the tribune siouffville ont thursday march 12 iy33 peaches march 4 bet wishes to the former miss ivy mecleverty whose marriage vows were solemn ized in toronto on friday ev ening- miss linda mccieverty ztiended her aunt as flower girl and geo mecleverty was soloist for his sister mies margaret and helen hlsey visited with their bro ther and sisterinlaw mr and mrs bruce hisey of nobel last weekend mr and mrs john mcciaus- land and family visited with her mother and father mr and mrs g hoover on sunday mr norm jarvis and mr trevor watson provided the young people union with an inspiring programme on stew anlhip in the church last sunday evening congratulation to mis mar garet hlsey who was success jul in obtaining first class hon ours in her harmony and mus ical history examination mr and mrs jim painter and family and the yvarriner familv visited with mr and mrs lome hoover and daugrt ter on sunday mr and mrs ae brown and familv had sunday din ner with mr and mrs henry miller mrs doug ferguson attend ed a bridal shower last wed nedav evening held at the diet kitchen in toronto frienl will be sorry to learn that one of our faithful hockev fan- mrs smart ha left tliu community to take up residence in her own home pine orchard issue of march 1 we are pleased to welcome airs ough home again after a two months visit to her form er home in england little beverly downey was rushed to york county hospit al from school wednesday af ternoon and underwent an em ergency appendix operation we are pleased to report that beverly is doing well mrs ash held a quilting at her home wednesday after noon mrs albert boake and ted dy spent a few days in stouff viue with mrs boakes par ents mr and mrs douglas hope and bobby were toronto vis itors on saturday mr and mrs donald mason were weekend visitors with his parents mr and mrs g mason mr and mrs whitfield vis ited mr and mrs rae mcclure and family last week they al so were dinner guests with mr and mrs lehman on fri day airs geo sproxton attended the wedding of her niece in toronto last saturday measles seem to be prefer ring the very young this year keith baxter howard dike and danny mclure are the vic tims don sheridan very ately escaped injury on thiirsi bethesda march 1 mr and mrs walt foster of sutton were sunday visitors with mr and mrs giivun mr and mrs harry warrin er of peaches were sunday ev ening visitors with mr and mrs wm watt mr and mr art steckley spent the weekend in the north bay district mr and mrs fred yake were sunday callers with mr and mrs russell preston a birthday party was given mr wm hunt who celebrated hi- soth birthday on wednes day february 25th at the par ty were friends and relatives which included mr and mrs gordon tidsburv alan and dori- mr and mrs ernest hunt and ruth mrs eva steckley mr and mrs edger- ton clubine mr wes steckley mrs willis hunking pauy and brian and miss a shrieve mrs wm watt attended a shower last wednesday even ing feb 2oth intoronto for iter niece miss joan walker a bridetobe of march mr paul bolender spent the weekend at bracebridge vivian news issue of march 1 the good neighbour com munity club met at vivian school last friday feb 27th it was decided at the meetins that refreshments would be served at the regular meetings held the second monday of ev ery month coffee will be sup plied by the club and the lad ies to bring a light lunch the entertainment for the club will be looked after by mr bob paradirie and mr morlev davis and their first dance is march 6th mr para- dine informed the meeting he had musicians lined up to form an orchestra for the club and they will be on hand friday so come on folks lets see yo alt at the dance mr harold breen is organ izing baseball teams for boys of all ages mrs kathline card armstrong is looking after the young ladies the committee is scouting a good flat field for their baseball diamonds any suggestions folks come on lets play ball foruln lloyd day morning when his car went out of control just east of pine orchard and crashed into the embankment the car was badly damaged but don was not hurt everyone reports a splen did evening at the church on friday when all enjoyed a bountiful supper in the social room downstairs followed by the royal visit film the johnson family gave several musical numbers also miss helen reicl returned saturday following a three weeks vacation in florida mrs g mclure and mrs tucker were sunday visitors with mrs g woods and mrs gormley march 4 congratulations to mr mur ray brown and miss glenda clapham ol concord who were married last saturday in thorahil anglican church a miscellaneous shower was held in their honour in the brown home last thursday evening mr and mrs geo phippen of cnionville had supper on sunday with rev and mrs c hunking mls franeey of toronto visited recently for several days with mr and mrs harry thompson we wish a speedy recovery to mrs j bond who has been in bed with a cold also to the ones who have been ill with the measles and flu congratulations to mr and mrs d hilts who celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniver sary- on wednesday march mr bill noble spent three days of this week in montreal on business miss reatha anil mr bruce steckley spent last weekend with friend in pennsylvania mr and mrs ray wilson and john of toronto were weekend visitors with mr and mrs john empringham this weeks sunday school lesson accountable to goo these ye did it not to me tne same principle of identitiea- goldru lvt erilj i i t little do those who uutt you inasmuch as yel jjgfctb regard the lords have done ii unto one of the peo realize that thev are ieat of these my brethren doing despite to the lord of goodwood i march 1 the merry mixers enjoyed a delightful evening last satur day when miss nellie lewis of toronto took charge of the programme there were many games and drills and nuich laughter when the games were finished allen taylor auctioned the many gaily dec orated lunch boxes brought by the ladies and coffee was serv ed at the next meeting on friday march 13th mr we turnbul of the dominion weather bureau at malton will speak on why the weather business directory e have done it unto man me 23 40 rnhnnuillo wuiivilllllv news central feed store phone 277 stouffville marmill dairy blue coal poultry hog feeds kleenflo fuel oil order your ajrico and a a quality fertilizer cream for best results ship your cream to siouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound biitterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers and fast freezing facilities stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone i86w c i h r what your 50c did on october 20th 1952 the buttonville branch of the wo mens institute held a bridge and euchre their second such affair to raise funds with which to buy gifts for the christmas 153 gift cupboard at the toronto branch of the canadian cancer society you will recall our first ef fort in october 1051 realized 8500 and helped to supply the gift cupboard with some of the sot beautifully wrapped gifts which were distributed at christmastime 1951 bringing comfort and happiness to can cer sufferers you came to our october 1952 party paid your 50c and had a good time now we want you to know what we accomp lished with your 50c the proceeds from the 90 players the lion players and from the sale of bittersweet by one of the members and from donations from interested friends totalled 8535 as the prizes and refreshments were donated by our members we had a net of 8035 to use for gifts the need at the time was for flannelette nightgowns for the women patients we ac cordingly purchased 1 gowns which members embroidered in dainty pattern in soft past el shades to give some cancer sufferer a real lift they were wrapped in gay christmas pr per and deivlcred to the can cer society along with twe pairs of bed sox and 54 jnis of jam also gaily wraope to be placed on the shelves of the big gift cupboard from there they were taken by the cancer society visitors kind under- j standing friends who never i fail to bring cdnifort cheer and l hope as well yfi surprise j gift package to cancer suffer- ers some of the jirs of jam and jelly were brought to the ital the night of the euchre or gven to irteibars later and a most generous donation of thirty jais was giver by the tvornhill brurn of the wo mens institute as there is always a need for sox for the male cancer patients wool was purchased with the small balance of cash on hand the sox knitted will be included in the dona tion wc hope to make to the faster lift cupboard this month this report is submitted by hilda kelly work convener the his sit and the tinulvn went herei just the opportunity youve been waiting for a delightful 26day trip to sunny california with sightseeing all the way colorodo springs cave of the winds grand canyon tos angeles hollywood and a side trip south of the border to tia juana homeward bound you visit santa barbara and monterey enjoy o thrilling stop in san francisco and then return via reno salt lake city cheyenne and chicago atk your agmn for moro dtloilt of thh and many othmr pltatur plonntd vatolhnt round trip fare from toronto subcf to change includes hotel room for 20 nights 2 in a room 3gr ay sffi snowbalps barber shop phone 270j i approach to the lesson there are differences of opinion about who are repre sented in the parable of the ten virgins some holding that it has the church in view others that it is israel of whom the lord speaks there can be no such difference regarding the objects of the judgment described in the closing section of the olivet discourse matt 253146 we are distinctly told that nations are gathered before the son of man who is also the king vs 31 101 this is universal nevertheless there are wide differences in interpretation of this passage there is the dis- pensational view which holds that this judgment is confined to the living nations upon earth at the time of the lord- return after the great tribu lation that the basis of judg ment is the several nations treatment of the lords brethren namely the jews that the judgment determines the place of these nations in the millennial kingdom an other view which might be called the idealistic sees here a presentation of great ulti mate principles it tells us that jesus is the judge of all that the gospel of grace does not preclude works as a test of the reality of our faith that all will come face to face with their works in the day of judgment that there is no appeal from the judgment of christ but that it seals eternal destiny these views are not mutual ly exclusive if one holds the dispensational view it is not impossible nor illogical to hold the second by way of application as dr j stuart holden a dispensationalist seems to do in a sermon en titled transfiguring motive more often however the two views are unfortunately re garded as antagonistic so that we lose the prophetic perspec tive on the one hand or the practical application on the other hand xo system has the last word en prophecy we are all but students and when it comes to the nature and order of pro phetic events we dare not speak oracularly but modest ly and humbly as those expecting more light to break from the sacred page verse by verso matt 2531 when son of man shall come in glory then shall he upon the throne of his glory notice that jesus fully expect ed a return in glory whether men look for him or not if he were mistaken in this how shall we trust his word in anything verses 32 33 and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them wc have had our own systems of separation segre gation class distinction and so on but christs division of men will be on a righteous basis not difference of color rank or possession but differ- eiice of nature sheep versus goats verse 31 come ye bless ed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world this will be spoken only to those who have obey ed the come of chapter 1128 how was the kingdom pre pared from the founda tion of the world see reve lation 13 s the end of the verse verse 35 30 ye gave me meal ye gave me drink ye took me in ye clothed me ye visited me ye came unto me here are good works aplenty and notice that they are all said to have been done unto the king for the other side of this see psalm 51 i the good works are not the ground of salva tion but the evidence of it see james 2 1 120 verses 3739 lord when saw we thee an initialed thirsty a stranger naked sick in pri son notice the surprise of the righteous to them christ is the fount of all fullness ministering to their needs verse 10 inasmuch as we have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me see matthew- 1 2 is50 christ so identifies us with himself and himself with us that what is done to lis is done to him good or evil compare ceeh- ariah 28 verse ii depart from me ye cursed into everlasting tire prepared for the devil and his angels what a contrast from verse 3 1 notice that the everlasting fire was not prepared for men but men who join hand- with the devil in rebellion against god will share hi- destiny verse 12 13 gave me no meat visited me not no active antagonism is charged but only failure to do what the need called for failure to do right is as culpable as do- ina wrong verse ii lord when saw we thee and did not min ister unto thee the wicked are is surprised at the charge as were the righteous at the immendation verse 15 inasmuch as ye did it no to one of the least of glory verse 4t everlasun pun ishment life eternul if any scripture settles the fixed ness of destiny this one does everlasting and eternal translate the same greek word the punishment is as enduring as the life the heart of the lesson christ is the great divider of men that is true in this life matt 10 313 the variance is not always too apparent here however but there is a ail day coming when the cleavage will ik- fully apparent final ami irremediable when jesus the saviour appears as judge john 5 22 27 acts 17 31 an unerring division will be made whatever view we hold about the time when the right eous will receive their reward and the time when the wicked will hear their final doom we should realize that in either case christ is the judge his voice will dismiss theungodly to their eternal judgment what we do with jesus determine- whether we shall hear the come ye blessed or the departed ye cursed and what we do with jesus is denionsiaited by how we neat his people whom he loving calls my brelhern ministry to them in their need is min istry to him who idenifics himself with his people in all that they endure likwise failure io minister to his people in their need is failure to minister to him a nd is evidence that those who so fail do not know him the deeds of mercy are thus glor ified above anything which the doer ever dreamed and the lack of deeds of mercy adds guilt far beyond the reck oning of the negligent if faith or want of faith determines salvation or damnation then good works or want of them constitutes the evidence for or against us the righteous and the wicked may both be surprised at the evidence brought forward but one thing is certain the saved will forever adore the grace that saved them and the lost will acknowledge the righteous ness that condenmiis them noone will ever to go to hell saying what am 1 being sent there for the evidence will all be open compare revelat ion 2012 13 where according to their works is repeated see also romans 20 the division of the righte ous and the wicked is final the felicity of the one and the misery of the other are alike eternal whether we regard this scene as upon the earth at the beginning of the milieu nium or whether with the amillennialist we identify it with the judgment of the great white throne or whether we see in it a composite picture of the judgments this must be clear that christs word sends some to a punishment from which there is no release and receives others into a life that knows no ending these are solemn thoughts and i have dwelt on the present applica tion of the principles involved rather than on the dispensat ional aspect of this lesson lest in the dispensational discus sion we might lose sight of the present and practical sponsibilities stouffviue monu31ent wokks orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone s9j2 dental marie jack hairdress1ng mow avenue stouffviue permanent waving machine maehineless cold wave hairstyling and shaping phone ltttwt rexnie transport hume 121 stouffviue sand gravel loam screened stone any size daily service to toronto phone wa ihxit toronto brierbush hospital day and nighi service maternity medical and surgical member of lite allied private hospital association government licensed maun street east stounville auctioneers sellers atkinson ph agin 20lw lli sto sgs licensed auctioneers and sale managers over so years experience sales conducted anywhere spe cializing in farm stock furni ture and property sales all sales personally listed and ad vertised liills prepared and posted at no extra cost our rates are most reasonable for this complete service which really pays off no sale too bis or too small tor and ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized the counties of york ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one milliken po ill agin 52w3 markham po pit mark 206 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 always watcn out that dont accept a secondhand with someone elses sincere preeiations you car de- laiaisiaiisjsiaiaiaisjaiajsisjsmamajaiaisia joy beauty salon permanent waving individual styling razor shaping mrs vcrna austin prop phone stouffviue 08v2 asbaiaisisraiaiasraiaiiiaisraibraaiass a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cty uxbridge pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gonnley po telephone stouffviue 07312 j p mcdonald licensed a uctioneer farm sales livestock household furniture etc 137 midland ave toronto ij telephone scar one 7ip2 real estate neil c smith iis lhlks graduate of university of toronto office over canadian hank of commerce telephone i07v stouifyillc e s barker los oiks honor graduate of lniversity of toronto office over harolds grill phone 274v stouffviue medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of ohrien main phone 196 coroner tor york county dr f j button stouffviue ontario telephone 7lv xhay hour daily 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday evenings 79 pm and by appointment office over itmioii blk dr herbert b freel physician telephone 1c1 xray hoitrs daily except sunday 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday 7 to 9 pm a c kennedy liiropructor church street stouffviue monday and friday 9 to 1 2 am opfrometric e a g rubin ro optombtmst melon stouffviue office closed until april repairs sent to picton will lie laken care of garnet v gray ro optometrist hours am t ll pm every tuesday evening by appointment lloyd graham residence topposite dr freds residence ph khvt for appointment when buying or selling heal estate farms residences business properties contact george v allison itcgd real estate broker phone s7jl funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffviue 9swl vnwt stouffviue tool machine works telephone t r of cn it stati electric and acetylene welding ialtm mach1nekv machinery repairs j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy v service telephone 90 markham ontario insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffviue ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 2s9w2 h 0 klinck phone llw3 stouffviue fire auto burglary sickness accident fidelity bonds strength service unexcelled f g alsop insurance for every purpose phone 012 insure today the coop way inquire at your local coop john sytema lt newmarket out phone at ij i attg st sanitary contractor septic tank- pumped drain- cleaned and repaired m hour service stcvdex richmond hill ph it 112 1 3su f m pugh pi e tkuli stouirville general insurance the protection of ones depen dents should be the first business of life hence life insurance representing the mutual life of canada prompt courteous service stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel ill run delivered or at the bin plant phone isji office phom 70 x 11