the tribune stousville on thursday may 21 ik3 make these classified aovs your home market place miscellaneous 4 unfurnished rooms to rent ph stouffville 67215 front upstairs room for rent in clean modern home on main street apply to mr mary sellers hairdressing kita obrien coldwaving hair styling 2nd concession uxbridge at glasgow 15 phone ttoulo stouffvllle hay grain wanted maple trees tor spring plant- pasture wanted for ing various size fred t wicks stouffvihe rri first farm north of no 7 highway on con 9 markham 14 large septic tanks instal led anywhere workmanship guaranteed ph murray bak er newmarket 651 5124 new lettuce cases no 1 american style j belco phone 6m bradford 22 have your chimney fire place or furnace expertly cleaned we use modern va cuum equipment no fuss muss or dust harry j dza- vala ph 60313 sto 4317 radios any make or model repaired fast service pickup and deliver call mel stouff vllle 60713 30tf carpenter work all kinds of carpenter work new bulld- ings repairs or alterations eavestroughlng and cement work les ogden stouffvllle ph 65827 17tf theres no crop like corn and theres no corn like pion eer order the maturity of your choice for grain or fod der from j m farqubarson ph stouff 66103 24 seed potatoes katahdin and canso seed pota toes v a or certi fied large or small sizes a t powell rri port perry ph uxbridge 3 32 4 32 for sale seven tons oat straw 1000 a ton f god- frev ph stouffvllle 66911 for sale tested sweet sudan grass seed 15 cents per lb art mason ph agincourt 49w3 hid for sale asparagus roots mary washington 2 yrsold early premier strawberry plants 200 per 100 mrs les ogden ph 65s27 stouff- ville 22 12 or 16 head of cattle- wm j stewart ph 62904 sfbuffville pasture wanted for 15 to 20 head of cattle ph 1s5j11 pickering sale register wanted condition playpen in good ph 17s stouffvllle highest prices paid for all kinds of live poultry norm davis ph clare 55w3 36tf wanted to buy all kinds of live poultry best cash prices paid call mr m nash stouffvllle 62s04 31tf home wanted for small fe male dog part terrierjrlend- ly good watch phone 5sw3 stouffville highest prices paid for old cars and trucks for wreck ing also scrap iron auto rads and batteries stouffvllle auto wreckers stouffer street ph 66wl 26tf real estate 2000 down will buy a four- room range style home at ballantrae full price 3000 apply hector gravel ballan trae if you wish your pork or beef killed cured and pro cessed ready to cook or stored without pain to them or you just call 12tf schells meat market ltd stouftvihe ph 220 will pick up and deliver we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market ph 3501 49tf for sale g room brick house with 1 acre land fruit trees barn garage hen house hydro hard and soft water close to school and church 3 miles from stouffvllle occu pancy arranged with tenant box t tribune office boarding accommodation wanted for three new lady public school teachers any one desirous of boarding one of these teachers starting september 7th apply to gar field brown sectreasurer stouftvihe public school dead stock dead and crippled farm animals re moved promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect to stouffvllle 255 or toronto em 33636 gordon young ltd tf lots for sale 92 ft front age good location cliff mor- gason ph sto 51wo 1tf piano tuning repairs s hoffman formerly with gerhard- helntz- man phone farrs radio electric stouffvllle 866 22tt all orders promptly attended to electrical wiring installation service repairs leslie leonard ph 38wl stouffvllle 12tf albert lageer wood choice hnrdwood immediate dollvery claremont 30316 30tf mount albert 4120 cardinal precision prefab homes cottages representative 47tf art steckley phone stonftvihe 60816 orders taken for custom bulldozing cellars ponds gravel pits or any other type of bulldozing landscape grading 48- art steckley tf phone stoiiffville 60816 electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k h mlddlemlss 16tf phone 367 stottffviue chalk refrigeration sales service commercial farm household guaranteed repairs on all makes phone king 26r5 8tf 24 hour service anywhere investment gilt edge 6 interest 5000 first mortgage required 5700 first mortgage required 6000 first mortgage required on new 6 room dwellings in markham village phone greenwood home of real estate markham 212w if you desire gracious living or a cottage by the side of the road or even a farm large or small its greenwood home of real estate to meet vour needs ph markham 212w for rent 5room house furnace 3plece bath electric hot water heater on main street phone mrs robinson turner 41571 on tuesday for sale 1425 cottage approximately 20 x 26 also one vacant lot 650 port bolster park ph 33117 clare mont real estate our farm and country home dept is growing fast and we need salesmen and sales ladies in the stouffvllle area we supply the best advertising and training available and send prospects from head office for the right person country real estate is a re muneration and pleasant occu pation why not phone and discuss the matter with us johnston daniel 4 6 avenue road toronto midway 9s53 dead stock horses cattle hogs picked up for sanitary disposal with winch truck for prompt pickup phone collect ux 92rl4 or head office 16rll woodville call anytime ed peconi argyle ont 4852 wednesday may 27 ex tensive auction sale of ford tractor ihc tractor house hold furniture antiques dish es glassware etc at pren tices auction rooms frank lin house markham ontario property of carltas club mrs petch john wilson mrs cowan mr mclaren and others sale at 1 pm sharp terms cash no reserve ken clarke prentice auction eers wednesday may 27 auc tion sale of 65 head of hoi- stein cattle fresh cows year lings and twoyearold heifers and calves horses mcdeerlng tractor model wc near new mcdeering hay baler model sot near new mcdeering threshing machine 2x42 in good condition full hue of farm implements at lot 14 con 7 pickering the property of gordon w hodgson no re serve as farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm dst a s farmer auctioneer live stock for sale ford bull jarick ph registered here- 3 years old h 3s5vv markham bray pullets dayold or started hatchery can give immediate delivery ask us for particulars your july broilers should tie on order now also agent fred wise richmond hill urgently needed 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms or small house in the vicinity of stouff ville by june 1st gordon for syth co gordon hodgson ph 32s13 claremont cars for sale 1950 oldsmobile rocket ss sedan for sale hydramatic drive window washers direc tion signals private owner immaculate condition apply maple leaf auto sales ph 16sw2 for sale old and old ph stoult h oover 10 pigs s weeks 13 pigs 10 weeks 0g20s ernest articles for sale for sale boys bicycle in good condition 1500 o t harding ph stouff 61020 1950 motorcycle for sale norman english single cyl inder low mileage good con dition apply dr h b freel ph 164 dried apples for sale 20c per lb levi smith ph 63612 stouffville 32 for sale approx 5000 bd ft of dry hardwood 2 x 6 various lengths stoiiffville 63512 for sale ice box 75 lbs capacity modern natural fin ish china cabinet gray con vertible sunshine baby car riage all in good condition ph mrs middleton 33w5 stouffville for sale ge 4 cubic ft refrigerator in good condi tion also a dining table and chairs kitchen table and 4 chairs moffat electric range 3burner and oven to best offer ph stouffville 63909 coming events the next meeting of the canadian holiness federation will be held friday may 22 at 230 and pm in the zion united missionary church 6th concession of east gwilllmbury rev a j thaxter pastor of the free methodist church west toronto is the guest speaker come and enjoy these meetings come one come all to the euchre this friday evening at 30 pm in the claremont com munity hall admission 35c lunch provided proceeds to go to help start the girl guides ladies of goodwood united church are holding a coronation tea and baking sale in the church basement on saturday may 30th at 230 oclock every one is invited to come and enjoy afternoon tea with us and help us in our endeavour toward in stalling a kitchen 32 the mothercraft advice room is always open th second and fourth tuesday of each month therefore the next clinic will be on may 26th from 1230 to 430 pm in the united church basement all mothers and ba bies welcome hid gladioli bulbs for sale top size disease free choice name varieties 50c per doz or in larger quantities mix tures 350 per hundred mrs g c jones ashburn rri ph claremont 31309 50tf for sale white enamelled ice refrigerator paris nearly new first class condition 50 lb capy cistein pump used kitchen sink used is x 30 ph j r steckley 61510 cocker spaniel pups for sale 6 weeks old ph 57w3 stouffville 2 young hogs for sale ser viceable age ph 30304 clare mont vein hoover for best in chicks order now canadian approved breeder hatchery chicks from michells poultry farm claremont ont 50tf phono markham 366 1941 chev for sale mechanic ally good new motor needs body repair ph 67311 sto model a ford coach for sale extra good condition 6500 fh 65w4 stouffvllle british ontario motors for a safe buy 51 chev sedan 4s dodge sedan many other cars from 4000 up 51 panel m ton 50 pick up vi ton 50 ford pick up ton 34 dodge 1 ton make a good buckrake special 52 international ton panel perfect condition 109500 investment opportunities we have a number of excellent opportunities for investment of first mortgage monies at 6 in amounts from 1000 to 5000 call collect for further informa tion 27tf wignall shepherd real estate brokers mhrkham phono 230 implements ken ogdens garage ballantrae all makes of 22tf tractors cars repaired phone stouftvillo 60024 washing machines all makes repaired and serviced good supply of new used machines always on hand we are exclusive beatty dealers for new washing machines ironers dryers elc c h bell son phone stouffville 281w dead stock crippled stock speedily removed telephone collect stouffvllle 74j2 u b a n n e r r k x bering toronto li 6237 used car parts for sale large variety of makes and year 524 brougham garage rttan lickrring 24lwl see the new torowhirlwind and johnson power lawn mowers also leading garden tractors such as choremaster onewheel springfield two- wheel and howard rotavators of various sizes call and see these machines or phone for free demonstrations open every evening altona feed supplies ph stouffvllle 61306 headquarters for power lawn garden equipment 32 township of whitchurch tenders for garbage collection sealed tenders properly mark ed as to contents will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon may 22 1953 for the collection removal and disposal of garbage and other refuse in the following areas in the township of whitchurch and for the period as stated wilcox lake area 2 times per week from june 1 1953 to may 31 1954 preston lake area 1 time per week from july 1 to sept 7 1953 10 collections musselmans lake area 2 times per week from june 1 to sept 30 1953 separate tenders for each area required type of vehicle to be used must be described lowest or any tender not necessarily ac cepted 22 john w crawford clerk township of whitchurch vandoff ontario 4 9 ferguson tractor 4s ford tractor 4 6 ford ferguson tractor some good used ferguson plows from 6500 we still have a few 10 plow conversion kits on hand make your 2furrow plow into a 3- furrow easy terms trade cash on above 49 fargo 3 ton dump excellent condition cash no trade 95000 pullets sale day old and started while they last at these special prices immedi ate delivery day old standr ard quality barred rock rhode island red white rock light sussex white wyandotte light sussex x red 1s95 per 100 new hampshire rhode island red x barred rock new hamp shire x barred rock new hampshire x light sussex 169oper 100 black minor ca x jvhite leghorn white leghorn x barred rock w leghoitn 2s95 per 100 assorted breeds our choice 15195 per 100 for money maker quality add 100 per log foj- extra profit add 200 per 100 for special mating add 300 per 100 started pullets 2 week old add 11 per 100 3 week old add 17 per 1q0 day old bronze toms very special price 39c each codt anywhere tweddle chick hatcheries lim ited fergus ontario 32 i 4burner national electric range old style but in good working order 3500 c h bell and son stouffville ph 2slw 22 for sale 6 hole findlay oval cook stove with oven reservoir good baker also a living room rug 9x9 mrs a lehman ph sojl stouff ville reason for selling electric stove and frig they are too large for our new home ge refrigerator in perfect condi tion 60 cycle 165 or near- est offer ge stove 3burner and cooker oven 3 places tor saucepans 60 cycle 150 come and see for yourself ph owner 79w4 stouffville for sale frostking ice box 75 lb capacity white enamel linoleum rug 12x15 dinette suite complete with 6 chairs buffet and table in ternational bld 269 this motor lias been completely reconditioned ph 30wl sto murray daniels a rural school music festival monday june 1st at s30 pm in stouffville united church schools participating heise hill melville and ringwood music supervisor mona arm strong 32 cards of thanks my sincere thanks to the friends who so kindly remem bered me while i was in the hos pital with flowers and cards also the altona young people and the altona womens insti tute for their lovely gifts of candy and fruit grant hill i wish to express my many thanks to the neighbors and friends for the lovely cards of sympathy also to the bible class and pilgrim workers of stouffville christian church in the passing of my two sisters mrs a carruthers and family i wish to take this opportun ity to express my sincere thanks to the many friends and neigh bors for the baskets of fruit and candy the flowers the many lovely cards sent to me and en quiries made while i was in the hospital and while convalescing at home all was greatly appre ciated marion atkiuson lost and found lost tarpaulin on the 9th concession whitchurch find er please phone sto 65611 garfield kellington estray budgie bird green and yellow strayed from home on mill st reward mrs top- ham stouffvllle auction sale household furniture antiques dishes tools glassware ford tractor etc prentice auction rooms franklin house markham ontario property of m cowan mac mclvrkn cak1tys club mrs 1 petch wednesday may 27 property of mrs m cowan settee electric stove double bed springs mattress single bed springs mattress bag truck camp cot tub stand verandah swing wicker chair 2 kitchen chairs 4 folding chairs clothes horse camp chair clothes hamper chest of drawers tea kettle 2 lawn chairs 3 clocks 2 coal oil lanterns quantity of cushions pillows cooking utensils spade coleman camp stove sod cutter 2 ironing boards box of electrical appliances kitchen knives forks spoons drinking fountain picture frames gal bottles glassware dishes of all kinds medicine cabinet 2 shit cases quantity of fruit baskets bookcase in memoriam british oxtario motors meteor mercury cars trucks ferguson tractors leaskdale 22 phone uxbridge 162rl5 tenders for heating system claremont baptist church is calling for itemized tenders for a guaranteed heating system for complete church building lowest tender not necessarily accepted tenders to be received not later than june 10 1953 for further information apply to rev g davison or mr g m forsyth claremont ontario stiohn in loving memory of our dear parents mary yako st john who passed away may 16 1950 and clar ence 1 wesley st john who passed away may 25 1946 sincere land kind in heart and mind what a beautiful memory they left behind lovingly remembered by the family walls in loving memory of my father edward vr walls who bntered into rest novem ber sth 1944 and of my mothpr rachel e walls who enterjed into rest may 31st 1949 they are not dead life has but set them free they have hut passed beyond where we can see s jessie d somers i chnrlottctown pei monarch ice box for sale good condition 1500 also national electric range just the thing for summer kitchen or cottage 4000 c h bell fc son ph 2slw 32 for sale moffat essotane 4burner stove with oven in good condition ph 67610 stouffville for sale rubber tired wheelbarrow and scales for weighing pigs complete with crate also wood lathe good ph 30304 claremont vern hoover for sale electric motor 00 cycle l hp shaft with emery attached fully recon ditioned stouffvilie tribune ph 153j2 cement for sale any quantity ih 7 711 stouffville aylmer carter small size coleman space heater for sale in good con dition ph harry stouffer stouffville 3s0w tenders for painting tenders will be accepted up to june 1st 1953 for painting the exterior of victoria square parsonage two coat work and number one material to be used details may be obtained at the parsonage mall tenders to the victoria square parsonage rr2 gormley ontario tenders for caretaker farmer in memory of walter farmer who passed away three years ago may 24th we do not forget him we love blm too dearly for his memory to fade from our lives like a dream lips need not speak when our hearts mourn sincerely grief often dwells where it seldom is seen ever remembered by the family our for help wanted wanted man or high school hoy for general farm work for summer months w j dennle ph stouffville 66114 housekeeper wanted apply sunny valley musselmans like 52tf experienced truck driver wanted immediately howard r storry haulage ph 65s03 stouffville applications will be received by the undersigned until 1200 oclock noon may 30th 1953 for the position of caretaker for the stouffvllle public school 4th class papers required dut ies to commence june 29 1953 applicants to state age quail the peed of jet plane- ha ficatlons salary expected 22 been stepped hp to the point signed garfield d brown wher one can be flown arounri sctreaurer i the world before it become stouffvllle ont i obsolete for sale splece solid oak dining room suite like new ph agincourt 95jl i wish to take this opportunity of thanking my friends relatives neighbors staff and patients of the brierbush hospital for the many cards letters boxes fruit and all the inquiries made dur ing my recent illness and after i was able to be up and around everything was greatly appre ciated lois king 2 dust mops strip of carpet cabbage slicer butcher knives flower stand meat grinder brass jardiniere white wardrobe corn planter extension table small table 2 rocking horse fork sleeve board lawn mower drive belting pi i wish to take this opportunity to express my thanks to the stouffville baptist church neigh bors friends and relatives for inquiries letters cards flowers and fruit during my illness and stay in the hospital also to the staff of the brierbush hospital mrs robert spofford to everyone who was so thoughtful and kind to me dur ing my recent illness i extend my sincere thanks bert batt we wish to express our sin cere appreciation to our rela tives friends and neighbors for their kindness words of sympa thy and beautiful floral tributes at the time of our bereavement in the passing of a dear mother and grandmother we also wish to thank all those who made in quiries and sent cards fruit flowers and boxes during her stayin the hospital and a special thanks to the staff at the brier bush percy ethel and family morley and celeste tricycles for sale small size also an express wagon car a childs commode chair and a play pen ph claremont 33105 cecil ham for sale quantity birch lumber cut to size apply to box l co stouffvllle tri bune for sale an electric stove 2burner with oven in good condition ice box white 75 lbs capacity ph 2s4j13 pickering girls bicycle for sale never been used price greatly re duced also 5 good kitchen chairs svd bcare markham rri ph 26wll monarch ice box for sale large size in good condition sacrifice ph 234 stouffville for sale 6 range shelters wooden roofs painted green excellent condition size 6xs ph 61315 stouffville for sale 4burner hot- point electric range with oven and warming cloet good con dition reasonable ph mark 49wl death to cabbage maggots cabbage maggots are a iroblom of the past chiorkl 72 emulsion in planting water or chlorkll 5 dust after planting will give positive and economical control stouffville coop 122 phone 20 13 we would like to thank the stouffville fire brigade for their prompt and efficient service in putting out a fire in our house on wednesday of last week which but for them would prob ably have been disastrous we would like also to thank the telephone operators for the promptness in which they acted in giving hie fire signal we arc we assure you very grateful for these services edgar mrs nigh tv bargains 60 cycles 10 12 14 16 table models and consoles reconditioned guaranteed as low as 75 524 lord tv 328 jj bloor w at spadiua open evenings phone ki 3349 stouffville blows sixrun lead loses 1110 continued from sports page on errors while oneill allow ed but one hit for the losers over at union villc risht- hrnder cliff cox came to the mound for the sixth concess ion squad to turn in a sensat ional job of relief hurling mid way through the contest he ao connected with a four bat- ker in the seventh inning bill butt alo homered for union- ville geo clarke unionville- outstanding centre field star lammed what appeared to be a roundtripper but w taaatd t the plate on veil browns j tremendous throwin from the deep outfield mirror rugs books commode stove board wash stand 2 iron pots card table small table 3 shovels watering cans awning floor polisher 2 crocks coal shovel gasoline lamp operty or onritas club toronto glassware dishes ornaments antiques childrens toys of all kinds numerous other articles real good property of john wilson scufller writing desk ford ferguson plow- ford pto pullev ihc tractor 10x20 on- steel iu perfect condition cash register set counter scales kitchen cabinet property of mr mcliren electric range 2burner with side oven 2burner coal oil stove 2 good ice refrigerators electric vacuum cleaner 2 electric floor lamps simmons single bed spring mattress steel bed springs and matties dresser blue color wash stand small tahl small steel utility table library table arm cliai number of books lawn mower mantle cloc folding ironing hoard jacket heater coal burner 2 small chests mantle cloc brunswick electric radio 2 electric table lamps cabinet with mirror coleman lantern gasoline coleman lamp gasoline good wheelbarrow 7 new elec floodor pole light complete with globes etc 4 storm windows complete wit glass size 4 ft 7 in x 1 ft s ins pots pans cooking utensils an other articles mh 5 ft mower tractor hitc modern and semi oil bath 3 drum land roller ford ferguson tractor on ru her real good property of mrs j 1ctch congoleuni rug 9 x 10 real good buffet real good quebec cook stove wooden bed springs good 2 wooden wash stands single hot plate quantity of hag carpet new wooden rocking arm cha new wooden rocking chair 2 odd wooden chairs toilet set number of fruit jars number of fruit sealers number of pictures wash tub and a number of other articles sale at i pm sharp dst terms cash no roer ken clarke irentk nucuonee good advice bv the vaneb er province bent place- spend your vacation is just side your income stouffiillr phonr 2lft