the tribune stouffville ont thursday march 30th 1950 in days of yore 28 years ago all interested in this years girls softball team are asked to come to the council chambers on march 28th at 8 oclock ralph rae is back home from the lumber camps officers of the 1922 baseball club recently elected are as follows hon pies v h shaw past pres w j mather pies dr s s ball secy k ii mcleod treas jb sanders skating at the rink this satur day night with band eggs on the market this week 25c a dozen butter 32c the new auditorium garage opened this week by green labarr messrs trueman scott and shirk of claremont attended the tor onto hockey match between prin cess pats and vancouver teams on friday under the new management of the mansion house it looks as though messrs pratt wilson are going to make a first class guest house out of it mr r c ratclitr has been busy tepairing his mill dam which was washed out by the freshet a couple of weeks ago stouffville creamery co is installing a new 100gallon pasteur izing machine a splendid program was given in ftatcliffs hall last night by the anj sister mrs v c lafraugh entitled a perplexing situation we are glad to see mrs lemon baker out again after her recent illness mr f c lafraugh of saskatoon spent the weekend with his mother and sister mrs ww c lafraugh and mrs p a morden prior to leaving on a business trip to the marttimcs while inspecting the timber on the second storey of the old store now being wrecked by mr f rovviiotham with the object of buying mr robt miller stepped on he end of a board which gave way and let him down a distance of airout eight feet ko bones were broken but one arm was injured necessitating a cast see me and see better says adam r vake in his registered optome- tris adv mrs allen lagger who was taken suddenly ill on sunday is improv ing mr george meredith has return- c no doublehitch needed for highway crossing new course for latin- american students has started at brescia hall university of western ontario in london girls are put with english- speaking roommates encour aged to mingle skiing lesson is given linda pezzetti of domin ican republic by ann doyle canadian girl there are 10 stundents from cuba guate mala panama and other south american countries at west ern academically they are outstanding says mother st james ed to stouffville and is boarding with geo courtney mr e a quantz and family have moved to the west q- yoice of prophecy bible questions and answers column no 32 question 1 heard someone say that satan is the grandfather of death how can that be answer in 1 john 38 it says that the devil sinneth from the be ginning he started sin and sin brings forth death james 115 because of this satan might lie called the grandfather of death wont we cry in heaven when we think of the folks that are iot there a we know the time will come when god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there be no more death neither sor row nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away revelation 211 q why do some men read the bible and find fault with it in stead of finding the good a without the holy spirit we cannot understand the word of cod as we should but the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness unto iiim neither can we know them because they are spirit- uallv discerned 1 corinthian 21 i q n there anyway 1 can become patient i am as cross as a hear in 1 timothy ill we are told to follow after patience we may have patience in three ways 1 tribulation work- eth patience romans 53 2 the trying of your faith worketh patience james 13 3 add to temperance patience 2 peter 10 intem perance not only in drink but in food work etc does not make us patient trouble the trying of his faith and temper ate living with the grace of god will enable the impatient person to become patient ft- why is it so hard to live right 1 thought my troubles would stop when i was converted a- the christian life is a warfare and we are told to endure hardness as a good soldier of jesus christ no man that warreth entangleth- himself with the affairs of this life that he may please him who bath chosen him to be a sold ier 2 timothy 231 all men meet trouble but the believer has gods help in trouble as long as we are in this world we are to fight the good fight of faith 1 timothy 612 baby born in howling gale at sea nationality plzklk mr and mrs ronald xavarra and their sevendayold baby arrived in toronto last week after a transatlantic crossing they wont forget they are going to stay with mrs navarras sister mrs john peters queen st e toronto the baby a 10-pound- girl named sandra was born to the 19- yearold mother in the midst of a gale she and her husband were en route to new york from naples there was no doctor on board the italian ship was bobbing like a cork but airs navarra wasnt worried a bit its a wonderful experience to look back on although i wouldnt want to go through it again said the young maltese wife the baby was born with a midwife assisting while the storm was at its height off the azores fortunately it didnt take long i wasnt even aware of the gale said mrs navarra later we hit another storm by then the baby and i were old hands we rode it out in style j mr and mrs navarra knew the baby might be expected at any moment when they left italy we said a prayer nothing would hap- pen until we reached canada ottawa ietter by j e smtth mp maximum pension has increased 100 per cent in the last seven years from 20 per month in 104 to 40 in 1950 there have been the review and study of the increases also in the total allowable operation and effects ofall existing come of pensioners legislation with respect to old age the federal governments annual security in canada is one of the expenditure on old age pensions most important items of business have increased threefold in seven before the house of commons this years from thirtythree and a half session the government attaches million in 1913 to 103020000 in the greatest importance to improv- 1950 irig old age security in canada regardless of any improvements that may be made in our present pension system or any new system that may be devised there is general agreement among governj wi de ment supporters and opposition members on one common objec- among the proposals often made is that pensions should be payable at age of 05 and the present means test should be abolished these are commendable objectives which carefully studied by the i committee and the house and is the introduction of a farmers are going to be able to haul their implements across a highway without having them doublehitched to the tractor ahead and farmerlegislator h c nixon l brant wont have to spend the rest of his days in magistrates courts the question of doublehitches came up in the legislature last week during the second reading of amendments to the highway traffic act one amendment said no implement of husbandry could be drawn by tractor on a highway unless there were two attachments so constructed that if one gave way the other would hold after farmermembers and par ticularly mr nixon had express ed themselves as appalled at the thought of the work involved in making two couplings every time a wagon was to be taken across the road highways minister doucett agreed to withdraw the section his farm said mr nixon was on two highways on both sides of one of them he would feel uneasy indeed if he had to make a per sonal check to see that the double coupling had been made every time an implement was to cross the highway you just know you cant get men to do that when theyre cross ing the road 40 times a day he said ill spend the rest of my life in court would it mean that there would also have to be two tongues on a wagon asked r a mcewing l wellington north when a wagon had two tongues replied the highways minister thev become shafts tills is to develop the best contributory system tive possible old age and retirement the minister stated in the house system that can be devised with that to pay the old age pension of sjii m n at age 0 65 would cost the well- 10 a month to all full consideration for being of all canadians j without a means tost the special committee now million in 1951 studying the problem will provide this is a sum five times in excess an opportunity for labour indusof the present cost of the pension government they said it takes months to get a- bookings to this side we just couldnt watch that ship sail with- out us i sandras nationality still hasnt been settled her parents are malj tese so normally she would be a british subject but she was bomj on an italian boat her first port of call after birth was the us she will live with her parents in canada i try agricultural and social welfare interested groups to make their organizations as well as other views known on this social question old age pension legislation was first passed in 1927 but since that date successive amendments have made many changes and greatly extended the benefits and coverage of the original act a review of the present situation reveals that the present old age pension provision while by no means perfect do provide features that make our legislation compare favourably with that of any other country the number of pensioners in and a responsible must count this cost and consider its relation to the tax burden of our people the view here is general that it will do no good to adopt a scheme which is beyond our capacity to pay and continue throughout future years anything short of this would not be security legisla tion at all the house plans to have the whole field of social security legis lation studied and reviewed especially as it concerns the intro duction of a contributory system whatever is done care will be taken to ensure that whatever pro gram is adopted lies within the canada has increased from 42000 capacity of the canadian people to in 1930 to 293000 in 1950 the maintain s tribute paid to plowman at sunderland ronald marquis of sunderland ontario countys outstanding plow man and one of the two ontario plowmen who returned recently from a tour of the british isles as championship winners at the 1949 international plowing match was honored at a banquet tendered him in the sunderland town hall on wednesday night this week joint hosts in paying tribute to mr marquis are the brock township and north and south ontario plow mens associations in attendance at the banquet was james eccies of brampton who was the other british trip winner at the 1949 international the guest speaker was alex mckinney of brampton who accompanied the two plowmen as tour manager it was expected that ja carroll secretarymanager of the ontario plowmens association and a representative of the imperial oil limited which sponsored the over seas trips would attend orders byelection writ in toronto seat ottawa march 21 speaker ross maedonald informed the house of commons yesterday that he has asked the chief electoral officers to make out a writ for a byelection in toronto broadview held by the late tl church a progressive conservative the byelection must be held within six months after the writ is issued there are 22 communication cables between canada and eng land azores australia new zealand newfoundland st pierre and miquelon and bermuda in canada there is about one radio to every four persons sesksssaswssorsewrassxxjsxvwsxxscse stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop wts3s3t3txxsx3cxxac383aa3c5k3 signs of the times the us army has 330 generals only 327 horses associated industrial designers engineers consultants manufacturers repairs to all types of electrical or mechanical equipment industrial commercial and domestic toronto 17 queen st e el9776 stouffville albert second sts ph 346 wsssssexxxsokxacxjotjcwkxssx stouffville lions club easter carnival in the stouffville arena wednesday april 5 roland hartley- professional comic and trickskating act costume prizes children 12 and under comic character fancy or easter prizes for oldest and youngest on skates 500 for largest family on skates ten lucky cash door prizes public skating presentation to stouffville speed skaters city derby winners presentation bill ball trophy to don couch stouffville clippers dancing on the ice music by stouffville legionaires admission 50c and 25c show begins 8s0 mm r scotland is producing 1000000 gallons of whisky a month j net proceeds in aid of the stouffville lions club j welfare work marmill the quality name of poultry and livestock feeds marmill chick starter assures rapid growth strong bones good feather development available in regular and coarse grind pellets or crumbles 24 milk maker a quality feed for your dairy herd excello hog grower the hog ration that pays extra dividends poultry supplies peat moss cod liver oil shell grit germicides coal blue coal please place your orders early for next seasons fuel buy blue coal americas finest anthracite central feed store phone 277 stouffville elmer daniels prop