Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 10, 1953, p. 1

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tje siouffsnlte rtbwte vol i so- ix the tribune 8touffville oxt se1t 3rd 13 deacon born destroyed jggjj as motor spark ignites straw bate aboard loader a large barn a shed and 3 chicken houses belonging 10 mr ken deacon 6th conces sion o markham north of unionville was destroyed by flames on friday night four heifers sixty pigs and a huge quantity of grain straw and hav was also lost mr herman momullen and mr harold brookfiekl were operating a bale loader when it is believed a spark from the motor ignited a bale before the loader could be stopped the burning tele was ele vated into the barn turning the entire building into a mas- of flames in a matter of minutes mr harold wilkin son who resides on the prop erty was in the field at the time of the outbreak the nearby house was saved the unionville fire brigade were summoned to the scene but were unable to check the blaze the frame barn meas uring 50 by 100 feet is the sec ond deacon building to be de stroyed by flames the first barn was burned about seven vears ago mr mcmullen a hired em ployee was the only person in jured during the fire he suf fered a burned arm while at tempting to untie a number of calves in the stable markham councillor vacates seat in garbage argument councillor chas hooper va cated his council seat sudden ly on monday afternoon when an argument arose between himself and deputy reeve le- masurier as to whether or not he had supported the bylaw forbidding the hauling of gar bage to township pig feeders the discussion arose when messrs green maurice and smith all swill feeders in the township appeared before council in protest against the bylaw when councillor hoop er supported the pig owners in some of their arguments the deputy reeve questioned why he had supported the by law on a recorded vote councillor hooper vigorous ly denied having supported the bylaw and denied tihe tak ing of any recorded vote on examination of the minutes it was found that councillor hooper had supported a reso lution on a recorded vote which asked the clerk to bring in the bylaw but he ao the time of its passage he a- lone had voted against the measure councillor hooper asked tihe deputy reeve to withdraw his claim and ap pealed to the reeve when de puty reeve lemasurier made no move to acquiesce in attendance up in both high and public schools principal ce watson of the stouftville public school re ported an attendance of 205 students on monday this fig ure shows an increase of 0 pupils over last year when the total was 225 there are four new members on the staff miss eddy gr i miss maekay gr ii miss wray gr ill and mr reimer gr vii there are 19 beginners in gr i attendance figures obtained from principal geo pearce of the stouftville high school shows an increase of 10 over the 1952 total some 205 stud ents registered on opening day as compared with 195 for the same period last year the at tendance for grade ix is up slightly while grade xiii also shows a slight increase the new staff members are miss lanthier girls p ed mr mar shall science and mrs man- son history and r french pigfeeder fined hogs too close to highway mr thompson who operat es the contentious piggery on the 1th con of markham twp south of markham village ap peared in court last week and was fined 10 and costs for having his piggery closer than 400 ft to the highway the buildings were said to be only 287 ft from the road ac cording to markham constab le shearn magistrate pointed out that while the piggery was operat ing under a dominion license it must take second place to any township restrictions frank robb appeared as one of the chief witnesses at the case residents in ml albert were hit hard thursday by a baby twister which uprooted trees and telephone poles the farm of murray stoke- on the east side of the village was hardest hit the roof of his barn and driving shed were torn off and the silo roof was flattened hydro and telephone offic ials estimate more than 50 telephone poles will have to be replaced brian stokes 15 son of mr stokes was ill in bed when the twister came he said the brick house trembled like a leaf he and his parents went into the cellar for protection a neighbour sam harper had the roof torn off pain of his barn mrs ernie griffith of phoe nix arizona visited with mr and mrs walter pipher for a few days last week mr and mrs greg scott and family of bradford called on friday theres another monster bin go in the arena this saturday night sponsored by the clip per- hockey club said deputy reeve lemasurier reeve timbers said that there had been no recorded vote on the bylaw mr tim bers told the swill feeders jthat he believed- it was a mis- hisjpke for them to try and oper demand he withdrew from the t ate in built up areas and that meeting someones got to have a showdown with you and im going to do it declared coun cillor hooper youre just splitting hairs was the cause of all the troub le the visitors contended that they were being put out of business council told them that the bylaw was now on the books 1000000 us estate goes to mennonite church ja schowalter wealthy kansas bachelor farmer has left the mennonite church an estate valued at more than 1000000 to be used for hum anitarian work details of the legacy were announced by kansas attorn ey 1 x sizemore at the 2sth biennial mennonite general conference at kitchener throe branches of the men- onite church will inherit the estate which includes a poten tial oilfield in oklahoma the holdings and assets will be set up as a trust fund or foundation to be used by the mennonite general conference the general conference of mennonites in xorth america and the mennonite church of god in christ so far the first two groups have officially accepted the es tate in the event the third decides not to accept it the holdings will be split two i ways i each of the three groups has been asked to name two representatives to administer the trust it was also pointed out that the farmer bachelor loft the estate to the mennonite church because he felt the church would see to it that his property was used exclu sively for promotion of hum anitarian work this would serve the purposes in which hi was interested said rev paul erb the schowalter estate in cludes 1000 acres of rich kan sas wheatland 45000 acres of grassland in south america about 200000 in vs govern ment bonds cash and mortga ges and 400 acres of jotential- ly oil bearing land in oklaho ma rev mr erb said income from the trust fund at pres ent runs from 15000 to s50- 000 yearly but if the oil pot ential develops it mav jo any where he aid car racing banned in markham car racing or racing with a- ny motor vehicle including motorcycles is prohibited in markham township according to a bylaw passed by council at their regular meeting on tuesday afternoon violators of the measure face a fine of 50 for the first otfence dog racing may be next on the list of prohibitions council discussed the measure at some length when clerk hoo ver mated that there had been an enquiry about the conduct ing of dogs races recently a communication from the solicitor for the township sta ted that council could either prohibit such races toy amend ing their land use bylaw or prohibit such racing as a pub lic nuisance councillor clark suggested that the former mea sure toe adopted and the solic itor was to toe instructed to prepare the necessary amend ment well drilling comes high the obtaining of water at the new municipal office at but- tonville is proving an expen sive business it was revealed by markham council alfead- y mr ludwig well digger from locust hill has received 1500 for going down more than 200 feet water was ob tained at this level and its content was saltier than the o- cean and health unit tests said unsanitary on monday the township engineer was in structed to bring in new pric es for another try it certain ly seems high for getting wat er but its got to be got and soon declared reeve timbers 13 new houses reported markham township building report for the month showed fifteen new homes planned the total value of all build ings for which permits were issued was 202050 of ucci will erect a new house garage and stable on the 1st con at a cost of 35000 and glen bolen- der will put up a new dwell ing on the 1th con at a cost of 14500 iolico report the regular monthly police report from the markham force revealed that the police had handled 205 miscellane ous calls in addition they had investigated 2s accidents is sued 75 summonses and serv ed 44 summonses for other de partments town and sport fans extend appreciation for floodlights the appreciation of stouff- ville sport fans and the local ball clubs was extended to mr art latcham publicly on thursday evening for his mag nificent gift of floodlights perfect weather prevailed as an estimated seven hundred sports minded residents gath ered in memorial park to wit ness two softlball games and the official turnon of the lights mr ted edwards conducted the ceremonies around home plate with the town juveniles the red sox hardball inter mediates the shamrocks and the girls softball teams and maple leaf allstars gathered across the diamond mr ed wards introduced reeve hen- iy ogden who extended ap preciation to mr latcham for his gift on behalf of the coun cil and the citizens of stouff- ville dr ss ball member of the community centre board which will administer the op eration of the lights spoke for that body messrs fred campbell and dr neil smith president and immediate past president of the stouftville lions club both expressed thanks and presented mr latcham with an honorary membership in the local lions club the thanks of the fans was expressed by cy bellman one of the towns most enthusiastic supporters and toronto sports writer bunny morganson also commented chairman ed wards called mrs latcham to the front and mrs lome schell of the gilds softball team presented the wife of the evenings honored person ality with a toeautiful basket of mums the feature presentation of the evening was made toy ted cadieux of the red sox mr latcham was presented with a trophy depicting softlball and hardball figures with a barometer set in the centre captain ted of the hardtoallers in his few words stated that art latcham had won the re spect and appreciation of all the sport fans in town with his wonderful gesture the lights were doused for a brief moment and turned on officially for the first time by mrs les wilson chairman of the community centre board mrs bert tait also a memtoer of the board was cal led to the front and the two ladies were presented with the key to the big switch box a tidy collection was taken and each patron given a lucky number nine lucky draws were made and prizes given out donated by the following merchants harolds grill len wilkes clothes shop cadieux studio raxlin furniture ae weldon son oiboyles meat market le oasieill hous tons drug store three sis ters shop mr latchams gift to the town otf the combined flood lights and public address sys tem is valued at more than 15000 and gives a most im pressive appearance to our fine park stouffvilles ball fa cilities are far ahead of any thing in the district with ex ception of the larger centres of toronto and oshawn thanks to arthur latcham trade fair hopes for 10000 visitors will conner main st has a six year old peach tree loaded with some of the choicest fruit one could wish to see the peaches are so large and numerous that mr conner has had to prop up the for protection another fall season is here and along with it is stouff villes second annual trade fair the fair committee of the chamtoer of commerce have been holding several meetings a week preparing for the big show an innovation this year will be an entertainment platform in the centre of the arena and special programs are being ar ranged for each evening the local boys band will provide music on one evening and there will be a fashion show under the sponsorship of the business professional wo mens club with still more to follow several new exhibitors will have displays including mrs sissons unique display of an tiques the briertoush hospital cy bellman sons and sever- limtosial others last years attendance at the three day exhibition was 7000 and the committee are aiming to bring this number up to 10000 in 1953 ken laushways insurance office has been set up as tern porary headquarters for the trade fair committee and any enquiries in regard to the show can be made there clint freeman sign writer will be in town this week for those interested in new signs the dates of the show are sept 24 2520 potato peeling champ to be named today something new in the way of contests has been added to enter this one you dont have to be beautiful an expert swimmer or a champion pie eater just a super potato peeler a provincial potato peeling champion is to be chosen on thursday september 10th at the provincial potato field engagements the engagement is announ ced of elizabeth arvilla eld est daughter of mrs daclson and the late charles dadson to frederick coombs jr son of mr and mrs frederick coombs langstaff the mar riage is to take place quietly sept 20 1053 mr and mrs albert boake newmarket rr- 3 wish to an nounce the engagement of their daughter miriam alber ta to lome herbert shrop shire the son of mr and mrs wilbur shropshire the mar riage will take place oct 3 1953 at 3 oclock in the vivian church mrs le shultz announces the engagement of her daugh ter hazel e shultz rn of emo to mr keith goodman of fort frances the wedding is to take place sept 19 in the united missionary church at stouftville council to get tough with planning violators it was time to get tough with residents breaking plan ning and land use regulations members of whitchurch twp council decided last week as cases at wilcox lake were dis cussed at some length two men it was said were out standing offenders with one of them being openly defiant discussion arose when a rec ommendation from the town- ship planning loard urging legal action came before coun cil township building inspec tor fred cummings asserted that it was necessary to make a few examples before the sit uation around the lake could be cleaned up in one case he reported property at the rear of a store which had previous ly been used as storage space had been extended and had been rented he felt that the building in question should be moved but pointed out that the lot was already carrying buildings in excess of regula tions the tire hazard was great he said in this case said mr cummings there was evidence of a desire to coop erate on the part of the prop erty owner reporting on the second case in which the owner had ex pressed defiance of regula tions he said that the man had secured a permit for a washroom and had then ex tended it without a permit and was renting it council instructed the build ing inspector to see the prop erty owners in an attempt to clean up the situation and to send them letters giving an ul timatum if action was not ta ken the question of improve ments to fergus avenue lake wilcox went a step further at last weeks whitchurch coun cil meeting when a number of residents brought in a peti tion covering gravelling and ditching for that thoroughfare a privately owned road more names were required on the petition it was discovered and those presenting the peti tion said that they would en deavour to secure the names needed if approved by enough residents council will then take the next steps necessary cost of the projects for which property owners would pay has been estimated at 1000 plus cost of culverts day which is being held at the oac potato farm near continued on page 0 new high school taking shape as new term begins the new stouftville dis trict high school is fast taking shape at the north end of edward st and bricking is proceeding rap idly at this stage the large oil burning furnaces and oil storage tanks are also being hoisted into place occupancy of the new building was slated for january but there have been some minor holdups in construction and there is some doubt if the build ing will be ready teacher hurt on way to school on her way to start her first day as a teacher at browns corners school south of markham miss eva bell 55 beamsville was seriously hurl when her car collided with a dump truck on shepherd ave scartooro miss bell suffered severe head cuts and concussion she regained consciousness short ly after her admission to tor onto east general hospital where she was reported out of danger local hockey brothers bereaved stouffvilles well known ho ckey brothers bob and nick bangay were bereaved on friday sept 4th when they suffered the loss of their moth er mrs a bangay who passed away in the toronto east general hospital besides her two sons she leaves one daugh ter hazel funeral service was held on tuesday after noon at 3 pm at the giffen- mack chapel 2570 danforth ave toronto with interment in st johns cemetery nor way faces murder trial for brothers death roger john corbett of ux- bridge charged with the july 23 murder of his brother was committed on wednesday for trial when he appeared in court in oshawa for prelimin ary hearing during todays hearing mrs dorothy corlett rogers mo ther testified her son was not normal at the time of the kill- ing she said roger had trietf suicide once before and was in a state of continual depression

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