the tribune stouffville ont tnursday november 2 1953 quality service our 0 line of feeds own egg0 egg0 chick grower egg0 laying mash egg0 broiler mash egg0 fattening feed pork0 pork0 pig starter pork0 hog grower pork0 hog finisher pork0 hog concentrate milk0 24 dairy ration quality all lop quality ingredients used price priced right down because they are made in our mill from good ingredients saving handling and extra freight charges stiver bros stouffville phone 45wl or 64508 f the director canadian government annuities department of labour ottawa postage free please send me information showing how a canadian government annuity can bring me retirement income at low cost my name is mrhnmiu i live at please print aoe when annuity to start- date or birth telephone i understand that information glvtn abovo will bo held confidential mrs wm hopkins resident here over 40 years following a three weeks stay in hospital mrs william hopkins of spring st stouff ville passed away on saturday evening she had gone into the hospital for surgical ope tion from which she was ap parently making good recov ery when she suddenly suc cumbed mrs hopkins- was in her 70th year born in markham township the deceased has been a resid ent of stouffville for about for tyrive years with the except ion of a brief time spent on the 10th con she was the for mer eliza jane madill and her husband the late william hop kins predeceased her over twenty years- ago the late mrs hopkins enjoyed the rep utation of a good neighbour at the eastend where she spent the greater part of her life she was a member of the stouffville institute surviving are two sons murray and uilbert md one daughter vera mrs harry noble i there are also nine grandchildren and one great grandchild two sisters are mr bert petty and mrs clarke bunker and three bro thers oliver weldrick and er nest madill the funeral on tuesday af ternoon was conducted from oneills funeral chapel by kev douglas davis with in terrhent in the stouffville cem- eterv pallbearers were clarke bunker bert petty reg stouf fer wesley schell walter brillihger and win griffith our local and personal happenings stouffviufis annual nomina tion meeting wilt be held in the high school this friday evening nov 27th the stouffville wi are hol ding a bazaar and afternoon tea in the basement of the u- nited church on saturday nov 2sh from 3 to g pm mr and mrs david smales were in oriilia on sunday vis iting her sister and family mrs smales is staying a few- days mr and mrs percy tarr gordon and miss vera tan- visited with their cousins mr and mrs ray doolittle and mr and mrs rov tarr in oriilia on sunday friends ill be pleased to know that mrs walter miller is progressing favourably since her operation in lock- wood clinic last wednesday she is expected home the end of this week the freak spell of mild wea- although the grass on some of ther which covered part of ca- he lawns around town was riada and the united states last week had poor mother nature practically standing on her head here in stouffville mrs milt storey reported one of her rose bushes was burst ing into bud and crocus bulbs were beginning to protrude through the ground mr kr davis had- a number of pans- ies in bloom while a lilac bushj on the lawn of mr reg mac- l kay was covered with budsfent beginning to produce a second growth the majority of resid ents left their lawn mowers in winter storage a total of 288 pictures were taken at the annual baby day at houstons rexall store on saturday mr hous ton is enthusiastic over the way in which his advertising campaign paid off for this ev- stouffville youth for christ sat 745 second markham baptist church 745 musical prelude 8 pm song- time planned for your enjoyment broadcast time featuring the yfc girls choir and the vivian girls double duet also a special christmas broadcast with the yfc mixed choir and a trio with joy grove phyllis paisley and cyril bedford film prior claim listen ix sunday cklb oshmvii 000 am rally helloes 020 ctor orillln 145 pm ckth st catharines 21 pm n bowan director vol should know with nominations for town council public school board and commissions bein held this friday night several points might be drawn to the attention of citizens in gener al especially those nominated for office proposers and seconders of all nominees must be munici pal electors and must be pres ent at the meeting candidates themselves must be owners or tenants within the municipal ity every candidate nominat ed must be present at the mee ting except where his or her consent to the nomination is produced with the nomination a candidate nominated for more than one office can re sign from candidacy for any of these offices in writing before 9 pm on the same day as the nomination meeting a candi date who does not resign with in the specified time must be deemed to be nominated for the office for which he was first nominated this particu lar point is not too well known among electors and candidat es a voter at municipal elec tions can be an owner or ten ant or the wife or husband of an owner or tenant there is a difference however in connec tion with a candidate who must be an owner or tenant and the wife or husband of an owner or tenant could there fore not qualify unless of course the wife or husband is also part owner or joint ten ant the womans missionary societv of the united church will hold its christmas birth day and mite box meeting on thursday dec 3 at 230 in the church parlour a cordial in vitation is extended to all santa ciaus parade this sa turday afternoon nov 2sth mr and mrs ken kiinck and family visited with his father ho kliuvk and mrs kiinck over the weekend mr bruce clarke of ottawa called on friends in town on friday evening bruce was with the stoutlville coop sev eral years ago mrs j button entertained last thursday at a tea in hon our of mrs r mitchell wife of dr rb mitchell new resi dent doctor in town mr jack smits is in st marys hospital toronto where he underwent an eve operation recently why doesnt some ingenious inventor design an asbestos billfold for those whose money burns their pockets v andrews lnited church choir in markham are nresen- ting the pirates of penzance by gilbert and sullivan on dec 3 4 5 in the united church- hall all seats reserv ed phone 302 or 391 stouffville hydro commi sion has been having a num ber of the large polesearrying high voltage current replaced on main st many cf these pol es have been in service for quite a number of years and were found to be faulty at the base commencing on wednesday dec 9th stouffville stores will remain open each wednesday until christmas in addition they will be open on friday evening dec isth as well as on dec 19 21 22 23 and 24 for the convenience of christ mas shoppers the regular saturday after noon matinee for children at the stanley theatre will be held in the morning at 10 am this week owing to the santa claus parade in the afternoon the feature attraction a won derful show for the kiddies is the scoutmaster with clif ton webb visit the stanley theatre this week during their 30th anniversary and see the won derful entertainment program being offered matinee this saturday morning at 10 am imarkham township and pick ering township will hold their annual nomination meet ings this friday afternoon and uxlbridge township will hold their meeting on monday af ternoon stouffville is still in need of closer supervision to the town street lights local tax payers are paying for the lights and they cost no more on than off its hard to believe but on monday night of this week there were no less than four street lights out between o brien ave and albert st dr and mrs d davis of stratford and mr and mrs a campbell of arnprior and mr lloyd freel spent the week end with their parents dr and mrs hb freel mrs hb freel was in stratford last wednesday at tending a reception in honour of her daughter betty jean now mrs d davis of that city on tuesday evening of last week members of the congre gations of ballantrae lemon- ville and stouffville churches the three charges of mr l eakin gathered at the christ ian church stouffville to ten der mr and mrs eakin a pan try shelf shower mr eakin is the newly appointed minister to these three churches a short program and lunch com pleted the very pleasant even ing imr and mrs allan harp er are shown above cut ting the cake following their marriage on oct 10 in knox presbyterian church midland the bride was bette laurene burtch daughter of mr and mrs gordon burtch mrs f mantle passes after long illness santa claus parade prize bulletin following is a complete list of the prize money for the santa claus parade nov 28th more prizes this year get busy now select your class and get your float planned lets make this parade the best yet its lots of fun best chbistmas float 1st prize 25 2nd prize 15 3rd prize 10 4th 5 best commebcial ob advertising float 1st prize 15 2nd prize 10 best school float 1st prize 20 2nd prize 15 3rd prize r0 4th 5 best decobated bicycle 1st prize 500 2nd prize 300 3rd prize 200 best decobated doll cabbiage 1st prize 500 2nd prize 300 3rd prize 200 note each float must be at the veterans hall for judging purposes not later than 115 pm parade will start at two oclock sharp for information or help contact any member of the chamber of commerce donations to santa claus parade fund the chamber of commerce would like to express their sin cere thanks to the following who with their generous dona tions made it possible to fin ance the santa claus parade imole motors limited fred bv- er earl hoover les wilson t birkett and son donald hod- gins and son belfrey hamil ton stiver bros harry kiinck dr ball dr smith charles mcdonald harry holden meabrays barber shop maple leaf auto sales percy tarr stouitville plan- iiig mill business and profes sional ladies club jul mur phy limited stouffville nurs ing home harolds grill hor ace walsh ken wagg dr bar ker ratcliif and co ted cad- ieux eugene leavens stouff ville and bethesda telephone co red forsyth ch bell and son ken laushway len wilkes george baker central feed store norm farr hen ry ogden tw aida walter smith stouffville cleaners stouffville creamery reg mac kay roy ward rennie tran sport keith middlemiss rich es hardware harry golden lehmans shoe store john houston stouffers hardware shiners re curtis mayfair restaurant storeys drugs a e weldon raxlin furniture schells meat market tribune stouffville bakery midtown garage robt snowball dr freel spofford and co danny oboyle admires grill john matthewson stouffville mach ine and tool three sisters f l button tim oneill ladies auxiliary canadian legion robt hall maple leaf dairy robert burnett the regular division court sitting held at markham on thursday morning and presid ed over by judge denton re quired a little more than fif teen minutes to dispose of the few cases on the docket the case of rogers finance co versus chas winterfield of markham township in the amount of 138 was adjourned a suit for 200 accident dam ages brought by miss marjor- ie cassie against clifford jar- vis both of markham yvas al so adjourned as the defendant was not present toronto city police have seen fit to take steps against the dangerous driving of wed ding parties something from which our local authorities could well take a tip as our good fortune alone has been the only thing to prevent a fatality following many of our weddings in town traffic in spector robert kerr stated this week wedding parties are extremely dangerous a potential menace to the high ways he has issued orders for a general crackdown on excessive noise and excessive speeds in wedding parties parties going through the streets at high speed will stopped and summonsed deputy district governor frank istokvis of west hill paid his official visit to the i stouffville lions club on lmon- day evening he was introduc ed by lion ray fleury thanks was expressed by lion ernie bray and a presentation from the local club was made to the distinguished visitor by lion len wilkes the local lions are holding a ladies night on dec 7th be lincolnville native dies in california over 2000 attend brougham aucxioiv on saturday over 2000 peo ple attended the car and im plement auction on the prop erty of mr john white brou gham some 20000 worth of merchandise was turned over including eighteen cars the sale attracted one of the larg est crowds ever to attend an auction in the district the sale was handled by ken and clarke prentice auctioneers markham another similar sale will probably be held in the spring on monday nov 23rd mrs fred mantle passed away on the 10th concession of mark ham following a lengthy ill ness of nearly five years born near stayner at the home of her parents peter and lizzie raymer the deceased moved to the stouffville district at an early age where she spent most of her life with the ex ception of four years at new market she was identified with the stouffville united missionary church besides her husband the late mrs mantle is survived by two sons howard on the home farm and fred in toron to funeral service was held at the stouffville united mission ary church on wednesday af ternoon at 3 pm conducted by rev f huson with inter ment in the stouffville cemet ery the pall bearers were ja cob reesor fred pugh fred ramer byron boake lloyd mover and john lehman film council news the annual dinner will take place on tuesday january 19 place to be announced later the following have success fully passed their basic train ing in film projection and are fully qualified to operate the sound projectors belonging to the ontario and york counties film council herbert chew ing claremont c clemence rr 1 pickering frank puck- rin irr2 whitby ladima hamill atha jane tiffin mt zion helen ball balsam ar thur deeming myrtle mr lange brougham tom rim- mer markham mrs ef pat terson rr 1 agincourt mrs don kennedy rri markham tj scott markham this brings the total num ber of trained operators in the film council to well over a hun dred in addition to the opera tors having successfully pas sed their basic training there are another dozen or so who have gone on and passed their advanced training the ontario and york film council now have four projec tors at the service of their members the following film librarians may be contacted for film service which includ es a block of films and the loan of a sound projector mr ifred wicks markham mr ken morley pickering mrs clare keevil claremont mr ernie sulman port perry now yon can treat vaginitis in cattle after extensive experlmenta- uon nixon laboratories have developed an effective treat ment for vaginitis is cattle this new nixon product is easy to use and quite inex- renslve if you are having reeding troubles dee to va ginitis drop in and let us ex plain this new proven treat ment that is so simple to use available now at storeys drug store last week word was receiv ed by mrs stewart stouffer on the sudden passing of an un cle abram s barkey in idyll- wild california mr a barkey was born at lincolnviile in the year 1ss0 and spentome thir ty years of his life in san ped ro california the late mr barkey was very talented with musical instruments and for several years was the leader of an orchestra he had been ill only four days and the news of his death came as a shock to his friends and rela tives he was identified with the christian science church and was also a member of the masonic lodge besides his wife the former alice dutch the deceased is survived by one daughter two sisters mrs john lee of stouffville mrs truman grove of ringwood and three broth ers isaac and edward barkey of stouffville and henry liar- key of white rock bc two ether sisters mrs jai grove of ringwood and mrs harry brandon of troblsher saska toon predeceased him several years ago the funeral service was held at hornet california with interment in the adjoin ing cemetery mrs ernest hunt the community was shock ed last week to learn of the sudden passing of mrs ernest hunt the former ed ith hoover daughter of the late mr and mrs david hoov er her entire life was spent in markham township mrs hunt had not enjoyed perfect health for the past year but had carried on her regular du ties until the day of her pas sing a life member of the united missionary church she was active in the wms in sunday i school and in each department i of the church she was a kind friend and thoughtful neigh bour and will be missed by all who knew her surviving are her husband ernest hunt and two daught ers marion mrs willis hun- king and ruth one brother wesley hoover is of toronto and she has three sisters ada mrs sn doner gormlev elsie mrs albert leek gor- mley and ella mrs charlie james of stouffville she is predeceased by one brother ernest and one son roydon who died in infancy the funeral service was held tuesday november 17 a short service at the house fol lowed by service at the unit ed missionary church gorm- ley rev ce hunking was in charge assisted bv rev m brieker toronto and rev l k sitler of kitchener inter ment was in heise hill cemet ery the funeral was largely at tended bv relatives friends and neighbours from the com munity toronto stayner kit chener mr and mrs thos hunt of tisdale saskatchewan pallbearers were seth wide- man joseph jones herbert moorby roy brillinger ernest eade alvln farmer for better power greater capacity available with belt drive or power takeoff drive if desired come in and see these two new gehl hammer mills sold at your stouffville coop sioafrvlllo phone 200 or 122