been in at least partial effect for some time with additional cost to the post office department savings were made however owing to the one delivery per day in most cities includ ing toronto that saving also made possible the wage increase to postal workers an increase which has pub lic approval but with the national postal rate going up to five cents and the local delivery rate up to four cents the postal department is under no obligation to restore former efficiency in the latter field a recent shift of toronto areas to different postal zones has resulted for instance in making the onceaday delivery in the afternoon instead of the morning as formerly this is having the effect of delaying the exchange of corres pondence by a full day a backward step in metropoli tan postal service higher postage costs and less service are not con sonant with the obligations of the post office to citiz ens the post office is not supposed to be a revenue pro ducing department its proper function is to provide an essential public service at cost part of the essential quality of that service is prompt delivery unless urb an deliveries are improved the higher local rates can not mean anything else than that finance minister abbott is in course of changing the post office into a revenuetproducing service without regard to serving public need in debating the new rates members of parliament need not pay too much attention to post office surplus es they are irrelevant in the circumstances to the re cent deterioration in local delivery methods there seems to be little point in jacking up postal costs to make airmail available at ordinary rates when local de liveries are as late as early evening and continue on a onceaday basis the globe and mail for parents only happiness in the new year happy new year we wish our friends and we wonder what 1954 will hold for them and for us our children have been having a marvelous christmas holiday but gifts and entertaining have reduced the family bud get to an alltime low per haps we reflect that childhood is a carefree time compared to adult year- with responsib ilities and anxieties but it is important that mother and dad achieve satis faction in their work they need to relax and enjoy their leisure time if either parent is habitually dissatisfied or ir ritable the atmosphere in the home will be anything but happy because mother spends more time with her hildren than father to a great extent it is she who col ors their outlook on life if she is naturally cheerful and optimistic it is likely to be a happy new year for all the fa mily what are some of the paths to happy living instead of thinking of a whole year stret ching before us we should break the long span of a year into days we only have to live one day at a time this is one secret of successful living regret over past mistakes or fears of future happenings should not be allowed to dar ken todays blue sky a social service worker in a slum area always kept a flower in the little vase on her desk it reminds me that beauty can always be found if i look for it even in tangled lives and squalid surround ings sbe told a friend a tea cher in his farewell talk to his pupils who were going into collegiate gave them three fine suggestions for daily liv ing each day we learn one new thing help someone else and have some fun yourself you may have your own ways offinding and maintain ing serenity of spirit looking for beauty being alert for by xauiy cleaver new ideas or information ha ving a helpful attitude to oth er people are certainly good paths to happiness relaxing and enjoying life is also very important many parents are so ambit ious to get ahead to give their children more advanta ges than they had that they become tense or fatigued they forget that some of the things which children need most cannot be compared with mo ney do our children look at us and conclude that being a grown up isnt much fun has the weight of our duties some how destroyed our zest for living they are being cheat ed and so are we if in our daily lives there is little of the glow of happiness the older children get the more things there are to wor ry about one mother said ra ther petulantly if it isnt an xiety over illness youre scar ed they will be in an accident or start going around with an undesirable gang dear me you make parent hood sound like a very dreary business her friend laughed in reply whenever 1 see how empty a home is without chil dren even if it is extremely tidy im thankful for my two young ragamuffins if i get feeling sorry for myself on a day when nothing goes well i just recall my old granny quoting from the bible god setteth the solitary in famil ies and then adding ive no doubt that god knows what he was doing he wants us to be happy sometimes we bun gle things and start grumbling but heres no use blaming o- thers or saying our luck is bad or fhe worlds against us its very much to us whether or not a new year or a new day turns out to be a happy one happy new year for us and for our children let us do our part to makeit come true this weeks sunday school lesson jesus uses his authority olden text god is a spirit autl liny hat worship him tuust worship him iu spirit and iu truth john 424 the lkssox as a whole approach to the lesson there are some peculiarities in johns gospel which are exceedingly interesting one oi these is that its voc abulary is the smallest and simplest of all the gospels yet it presents more profound doctrine than any of the oth- ck perhaps that is a hint to those of its who are preachers the doctrinal content is very high in the fourth gosp el indeed the history seems to be quite secondary to the doc trine see how the story of nicodemus introduces the doc trine of the new birth the story of the samaritan wom an brings out wonderful truth about god and worship the feeding of the live thousand leads to the teaching about the bread of life and so it goes throughout the book over against a remarkable absence of parables there is a wealth one might almost say a riot of imagery the shepherd passage chap 10 and the vine passage chap 15 are hot true parables but the imagery is vivid and mag nificent again there are only eight miracles of christ related in johns gospel while matthew and luke twenty these fig- and luke twent these fig ures are taken from v gra ham scroggies a guide to the gospels fleming h re- vell co westwood nil so of these eight only two are recorded elsewhere the feed ing of the five thousand rec orded by all theevangelists and christs walking on the water related by matthew and mark hero are the eight in order water into wine the noblemans have you got mice in your evergreens believe it or not mice are regarded in some parts of on tario ts no 1 among hazards resetting owners of ever green plantations even more insidious than fire or smother ing by grass they girdle the trees in the fall and winter and although the trees may look fine the damage shows up in the spring and they die the next year lake huron district fores ter ic marritt of hespeler offering suggestions for coping with the mice menace says it has been the generally accepted view that the mice do not cause damage until af ter the snow comes they work under the snow so that neither damage nor mice are chopping wood along in january after the falls rush of work is over chopping wood is a pleasant task gray day or bright day there is always something of interest in the woodland shep starts up a rabbit a partridge rises with startling roar chick adees come around and chant their optimistic alto songs this is natures rest time for plants oaks and maples beeches and ash are intricate gray etchings against the win ter sky millions of buds wrap ped in water proof t capsules are patiently biding their time until tne miracle of a new season as the axe sinks in the wood and featheredged chips fly the fragrance of living wood is tangy and bracing the heady fragrance of the wood blends with that of the moist leaves underfoot leaves beginning the magic process which re turns them to humus sometimes there is snow on the ground in the twelfth month and the tangold chips make an abstract pattern on the whiteness sometimes the forest floor is faded brown waiting for the snow hour by hour the pile of chopped limbs and trunks grows in size a man chooses the trees carefully for the day of ruth less cutting is over a wood land gives a crop to be harv ested when trees are right size or when they need to be thinned out late in the after noon when the sun has disap peared a man puts his axe on his shoulder and takes a last look at his days labor some essential work in this world doesnt show very much but a woodpile is evidence to all that a mans labors count ottawa journal detected until spring this fall however one plantation at least is known to have been girdled in october poisoned grain can be set out for the mice as a safe guard for the plantations following is a poisoned ibait recommended 10 quarts of wheat one teaspoon of sac charin half teaspoon of stry chnia sulphate in onethird cup of boiling water and mix this with melted tallow then pour mixture into wheat and stir well a bushel of wheat will cover 20 acres of planta tion the poison mr marritt ad vises should be put in contain ers which the mice can get in to but which small animals and birds cannot enter one- quart oil cans with small hol es should be ideal obtainable at the local garage cans should be placed in the plantations before the snow comes so that they become covered as protection against scattering the grain over the ground and endangering birds if the cans arc put out in the snow holes should be dug so that they may be placed se curely the district forester savs 1 turning john 2111 2 healing son 41054 3 healing the impotent man at bethesda 519 4 feeding the five thousand 0111 5 walking on the sea 010 21 0 healing the man born blind 017 7 the raising of lazarus mil1711 s the draught of fishes af ter the resurrection 21114 other characteristics of this gospel will be given next week verse by verse john 213 and the jews passover was at hand and je sus went the passover commemorating the deliver ance from egypt was one of the three yearly feasts for which the jewish male popula tion was expected to assemble at the appointed center of wor ship see deuteronomy 1610 verse 11 and found in the temple those that sold and the changers of money the business of selling anim als for sacrifice and exchang ing secular money for the she kels of the sanctuary was per fectly legitimate but it was conducted in the wrong place and had degenerated into a racket verse 15 he drove thorn all out and poured out the changers money the stern action of christ is a reflection of the divine wrath against sin grace does not mean an easy attitude to sin verse 10 make not my fathers house an house of merchandise notice how in timately jesus refers to the temple as my fathers house it had not yet been re jected later he calls it your house imait 2338 compare house of merchandise with den of thieves matt 2113 verse 17 the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up the disciples saw in this act a mark of the true prophet psa 699 j this called for faith on their part verse is what sign she- west thou unto us seeing that thou doest these things on the other hand the unbeliev ing jews regarded it as some thing to be challenged they denjanded that the lord jesus christ demonstrate his right to interfere with their traffic verse 19 destroy this temple and in three days 1 will raise it up in verse 14 the word translated temple signifies the entire enclosure including courts here it is the sanctuary the very habita lion of god such was the body of jesus our lord had the crass and resurrection before him at the beginning of his ministry not just toward the end as some suggest verse 20 forty and six year was this temple in build ing the jews of course thought he referred to the ma terial temple and later turn ed his words into an accusa lion matt 2001 actually the restoration of the temple was not yet complete indeed it was completed only six years before its destruction verse 21 but he spake of the temple of his body one of the many comments that john interjects into his narrative verse 22 when there fore he was risen from the dead his disciples remember ed and they believed the very words which stirred the anger of the jews became a confirmation of the faith of the disciples in later days some things which we do not understand at the moment be come luminous in gods time verse 23 many believed in his name when they saw the miracles which he did here was a papular movement based on signs rather pre carious verse 21 but jesus did not commit himself unto them commit is the same verlb as believed in verse 23 jesus knew the shallowness of their faith so he had no faith in them verse 25 he knew what was in man every man is an open book to jesus see heb rews 413 and compare jere miah 1710 the heart of the lesson our lord is not the enemy of legitimate business but business which engages in dis honest or oppressive practic es or business which encroa ches on the rights of god in the soul of man is no longer legitimate and comes under the divine wrath in an econ omy which required animal sacrifices it was to be expect ed that the rearing and selling of suitable cattle would be come a business and at such a feast as the passover when jews gathered from near and far sales would be at their peak and since monetary of ferings must be made in the shekels of the temple the pil- rims would require a money exchange all this however ought to have been done outside the sacred precincts of the tem ple instead the temple courts themselves were turned into market places with the low ing of cattle the bleating of sheep the clanking of coins nd the shouts of the traders on this occasion our lord made no reference to the dis honest practices as he did on a later day matt 2113 but centered his rebuke on the in trusion of this trading into the place hallowed for the spi ritual service of worship in stead of sanctifying the secu lar these men had seculariz ed the sacred thus the tem ple was defiled what gave our lord the right to move against the des ecration of the temple in jer usalem the fact that his own temple the temple of his own body was kept inviolate the body was a true sanctu ary of god and was wholly tie- voted to the will of god even unto death but beyond death was the triumph of the third day and that was to be the perpetual sign of his author ity in all the house of god our lord is building anoth er temple of living stones eph 21922 1 pet 24 5 in this temple the stones are be lievers real believers like the stones in portland quarry which were rejected by sir christopher wren for his mas- terworks in london so there are spurious believers who do not become part of the holy temple one nicodemus is worth a host of sign believ ers vs 2325 flecked look trend in suits mens clothing is undergo ing a style trend that design ers hope will catch the mascu line taste permanently a check indicates this trend might be christened the fleck ed look sedate business suits in black charcoal gray dark blue or brown are now being manufactured with sprinkles of fleck the flecks are short irregul- ir lines of white red orange or light blue that give color and dash to what otherwise would have been a dark garb a practical note which give- motif the edge over glen plaid or pin stripes is that it will easily match accessories the reason flecks are less assertive they blend into the solid dark background of the cloth giving the suit a plain solid look like an ordinary flannel one local merchant felt the mens wear industry is wis ing up at long last he said theyre beginning to give mens clothes that are digni fied and practical yet appeal ing to a fellows vanity and his yen for the colorful with out making him feel like the sheik of araby colourful diamond sox a poor seller for some time are making a comeback the cas ual youthful quality of these socks doesnt stop them from being more and more popular with businessmen and college iboys alike with the accent on neatness hats are being made narrow er suit lapels are also nar rower for the same reason the average weight of a suit has gone down sharply a suit doesnt have to be heavy to be warm a cloth ier explained a lightweight warm suit will not only look better and fit better under your overcoat but it will ac tually make you feel less tir ed at the end of the day he said the ox and the frog a little frog was playing about at the edge pool when an ox came down to the water to drink in fear the little frog swam home why are you so frightened asked his mother an enormous creature with four iegs came to our pool this morning replied the little frog enormous was he was he as big as this asked the mother frog puffing herself out to look as big as possible oh yes much bigger was the answer the mother frog puffed herself out still more was he as big as this said she oh yes yes mother much bigger said the little frog and yet again she puffed herself out as big as she began but then she burst moral growing bigger takes time and hurryup methods are apt to be risky the sure way to financial growth is to open a savings account with the canadian bank illustration by arthur rackham from the hcinrmann edition of auops fabus of commerce add to it regularly and watch your balance swell and swell safely visit our nearest branch today and start growing your bank balance the canadian bank of commerce