tne tribune stouffville out thursday september 28 1950 paraguayan interlude wrftten by smiths issued by herald press the new ixwk paraguayan interlude just issued by the herald press scottdale pennsyl vania and written by professors willard and verna smith of gos- ben college goshen indiana reports the pioneering efforts of uennonite refugees in the un tamed tropical jungles in the paraguayan chaco the account is 8bbr8ss based on letters written to friends and on copies of letters and reports which mr smith made to men- ijonite central committee head quarters as director for two years of the relief and refugee work in south america smith speaks from firsthand experience a few degrees north of the tropic of capricorn in the jungle of the paraguayan chaco mennonite refugees have established new communities where little more than twenty years ago only reptiles wild animals and primi tive indians lived to this land in this totally undeveloped region came refugees for conscience sake who had left their homes and lands where they had lived for generations in paraguayan interlude smiths give the story of the wanderings of the homeless people their settlement and development of raw land as they hewed down trees built crude homes and stablished life on a truly pioneer ing basis resembling early pioneers in america generations ago the brave struggle against an un familiar soil and climate arid against the ravages of insect pests is an epic touching to the heart the seemingly futile attempt of the colonists to hack into sub mission a stubborn region fit for habitation is a story nearly unbe lievable in modernday life part of the work of the smiths was to make contacts with south american governments for the mennonite refugees as they enter ed the continent many were the hours of frustration in waiting and in unloosening the red tape which held up the approval of permits for two years the smiths labored first hand with the colon ists and with the governments to belp both to understand each other in appreciation of the splendid attitude of the paraguayan government in offering the refugees a home and in granting the privilegium which permits complete freedom of worship including full rights and privileges in exemption from obligatory mili tary service in time of peace or war the smiths laid the ground work to establish a home for lepers who roam uncared for the story is told with a fine sensitive regard for the refugees and for the government para guayan interlude is in essence a rich travelogue reporting on the trip to south america the various visits to the mennonite colonies and to the cities in the different countries life m the rural rareas of countries in the southern hemis phere is viyidly described by the smiths willard smith the coauthor was born on a farm near eureka illinois after attending the public schoois of the community he secur ed his preparatory schooling at hesston academy and at goshen college in 1937 he received his doctorate in history at the univers ity of indiana qualifying him for accurate observations and sym pathetic understanding verna smith wife of willard smith grad uated from goshen college she wrote two chapters of the book auction sale furniture household articles garden tools the undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at claremont on saturday sept 30 the following property belonging to william thompson wooden bed and springs spriug mattress 2 dressers felt mattress and springs washstand bed couch l cupboards china cabinet wardrobe boxes pillows cedar chest red stands enamel top table and 4 chairs kitchen table benches saws wash tubs pots and pans dishes 2 carpet sweepers dust mop wash boiler 2 ladders one extension new saw horse k pail knives forks and spoons 2 hall trees gasoline stove 3 burner cream enamel oven attached table top dining room table round buffet and g chairs kitchen cabinet library table oval table antique dresser 2 small square tables 2 boilers 2 rocking chairs odd dishes 2 jardinere stands pots pans hall seat and mirror metal bed spring and mattress hot plate 2 burner table lamp coal oil heater round 2 rugs 9 x 10 chesterfield wall brackets table lamp pictures card table breakfast suite ivory enamel buffet table and 4 chairs kitchen table drop leaf kitchen cabinet quebec heater cook stove finlay enamel bed springs and brown iron mattress wooden bed mattress 2 dressers hall mirror console radio deforest crosley springs and spring washstand fern stand snlo at 130 no reserve terms cash a s farmer auctioneer days of yore 51 years ago of the stouff fight poultry colds with a th only hooting powdr dry chlohn for dushng poultry against breathing a1- ordottjatldothtovw bird hoadt hthll u o rlnoly dhrtdod thai it mm slowly pro longing troatmont for orinunf wittr a hill h1h13 l drinking wafer makoo tr taf and holps pro- vont tonto of your nearest dealer from the files ville tribune come at once if you want a bargain h johnson new cur rants 5c new valencia raisins 5c new figs 7c new dates 8c fine pink salmon 12c fine new hyson tea 20c the best sugar in the market 28 lbs for 100 a fine currant for 3c a pound s c fleury cos dolls from 2c up choice mixed candies 5c and sc doll carriages 50c up cup and saucer 10c up almira wool market reported by s b lehman unwashed wool 12c to lie rejects lgc to 17c south down wool 20 to 22c law money to loan g smith macdonald c russell fitch llb barristers etc sanders block all dry goods marked away down floor oil cloths 20c per yd with purchases aggregating 3000 we will give a handsome rocking chair s m warrifter 16 years ago over 150 guests united with the officers and members of jubilee chapter order eastern star stouffville on tuesday evening in tendering a reception to mrs a v nolan district deputy grand matron for the current year for toronto district no 11 the affair was held in ratclilfs hall the ddgm who is entering upon her year of office was presented with a beautiful oval desk by her local chapter as well as being recipient of a handsome bracelet on behalf of the 1932 matrons club and numerous gifts from intimate friends in the order the tremendous growth this fall with so much rain and warm weather has been the means of producing some abnormally large roots of one kind or another potatoes brought to the tribune office last week by theo madill main street weighed a pound and ten ounces while jack oboyle left a sample at stiver bros seed store weighing a pound and 14 ounces and weighed two pounds when first dug 10 years ago a disastrous fire completely demolished one of pickering town ships old barns on the farm of v j taylor on the townline ringwood mr roy grove has greatly added to the appearance of his property by the erection of a fine new front verandah rev and mrs e morton with their daughter mrs noble dunn of little britain recently spent a weekend at eddystone northum berland county where he preach ed for the anniversary services in the eddystone church miss martha hood missionary on furlough from africa addressed the young peoples society at altona the rushing of the populace towards the local council cham bers continued through last week resembling so much moving pic tures 5f the storming of the bastille during the french revolu tion and as busy as king john skirt hooks lever tractor lurches crushes girl 18 as 18yearold betty walsh was jumping from a tractor thursday at agincourt her skirt hooked onto the gearshift lever throwing the machine from neutral into high gear it lurched forward and crushed both her legs the girl had been operating the tractor on the farm of earl toms toms was gathering corn from one of his fields and throwing it on a wagon after the harvest miss walsh drove the tractor to the shelter of a large tree she was just leaving work when the acci dent occurred travelling library books fiction the pink camellia bailey something special baldwin sea magic bassett the hand some road bristow experi ment perilous carpenter golden grain corbett the abc mur ders christie disaster trail cody gun bulldogger cunning ham night walk daly green light douglas the white dress eberhart my old mans badge findley all for the love of a lady ford from claudia to david franken bitter honey freeman towers in the mist goudge judith of blue lake ranch gregory lonely trail gregory the heritage of the desert greg the delicate ape hughes the lost lamp jenkins the island jones all that glitters keyes rest and be thankful maclnnes the monarch of the glen mackenzie mr mirakel oppenheim sons of the saddle raine to ride the river with raine the key wentworth nonfiction desperate men horan the saint john river wright john goffes mill woodbury intro ducing alaska coldwell this new canada mcwilliams trees we should know galbraith signing the magna charter was our town clerk j s dougherty as he signed a bill of righ for each and all to take those guns around with out fear of reprisal in future mayfair restaurant monday thru friday 8 am 11 pm saturday 8 am 12 pm its later than you think whether you are building or remodelling your comfort next winter is most important to you garw00d completely automatic oilfired aircondi tioning systems famous for over 25 years for oil economy finest heating systems on the market today buy the best buy a fess oil burners space heaters your present heating system converted to oilwith a fess conversion oil burner no fuss no ashes clean completely automatic have a fess space heater delivered to your door an efficient and attractive oil heater made in 3 sizes heats 3 to 6 rooms we carry a complete line of new idea good cheer warm air furnaces and airconditioning units both for oil or coalfired operation now is the time to arrange to have your oil burner and furnace checked complete burner service modern vacuum cleaner equipment oil filters air filters burner parts arrange now for o j smith to make a complete survey without obligation phone unionville 96 or grover 0657 your heating problem is our business miiimiainiiuiuiniufliiiniiaiihimhiiaun a woman not only thinks time scientist announces that saw- should wait for her but that on dust makes a fertile top soil he special occasions it should back up wood girl weeps 11 hours head line and well bet she got thefur coat she wanted ill daddywhat makes it hum harnkssed raindrops ony its a true answer in shipshaw powerhouse you are awed by die hum of twelve gigantic generators they are driven hy rain and snow wliich all lake st john and pour down the saguenay river the water is channelled to a manmade lake on lop of a hill then it rushes down tunnels chiselled through solid rock to dash against turbines like the model at which the hoy is peering but weighing 50 ions the lurhincs drive generators the electricity they generate speeds to nearby arvida there it refines shining aluminum out of bauxite from british guiana over 1000 canadian companies form aluminum into all sons of useful articles all this means work for canadians this country supplies nothing hot the raindrops and the brains hands and enterprise to harness them the hum in the power house at shipshaw is a hymn of progress it is a sound of canadas standard of living going up aluminum company of canada ltd producers and procouart of aluminum lor canadian industry and world morkoh manh at shawimgan foils arvida id malign smpihaw part alfred wolfd igngtton toronto elobicoka