the tribune stouffville ont thursday august 14 1952 promise of fine harvest in britain this year by gorge abell of stouffville i apologize for mentioning the english heat wave a few weeks ago last toronto paper i saw june 15 painted a vry grim picture of the hot dry weather you have had with its bad effect on crops ard water supply let us hope that things have changed for the better and enough rain has fallen to keep things green it is still dry here but not serious because this country does not have such high temperatures the worst week we had the thermometer was around the middle eighties and although people complained i dont think anyone actually suffered even with the dry summer grain has filled well and looks like making a good crop harvesting began the first week of july in the south and if the weather holds the harvest will be complete by the first part of august it is nearly unknown for britain to have a dry harvest and the farmers have their fingers crossed the government paid five pounds an acre bounty for each acre of permanent pasture that was ploughed and put to grain this year this acreage is nothing enorm ous something less than 100000 for the country as a whole but now that we have a hen that lays an egg every hour on the hour we will need a lot of extra grain for mash just think if 11 her eggs are incubated why in a year or so ucly stated that as soon as they i england will flood the world vith regain control the first thing to be eggs from her progeny we would done will be that road transports still be rationed to one egg a week j will be taken out of the owners each here but would be told how hands and nationalized once more much nice foreign exchange we what a pleasant prospect for the were helping the country to make operation 1 imagine that most of as far as most of us are con- them will decline the privilege of cerned foreign exchange would be buying back their businesses with a lot more interesting if you could thanks for it cant be very satis- ever eat it factory to know that your means before we leave the rural scene of livelihood has become a poiti- i will pass on a recent news item cal football to e kicked back and that surprised me it was in regard forth with every change of govern- jto the mechanization of world mem agriculture and tated that the one business over here that is farms of great britain were the not atlected by the change of most highly mechanized in the government and that has really world there is one tractor for flourished this summer i- that of every 70 acres of land as against the pavement artists along the one for every 130 in the usa and south and east sides of the huge about the same in canada i have national art gallery that forms often noticed how many tractors the northern edge of trafalgar are seen working but had no idea square these men do some remark- they were not the trucks were it was so large its a wonder nationalized like a few years ago lists the present tory govern ment is pushing plans for a bill to lie shortly introduced in the house of commons to denationalize the trucking industry or in other words give the exowners of tiie trucks an opportunity to buy them back with the licenses and go back to work as if the last six years had never been but the socialist party has pub- able works of art each day anyone can walk in the gallery for free and wander for hours under the socia- looking at the thousands of paint ings from the size of postage stamps to ones that take up a whole wall and must have been done at a contract price of so much an acre in the dim and distant past but out on the wide sidewalks are drawings on display that also draw crowds many of whom drop a little money in the artists cap or box beside his work these artists seem to be poured out of the same mold about 60 years of age they wear old clothes with the trouser legs tied at the ankle with string have an old broken peaked cloth cap on their heads and a dead half inch stub of handmade cigarette glued to their lower lips materials are a box full of bits of coloured pastel chalks a three foot square of cement sidewalk and a pair of old socks to kneel on for a few minutes the other day i watched one put the finishing touches to a battle scene of the spanish armada and drakes ships in the circle of onlookers were art students admiring the detail of his color blending children the male ones were up to 70 years old admiring the cannon smoke and blood and the usual number of camera slung visitors just having a look in case they miss something there were many favorable com ments being made but the artist never once looked up or gave any sign that he was aware of anyone being near the only thing that existed for him was making that picture as perfect as if it would last for ever instead of a few hours his little wooden coin box was doing well for 1 think people like to see a man doing a good job of work whether its drawing a picture or ploughing a field and the english are no exception gecsaaas cbcbbsa sbaaasaaaaaa coal for sale good dependable freshly mined hard coal city prices delivered to your bin phone collect or write harris coal company j 514 coxwell avenue gladstone 1174 f g g j i sssnsscs a t implements on hand over the road over the rough gmc can take it whatever the load whatever the job men who really know trucks are turning more and more to cmcs for the complete answer to their needs thats because cmcs are designed built powered and priced to be real trucks to ftive you exactly the kind of economical performance and rugged dependability you require for instance gmc gives you the widest range of truck engines in the industry gmc valveinhead gasoline engines from 92 to 200 hp gmc exclusive two- cycle diesels from 110 to 225 hp whats more gmc trucks combine the most modern advances in truck design with the ability to stand up to the toughest jobs and they offer you the widest choice of models wheelbases and gvw ratings including two great new lines in the 19500 45000 gvw range why not let your gmc dealer recommend a gmc truck tractor or suwhceler with exactly the right combination of engine axle transmission and frame for your particular job it will be a real truck in every single detail stouffviik mole motor sales ontario new implements tractors all sizes ilalers combines heavy duly wagon tractor plows side hakes one way disc harrow tiohle disc harrows manure spreaders cream separators refrigerators home freezers double disc harrows uskd implements case d tractor masseyharris lot super trac tor case va tractor with moun ted plow karma 11 a tractor 1row com scufller dump llake masseyharris 2furrow plow international sfurrow plow no 0 mh manure spreader papec blower pio blizzard ensilage hlower cockshutt pushbar hay loader ferguson tractor plow nearly henry ogden son phone 254 stouffville ont song leaders jite quebec has 150000 farms from j which the average income lg sl660 per farm the st marys river irrigation project now hearing completion in alberta embraces 220 miles of main canals and 2200 miles of smaller canals via which 100000 acres will be irrigated canadian farmers- cash income during 1951 readied a record peak of 2s19100000 a 2gs gain over 1950 joy beauty salon near cnr permanent waving individual styling razor shaping phone stouffville 98w2 ggyivtac 8330 53 it devcrne mullen these are the two song leaders who will lead the massed choir and provide additional vocal numbers for the forthcoming evangelistic services in the stouffville arena commencing aug 17th doctors say that eight hours proper rest in bed will save 7000 heartbeats a day wm knapp painting and wall papering also drapes made phone 472w aurora mvtttvttittp 9th consecutive win on fulopep eastern ontario calf club championship show tb t9l uinntr en a clatt of inv hohttm lleiftr call flitjl janir teake muer tbown and rabid on imlolep h eleanor henry litruitk ontario this is the 9th consecutive year that calves raised on fulopep calf feeds have won top honours at the eastern ontario calf club championship show fulopep calf feeds stiver bros stouffville onl phone 61501 or 4