the tribune stouffviile ont thursday february c 1333 make these classified advs your market place miscellaneous for sale j80o first mortgage bearing interest at 6 apply to box j stouffviile tribune transportation available for two leaving stouffviile s am toronto i pm phone 84wl stouffviile transportation available daily to toronto leaving ballan- trae 630 am returning college spadina 5 pm stouffviile ph 63106 real estate for rent apartment rooms low price ph s6jl stouffviile store for rent centrally loca ted in stouffviile write box 87 stouffviile oat radios any make or model repaired fast service pickud and deliver call mel stouff 60713 30tl transportation to toronto available leaving coodwood 615 am returning from queen and jarvls 445 pm ph 67616 sto carpenter work all kinds of carpenter work new buildings repairs or alterations eavetrough- ing and cement work lea ogden stouffviile ph 65827 17tf real estatk wanted farms and houses wanted list with us for prompt reliable service backed by years of experience in al types of pro perty contact r h crosby main st s markham ph 199 david mclean limited real tors 30tf articles for sale one set sloop sleighs for sale also one cockshutt riding scuffler bruce foote ph 57s14 stouff reduced to clear singer electric sewing machines port able and cabinet models singer sewing machine co 102 main st newmarket ph 1075 402 sale register cards of thanks real estatk client is desirous of borrowing 650000 at 7 by first mortgage on improved farm property in pickering township valued at 2500000 no bonus please con tact g r it frame barrister at pickering 299 after s 3stf if you wish your pork or beet killed cured and processed ready to cook or stored without pain to them or you just call 12tf 80hklias meat market ito stouffviile phone 230 will pick up and deliver we do custom killing aleo curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market ph 3501 49tf electrical wiring installation service repairs lksije leonard ph 3swl stouffviile 12tf investment opportunities we have a number of excellent op portunities for investment of bret mortgage monies at 6 in amounts from 1000 to 5000 call collect for further information 27tt wignall and shepherd real estate brokers miirklmm phone 230 for sale studio couch and 2 piece chesterfield suite in good condition ph 07309 sto for sale 2 710x15 goodyear tires tubes slightly used 35 bill plaskiu burkholder st sto ph s9jl save fuel 10 days delivery on clear white pine storm windows and combina tion doors custom made to suit your home primer coat of paint hardware supplied and expertly installed 3s3 russ forfar phone 158 stouffviile help wanted ken ogden s garage ballantrae all makes of 37tf tractors cars repaired phone stouffviile g0024 piano tuning repairs s hoffman formerly with gerhardhelntzman phone fares radio electric stouffviile 36 22tt all orders promptly attended to albert lageer wood choice hardwood immediate delivery claremont 30316 mount albert 4120 30tf chalk refrigeration sales service commercial farm a household guaranteed repairs on all makes phone king 20r5 8tf 24 hour service anywhere electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges etc installed radios ranges toasters irons and other appliances repaired k h midtllcmiss 6tt phone 367 stouffviile washing machines ah makes repaired and serviced good supply of new and used machines always on hand we are exclusive beatly dealers for new washing ma chines ironers dryers etc c h bell son phone stouffviile 281w dead stock crippled stock speedily removed telephone collect stouffviile 74j2 banner rendering toronto ly 27 we are unable to pick up animals under 200 lbs 25tf dead stock dead and crippled farm animals removed promptly for sanitary disposal 52tf telephone collect stouffviile 215 toronto km 33080 gordon young ltd radiators and heater cores repaired cleaned fast service pickup deliver call mel venn stouffviile 60713 ii eli- wanted two men to cut logs by contract per thousand ph 64s20 sto howard ratcliff organist wanted for claremont united church apply to clerk of session tv r evans ph 79jl claremont nurse companion to take com plete charge of elderly woman in valid starting in may friendly cooperative patient private room with bath in markham village 3 t scott markham ontario pin boy wanted for steady after noon work apply arena bowling alley ph 290 lost and found lost in stedmans store mans wrist wateh bulova expansion bracelet reward ph ken schell stouffviile 135 or 220 lost truck wheel tire bej tweeu shadow lake farm and aurora skyline farms ph sto 123 lost between school waggs jewellery a parker 51 pen blue and silver ph stouff 20w3 found gloves overshoes etc left at bowling alley wanted information about the whereabouts of a yellowish brown friendly dog who answers to butch butch is my pet and i want him back larry age eleven valued for sentimental reasons b bttrnell claremont ph 33407 coming events notice the betty beauty salon will be closed from feb 9th to feb 24th toronto east rural ypu skating party february 12th refreshments provided admission 4 0c place cedarena s00 pm 392 the mothercratt advice room is always open the second and fourth tuesday of each month therefore the next clinic will be on feb 10th from 1230 to 430 pm in the united church basement all mothers and babies welcome hid teacher training course will bo conducted in the stouffviile united missionary church feb 9th to 13th inclusive sunday school teachers take advantage of this course 392 the good neighbour club is hold ing a euchre bingo friday feb 6th 1953 at vivian school games start at 830 sharp cash prizes everyone welcome canteen service admission 35c the canadian holiness federation yorkontario district will hold the next nwetings in the free methodist church newmarket ont friday feb 6th 1953 at 230 and s pm guest speaker rev f huson pas tor of the united missionary church stouffviile ont this is your invita tion to attend the ladles of christ church ang lican wa are holding a valentine tea and bake sale feb 14th in the parish hall parents neighbours see whats doing in the world of our little folk wider horizons creativity adaptabil ity welcome everyone to our open house friday feb 13th 35 pm and 730 9 pm stouffviile klnder- gartehnuriery school at the sun- day school rooms united church church st north and duchess 402 notice to creditors all tn having account against the tt- of dr geo a clark of claremo submit hm immediate ly to pbroiby curk 475 duport street toronto ioof euchre friday feb 6th first second prizes admission 50c prises for high score end of fehnmry april proceeds go to cp t fund assinck bros machine welding shop the plte for all kinds of truck a farm machinery repair 368 lawn mowers sharpened phone m markham j after hour 3tlw- stouffviile hay and grain for sale 25 to 30 tons mixed hay stacked without rain open for cash offers ph 269w2 mark ham mixed hay for sale rood qual ity also timothy hay wire tied bales h kennedy ph uxbridse 151r22 3gs quantity of ear corn for sale can deliver ph 66004 stouffviile j johnson 392 wanted housekeeping position wanted by dutch girl who expects to ar rive in canada this spring phone i 95j4 markham wanted to rent by couple house or rooms in town or in the country by april 1st box a co stouffviile tribune teenage girl desires housework in stouffviile by the day phone marjorie conner stouffviile 172w wanted stouffviile or claremont small house with a few acres of land reply giving particulars and price to box r co stouffviile tribune 393 married man desires position at general farming and poultry sep arate house required state wages etc available april 1st apply to box h the tribune wanted house or apartment to rent in stouffviile by march or april 1st box z co stouffviile tribune highest prices paid for all kinds of live poultry norm davis ph claremont 55w3 36tt wanted up to 100 weaning pigs delivered to claremont ph claremont 20 394 wanted to buy all kinds of live poultry best cash prices paid call mr m nash stouff 62804 31tf highest prices paid for old cars and trucks for wrecking also scrap iron auto rads and batteries stouffviile auto wreckers stouff- er street ph 66j6 26tf cars for sale for sale 1951 oldsmobile ss rocket good rubber safety tubes excellent condition many extras including custom radio small mileage ph stouffviile 153j2 cars trucks tractors reconditioned guaranteed 50 ford 1ton pickup 1095 51 morris ton panel 1095 50 morris minor coach 895 49 morris minor coach 650 3s ford panel 100 51 waterloo tractor plow 695 45 mh tractor with loader and plow 1050 48 ford tractor 995 46 ford ferguson 695 44 ford ferguson 595 wallis tractor 295 garden tractor implements 100 easy terms cash trade british ontario motors iaskdale ph uxbridjc 102115 392 notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of hanna anna b kitching late of the village of stouffviile in the county of york widow de ceased notice is hereby given pursuant to the trustee act that all persons having any claim against the estate of the above named hanna anna b kitching who died on or about the 17th day of december ad 1952 at the said village of stouffviile are hereby required to send post pre paid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors for the executor of the said estate full particulars of their said claims duly verified on or before the 10th day of february ad 1953 after which said date the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have received notice dated january 26th 1953 charles hoover executor unionvllle ont mccullough button solicitors for executor 392 stouffviile ont saturday feb nth will be baby day at houstonv rexall drug store you can have your child picture taken by cha abe studio photographers abso lutely tree cf charge wednesday feb 11 auction sale of 14 lots of standing timber mostly hard maple in u acre lots more or less at lot 16 con 1 uxbrldge at gravel hill the pro perty of russell storry purchaser has until april 15 1954 to clear the lots brush to be piled in a workmanlike manner terms cash sale a i pm geo todd clerk sellers atkinson auc tioneers wednesday feb 11 auction sale of 100 acre farm on lot 15 con 7 markham twp hi mile from markham village property belonging to estate of the late s h b ramer terms made known on day of sale sold subject to a reserve bid ken clarke pren tice auctioneers thursday feb 12 important auction sale of modern stable and barn fixtures and equipment all near new consisting of beatty steel cow stalls complete with cross chain ties halters etc water bowls cow pens calf pens bull pens hors stalls electric milking machine milk cooler lit ter carrier complete feed carriers electric oat roller horse fork complete new manure spreader cow show blankets etc on lot 19 con 2 north york township e 1 mile north of lansing cutoff on bayview ave property of c j fox sale at 2 pm terms cash no reserve proprietor quitting ken clarke prentice auction eers monday feb 16 auction sale of down timber tree tops mostly hardwood on lot 14 entrance of 5th con searboro known as the crawford bros farm property of miss a pepper terms cash sale at 2 pm two winters given to remove wood sellers atkin- son auctioneers wednesday feb is auction sale of household furniture at prentices auction rooms frank lin house markham ont proper- ty of the estate of mrs macey of whitevale parkers estate and robert scott riehvale ont also mrs lee foster pickering sale at 1 pm sharp terms cash no reserve ken clarke prentice auctioneers wednesday feb 18 auction sale of farm stock and implements holstein jersey cattle horses threshing machine mh tractor model 30 2 years old good con dition fulpline of tractor imple ments hay and grain at lot 8 con 7 whitchurch at lemonville the property of miss gertrude nieghorn no reserve as farm sold terms cash sale at 1230 pm lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer thursday feb 19 auction sale of dairy herd 2 tractors trac tor implements pigs grain hay ensilage etc at lot 21 con 10 markham twp 2 miles north of no 7 hgy the property of w l bert silverthorn no reserve farm sold sale at 1 pm lloyd turner clerk sellers atkinson auctioneers saturday feb 21 auction sale of entire household furniture and farm implements glassware dishes cooking utensils many an tique articles on 5th con of pick ering 1 i miles south of the vil lage of brougham m mile east the estate of the late geo gibson no reserve sale at 1 pm a s farmer auctioneer saturday feb 21 auction sale of gardeners horse garden implements household furniture etc at 159 mill st in the village of richmond hill property of c e watson sale at 130 pm terms cash no reserve proper ty sold and proprietor moving to usa ken clarke prentice auctioneers monday feb 2 3 auction sale of high class household furniture new chesterfield suite piano elec tric stove dining room suite ra dio dodge car 1940 rugs dishes cooking utensils crocks jars etc in the village of stouffviile on lloyd ave the property of har vey moyer mr moyer has sols the property terms cash sale at 130 pm a s farmer auctioneer tuesday feb 24 dispersal sale of holstein dairy herd con sisting of springers fresh and milking cows also delaval milk ing machine the property of fred mortson at lots 5 6 con 8 whitchurch 1 mile north of the townline ill health reason for selling terms cash sale at 200 pm lloyd turner clerk sellers atkinson auctioneers wednesday feb 25 auction sale of 30 head of shorthorn cat tle farm stock and implements farmall a tractor in first class condition mh combine motor- driven new in 1952 grain and hay furniture at lot is con 1 scott twp mile east and 1 miles north of mount albert the property of douglas moorbead no reserve as farm sold terms cash sale at 1230 pm ii pear son clerk a s farmer auction eer thursday feb 20 importftnl auction sale of registered and grade holstein cattle farm stock implements hay grain furniture etc on lot 4 con 2 markham twp on john st 2 miles east of thornhill property of wm whe- lan sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke prentice auctioneer saturday feb 2s important auction sale of registered blood- tested holstein cattle farm stock implements hay grain furniture etc on lot 20 con 3 north york twp west corner of finrhes and keele street property of james buchanan sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve farm old ken clarke prentice auctioneer wednesday mar 4 auction sale of farm stock implements hay grain and furniture at lot 13 eon 2 eat gwilhmhary i mil north of sharon property of fred we wish to express our gratitude and appreciation to the altona womens institute neighbors and friends for the lovely gifts of a tri- lrh floor lamp and a table lamp given to us on the occasion of mak- j tag our home in stouffviile fond memory brings the light of other days around us wm and ethel reesor words cannot express our sincere thanks 3nd appreciation to friends relatives and neighbors greenwood womens association brougham womens association and institute for kindness sympathy and beauti ful flowers received in our recent be reavement of a loving brother norman gibson mrs a bunker pearl mrs e kellow may mrs m harlock margaret 1 in memoriam smith in kv memory of a dear husband and father albert smith who passed away feb sti 1945 sweet to renumber him who once was here j and who thougn absent is just dear lovingly remembered by wife and daughter audrey harding in loving memory of i my husband arthur red c harding who passed away fb i loth my sadly missed by his wife matti we wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes from our thoughtful friends and neighbors during our recent bereavement we especially thank the rev h lackey mr and mrs edgar ward and mr and mrs r tansley mrs geo a clark and family we wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness messages of sym pathy and beautiful floral offerings from the relatives friends and neigh bors in the loss of our loving mother we especially thank rev mr d davis for his consoling words and kindness also the ladies who so kindly helped in any way with the lunch we sincerely thank vou one and all myrtle l watson evert b watson charles w watson mildred a ilynes words alone cannot express our thanks to all our friends neighbors and relatives for their messages of sympathy acts of kindness and the beautiful floral tributes received during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father rolph e perkins mrs r- perkins and family its new new formula shurgain 20 chick starter is a new sensational booster martr here is what it will ikt 1 boost chick growth 33 li improve feed conversion 0 8 lbs does tin work of four in or dinary starters i speeds up foathcriiiti and iuu tliem on range fast todays price 48 cwt 5 discount on all fobmary shhi denning order- imiont for your apointiiunt now 4 04 dicksons hill mills phone sitwl live stock februarymarch chicks ma ture for the good summerfall markets egg or broiler bray hatchery has chicks you want for any market ask us for particulars agent fred wise richmond hill holstein heifer for sale due to freshen vaccinated and tb tes ted garfield bennett goodwood ph 33712 claremont 12 purebred yorkshire pigs for sale 3 weeks old ph 6690g sto breeder hatchery canadian approved chicks for 1051 fast feathering barred rocks for layers capons production large sc white leg horns for layers fryers choice selected columbians for layers capons broilers extra quality leghorn x rock for layers broilers columbian x red 3612 michells poultry farm claremont ont ph mark 3 death otter annie passed away at the home of her daughter mrs mary matichuk birchmount ri tuesday february 3 1953 be loved wife of the late harvey otter late of concession s mark ham ont dear mother of joseph 140 davenport rd toronto john markham paul agincourt fred markham mary mrs j mati chuk agincourt olga mrs g doneviteh 2 earl haig street toronto helen and stella mark ham dear grandmother of diane paul terry donna victoria and sharon loving sister of polly brechow in her 50th year resting at the ogden funeral home agin court for time and place of the funeral consult daily papers weddle no reserve farm sold terms cash sale at 1230 les mount john grant clerks a s farmer auctioneer auction sale executors sale 100 acres approx of valuable farm lands 15 acres of hardwood bush in the township of markhaiu county of york the undersigned has received in structions from the executors hereinafter named to sell by pub lic auction on the premises here inafter described on wednesday feb 11 1053 at 2 pm the following lands belonging to tlie estate of the late samuel h b ramer namely the east half of the west half and the westerly ten acres of the east half of lot no 15 and the westerly forty acres of the north half of the west half of lot no 14 both in the seventh conces sion of the said township of mark ham on the said premises there is said to be erected a oneandahalfstory brick house containing ten rooms with good cellar a good frame barn 50 x 70 feet on stone foundation a pig pen is x 60 feet a driving shed 34 x 30 feet a onecar garage and good cement silo the said farm is well watered by two good wells and a neverfailing creek the said farm lands are within onehalf mile of the village of markham and hydro is already available on the said lauds terms ten percent 10 of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sale the purchaser has the option of leaving 70 of the said purchase money on a first mortgage on the said lands bearing interest at 5 per annum payable half yearly for a term of five years with half yearly payments on principal on each interest date of 25000 with the privilege of increasing the said halt yearly payments without notice or bonus and the balance of said pur chase money within thirty days after the date of sale when a proper deed of the said lands will be delivered by the vendors to the said purchaser the said farm is being offered sub ject to a reserve bid and also sub ject to a lease expiring nov 19 1953 purchaser can have posses sion immediately of the house for further terms and conditions of sale apply to the undersigned executors or their solicitors or to the auction eers executors russell grove markham itr2 lloyd widkman stoufltville rri mccullough button solicitors for executors stouffviile ontario ken clarke prentice auctioneers f 1 ifm ti vutsil stflssk jtttsss sltoss jstkss 5ttts8fitwsk3 attention commercial beef raisers aberdeen angus cattle mature early bringing top baby beef market prices theyre easy feed ers ideal commercial beef cattle for ontario our purcbrods are priced right for commerciol beef raising all enquiries welcome write glen robbie farm co r c baker claremont ont i r or phone claremont 44j implements on hand new implements mh manure spreader coby manure spreaders mh cream separator- milking machine tractors wagons plow disc harrows cultivators harrows balers forage harvester combines used implements farmall a tractor manure loader tor karniall v mascyharrls 44 tractor international lll- international manure spreader mll manure sprrader maeyllarris cull i valor coekshiim hay loader ible dise harrow corkshutt mower dump llakt- iseil tires henry ogden son phone 251 stouffvilk onl j