the tribune stouffville oat thursday june 5 1s52 largest vessel arrives in largest inland port jrvif j vmy- this weeks sunday school lesson peksoxs ioltltii t- i at imtohkltty thou shalt uoi teal kod 20 13 the lesson as a whole by j c macaulay dd approach lo the ltsson the bible clearly uphold- the right of private property the commandment against stealing implies that right and the last commandment specifies that my neighbors property must bej regarded as inviolate not against theft but against illicit desire it is not enough that thou shalt not steal but thou shalt not covet any thing that is thy neigh bours when communal ownership was practised in the early church it was on a purely voluntary basis peter made this perfectly plain to ananias who tried to pass for al good communist when he was actually retaining some of the pro ceeds of his side of property in personal ownership whiles it remained was it not thine own j of eternal possession in heaven and after it was sold was it not in i i i thine own power acts 5- see h lue 1 how even that attempt at volunl our first thought when stealing tarv communal ownership was mentioned is the idea ot surrep- ubieet to gross abuses there are tniously snatching something 1 to somebody else purse or out of a invites corruption of the worst roommates locker or more pro sit fessionally out of some innocent s there is only one answer to the pocket all such snatching agelong problem of property that whether by cunning or by viol- is a recognition that the earth is l certainly forbidden by the lords and the fulness there- 1 the eighth commandment but of psa 211 and that we stand the lesson committee was wise to in the place of stewards the word append to this commandment two ownership will then take on scripture v portions which deal new meaning and carry the sense with stealing of other sorts the the empress of scotland 26300ton flagship of the can adian pacific fleet is shown here passing under the jacques cartier bridge at the entrance to montreal harbor to make history as the largest vessel ever to arrive in the worlds largest inland port the big luxury liner and cruise ship which had to have her masts shortened by almost 45 feet to clear under the bridges and power lines on the way upriver from quebec will make mont real her canadian terminal for the remainder of the 1052 st lawrence navigation season the sggfoot long vessel car ries 603 passengers and will make one trip every three weeks between liverpool eng land greenock scotland and montreal w g garrett cr son stouffville ontario stouffville motors stouffville onlario abuses enough in private ownar- which belongs ship but the communist principle out mothers victoria square sympathy of the community is extended to mrs t wallace and family in the very sudden passing of a dear husband and father mr t wallace mr and mrs fred feigel and family of gorrie spent the holiday weekend with mr and mrs p w willows and renewed acquaint ances with friends in the com munity several of the ladies from here attended the annual wms spring rally of the toronto centre presbytery held at the kettleby united church last tuesday miss helen boynton and mr lloyd canning had sunday dinner with mr and mrs moiiey timbers and brian of markham a number from here attended the plays in the buttonville hall last wednesday evening these plays were put on by the members of browns corners young peoples union mr and mrs w sandle and margaret had sunday evening dinner with mr and mrs t can ning and family mr and mrs w jones of tor onto spent the weekend with mrs walker and freddie the annual memorial day ser vice will be held in victoria square united church on sunday june 1 at 230 pm rev c b brethen of ringwood will be guest speaker special music will be supplied despite the inclement weather on saturday the ladies of the wa held a very successful bake sale they would like to thank every one who helped in any way to make it a success fflff d j smith warm air furnaces air conditioning units oil heating equipment tinsmiths specializing in custom sheet metal work phone unionville 96- i mm m have your home free of draughts sand dirt soot install metal weatherstrip on your doors and windows brass thresholds for bottom of doors saves 30 of your fuel bill in one year installed by experts all workmanship guaranteed samples estimates furnished acme metal weatherstrip co 15 stephenson ave toronto 13 oxford 1955 or grorer 9450 after 6 pm miutmifimwvmttmtmn cedar beach gardens north shore musselmanv lake dancing dancing every saturday van walker his orchestra featuring the voice of walter scott niiiimimiwmmmwmuuum ont county girls hold achievement day at uxbridge sixty girls representing six homemaking clubs in ontario county attended an achievement day for the projects dressing up home grown vegetables and cottons may be smart which was held at the uxbridge high school on saturday may 10th miss ruth shaver home econo mist welcomed the girls club leaders womens institute mem bers and friends she was ably assisted in the days program by mrs marion montgomery womens institute branch toronto mrs e clarke of newmarket miss jean noble of bowmanville and miss jane robertson of hamilton each club member exhibited a record book and a school lunch which was not only good to look at and good to eat but also good for you in addition the girls who had taken cottons may be smart modelled the attractive cotton dresses which they had made the morning was spent judging classes of menus school lunches and cotton dressesas well as plan ning menus and answering a cloth ing quiz in the afternoon each club commented on their exhibit on such topics as five ways with one vegetable and vegetables for all the family a number of clubs also presented interesting demonstrations and skits mostly in the form of fashion parades at the conclusion of the days programme mrs c dudenhoffer of gamebridge womens insti tute district president for ontario north presented county honour certificates and pins to the follow ing girls for having completed six homemaking club units jessie ford of altona jane harris glenna drake faye drake and mary little of beaverton yvonne milner and geraldine barry of scugog island a certificate of achievement is presented to club members for every two club projects which they complete the following girls received a certificate as they have completed eight club units ernes tine cooper and florence bet- of altona eunice brown joan ross and marilyn ross of beaverton sandra james jean samells kay prentice and mrs d gerrow of scugog a number of club members also received certificates of achieve mom for having completed two club projects each girl who completed the project received a silver teaspoon financed by the county junior fund the club leaders also received teaspoons in recognition of their outstanding contribution to club work the clubs and their respec tive leaders are as follows altona mrs david crosier stouflville rr3 beaverton mrs russell morrison beaverton rr2 mrs clifford ross beaverton rri quaker hill mrs milton cornish uxbridge rri mrs donald palletier uxbridge rr2 scugog mrs reg roundy port perry mrs s rodman port perrv rrh sunderland miss m mar quis sunderland mrs lester keeler sunderland idney mrs lloyd wood udney mrs bert newman udney the project for the coming year will be working with wool i is hoped that a number of new clubs will be organized in the fa ever the means used any channel ing into our own coffers of what rightly belongs to another is steal ing and is sin the amount of stealing going on today in govern ment circles is surely indicative that our moral condition has sunk to very low levels the basis of all this stealing is putting too high a value on material tnings if only men saw things in the light of eternity they would surely not be willing to pay the price of moral guilt for them when christians stoop to it it is a denial of their professed standards of value we claim to i have seen the worth of eternal of responsibility our possessions story ot the stewaru laike it itj things yet in stealing we declare will then be but instruments of shows an employee stealing from that the things of this present service to god and to men such i pj employer by wasteful and time are worth sinning for worth a conception will rule out theft irresponsible use of the resources lne breach of our fellowship with and eovetousness and graft and entrusted to him and then by fiot vvorth the shattering of the dishonest gain and miserliness ss and graft and eimuieu to mm aim uieii oy gotl worl the shf and oppression fraudulent transactions the story testimony of christ and will foster zaccnaeus shows one who used diligence and generosity and care fulness and honor verse hy verse exod 20 15 thou shalt not steal whether crudely or cun- his position under the government to fleece the people with complete immunity the one had his boss in his power the other had the taxpayers at his mercy and both ninglv whether by violence or j useti their positions to obtain what was not rightfully theirs what deceit whether much or little the command is clear luke 16 1 a steward was accused that he had wasted his goods a steward was put in trust with his masters property this steward instead of making the estate pay dividends to his lord used his ofiice for luxurious living and acted quite irresponsi bly the word wasted here is the same as that used of the prodi gal son in chapter 15 13 verse 2 give an account of thy stewardship for thou mayest be no longer steward there is a day of reckoning for all this accounting was to close the account so far as this servant was concerned the accusations of verse 1 were too manifestly true to make the matter stand in doubt verse 3 what shall i do i cannot dig to beg i am asham ed his soft life had unfitted him for hard work and his pride shrank from the humiliation of begging he might have added and nobody else will trust me with a stewardship how men defeat their own ends by their sin verse 4 i am resolved that they may receive me into their houses an idea suddenly strikes him his selfinterest makes his brain fertile he has be come so accustomed to living on what is not his own that he has no conscience about sponging on his friends verse 5 so he called every one of his lords debtors not to a general conclave which would have given evidence of his fraud but each one privately giving each the impression that he was doing him a very special favor verse 0 an hundred measures of oil write fifty a hundred bath equal to 868 gallons a fifty per cent reduction in that debt the transacti probably involved the destruction of the old bill and the writing out of a new one verse 7 an hundred meas ures of wheat fourscore measures here are different they are cors a hundred of which would make 10s3 bushels according to t w manson quoted by geldenhuys commentary on the gospel of luke p 418 win b eerdmans pub co grand rapids 3 mich 6 he was not so generous with this debtor prob ably because he did not expect so much in return verse 8 and the lord com mended the unjust steward the lord is not the lord the com mendation was not for injustice but for cleverness the sons of this age are those who partake of the character of this age with its emphasis on material gain they use wisdom and tact in their dealings with each other for per sonal ends which often the child ren of god lack in promoting higher ends how we need james 15 verse 9 make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness material wealth despite its evil associations may be put to the uses of righteous ness and a faithful stewardship will create friendships which will pay dividends even in heaven we are not taught here that heaven is won by good deeds but we can at least imagine a welcoming com mittee of those who have been blessed through our good offices verse 10 faithful in that which is least also in much the mere fact of promotion does not change a man the set of life is given in the days of little things verse 11 who will commit to your trust the true riches material wealth is a test of char acter and will determine our worthiness for higher trusts verse 12 that which is another mans your own the stewardship of this life is tempor ary but it determines the measure the bus companies could passengers to move back to rear by installing a pulpit front get the up imtftfftttfttttttt cream for best results ship your cream to slouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers and fast freezing facilities stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone isfiw ll trrniiii don lewis landscape service evergreens shrubs perennials roses phone 22jl stouffville liffi famous for oil economy gar wood counter flow principle amazing savings in heating costs clean sunburst flame washable air filters flash humidifier exceptionally quiet efficient operation engineered for oil heating temperedabre automatic heating at its best d j smith unionville phone 9fi