the tribune stouffville ont thursday july 6 1950 the stouffville tribune established 1838 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa issued every thursday at stouffville ontario in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments worm turns a man vho has made charitable contributions to sev eral worthy causes now suspects that he has got himself on a special names list for any moneyraising campaign that happens to be in progress that at least is how he accounts for his receipt of an appeal from the county town of what may be called missinaba county the appeal begins dear mr blank dont you some times wish you were back in missinaba county and goes on to explain that the county is endeavoring to enlarge its memorial hospital and is looking for contributions mr blank says that the appeal might flutter the heart strings and pursestrings of missinaba old boys he wasnt born in the county and his principal recollection of the dear old place is of a lost argument with a policeman when he was driving through the county town nothing to blow about the other morning while listening to the radio there was a brief commentary by the announcer on noisy wedding parties he was referring not to the racket created in the home but to the horn blowing and dangerous speeding in the street after the wedding it seems that a town in united states has come up with a courtesy card which is distributed to motorists attending weddings in which they are reminded that hornhonking and other forms of postwedding noisemaking in the streets is against the law the card suggests that the police depart ment of the town wants the party to have an excellent time but asks that they forego breaking the noisemaking ordin ance it was reported by the commentator that the system was meeting with splendid cooperation stouffville has been noted for sometime for its noisy wedding processions and since getting married is really nothing to blow about on a car horn that is it might be a relief to many people if a similar scheme were invoked here 50 years of service the 50th anniversary of the womens institutes of south antario celebrated at brooklin brings to public at tention the great public service which has been rendered by womens institutes over the last halfcentury it also fo cuses attention on the way in which this organized move ment of rural women started at stoney creek ontario in 1897 has spread throughout the civilized world and has resulted in over twentyfive countries having the benefit of the organized activity of the women of the rural areas the first womens institute was started in an effort to bring to rural housewives of ontario the benefits of the study of home problems of the problems of food and nutri tion and the raising of standards of rural living in the early days this was accomplished through lecture courses and demonstrations arranged by local institutes but in the intervening fifty years the federated womens institutes of ontario have become a great moving force in the im provement of conditions in the farming communities much of the legislation now on the statute books of ontario relative to public health to medical and dental ser vice for schools to improved educational facilities for rural childien to the teaching of music in the schools and for the improvement of community life has stemmed directly from the efforts of the womens institutes to impress successive governments with the importance of these matters as one of the pioneer districts in the movement in on tario south ontario through its branches of the womens institute has made a great contribution to the work which has been sponsored and made effective by that organization those women who planned it in early clays of the organiza tion built well and those who have followed have raised a strong superstructure on that foundation as they look forward to the next fifty years they can find courage and inspiration in the story of the past and a challenge to make the future of the womens institutes in ontario productive of many advances in the status of rural women and in the comfort and convenience of the farm home oshawa times voice of prophecy bible questions and answers question how can i tell a true prophet answer by the bible test to the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them isaiah 820 q how many angels are there a in revelation 5 11 we read of ten thousand times ten thou sand or 100000000 but this is only part of the heavenly host for there is added and thousands of thousands in hebrews 1222 the number is said to be innumer able q are we to believe in the divinity of christ a yes if we believe the bible read hebrews 1s but unto the son lie saith thy throne o god is for ever and ever god even thy god hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows q will babies be resurrected a jeremiah 3116 17 thus saith the lord refrain thy voice from weeping and thine eyes from tears for thy work shall be rewarded saith the lord and they shall come again from the land of the enemy and there is hope in thine end saith the lord that thy baseball and taxes by r j deachman babe ruth knowing somethin of baseball received in 1931 s0- 000 for the season the income tax took him for a loop he netted only s0s535 after taxes ted williams in 1950 will receive 8125000 federal incoms tax will cut him down he will end up the year with s6203s inflation since 1931 has cut the purchasing power of the dollar si ted williams take home pay in 1950 is a little more than half that of babe ruths in 193157 i you want to be exact about it yes these figures are american it couldnt happen to us or could it the question is worth consid ering let us examine the facts here is a business executive who had in 1939 an income of i00c0 he also had something of more value a wife and two children his total income tax in that year was 7 ix 15 of which si 105 was pro vincial income tax there is now no provincial income tax in ontario in 1919 he would pay on the same income 15s2 this chap was a bright lad he rose rapidly in business in 1919 his income was 25000 subject of course to income tax and touched by the higher cost of living let us see how he fared on his 25- 000 income he now paid 702500 his take home pay was 1737500 lucky dog but wait we are not yet through with this boy the cost of living is up approximately 00 in other words he must pay now 100 for the goods which cost him 100 in distant 1939 if we divide his take home pay by 100 we will have his earnings in terms of dollars of 1939 purchasing power what is the answer i have worked it out for you it is 1085800 he didnt get away much on the 15000 salary increase did he let us see what happened to a smaller fish in the puddle assume that the man with 5000 in 1939 moved up to 10000 in 1919 and see what happened to him in the earlier year he paid in taxes 13300 leaving him with 4ssg40 when his income rose to 10000 his taxes amounted to 158200 leaving him with s41s0o now run it through the increased living costs divide by 1g0 he has or had in his hands or in the bank 520100 i wonder if he thought much of his new found riches what happens to the fellow with an income of 2750 in 1939 he paid no federal income tax if his income is now 5000 he pays 45300 in income tax he has 4547 dollars to spend equivalent to 2842 in terms of prewar dollars the income of each had increased slightly the chap who held to his old earnings was strictly out of luck war cannot enrich the nation war leaves us poorer than we were a farmer cannot get rich by burning his crops the manufacturer gains nothing from smashing his machines war is destruction without reason or common sense the only things it creates are poverty hate want and misery the conquest of war is the greatest task of humanity will we ever be equal to it weilknown bearded markhamire enjoys reunion munching watermelon at the reesor family reunion at markham fair grounds satur day 6yearold diana reesor of locust hill is enviously watched by bearded samuel ramer ss of rr2 markham roth were among the 1200 reesor descendants for parents only oooooaaoacvwckw your building supplies joist studding sheeting siding flooring trim moulding cement lime wallboard masonite arborite tileboard plywood brie siding asphalt shingles asphalt rolls doors sash prefit window units blue coal p r wilson lumber fuel locust hill phone markham 72j3 children shall come again to their own border q second samuel 21 24 states that david paid fifty shekels of silver for a threshing floor and i chronicles 2125 says that he paid 600 shekels of gold isnt this a con tradiction a no read the entire passages in the first he bought the thresh ing floor and oxen for sacrifice in the second he purchased the whole place which was mount moriah on which to build the temple see i chronicles 22 1 q when antichrist comes will the preaching of the gospel be for bidden a many antichrists have already appeared i john 218 little children it is the last time and as ye have heard that anti christ shall come even now are there many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time these antichrists have not always forbidden the preaching of the gospel but sometimes they have corrupted it who is a liar but he that denieth that jesus is the christ he is antichrist that denieth the father and the son verse 22 read also 2 thessa- lonians 23 2 peter 21 every family wants a dai by nancy cleaver a home is started when two people care enough for each other to think in terms of we and ours instead of i and mine it is built on mutual love and trust a home is much more than a place to eat and sleep it is a place where each member of the home finds happiness security and a chance to grow in all good homes there is a sharing of work and of play between the husband and the wife and the children in the family have their part too in the tasks and the fun of the family group the members of the family enjoy each others company dad is more than the money maker mother is not just a housekeeper the children are not just boarders a father of a large family was asked how in the world he ever managed to keep up with his work and still have some time and energj to enjoy some leisure with his boys and girls he answered i each child has his own daily task and when the days work is over their mother and 1 try to do something with the children which of hls p tlmo fathers can be they all enjov i a wonderful help at bedtime by this family lived on a farm and reading aloud to a small son or the problem of giving each child daughter a chore was much easier than in j what good times families can a city home however there are have on walks in the woods or by jobs in every household in wliich tlie lake or alonga country road boys and girls can help the time not long ago a small girl was over- to start children sharing in the work of a home is when they are young and eager to help mothers of teenage daughters who com plain how little assistance in the housework is ever volunteered by mary or helen often forget the time before their little girls started to school when mary or helen used to ask can i help you mummy but unfortunately mother could do things so much more quickly and efficiently and it was much simpler to say not today clear you run along and play and dont bother mother father should see to it that mothers load in housekeeping is not too heavy keep an eye on the youngsters and encourage them to do their share families need to play together as well as work together here again tlie habit of doing things as a home group should be begun early it is too late to wait til aj boy is in his teens before his father suggests a fishing trip what fun a little fellow can have with his dad fishing on a saturday after noon how much a dad is missing who does not give his son some heard saying to her mother i wish we belonged in the blank home they nave such good times they are the picknickest family you ever saw mr and mrs blank dont make any fuss at all about packing up a meal to be enjoyed outofdoors and sometimes they have a marvellous time just eating a meal in their own back yard what boy or girl doesnt enjoy a picnic and surely a picnic is a very inexpensive form of family recreation it is excellent training in sharing responsibility if all the members of the family help in preparing the picnic meal and cleaning up afterwards the most important thing about a home is not the size of house the furnishings the convenient equip ment but the family atmosphere in a real home even a stranger can feel the bond between the mem bers of the family there are occasional conflicts arising from the clash of one personality against another that is all part of life in a group but because mother and father are united in their ideals about a home and their desires for- their children in spite of some friction between individuals there is an underlying serenity in the family atmosphere mother and father believe that a democratic nation is the best kind in the home their children through having a voice in a fam ily council are being prepared for adult life it is quite true that a good parent takes time to work and play with a child both mother and father enjoy building a real home with a serene family atmos phere in which their children can grow into useful happy citizens refore she was 15 years old charlotte bronte wrote 23 novels glenwood park swim dance picnic nnd piny at glenwood park h mile south of mnrklinm rrlng the whole family 100 picnic tables excellent dance floor fully stocked refreshment booth lnrre illuminated swimming pool reservations for larger groups write or ph manager glenwood park markham 4tf enjoy cm tiaoi mam ate at the ball game never pass on a hill or curve tragedy may meet you head on be patient be cautious be safe o n t a r 1 o department highways geo h doucett minister