the tribune stoiufviue oih thursday- februar- 7 152 preferred by millions of canadians for its superb quality and flavour salada tea attempt to remove markham councillor from county board 1te i- notice ice permits the public health act of the province of ontario requires that all persons engaged in cutting storing or distributing ice for sale or domestic purposes with in the area served by the york county health unit must first obtain a permit from the board of health 126 main street newmarket telephone 539 robert m king md dph medical officer of health efforts were made last week at tiie regular session of york coun ty- council- to replace mr fred gardiner of forest hill village and mr chas hooper of markham as county representatives on the planning board because of their views on amalgamation the efforts failed it is impossible to solve the problem of municipal services by per attitude on amalgamation i hey let the county down declar ed mr warren lat week i did not sell the county down the river retorted mr gardiner the former reeve of forest hill said he was not frightened by city officials or other members of trie planning board something has to 1h done to olve the municipal service mr anv means other than merging duema in t toronto area suburban municipalities with the gardiner said the planning board itv frederick g gardiner told york county council 1 was slowly driven to the con- has subscribed to the view that there should be a metropolitan transit board and water and sew- elusion that unification was necesjage commissions he saui sary said the llol chairman of we can either solve it on a co- the toronto and york planning operative basis or let the situ- hoard j ation become worse year by veir he declared if 1 am instructed by this countv to oppose amalgamation jack rae gets new road dept post selected from a roster of 11 applicants for the position ex- warden jack m rae 15 of sunder land and goodwood will be whit bys new works department fore man well qualified for the job and with practical experience as a foreman on the ontario county roads system mr rae intends to move to whitby soon he was hired by council monday night after applicants were narrowed down to three and interviewed his salary 3300 to begin and a 200 increase at the end of six months this is a new position in whit by municipal adminstration for merly assesor gordon davis was supposed to supervise the streets department in what time he could find from other duties sxeeees32eees3 s333 both representatives were re turned for a threeyear term des pite the assertion by deputy- reeve john warren of fast york that they and the other two repre sentatives on the board had failed to tight amalgamation three other candidates were nominated to replace mr gardiner and mr hooper they were william morgan former reeve of ieaside alex rissett former deputyreeve in ftobicoke and deputyreeve norman ingram of north york a spoken vote return ed both representatives reeve jack strath of new tor onto and fred kemp have still two years of a threeyear term to serve on the planning board these men did not take a may have my resignation the board said mr gard- you from iner he said he would never have accepted the appointment to the 1 mning board upon the basis that he was to be an instrument of the countv and told to be an advocate of any municipalitys ideas the planning board began to lean toward amalgamation when its representatives for the first ime were able to see both sides of the argument said reeve w a edwards of mimieo the only sub urban municipality which has favored amalgamation amalgamation has been the even when past your prime you can always prime yourself for the future look at the bright side you seldom see any billboards border ing a lough detour most important question before county council in the past 30 years said mr edwards there should have been other methods considered by the plan ning board rather than the forc ing of municipalities into amal gamation said reeve oliver ciockford of scarboro township they should not take away the individual and political rights of the suburbs he contended m mm mm mwj3s wmf built to handle every load at a lower co i- the povr you want mii the you want ications now gmcs offer more power to haul more payloads four famous valve-in- head gmc gasoline engines to choose from rated from 92 hp to 120 hp truck engines designed for truck work still bigger payloads are yours in the gmc for 52 carrying capacities are matched to the ob fo be done in all models from the popular sedan delivery to the new heavy duty series with its 17soo gvw state your needs and a cmc dealer will supply exactly the model your job calls for right engine right axle right wheel- base right load rating remember gmc gives more choice m 1 gmc for 52 offers the finest selection of models from the sedan delivery in the light duty to the rugged dependable heavy duty models with their increased carrying capacities theres a model for every job where performance with economy are the prime factors gmc for 52 gives you so much extra ad vancedesign cabs are allsteel doublewall battleship construction in doors cowl sides and back panels fully insulated to assure maximum comfort and safety to the driver who makes the cab his office all day long come in and see the betterthanever gmc trucks for 1952 today mole motor sales stouffville ontario fed inheritance tax now makes wife partner tiie revamping of canadas fed- serai inheritance tax setup to place wives in the role of partners rather than that of dependents as far as their husbands estates are concerned was one of the princi pal aims of a delegation of women which met recently with finance minister douglas abbott the delegation headed by mrs alan turner rone of montreal president of the national council of women presented a resolution asking that one half of a deceased husbands estate be considered as belonging to the wife and there fore not subject to succession duties liuquuf status further the resolution demand ed that only one half of the value of any gift from a husband to his wife be subject to gift tax and that a womans income from her husbands estate not he reduced by succession duties to yield less than 3000 a year at the current rate of interest paid on bonds other resolutions presented by the group urged the removal of the 15percent federal tax on refrigerators washing machines and stoves and voiced strong opposition against parliaments proposed revision of the british north america act to allow the provinces to levy indirect taxes mrs d c hamilton of ottawa chairman of the councils econo mics and taxation committee and member of the delegation to ott awa emphasized the inequality of status between men and women as federal inheritance laws stand at present hard on xewlyweds under present federal inherit ance tax law estates over 50000 are fully subject to succession duties however under quebecs community of property law and where no marriage contract is in volved the wife in that province is considered as legally owning half of her husbands estate the resolution against the fed eral tax on electric refrigerators stoves and washing machines was drawn up by the provincial coun cil of women of manitoba the delegation felt that present taxes bear too heavy on young married couples setting up housekeeping and upon the housewife who needs modern equipment to do her work the third resolution presented opposed the proposed revision of the bna act to allow the prov inces to levy indirect or hidden taxes roost o cost of tiiving the imposition of an indirect tax at provincial level will do nothing to limit or prevent the imposition of further taxes at federal level and the tax cannot be regarded as a substitute or alternative to other forms of tax ation said the resolution suoh a resolution would only discrimin ate against fixedincome groups without regard to ability to pay and would further boost the cost of living stated the delegation our broad land it is 15 13 miles from st johns nfld to british columbias prince rupert the buds of canadas balsam poplar are sticky and produce a wax used by wild bees to seal cracks in their hives don when you boy home insulation oar men are johnsmanville insolation experts your ussuraace of a scientific moneysaving job it takes an expert to insulate your home efficiently special equip ment special training are necessary to do the job right our men are qualified experts specially trained to do a thorough job of installing jm rock wool in your house yo can rely on us for a scientific insu lation job the only kind that in sures maximum comfort and fuel savings get a free estimate phone or write for frm book write or phone today for a copy of the free book comfort that pays for itself it explains how you save up to 30 on fuel costs a t lee company 301 eileen avenue toront ill mlrray j hi i m preston 83j4 markjim johnsmanville blown rock wool home insulation