oeffwltc tribune the tribune st0uffv1lle ont may 14 1s33 high school students crown may queen stouffviue high school ening at a school dance student- crowned their and joanne bodendistcl mav queen on friday ev- is the pretty young lady receiving the honour her attendants on the left and right aie marilyn pearce and marie schell dogs like wolves af wilcox lake in mil had to knga difficult loli catcher mr stewart a wilcox lake property owner appeared be fore whitchurch township council on saturday and ask ed if something was being done to round up the dogs at wil cox lake the dog- are run ning there like wolves and some of them are vicious he i told council mr stewart said that his own dog was tied upj winter and summer and he didnt see why other peoples should be allowed to run mr stewart told of one animal be longing to a ratepayer there which frightened ladies off the toad when they went to shot clerk lack crawford explain ed that the township had been in a predicament lately since the dog catcher whom they had engaged had thrown up the job and the local constable who looked after such matters was laid up with a broken leg our big problem i- to get a dogcatcher reeve ivan mc laughlin toid mr stewart he stated that council would make some effort to take care of the situation i mr stewart stated that if i something wasnt done some of the dogs would be shot that would be a good thing commented councillor graham armitage school addition clerk crawford advised council that council was invit ed to attend a school meeting on may 1 1th to discuss with the trustees of this union school the need for an addi tional room the clerk was instructed to advertise for garbage collector tenders for the three local lakes musselmans wilcox and prestons council discussed at sortie length the advisability and process of taking cherry st near the vivian forest into the township road system it was stated that no official re quest had come for taking the road in and there w as no ass ociation there to handle the matter it was finally agreed by resolution that a question naire should be sent to all the property owners on the street continued on page t kxfiackmkxc the fed of of mrs percy hen ry engagement is announc- velma grace daughter cober and the late mr cober qprmley to mr koop jr son of mr ard mrs henry koop of blyth- eswood ontario the marriage will take place on saturday may 23 1853 at 2 oclock in the united missionary church i gorinley mr and mrs chas hodgson announce the engagement of their daughter jean matilda to earnest fredrick son of mr and mrs james smith ring- wood the marriage will take place on wednesday may 27th at i pm in the stouffviue memorial church lorenzo banks 95 this saturday lifelong resident of picker ing township lorenzo hanks will mark his 05th birthday this saturday may icth mr panks enjoys fair health al though his eyesight lias failed mr hanks farmed in the town ship for 10 years and he is re called as an implement dealer tor some time handiwork displayed at school open night planning now for big horse show here july 1st plans are well under way for the bg third annual horse show under the auspices of the siouffville legion dr s s ball is chairman of this years show the prize list has been increased and announce ment of the new additional classes will appear shortly mrs agnes fuller wife of the newly appointed master of the fox hounds of the lond on hunt club anil mr robert hollingsworth manager of katon hall the estate of lady eaton have been secured as judges for the show work is proceeding tit the local park grounds to enlarge the south field where the show is held the town owns considerably more property in this area than is being utiliz ed and the local legion mem- i hers are providing the labour to extend the field boundaries rev p 6 lehman presents diplomas at bible school eight students were gradua ted last week from emmanuel bible college at the 11 th an nual commencement exercises in zion evangelical church a total of 110 graduates are now serving in at least parttime christian service in five coun tries two students graduated from the 3year theological course douglas blundell hespejer and edwin prosser toronto both expect to enter the minis try next month graduating from the three- year missionary course was lois gilchrist of calgary alta miss gilchrist expects to take further training as a nurse two students graduated from the twoyear christian educa tion course marilyn rosenber- ger bloomingdale and ruby srigley gorrie three students received cer tificates for completing twelve courses in the evening classes violet boettger of waterloo florence flachborn breslau and alda stauffer kitchener candidates for graduation were presented by the regis trar prof u l wark to rev iv g lehman chairman of the board of directors who presen ted the diplomas the prayer of dedication with the grad uates kneeling at the altar was offered by prof wark a former graduate rev w j hunking now on furlough from africa brought greetings from the ten graduates of the college now serving in nigeria he told how the influence of the school was constantly be ing extended in an ever widen ing sphere chairman was rev ward m shantz principal of the col lege scripture reading and pwayer was given by rev h b wideman of evangel uni ted missionary church set up committee for the coronation holiday program stouffviue will mark the coroiiiaioa holiday june 2nd with a special program in the town park at a public meet ing called by reeve henry og- den on friday evening a com mittee was named to line up a program for the day having in mind special attention to the children representing the town council on the committee will be elmer daniels miss k williamson for the business and professional women ken wagg for the chamber of com merce mrs w g sanderson womens institute mrs walt smith the womens auxiliary and the lions and legion rep resentatives to be named this week rev douglas davis stated that he would act as chairman for the first meeting of the committee until a bead could be named while the program is only in the suggestion stage as yet the group which met last week proposed that races be held in the park in the afternoon and the citizens join in a picnic lunch with possibly free ice cream and pop for the kiddies a fireworks display was sug gested for the evening and it is likely that there will be a regularly scheduled softball game the financing of the pro gram is expected to be handl ed chiefly by the town organ izations and the citizenry con tributions from citizens and any help in a financial way will be most thankfully receiv ed and may be left at the trib une office june 2nd will be a public holiday in honour of the cor onation of our queen eliza beth 11 and while a good many will enjoy viewing the proceedings from london on tv it is hoped that all will join in this community effort to give some community rec ognition of the occasion mr james gleason 91 saw first train enter markham markham lost one of its vet eran residents on friday may 8th in the passing of mr james gleason at the age of 91 born south of markham the late mr gleason attended a private school for a number of years and later markham public school over fifty years ago he took up farming in north markham and has re mained there with his wife the former elizabeth connor until his recent death mr gleason could clearly re call seeing the first train pull out of markham in 1s72 and also the introduction of the first automobile which at that time was a slower means of transportation than the horse and buggy besitles his wife the late mr gleason leaves to mourn lis passing two daughters betty of the loretto commun ity and sheilih of markham his one brother joe predeceas ed him five years ago at the age of s funeral services were held at the dixon funeral chapel markham on monday morning at 930 am and later in st patricks church for requiem mass at 10 oclock interment was made in the adjoining cemetery plan to open new whitchurch park june 2nd an extensive coronation day program is being arranged in whitchurch township which will include the opening of the new township park ground at vandorf opposite the municip al building a king city con tractor has been engaged to complete the work of finishing the pond which is to be part of the park to level and grade the land and have completed by may 23rd commencing at 12 noon on june 2nd there will be races foi all the public school child ren who were first prize win ners at their various school field days chairman of the af fair is mr patchell of wilcox lake secytreas mr crow- hurst and games convener and starter mr jorgenson mt al bert the celebration will also in clude treeplanting ceremonies at the township schools and an essay contest in the even ing a concert is being put on in the vandorf community hal by the women of the var ious township womens insti tutes tribune day later owing ilu- may isili falling on monday of next week the tribune will lie published one day later than usual vvi- trust that subscrib ers will bear with lis for the extra day in order that our staff may enjoy the first annual holiday of the summer local girl injured in traffic mishap on monday evening nine year old lynda philips daugh ter of mr and mrs ken phil ips of stouffviue was injured when she darted from behind the parked fire truck into the path of an auto driven by chas bell also of stouffviue the girl was knocked unconeious to the pavement she suffered a fractured right leg slight concussion and abrasions dr fj button arrived quickly on the scene and rushed the girl to the stouffviue brierbush hospital for treatment prow police constable ws hilliard investigated but no charges have been laid holiday monday xext monday may isth is the annual may 24th holiday and places of business will be i their closed in town uxbridge and richmond hill will mark the holiday with their usual spring fairs and here in stouffviue sport fans can enjoy a hard ball tournament with stouff viue fenelon falls lindsay and little britain competing local beautification campaign part of canadian program stouffvilles beautification campaign which was launched last week by the local chamber of commerce and horticultu ral society is pan of a nation wide program of beautifica tion last weekend there sud denly appeared on almost ev ery available pole in town plac ards advising the townsfolk that the campaign covering a two weeks period is officially on this is a beauty and clean up campaign certainly one cannot help but notice the pleasant atmosphere coming into a town of wellkept lawns and flower beds clean streets and tidy hedge rows theres a huge sign in front of our towns municipal build ing advising of the campaign on monday evening the local fire brigade put both trucks into service and flushed down the streets from the hydrants as if in keeping with the movement mother nature aid ed by as balmy a bit of weather as one could wish for turned on all her charms and as if by magic all the fine rows of trees in town blossomed at once along with the daffodils and tulips residents are being urged to get into the spirit of the campaign by using the paint brush and rake around home premises what better way to aid the campaign and especially in this our coronation year than by the planting of a tree around the house it will add value to your home and pleasure to your life that cannot be meas ured in dollars and cents arnold boyd grade 12 hi itudtn of stouffviue wish tnt noo proudiv oisolays the handiwork at open night school he is the rec- held in the son of mr and mrs th concession ha boyd markham fined 10 and costs theadore scharkov 111 se- ton st toronto was fined s10 and costs in newmarket court or tuesday following an ac cident at the corner of the 10th concession and no 17 highway at the east end of stouffviue on april 18th the driver could not produce an operators or chauffeurs lic ense but was driving only on a temporary permit prov pol ice constables hilliard and van derkooi of stouffviue laid the charges unionville vets to beautify war memorial site messrs cribbett and gimm- cll appeared before markham township council on monday night requesting a grant of 150 and authorization for per petual care of the war momor- ia in front of the unionville arena the grant is to be used to beautify the site with shrubs a white gravel cross new chain fence and flag pole council granted the request following an interview with several residents of box grove township police were to be in structed to inspect several junk yards which were reported to be flourishing there against bylaw regulations clerk chas hoover read a communication which asked what inducement markham township would give to a fac- tury to come from new toron to and locate on the selkirk subdivision yonge st the writer suggested a tax free period but council were em phatically against any free- taxes we can provide highway and rail facilities and will help them get located in any way we can but we can not give any free taxes said reeve i imbers k j beamish co and miller paving co were each given a portion of markhams road oil requirements for the year both firms giving the same tender price of 2sc per gallon markham twp urbanites declare opposition to introduction of wards spokesmen for all urban ar eas of markham township in the front declared them selves as unfavorable to a ward system being establish ed in the township when a special council meeting was called on monday evening to hear various groups on the subject clerk chas hoover at the outset of the meeting in formed the gathering that he had been advised by the town ship solicitor that at least three wards would be required and if a fiveman council was maintained as at present the matter would have to go be fore the people at a municipal vote should a sevenman coun cil be desired such could be established by bylaw without the consent of the electors reeve timbers declared that in his opinion markham was not sufficiently large to re quire a sevenman council councillor lennie stated that in general he was opposed to the change to a ward system since he believed it tended to the separation of the town ship reeve timbers reminded council that the general ad ministration would be the same and the only benefit would be to ensure equal rep resentation on council from all areas of the township frank brumwell represent ing the markham federation of agriculture spoke at some length in favor of the ward system which was previously covered in these news col umns it was mr brumwells opinion that at present the rural possessed about g0 of the assessment and 25 of the the population the wards he outlined conformed he said as nearly as possible to elect oral districts endeavoring to keep all urban sections to gether and all rural areas to gether councillor lennie stated tha he hoped the urban dwellee would not get the idea tha were being ganged up on fred wicks also of the fee eration of agriculture saia that at the present time many candidates could seek office whom we know little about he said this fact was evident in the unfilled ballots at elect ion time w masters speaking for the elgin st ratepayers said that i looked to him as if every one was trying to be independ ent the planning board is supposed to be bringing out a master plan for zoning the township and i think it would be better to wait were defin itely opposed the thornlea representat ive wanted to know why the matter was being brought up continued on page 0 eighth teacher added to local public school staff stouffviue public school teaching staff will be enlarged to eight teachers when school opens for the september term the board presently has three vacancies to fill and teachers have been engaged for two of these positions miss betty ed- ov from weston and miss wil- la mackay from acton the third vacancy is expected to be filled this week meanwhile an eighth teacher harry j rei- mer ba of toronto has been engaged as an additional staff member necessitated by the continued growth of the school population however there is still some possibility that stag gered classes might have to be instituted until the new high school is completed and these students move to their new quarters caretaker for il years after twentythree years as caretaker of the stouffviue school mr jesse cober has re linquished his position and his resignation was placed in the hands of the board at their re gular meeting monday evening mr cober like his predecess or mr las mowatt who also held this position for a long period has served the commun ity and school well in this cap acity applications for the po sition are being called in this weeks tribune it was revealed at the board meeting that a music festival is being planned for stouffville public school children on june 12th the affair will be held in the stouffviue united church and is under the direction of miss m armstrong school mu sic teacher