the tribune stouffville ont thursday january 20 1949 the stouffville tribune established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized as second class mau post office department ottawa issued every thursday at stouffville ontario in canada 200 1 m fc usa 250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments should banks take greater precautions bank holdups in ontario are becoming so common that one wonders why those institutions do not take more active steps to combat it the ease with which thugs step into a bank and demand the cash is alarming a good many of them get caught and these along with the thieves that get away ruin their own lives because of their actions possibly the risk could be made so hazardous that many of the attempts to steal in a seemingly easy way would be turned aside ere they took the first step to rob burglary alarm buttons in strategic places in the banks would seem to be a simple thing to try even if the alarm only succeeded in foiling the robbery something would be accomplished it must cost the banks a lot of money for insurance and the more robberies the higher the insurance rates in addition to cutting down this annual loss or most of it the banks would be doing the wouldbe robbers a good turn in discouraging these young men from starting in a life of crime farm housewives the windsor star claims that housing specialist ruth hucheson of purdue university evidently believes in ex aggeration to emphasize an argument she declares farm women are tired of playing second fiddle to animals they object to the theory of milk cow first brood sow second and housewife third what she means of course is that when money is being spent on the farm it is too apt to go to improvements in the stables and barns rather than on the house there is an element of truth in this and there is an economic reason for it the money made on a farm is made in the fields and in the barns the better the equipment a man has and the better his stables the more money can be made and a farmers standard of living like that of everyone else is dependent upon his earnings it usually is easy to tell a prosperous wellmanaged farm the barn and stables are good the machinery at least adequate because of the truth in what the purdue expert says farm houses are a less accurate barometer of a farms prosperity one of the fine effects of the last decade of prosperity on the farms is the improvements made to farm homes farm housewives who have sacrificed themselves for years so that money could be spent on machinery and on the stables have been getting electricity and electrical appli ances washing machines refrigerators electric stoves and often water piped into the house and bath rooms it is not that farmers are less desirous of providing a good house nicely furnished for their wives than other menfolk many urban women also have waited for a better house while their husbands got a business going or to enable the men to get more stock in their store a store in a better location or some additional machineryfor a little enterprise if the money on a farm were made in the house then the house would have priority in expenditures the runaways from time to time newspapers mention the disappear ance of a child or an adult which plunges a family into distress and this publicity often helps to discover the one who has disappeared but the public has no knowledge of all the dramas of this kind for in the majority of cases these disappearances are voluntary it is known generally that in the city of montreal alone in the course of the last year 2230 persons thus lost themselves which represents an average of more than six a day it is an increase over the two previous years but the special police service charged with tracing the fugitives usually succeeds in its task only 115 of those who disap peared in 1949 were not found married men head the list followed by boys of under 18 years boys of over 18 and girls of over 18 married women and girls of less than 18 domestic problems furnish the greater part of the fugitives and it is naturally in springtime that these run aways are most numerous the le canada montreal daily claims if its british its good that was the prewar slogan of many british exporters of course the same slogan applies today as far as british products are concerned but dealing with their transport legislation well its a horse of another color great britains socialist government has nationalized transportation we recently received a copy of the british transportation commissions report for its first year of operation which ended december 31st 1948 the report re vealed that the commission lost approximately 4700000 pounds that is relative to the entire operation which in cluded rail highway and waterway systems as well as hotels and the cook travel agency of significance is the fact that nearly 4000000 was lost by the railways in the operation of trucks both in pickup and delivery service and highway haulage the report truthfully stated that 1948 results were unsatisfactory and 1949 would probably be as bad that is putting it mildly according to recent press dispatches the 1949 figure is much worse than anti cipated the latest london report to hand indicates that the government owned inland transport system is running into the red at the rate of 1400000 every week by the end of 1950 after three years of nationalization it is pre dicted that losses will total between 148000000 and 168000000 it is easy to be an editor most any man can be an editor all the editor has to do is to sit at a desk six days a week four weeks a month and twelve months a year and edit such stuff as this says the guelph mercury mrs jones of summer creek let a can opener slip last week and cut herself in the pantry joe doe climbed on the roof of his house last week looking for a leak and fell landing on his back porch while harold green was escorting miss violet wise from the church social last saturday night a savage dog attacked them and bit miss green on the public square mr black while harnessing a horse lastiulay was kicked just south of the silo editors mail another important message to the general public rkgaroing sunday we would like to state at the outset that we are in no way con nected with the stouftville arena nor interested in promoting com mercialized sport on sunday but being residents of the community we have a responsibility to dis charge when we see the lords most holy word apparently per verted in an attempt to justify a false position namely that sunday was sanctified hy god and is the day referred to in the 4th of the 10 commandments we would quote from gods word which he has magnified above his nameand recognized authorities protestant catholic and jewish we note it is charged certain ons have 1 broken the commandments of god in abusing the sanctity of the lords day 2 fought against god 3 been in association with a subtle effort on the part of the forces of evil to destroy the foun dations upon which our christian civilization and culture rests in recalling the commandment of the sabbath exodus 20 8 9 the omission of verse 10 is particularly pointed since this is the verse which declares the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord thy god whereas sunday is the first day of the week sunday is referr ed to in the scriptures as the first day of the week never as the lords day or the sabbath there is absolutely no scriptural record of he sabbath day being changed from saturday to sunday a prominent article in the tor onto daily star october 26 1919 issue was headlined clergy say tradition not bible ordinance declared sunday holy most rev philip carrington anglican arch bishop of quebec says there is no commandment which states sun day must be kept holy tradition had made it a day of worship rabbi david monson of beth sholom synagogue said the change was made because of emperor constantine he changed the christian sabbath to sunday the original christians were all jews they celebrated the sabbath on saturday a spokesman for st augustines the roman catholic seminary for the diocese of toronto said the church has a specific church com mandment stating sunday should be observed protestants observed sunday because for many cent uries they had been a part of the roman catholic church and had observed the church command ments one minister remarked weve become so accustomed to keeping sunday as our holy day that it isnt likely this belated discovery is going to change our attitude over night certainly not in toronto also quoting a writer in the tor onto daily star nov 1 1919 com menting on the above rabbi monson is quite accurate in his statement that the emperor constantine app ad 325 intro duced sunday as a holiday it was not at first a holy day but a day of festival constantines army was composed largely of persian soldiers these men were followers of methra the persian sungod in order to wean these from their own religion several things were taken wholesale from methraism by the early christians ritual incense vestments and festival day being some of these it is not chance that the christian day of worship is named sunday toronto daily star dec 20 1019 7th day adventist spokesman the first day of the week sun day was consecrated to mithra the sungod since times remote a paiva o mitraismo p3 as a solar festival sunday was the sacred day of mithra anil it is interesting to notice that since mithra was addressed as dominus lord sunday must have been the lords day iong before christian times arthur weigall the paganism in our christianity p 145 turning to the inspired word of god the apostle paul addresses the believers on the observance of days galations 110 11 ye observe days and months and times and years i am afraid of you lest i have bestowed upon you labour in vain romans 115 g 8 one man esteemeth one day above another another esteemeth every day alike let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind he that regardeth the day regardeth it unto the lord and he that regardeth not the day to the lord he doth not regard it for whether wo live we live unto the lord and whether we die we die unto the lord paul again writes to the galations who were confus ing the law of moses and the law of faith in christ in ch 319 he says wherefore then sorveth the law it was added because of transgressions till the seed should come to whom the promise was made see v s 10 v 222 but the scripture hath concluded all under sin that the promise by faith of jesus christ might be given to them that believe but before faith came we were under the law shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto christ that we might be justified by faith but after that faith is come wo are no longer under a school master colossians 2 10 17 let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of an holy day or of the new moon or of the sabbath days which are a shadow of things to come but the bodv is of christ hebrews 19 10 there remain- eth therefore a rest marginal note or keeping of a sabbath to the people of god for he that is entered into his rest he also hath ceased from his own works as god did from his the rest assured by faith in christ necessitates chevrolet for 1950 offers increased horsepower new carbuietion and a choice of 11 models in a variety of new colors according to a general motors annviuncement also featured is a redesigned front grille improved body construction which makes for added rigidity and greater strength and new twotone interiors on the deluxe models shown abow is the fleetlineidejuxe 2door sedan king township horse history dates back ninety years having read the story of mr evans whitchurch horses appear ing in this paper two weeks ago 1 would like to tell the history of a team of horses in king township almost any day people passing spruce hill farm the home of arwood harmon are likely to see fly and paddy the silver maned and tailed chestnuts either at work in the field or on pasture these horses have a story which carries away back over 90 years ago just after the cnr was built mr william harmon grandfather of arwood harmon who lived on the east of the present home on the same sideroad bought a french canadian mare with silver mane and tail which was named doll buying this mare which some of the neighbors thought was an extravagant venture proved to be worthwhile as she raised is colts one of these was called jin and was a grand riding horse about 80 years ago when the york rangers trained at niagara the men provided their own horses to ride at that time richard har mon son of william had a horse which was such a favourite his colonel used to borrow it to ride one time as they were crossing from toronto to niagara there was such a storm the boat nearly sank but the men were more concerned about their horses safety than their own richard harmon drove a team of horses from the first mare to draw logs for ocean liner masts which were cut on the ridges of king and drawn to king station for shipping among these horses was one called doll and besides farm work she raised several colts among them was the second doll who in her turn carried on and raised colts several of which were sold to western farmers about this time a large number of men from king township took up land in the west and as they made good they came back and bought horses i obeying his words in luke 9 23 if any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me in summary then we agree with archbishop carrington and the others quoted that there is no bible commandment which states sunday must be kept holy and therefore the readers may better judge for themselves the charges referred to at the commencement of this article further the warning reference made to ezekiel 57 9 upon examination proves to be a denunciation upon jerusalem which history has demonstrated a fulfilled prophecy if our christian civilization and culture must be based upon sun day observance evidently then our faith is based upon tradition and not the bible which do we want we are warned by paul when speaking of the foundation of our faith 1 cor 31011 let every man take head how he buildeth thereupon for other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is christ col 2 8 beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after christ using state legislation to enforce religious doctrines might well be the thin edge of another wedge our weapons are not carnal if coercion is necessary it is evident that the church has no spiritual power but a mere form of bodli- ness denying the power thereof has everybody forgotten the dark ages of history when religion was enforced by the state where were the rights of minorities then nonconformists were often burn ed at the stake r stapley rri stouftville joy beauty salon near cnr permanent waving individual styling razor shaping pbone stouffville 98w2 frank criticism in can adians lack of national pride was voiced by newfoundlands premier joseph smallwood at toronto newfoundlanders he said did not turn their backs on centuries of independence to join a disunited people a people lacking in robust pride in themselves i have become disappointed that the canadian people are not the proud and united people they have so many reasons for being and cattle which they took west with them one of dolls colts which stayed on the farm was called fly and she had a colt called doll the 3rd doll the 3rd was the mother of fly and paddy the present farm workers for the past 80 years these mares have all been bred to clydes dale sires and have carried then- true color and characteristics down with them all these mares except the present fly have lived well up to 30 years and some over it and here is hoping that fly and paddy keep their ancestors record of working the home farm on which there is no power machin ery also in mr harmons dual- purpose shorthorn herd are animals descended from a cow which his grandfather bought from the late william linton of aurora over 80 years ago when st pauls cathedral lon don is restored after bomb damage it will have an american memorial chapel postal problem names of many european cities and towns have changed since world war ii swedens neutral policy is again shown in her staying out of the atlantic pact ssssss ssisssssss roofing eavetroughing and shingling metal roofing on barns done on short notice 15 years of experience t mowers phone stouffville 6522ft 412 white eggs wanted a 2c premium is being paid by p hutton for grade a large white eggs cases supplied free pickup and prompt returns 40 kenworthy ave toronto gr8970 thos wignall funeral director honour graduate ontario licencing examinations dignified efficient service heated ambulance phone markham 239