Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 9, 1953, p. 3

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the trtune stotaiviue out rat rwjay april 9 195 the stouffville tribune etablisbed 1sss member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authored as condca mail iostotliie kept ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont tn canada s250 elsewhere s300 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments better equipment needed a couple of weeks ago the stouffville municipal council authorized the attachment of a grader blade to the small tractor purchased by the community centre board several seasons back to cut grass in the park however it does not appear to be money well spent since the outfit is too small to be effective on the rough side streets in town the purchase of a larger tractor that could cut grass grade the streets sweep main street pavement and load snow in the winter is the real answer however should the cost of such a changeover be deemed pro hibitive by council they would be wise to procure one of the hand graders frequently used in this area by the county and which could easily be pulled at the rear of the town truck si 000 per ton an eastern newspaper takes exception to the 1000 per ton increase being applied to newsprint on april 1st bv most of the producing companies in the past few years the newsprint companies ot canada have steadily increased the price of their pro duct and the amount is always the same 1000 per ton many canadian papers have attempted to carry these increases but the new increase which was added on april 1st may break the camels back there is almost certain to be an increase in subscription prices manv publishers are suggesting that there is no need for the april increase in newsprint prices and they point to the profit recently announced by the bowater newfoundland pulp and paper mill whose net profits rosd from 4069829 in 1951 to 4617474 in 1952 nor will the publishers be called upon to shed any tears for the howard smith paper mills limited which recently announced earnings for 1952 of 9811721 after deduct- 4241107 for depreciation and depletion net profits for the year were given as 3826882 if these companies are having a hard time getting along their net earnings do not show any cause for tears postman looks twice on stamps with evitas face if you have had mail from argentina lately you probably noticed that the stamps bore the portrait of evita peron you also may have noticed thsit these stamps were cancelled very carefully at the bottom so no ink touchd her face this last is the result of orders from dictator peron he told the post office that under no circumstances must a cancellation mar evitas picture this is just another of many evidences of the desire of peron that his wife in death shall be treated with respect and reverence beyond that very rarely accorded to royalty in other countries regarding this the philadelphia inquirer comments oddly enough this is nothing new nearly a hundred years ago king bomba formally known as ferdinand ii of two sicilies had stamps issued bearing his portrait he too gave orders that no cancellation was to touch his face and so a special framelike cancellation was made which marked only the edges of these stamps confusion over coronation day a considerable amount of confusion exists regarding the actual status of coronation day on june 2 as to whether it should or should not be observed as a general national holiday in toronto and other places merchants and business people are at a loss to know just what they should do regarding it they are waiting for some sort of official pronouncement from ottawa before they can come to a decision it would seem as if the federal government has been somewhat lax in making its official desires known with regard to coronation day one announcement was made that may 18 would be observed as the victoria day holiday and that june 2 would be a holiday for corona tion day but as the federal government knows very well there are various degrees of holidays there are those statutory holidays which everyone recognizes there are also those holidays which are observed only by government establishments banks and schools but are not a general holiday so far as industry and business are concerned there is a need therefore for an official proclamation or some other guiding edict from the government to clarify the status of coronation day this is important from the standpoint of arranging coronation celebrations regardless of what announcement the government may make of course it is still possible that many lines of industry will be in full operation on coronation day according to the urgency of their production needs it would however clarify the general situation to a mater ial extent if the government would tell the people of canada what it expects them to do on that important day the old home town ihm v f 0t by r luceeftia youd bettev watch 5ampaw ox evere snce luket told him theyeemakwc ihs autos that go 90 miles an hou hrr c q had the speed bus rf j c for iarrnu- only nfld children flown to toronto to see sick father that is mine bv nancy leaver backboaofoks another speifp su6 soei off his rochcer tommy and john are playing with johns tiny cars in johns sandpile the noon whistle blows and tommys mother from the back door in the houe come to dinner tommv tommy clutches the mail red ear tightiv in his chubby hand and starts home ward john suddenly looks up catches sight of the red car and with a ye of anger erie- my car thats miner he pur sues his friend and attempts to recapture his plaything tom my run for home but doesnt drop hi- chums toy v the instinct of ownerhip is fundamental in man- nature william james declared a 3 oungster i- keen on what he o ns himself but he is not so interested in the possessions of others parents are often puzzled about training a child to respect other persons pro perty a baby is certainly not born with any regard for what belongs to other- little tots around two years old enjoy playing along side each other their acquisitive instinct is strong but they are inditfer- c nt to the claims of others sharing is something children learn very gradually when they are a hit older it usually accompanies enjoyment in play ing together in the later pre school period hut an adult is reeded to sort out playthings to their respective owners after a playtime when toys have been pooled in a home each small child should have his own play things and his own corner to keep his possessions orange crates painted in bright colors make inexpensive attractive low shelves for toys or books mother must often help junior pick up his toys and assist him ii putting them away it is much better to work along with him to get him started or to finish oil his task than to nag at him about the import ance of tidiness a place for everything and everything in its place often omuls like much too idealistic a slogan for a home where there are children but it is a target to aim at hoys and girls must have their own special i hooks for clothes and spot for rubbers and overshoes when i iney come there should place for the there should undertandin from mhf lie a definite r school books also be a clear that certain ar- lolc re kept in their own ueies rooms the logical consequence of rot putting play material or personal belongings in their ht place comes home to the child who must waste time end energy searching for lost article- if mother always rushes around to discover the location of the missing object this result of not nuking after their belongings i- not so ap parent at camp lost article- are put into a large box and can not be claimed until a tine is paid some homes put this lost box and payment of a penalty into eitect to encour age children to put their things away where they belong who ever heard of a family where there was no quarrel ling over borrowing without o ners permission or care lessness in looking after a bor rowed article or tardiness in its return the family coun cil i- a good place to make i tiles which discourage bor rowing except under special circumstances the unhappi- ness which comes from worry over money debts can be learn ed from painful experience but this is another topic which well might be discussed by a family too in many homes with several youngsters it is necessary to have a handmedown system it operation about clothes no child should lie ashamed of tin- but each youngster does need to receive a brand new- article of his very own from time to time sometimes juvenile delin quency springs in part from the lack of personal posses sions this is clearly shown in spoonhandle the story of an orphan boy donny mitchell who is picked up by the police for stealing from stores the author ruth moore wrote that the trouble with donny was that he had never really owned anything in his short life he never could declare with pride in his voice this is mine copyright charles pearce a 33-year- old veteran of world war ii gained courage to face a rare operation on his heart when he received a surprise visit at -sunny- brook hospital toronto from ilis three children the children were flown from the family home at st johns newfoundland through arrangement made by the welfare branch of sunnybrook and the red cross for seven years since he was invalided home from overseas pearce a gunner in heavy artillery on the battlefield has been unable to work because of a serious heart condition his illness is termed rheumatic inchar- ditis and the operation is described as one car tissue is gradually his over the years in which removed condition worsened until five months ago the xlyearold veteran was brought to toronto here mis pearce who joined her husband four months ago welcomes arleen left charles and lorraine events of bygone days from i lie files of the tribune 7 veaisago the llt chevrolet now on display at the stonehouse and stewart garage in markham has all these wonderful fea tures powerful valveinhead engine electric starter lights and horn speedometer am meter accelerator three speeds forward and one reverse three quarter floating axle mohair top ventilating wind shield graceful lines etc the price is s675 f o b oshawa at the regular meeting of sioulfville board of trade on friday evening the completion of the new road from the six th to the ninth concessions was introduced by dr frcel dr free advocated immediate and j decisive action of a personal taking the form canvas of re sidents of the district and send ing a deputation to appear be fore the good roads com mission in the matter mrbe beebe has bought mr r 15 duncans business of carriage and wagon repair ing and painting and will con duct the business in the fut ure special attention will be paid to all kinds of woodwork and painting of buggies wag ons and automobiles the stoullville boys who left on saturday evening for mark- ham to join the unit there for the trek to mount dennis were the proud possessors of a handsome pennant the gift of womens patriotic league the pennant is over six feet long and two feet wide it is blue with a white edge and has the word stouffville neatly worked on it in large letters the pennant was presented by mrs john mutch president of the wl who at the same time on behalf of the league gave each man two pairs of socks this week the tribune is installing a waste paper balei in order to do our hare in el iminating waste the condit ion- brought about by the pre sent war brings home to all of a- tlie necessity of consery ing our resources lat week our village visited by a travelling tacle peddler tax rate in the village been lowered to 2 mills rowbotham bros have chased the tables on market st belonging to mr eli hoov er they are now installing a large new oven in their west hake- shop the roads have been in the worst condition in many years 22 viai there i- considerable specu lation going on in the minds of manv ratepayers as to what council will do about keening the new roadway cleaned it s a beautiful road but must c kept eiean if we are going to enjoy it the difficulty that confronts the reeve and the council is whether they or the toronto and york road com- vvas pee has pur mission are responsible for cleaning away the dirt reeve morden is looking into the matter to see where we really stand seldom has the road from stouffville to uxbridge been impassable for so long a time it is going on three weeks since the big snow storm and still the stoullville road remains closed to traffic several gangs were put on right after the big storm but it was found to be loo great a task since the plows are unable to remove the banks it is likely that the job will beleft up to the sun stoullville shop and house holders will not have to endure the customary annoyance this spring from a newly oiled road throughout the town the new pavement has changed all that mr isaac boadway has com menced work on the remodel ling the late wb sanders re sidence near the cn r station the fine old brick residence once the pride of stouffville will he made into a double house and this is being ac complished without much diffi culty one half has already been rented to mr gordon holden the cemetery board in the town of shelburne has decided to erect a modern mortuary on their cemetery grounds cost ing 3500 a very small one is to be seen in uxbridge ceme tery some day there will be a strong demand for just sueha place at the stoullville burial grounds a small chapel usual ly forms part of the building in the modern mortuary one of those fine gray horses belonging to mr harvey bak er on the 10th concession of markham did some night prowling recently which must have proved uncfortable for the animal at least mr baker tied his horse in the mennon- ite church shed and returning for his outfit about 1 oclock he discovered it missingon sunday morning the loss was found in the yard of ab ray met on raker avenue just a few hundred feet from the church property the rig be came wedged between a wagon ami building and the horse unable to move further re mained quietly in this spot a night on wednesday of this week mr k s fielding commenced seeding on his farm picker ing township seeding is ex pected to be genera in this district around the middle of april grows fourleaf clovers for novelty manufacturers william daniels of st pet erburg fla is called a good luck farmer his harvest is fourleaf clovers with two generations o horticulturists behind him he owns a big stockpile of ammun ition against black cats lean ing ladders and broken mir ror- ilis back yard luck factory run- on sunpower it is staff ed by four clover engineers first class three million charmed plant- tire shipped annually you will find them on greet ing cards in key rings press ed into bracelets pendants calendars paperweights pock et pieces and watchfobs one novelty manufacturer for example has a standing order for 1000000 plants yea iy the business fourleaf clover more than luck the majority blooms come planted roots or seedplanting nee threeleaf 04ll tuf houstons wonderful days the pton- bu on item ol the rrgulon price add c and tak two et the iom item tow lave otmoil so tlie tliin- fh sat april 1 411171 8 selects only tlie have sprouted variety now and then ot growing depends on of daniels from tras- runners with likely to prod- clover danie runners which the fourleaf a selected runnei grows nervous and springs up with five or six leaves daniels amputates the unmagical petals leaving the charmed four to fill out the plant the clover hai vest runs must be processed before they can cast thier spell there is first a solvent bath to remove the chlorophyll then the clover is redyed in nonfad ing green pressed assorted mounted the fourleaf clovers are ready for shipping to the front lines of superstition a very profitable business this enough to make a rab bit stamp his foot with envy v frigidaire cooking shcool thurs april 16 at 8 pm in legion hall stouffville sponsored by stouffville business professional womens club appliances courtesv r a xl in electric grand prize frigidaire refrigerator tickets 50c sww5y was ar- a minnesota couple rested for creating a distur bance by fighting on their 10th anniversary wedded blitz mi unil mrs citizen here is an important meeting for you your attendance is requested at a meeting of the stouffville chamber of commerce the to be held in veterans hall stouffville some improvement has bbtr noted in fivinc saucers they are now showin up in techni color thurs april 9th at 8 pm sharp the following speakers are coming from toronto mr j e turnbuil dept of planning and development trade and industry branch colonel stan nash of community planning mr w g murr of the canadian national railways mr messer of the canadian bank of commerce business development branch mr william wilson toronto industrial branch we believe these men will help stouffville plan a course for our fujre regarding annexation of adjacent properties valuable information re sewerage and other problems of our town this meeting is very important to most of us i oca i councils are being invited we hope to see you there ken wagg president miss k williamson secretary swwvvvvvvvvv

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