markham theatre phone 357 2 shows nightly 7 9 pm sat matinee at 2 pm last showing today of the law and the lady starring greer garson and michael wilding friday and saturday advn7ur in the south sea jungles january 18 19 jiiimmrlmisliffl aiunuf mm kkuikh bh ldutrl fc- ufc m tte kmxcj plus news and short subjects monday and tuesday alfred hitchcocks january 2122 dieetaigiiileiefmbi with leo 0 casrollscrcefi ply ty rrnd ctondkr wd cttful ormortdt adult entertainment cartoon and mgm short subjects wednesday and thursday january 23 24 selected short subjects a c its here dennis morgan virginia mayo painting the clouds with sunshine in technicolor 2 days only frisat jan 25 2fi for brighter budgetbalancing menus begin with hot mushroom sandwich loaf 1 dayold tandwich loaf 1 tsp prepared mustard 1 can loaf meat cut into hcuptoftencd butter 3 tbp mayonnaise 10 slircsorcoolcrdminccd 5 nardcooked test diced u teaspoon salt steak patties 1 can condensed mushroom or vegetable soup remove crustt from sandwich loaf cut about is minutes or until browned into 5 slice lengthwise spread each remove from oven pour hot mushroom slice with butter combine egrs mus- soup into dish and serve tard mayonnaise and salt cover bot tom slice with half of the ecc mixture add second slice of bread cover with half of the sliced meat repeat and cover with slice of bread put in a balcinedish place in a moderately hot oven 400f breads your best buy the stouffvilie bakery stouffville ontario this weeks sunday school lesson business directory lesson for january 20 matthew becomes a follower op christ gulden text they that are whole need not a physician but they that are siefc i came not to call the the righteous but sinners to re- peutance luke 3279 the lesson a a whole the public ministry of the lord jesus christ as well launched be fore matthew was called into the intimate fellowship of discipleship at leas- six had preceded him into this privilege andrew peter john james philip and nathanael the gospel records give no hint of the first call of the other five unless it be ia mark 313 14 but one would expect that for themtoo there would be a season of preparatory walking with jesus before ordina tion to the apostolate it is interesting to notice the dif ferences between matthews own ac count o his call and lukes sic- comr of the same event luke in troduces him as levi the name by which he seems to have been known before his call to follow the lord while matthew ignores his former name which in the aramaic means gift of jehovah our theodore from the greek is the equivalent then it is luke that tells us that the supper which followed was pre pared by matthew in his own home and in honor of the lord jesus so that it becomes quite clear that the great company of publicans were matthews guests invited for the purpose of having them meet jesus matthew keeps himself in the back ground with becoming humility lit tle did the expublican know that his dinner party would call forth such critism on uie one hand and such an abiding testimony on the other the taxgmherers were of dif ferent grades there were the tax farmers who bought from the ko- man authorities the right of tax collection over a certain area who sat at the tax booths zaccliaeus was one of the latter doubtless he had taken full toll from peter and an drew and james and jonn on their fish yet they received him with out question verse by verse matt 99- a man named mat thew sitting at the receipt of cus tom follow me in the eyes of the jew matthews occupation was die- honorable and unpatriotic and notoriously crooked the lord has found some of his jewels in strange places the immediate response to indicate some previous knowledge of jesus and some preparation of heart luke 527 a publican named levi luke uses the ugly hated term a publican but the publican was a man the most degraded the most depraived among us is still a man and as- such is a potential ron of clod verse 2s and lie left all rose up and followed him we can al most hear the iedgr slap shut and the door close verse 29 and levi made him a great teas in his own house the supper was in honor of jesus not like the supper to which simon in vited him verse 30 why do ye eat and drink with publicans and sinners the criticism was addressed to the disciples but aimed at the lord verse 31 they that are whole need not a physician but they that are sick christs presence among sinners did not mean that he was one of them he did not minimize their sin but was there to throw all his saving power against it as a doctor applies all his skill to com bat disease verse 3 2 i came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance our lord was not exonerating the pharisees as righteous but justify ing his presence in any company of sinners he will yet diagnose the hidden disease of the pharisees matt 23133 verse 33 why do the disciples of john fast but thine eat and drink apparently the pharisees and the disciples of john the bap tist got together on this complaint alatt 911 some or johns dis ciples were jealous of jesus john 3 26 and became critical of all his ways that did not fit their pattern verse 31 can ye make the children of the biidechamber fast john the baptist had used this same figure concerning the presence or christ john 329 the presence of christ calls for joy not mourning the term children of the bridechamber is a hebraism roughly correspond ing to our wedding guests verse 35 the bridegroom shall be taken away and then shall they fast the reference is doubtless to the rorcibie taking away in arrest and crucifixion sorrow would then take rrom the disciples all desire tor rood but see john 102022 verse 30 a piece of a new garment upon an old the com ing of the new covenant in christ made the mosaic order old see hebrews s 13 any attempt to save the old by some infusion of the new would destroy both the old covenant had served its good purpose and must be allowed to pass away so that the new order of grace might realize its purpose unhindered verse 37 new wine into old bottles old wineskins are dry and brittle and would soon crack and burst with new wine trying to fit the gospel into the old forms of the law shows a lack of appre hension of gods intention for both and spoils both verse 3sbut new wine must be put into new bottles the gapel will find its own new expressions loose it and let it go verse 39 the old is better so says the traditionalist and the legalist but here is one new thins which is better than the old as the substance is better than the shadow see hebreivs 1110 the heart of tin- leon frr the dkeinles whom jesus hrd called to join him were from the ranks of the respectable though humble toilers in matt hew he broke into another and very different class taxgatherers were just about the most hated and despised of all jews and not without reason they generally lived up tor down to their repu tation of being unscrupulous extortioners they were classed with the lowest and most aban doned sinners publicans and sinners was the classification the conversion and call of matt hew not only meant the redemp tion of one such despised sinner but opened the way to that entire class it is always an event to rejoice in when a new highway is opened for the gospel and so often this is done through one key person matthew was a real enthusiast we can well believe that he loved the round of social events and was a generous hast so when he was converted he turned his social enthusiasm to the account of the gospel he gave one of his notable parties only this one was new his party was as much converted as himself for it was in honor of the lord jesus and for the purpose of having his companions in sin meet his new master it was the first recorded evangelistic supper a method recently revived by the duke st baptist church of richmond eng land there informal teas are organized in homes or restaurants the christians being hosts to unsaved friends and the gospel is given in testimonies and a simple explanation of the way of salva tion of course there are always critics when christians break con vention to do the work of god on this occasion the criticisms were what terrible company for any christian to keep and these christians are totally irreligious happy criticism for it brought forth two magnificent statements one concerning christs mission to call sinners and one concern ing christs salvation that it is not the old thing patched but something altogether new a christian is not a patched up sinner but a new creature 2 cor 517 dental neil c smith lds dds graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 107 stouffville e s barker lds djs honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office over harolds grill phone 274w markham every tuesday medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien main phone 196 coroner for york county there seems to be no pressing need to begin worrying immedi ately over the prediction that another ice age is due to turn up 50000 years from now a health officer speaks of germs that cling to money perhaps we should understudy the methods used by these little creatures stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gravel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at th bin plant phone 12s office phones 870 and 126 oooooooooooooooct joy beauty salon near cnr permanent waving individual styling razor shaping phone stouffville 98w2 crr 3e xe marie jack hairdressing lloyd avenue stouffrllle permanent waving machine machlneless cold war hairstyling and shaping phone 176wl zr zxxz xx excavating grading bush and snow clearing at your service phone a r sanders stouffville 67810 res stouffville rri stouffville machine tool works telephone 1xs rear of cnr- station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs dr f j button stouffville ontario telephone 371 xray hours daily 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday evenings 79 pm inri bv addointment office over button blk dr herbert b freel physician telephone 164 xray hours daily except sunday 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday 7 to 9 pm a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday and friday 9 to 12 am andrew dee nicholson chiropractor and electrotherapist radionics slenderizing equipment 3467 yonge st toronto 12 ph hylnnd 2110 res ma fair 502 leo l krantz dc chiropractor chiropractic and electrotherapy wed sat 230 to 8 pm daley manor phone 193 cor main obrien stouffville optometrical e a grubin ro optometrist picton stouffville at stouffville office on following mondays jan 21st feb 11th mar 3rd 24th garnet vgray ro optometrist ollice hours 030 am to 500 pm evening by appointment every tuesday corner obrien main sts formerly dr balls residence phone 103 for appointments insurance rennies transport phone 121 stouffville sand gravel loam screened stone any size daily service te toronto- phone va 9003 toronto auctioneers birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259w2 h 0 klinck phone 14w3 stouffville fire auto burglary sickness and accident fidelity bonds the standard life assurance co the pioneer of canadian life insurance a mutual company with 125 years experience strength and service unexcelled f g alsop insurance for every purpose phone 50v2 taxi service f m pugii phone 38u2 stouffrllle life fire auto saving made easy security made certain when you have a policy with the mutual life of canada prompt and courteous service tfrierbush hospital day and night service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed main street east stoiifttlllr sellers atkinson ph agin 201w2 ph stoufi 363 licensed auctioneers 25 years experience sales conducted anywhere specia lizing in farm stock furniture and property sales all sales per sonally listed and advertised bill prepared and posted no sale too big or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sale our specialty at fair and reason able rates dual service for the nrice of one milliken po ph agincourt 52w3 markham po ph markham 200 prentices have been established auctioneers since is90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york county uxbridge pickerinn townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone stouffville g7312 real estate consult j a willoughby sons for complete real estate service head office toronto 156 yonge st ad 0605 city and country homes farm and small acreages industrial business properties harvey moyer is your local representative phone 83jl stouffville when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george v allison rcgd real estate broker phone 87j1 ernest ridout real estate ltd head office 1172 bay st for farms homes or any kind of property consult stan hastings 03715 stouffrllle or rich hill 61 stouffville cleaners phone 343 cleaning pressing minor repairs invisible weaving done by experts enquire at ollice pickup and delivery service monument works stouffville orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone 81wl funeral directors l e oneill stoupfvhae funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phone stoulfville 98wl j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone 90 markham onuuio 333333333x33 533333 33333333 thos j wignall funeral director dignified efficient service ambulance 24 hour service call markham zvj vvvvvvvvvvvvc tmirwirc v ixortni fo nenaricxxitneyii oe out anyway in tne league- t ttttnavl gg