Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 5, 1950, p. 11

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the tribune stoultville ont thursday october 5 1950 the stouffville tribune established 1883 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontarip quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa issued every thursday at stouffville ontario in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments why farmers dont retire the port elgin times asks what is happening to farm auction sales and supplies an answer the humbel of farm auction sales being held this year is probably lower than at any time in the past 25 years presentday prices for farm commodities are only part of the answer a few vears ago a farmer could sell out and retire on life savings br from 15000 to 20000 invest it in good six per cent bonds or seven per cent mortages this gave him a monthly income of about 100 which was sufficient for him to live quietly yet well in the smaller urban centres not so today with living costs as they are and high municipal taxation the average farmer cannot retire unless he can realize at least 30000 on his holdings or use up part of his principal each year cut out the frills the canadian people are more than willing to shoulder whatever extra burden they must to meet the costs of necessary additional defence but they will expect the government to cut out a lot of unnecessary frills canadians are convinced that scores of millions of dollars could be saved each year if every department of government were forced to make a real effort to cut out the fat and operate as economically as possible the grand total of federal expenditures today or rather before the additional sums being asked at the present session of parliament is running at a rate of ap proximately 2400 millions twelve years ago the grand total was only 549 millions even allowing for the 300 millions a year increase in debt charges due to world war ii the institution of such approved welfare services as family allowances and increases in old age and blind pensions health grants and so on and not forgetting the increase in population and tremendous expansion of the gross national income such a staggering increase in government costs cannot be justified padded payrolls and swollen costs of administration must be reduced such items as postage telephone and telegraph travel materials and supplies office space and so on and on can be trimmed by scores of millions of dollars by the use of commonsense business methods elim inating timeandenergywasting red tape before ottawa talks of raising taxes it should trim away every ounce of unnecessary fat from government administration from the edmonton journal what is a boy the following piece reprinted by the inco triangle bids fair to become as famous as the new york suns famous santa claus letter boys come in assorted sizes weights and colours they are found everywhere on top of underneath inside of climbing on swinging from running around or jumping to mothers love them little girls hate them older sisters and brothers tolerate them adults ignore them and heaven protects them a boy is truth with dirt on its face wisdom with bubble gum in its hair and the hope of the future with a frog in its pocket a boy has the appetite of a horse the digestion of a sword swallower the energy of a pocketsize atomic bomb the curiosity of a cat the lungs of a dictator the imagina tion of paul bunyan the shyness of a violet and when he makes something he has five thumbs on each hand he likes ice cream knives saws christmas comic books the boy across the street woods water in its nat ural habitat large animals dads trains saturday mornings and fire engines nobody else can cram into one pocket a rusty knife a half eaten apple three feet of string two gum drops six cents a slingshot a chunk of unknown substance and a genuine supersonic code ring with a secret compartment a boy is a magical creature you can lock him out of your work shop but you cant lock him out of your heart you can get him out of your study but you cant get him out of your mind might as well give up he is your captor your jailor your boss and your master a freckle faced pintsized bundle of noise but when you come home at night with only the shattered pieces of your hopes and dreams he can mend them with two words hi dad littlk ked schoolhouse is still big force in canada is the little red school hoise to stay ontarios deputy education min ister j g alehouse thinks it may be he says the oneroomed rural school has a lot to be said for it despite the gradual trend to rennies transport phone 121 stonltvillo sand gravel loam screened stone any size dally service to toronto phone wa 9002 toronto farm machinery machinery repairs rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding telephone 23s tool works stouffville machine modern flexible and fancier central schools and many residents of nelson township near hamilton will agree with him groups of parents there recently protested against sending their children by bus to a new central school built to replace several oneroomers scattered throughout the township the shift to central schools has usually been made only after strong local demand has sprung up mr althouse said the nelson township trouble was purely local and no attempt is made to force central schools on unwilling mun icipalities besides mr althouse pointed out some of these old oneroom school buildings are pretty durable and in these times of high building costs a new modern central school is not undertaken lightly if ade quate buildings are already avail able and there are areas where there is strong feeling against the estab lishment of central schools we are i asking them to form township administrative units but it is then up to the township board whether or not a central school is estab lished it may not develop students as rapidly but it certainly develops their initiative he said the pupils in a oneroom school are certainly not spoonfed therell be plenty eft little school houses for many years to come mr althouse said for parents only games fob all by nancy cleaver what can we play how often mother is asked this question especially on holidays when school children have long hours to do as they like but even little folk often want an idea for some new game the are many old favorites like run sheep run or i spy or hop scotch which children quickly teach each other in every community many new games are just variations of old ones which have proved their value for ex ample sardines is a kind of hide and seek in sardines only one child hides and after two minutes all the other children scatter and search for the hidden one when a child finds the one who is hiding he crouches down beside him then when the next child finds the two who are hiding he also crouches down until finally all the children except one are hiding the last one who has been unsuccessful in the search becomes the one who is the hider on the next turn but variety is the spice of life and it is natural for children to ask their parents for some fresh play ideas every family should have at least one good book of games such as the handy booklets of social recreation edited by lynn rohr- bough or one of edna geisters books such as lets play or the fun book on its self a scrapbook of gamps or a fold er or a large envelope for games clippings if added to regularly is invaluable many magazines pub lish ideas for party games or a quiz and if these are not kept at the time they appear it is often difficult to locate them later per haps one member of the family might take over the job of compil ing this play material or it might be a family project the librarian at the public library and the physical training teacher at school are always glad to show a boy or girl where to look for game infor mation it is a good idea to have an index for a games scrap book so that games for parties and for special seasonal events such as halloween can be found quickly choose what ever headings seem most useful such as indoor games and out door games mixers or games to get partners dramatic games such as charades pencil and paper games such as a quiz games needing special equipment such as a paper chase mothers of small children are sometimes at a loss for new ideas for their playtime on a rainy day why not draw a rough donkey on a large sheet of wrapping paper using narrow strips of cloth and plain pins play pin a tail on the donkey each child in turn is blindfolded before he attempts to put the tail on the right place this is such good fun it need not be kept just for a party a potato relay race a peanut hunt a paper pieplate running race where each child is given two pieplates and must place each foot on one of these instead of on the ground are all very exciting children love games but a small childs interest span is short ten or fifteen minutes is a long enough game period for most youngsters certain games lying down help them flatten their backs and pull in their abdomens if there are two or three children in the family who cain all have exercises and games at the same time this helps to keep up their interests let them pretend they are elas tic men stretching arms and legs in difficult directions another plan is to be paper dolls pasted on the floor a mother may be quite surprised to discover how expertly a child can pedal a bicycle lying flat on the floor hands above the head chin drawn in and feet pedalling in the air vacation time with more leisure provides the opportunities to try new games and invent some of your own vigorous play out of doors is a wonderful aid to good health for parents as well as children this summer start on your own familys games book and try out as many new ideas as you like business directory dental neil c smith lds dds graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commence telephone 10 stouffville e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office over marie jacks beauty parlor phone 2lv markham every tuesday medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office coiner of obrien main phone 196 coroner for york county dr f j button stouffville ontario telephone 371 xray hours daily 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday evenings 79 pm and by appointment office over button blk dr herbert b freel physician telephone 164 xray hours daily except sunday 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday 700 to 900 pm a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday and friday 9 to 12 am brierbush hospital day and night service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed main street bast stouffville optometrical pakistan shows a treasury sur plus for its third year we should not be too critical of pakistan however it is a new nation and hasnt yet learned modern ways give it a few years more and it will probably have a national debt which it can point to with pride contrary to common belief natural gas pipelines seldom help develop new industries in the dis tricts through which they run but they greatly aid the expansion of existing industries e a grubin ro optometrist picton stouffville dates of visits to stouffville office announced in local columns w c mcdonald ro optometrist toronto ontario at stouffville every saturday 1000 am to 900 pm at rear of marie jack beauty salon phone 176wl insurance the reason so many people know very little about whats going on in the wprld is that this infor mation isnt included in comic strips this is no time for a race birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259w2 klinck stouffville and h o phone 44w3 fire auto burglary sickness accident fidelity bonds the standard life assurance co the pioneer of canadian life insurance a mutual company with 125 years experience strength and service unexcelled auctioneers sellers atkinson ph agin 201w2 ph stouff 298 licensed auctioneers 25 years experience sales conducted anywhere specializ ing in farm stock furniture and property sales all sales personally listed and advertised bills prepared and posted no sale too big or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements household furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one miliken po ph agincourt 52w3 markham po ph markham 206 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 a s farmer q licensed auctioneer york county uxbridge pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a speciality address gormley po telephone stouffville 67312 real estate consult j a willoughby sons for complete real estate service head office toronto 166 yonge st ad 0605 city and country homes farm and small acreages industrial business properties harvey moyer is your local representative phone 83 j2 stouffville when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison regd real estate broker phone 87jl funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funeral director embalmer and continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffville 98wl llitillllltt d a beer insurance of all kinds 20th anniversary ph pickering 241w2 address brougham ont the unseen figure of death rides they judged or they were closer beside the motorist who races a train to a level crossing the way may look clear and there may- seem to be a split second in which to avert calamity unfortunately for many of the m0 who were killed and the 519 who were injured in 413 railway crossing accidents in canada in the 12- month period ended june 30th last the trairv was moving faster than to the point of impact than they imagined and they paid a high price for their impatience the old rule of stop look and listen applies with more force than ever today when more automobiles and trucks are on the road make sure you have a clear path over the crossing obey the signs placed there for your protection its better to be delayed a minute than to be killed or maimed i f m pugh phone 38w2 stouffville lite fire auto the mutual life of canada was established in 1869 and has always been a mutual company it enjoys an excellent reputation for outstand ing returns to policy holders prompt and courteous service j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service equipped to take care of modest funeral at the reasonable charge as well as the largest and most exacting successor to the late r g clendenning telephone 90 markham ontario f g alsop life auto fire sickness and accident insurance phone 50w2 taxi service george coltham ontario land surveyor municipal and farm surveys and general engineering box 443 aurora phone 8642 stouffville monument works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone 81wl sss534sssss4sw thos j wignall funeral director dignified efficient service -ambulance- 24 hour service call markham 289 w83sftsiss5s3ssss4ftm coockffioeaooooooati stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed graver sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at tho bin plant phone 125 office phones 870 and 128

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