the stouffville tribune established 18s8 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa issued every thursday at stouffville ontario in canada 250 in usa 300 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments moves are awaited with interest citizens are awaiting with interest the first meeting of the new stouffville high school area board appointments to which have now been made markham ratepayers like wise are expecting immediate action in the direction of new school even with preliminary steps being taken now- it will most likely be 1951 before students in this area can be attending a new high school this being the case no time should be iost in taking whatever course of action is necessary to get the ball rolling the necessity for more public school accommodation and some agitation for the inclusion of a kindergarten are also factors which will no doubt speed the new high school board to fast action keep midsection in good condition fatness is a disease- in the view of chicagos health commissioner dr herman n bundesen he weighs need we say a trim 161 pounds as he nears his 70th birthday full of vim and vigor his serious concern over the con dition variously known as obesity overweight avoirdu pois or just plain fatness is generally shared by the medical profession nowadays though many years ago little heed was paid to it the main ground of concern today is provided by statisics these show that in disorders of the heart- blood vessels and kidneys the death rate is far higher among the overweight than in the general population dr bunde sen finds it to be 50 per cent higher as is generally known these disorders are prevalent and heart troubles constitute a leading killer the chicago health authority credits his own condition to exercising the midsection he points out as have others before him that this is where human beings do need exercise under ordinary circumstances especially among those leading sedentary lives the abdominal wall gets little or no work the conclusion appears to be that human beings other than those doing hard physical work- would be well advised to do abdominal exercises regularly keeping the mid section in good condition is a good form of insurance cattle population on increase again evidently the low point has been reached in western canadas cattle population and the figures are on the way up this will be good news to many beefhungry can adians who are finding present prices beyond what they can afford to pay apparently the turn came early last year and has been accelerated in the latter months a story in the montreal financial times says this was indicated when the govern ments june figures showed 9333300 cattle in canada as compared with 9045000 for june of 1950 since that time lucrative prices and abundance of feed have been influential factors with the prairie farmers while cattle interest is mounting hhe governments figures of last june still showed nearly 1500000 fewer beef animals than were recorded in 1945 at that time the canadian cattle population was given as 10758000 the ideal is said to be close to 15000000 requiring a 60 per cent increase over present figures in a country which has between six and seven acres of arable land per capita perhaps unequalled in the world canadas achievements in the way of live stock production are regarded as anything but impressive by farm econo mists generally however- this country follows the agricul tural trend in the united states and across the line cattle production is definitely on the increase may look forward to commission vote stouffville ratepayers may look forward to voting on the membership of a public utilities commission this fall if the necessary bylaw for this establishment is passed sometime before june of this year as promised in reeve odgens nomination speech and referred to by members of council as a necessity the establishment of a public utilities commission to handle the waterworks and hydro departments would be a great boon both to the system and to council councillors come and councillors go and the systems suffer through lack of knowledge by these various new boards on the needs and plans for the systems a sound commission of three men with newlyengaged secretarytreasurer geo storey would no doubt be in office for many years and the utilities and ratepayers would definitely benefit from a board of this type under the present setup- longview planning is almost useless since most frequently the men who begin the plan are not in council long enough to carry it out a green council is elected and the process of learning must begin all over again while council has the power to appoint a threeman commission such a commission would be subservient to the council since they could be dismissed from office by the council virtually under this type of commission council still holds some responsibility and if the commissioners dis pleased the patrons it would reflect on the council the other type of commission is one established by the vole of the people it is your writers understanding that an earlier vote would be necessary which would be in the form of a question are you in favour of a public utility commission if the majority voted in favour then two commissioners would be elected in the same manner as members of council the third member is the sitting reeve the general feeling of council appears to be that it would be better to let the people decide the matter thi would mean taking a vote in possibly october and appoint ing the commissioners at the december election the increasing demands of the two public utilities water and lijrht and the difficulty to get councillors who remain in office any length of time has been gradually forcing the issue the great majority of towns operate with a com mission while the matter is dormant at present the move to set the proper machinery in motion must be made prior to june for parents only by nancy cleaver ilaxxivg a paktv by nancy cleaver living through your own child party is like a nightmare a mother said with conviction i dread my sons birthday celebra tion for weeks beforehand and i am a wreck when it is over ix you fee thus way about your childs party why is it such a difficult experience is it your own youngster state of feverish excitement perhaps the prepara tions for the party weary you or is it the noise and confusion of other peoples children under your roof for even a hort time for fun and food careful planning for any party but very especially for a childs party can eliminate some cf the headaches here is one venture which cannot be left to chance or to lastminute ideas on the other hand the mother in charge of a party must be flexible enough to alter her scheme of things on short notice the important thing is that every child should have a happy time not that a schedule of party events be carried out parties for varying age- are very different the fewer guests the better in the early years on his first birthday a child is only confused by the presence of a number of other babies or liny tots retter make it a family affair with granny or aunty as special guests on the second or third birthday invite one or two other good friends who have a young child too around the time a child is four he graduates from enjoying parallel play beside another child to cooperative play when he plays with his friend tie will appreciate having half a dozen little chums at his home for his party but even when he is five or six keep the number of guests to a small group school age children like to have a bigger party but there again the mother should limit the number invited having the games out of doors is a graid idea and does save on the wear and tear in the house but what if it hould rain mother must ngure out how many she has room for in her home she also must consider how many she can supervise at one time a parent should not attempt to run a party all by herself she needs another person preferably not a mother to be second-in- command dad is usually away at work but sometimes he can get home in time to help with the refreshments and farewell time however an acquaintance who is fond if children can be a great helj and ao get a real bang out of proceedings a girl in collegiate who is a favourite even ing baby sitter in your home is a real tine as a party assistant sometime- an able forceful mother forgets to give her child a vital part in planning the party after all it is his party not mothers the child will get a much bigger kick out of a party where he has slurred both in the planning and the preparations discuss witli your child how many guests should be invited and give him as free a hand as possible in selecting them if he is old enough let him write or phone the invitations a written invita tion has the advantage of being definite and do let your guests for guests mothers know when the party begins and how long it lasts naturally a child wants to ask his own particular friends to come to- his home on his special day perhaps lie has a chum from the other side of the hacks or one of different social background or race or religion these things dont loom large in a childs eyes snobbish distinctions should have no place in a family which has ideals about training children for democratic living copyright the old home town by stanley days of yore from the files of the tribune 28 years ago dr boyd who performed the autopsy on the body of martha hyland at cedar valley arrived at the conclusion that death was due to foul play her body was found lying in the water dr boyd claimed that death was clearly due to a wound in the head and con cussion of the brain it is the opinion of a number of citizens of stouffville that this town is badly in need of a new post oflice such places as mark- ham uxbridge aurora and new market have an uptodate build ing so it is only fair that stouff ville should be allowed the same an important sale of scotch shorthorns will be hold on thurs day fan 25th on the farm of reuben besse one half mile east of claremont mr besse has sold his farm so the entire herd is to be sold also over one hundred and fifty people were present at the 62nd annual congregational meeting held in st fames presbyterian church stouffville last week in spite of the stormy weather many families were present from the country the rink management has arranged a masquerade carnival for tuesday jan 23rd speed rac ing and costunus will feature the grand affair with the stouffville hand in attendance the climax of the recent rob bery at uxbridge grand trunk station was reached last week when a man named brown was convicted of the theft it will be remembered that the station was broken into while the agent was at supper both money and paper were taken from the till bandmaster capt slatter has expressed himself as being delight ed with the progress being made by the new stouffville band now i- the season to fix up the power machine let us supply you with a new belt and relieve you of all those belt troubles silvester bros stouffville while other commodities have gone up 7 to 110 over 191 j prices the ford touring car has dropped 3a below now priced at only 11500 visit r e brown stouffville warning the public is here by warned against spreading ashes on the public streets during the sleighing season by order of the council 1 years ago the springlike weather the first half of january was too much for the tulip beds and we notice tha the one in front of st lame church last week was taking on new life new buds shot up eight or ten inches the recent heavy and frequent rains have relieved the water situ ation which was tense for many farmers last fall at one time it looked as though some farmers would spend the winter hauling water for their stock but the downpours amounting to floods over the past month has brought the supply to normal again rev herbert lee is nursing a fractured middle finger on his right hand as a result of a fall on the slippery walk a week or more ago as mr lees heels insisted on taking to the air he spread out his hand to ease the fall we reminded the victim that he had been whats in a name according to legend the name dominion- once used to describe canada came from jhe eighth verse of the seventysecond psalm he shall have dominion also from sea to sea and from the river unto the ends of the earth the latin version of the phrase from sea to sea is re tained perhaps temporarily in our coat of arms but do minion thanks to mr stlaurent and his colleagues is on the way out it may be recalled that dominion was an alternative to kingdom chosen because the fathers of confederation did not wish to offend the united states it is only within recent years that a term good enough for sir john a mae- donald and sir georges etienne cartier has seemed to of fend anyone nothing has been heard from canadas fel- lowwhatyoumaycallems australia and new zealand who have a similar status to canadas to indicate that they are at all discontented about being called a common wealth and a dominion respectively the effect of the change in the united kingdom is as yet unknown probably it will be unnoticed for one of the endearing characteristics of the british is to ignore what seem to them minor differences of terminology a few after years of education may now remember not to call canadians australians or new zealanders colonials to their faces it is a question whether one in a thousand of their educated citizens or one in ten thousand of the others can understand why canadians australians or new zea landers should be offended by the term they would be- qually amazed at the resentment of a virginian when he was called a yankee in the commonwealth formerly the british common wealth canadas status is that of a nation so is that of the republic of pakistan there is no more inconsistency in being both a dominion and a nation than there is in be ing a republic and a nation to some who have a sentimental attachment to the old term it may seem that it makes a distinction perhaps minor in british eyes between the status of pakistan and that of canada exhorting people all his life not to walk in slippery places but he told us that his text is thej righteous shall not stand in slip pery places and accordingly he went down altona has electric lights install- ed around the pond by the curlers had the weatherman acted more natural this winter there would have been amueh better seasons sport for the granite rock pushers with the prospects for securing ice supply for next summer grow ing less every day as the winter wears away those business con cerns in town where cold storage is required have something to worry about mr borinsky was in toronto looking over she frigi- daire plants and may find it neces sary to install one at the cream ery taits butcher shop may like wise have to purchase new equip ment if the natural ice is not forth coming mr f k rae the merchant tailor was forced to take this week off duty at the shop owing to a heavy bronchial cold setting in mr robert leslie manager of the shaw store has been off duty for a week owing to illness buy your sleighs at reduced prices at isaac i fosketts good wood 2i runner 1000 to announce ont byelection by aprel 11th a federal government announce ment about the byelection in ontario riding necessitated by the resignation from the house of commons of provincial liberal leader walter thomson will be made before april 11 that was the inference contain ed in an official letter sent from prime minister louis st ivaurents office to oshawa and district labor council last month the council wrote to the prime min ister asking for the setting of an early date for the byelection so that the riding would have repre sentation in the house written by his secretary the pms reply said that certain legal requirements had to be met before such an election could be called secretarytreasurer m j fen- wick reported that he had made further investigations to find out what the certain legal require ments were this information was obtained and from the official memo it was learned that an announcement about a byelection had to be made within six months of the handling of the speakers writ to the chief electoral officer of the riding tw tan1ey themis stouffville ont standard time policy two shows nitely commencing at 700 pm matinee saturdays at 200 pm friday and saturday january 1819 makofa ricardo cvd montalban charisse also march of time formosa monday and tuesday january 2122 its new and colon v technicolor tool mgm present the mighty musical of the mississippi i kathrynqjaysonrdneriowardkel mjoeebrown3iar6eondowerampion robert sterling agnes moorehead william warfield f it to mm m show boat- i iehue itm ut usui hjukkiuum ii um hu hutrjw wednesday and thursday january 2324 i i fmietfowto comb otfrofflouyin0 i x0 i pewberg-seaton- tw amiap tomcat win nmeiffooforgr matow x3fift aolhua iu0iw dorothy ffflo jct m l