the tribune stouffville ont thursday december 15 1949 sunday school lesson lesson for december 18 the sovereign god isaiah 714 jeremiah 29 31 luke 1 golden text ye shall seek me and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart jer 2913 the lesson as a whole approach to tho lesson how good it is to know that our god the god of the bible the creator and redeemer knows the end from the beginning and worketh all things according to the counsel of his own will ephlrll nothing ever takes him by sur prise all has been foreseen and every event that transpires is either in accord with his directive or his permissive will dan 220- 22 he foresaw all the experiences israel would pass through before ever he called them out of egypt to be his peculiar treasure ex- od 195 savior for them and for all mankind long before sin itself had come in calling for one whol could bring deliverance he fore- saw the lamb slain from the foundation of the world rev 13 8 in the fullness of time his pro mise of the virginhorn saviour was fulfilled he foretold israels captivity and scattering among the nations even before they had en tered into canaan deut 28g1 no word of his is void of power isa 5511 nor will his plan ever be de feated by all satans efforts what ever he has declared shall come to pass it is a wonderful thing to know such a god and to realize that we who trust in him are the objects of his care phil 419 1 pet 57 faith can rest upon his word undismayed by all the chang ing scenes of time knowing him as the eternal sovereign god tho historical setting jeremiah prophesied for many years prior to the fulfillment of his own words in regard to the de struction of jerusalem and the captivity of judah he foresaw the victorious chaldean armies ravag ing the land of palestine and he looked beyond and saw by the eye of faith the restoration of a rem nant who would return to the land and would be dwelling there when the long promised messiah should appear he also looked beyond that to a return yet future when the nation as a whole shall be brought to know the lord verso by verse jer 291 the letter that jere miah the prophet sent from jerus alem after the conquest of pal estine by the chaldeans and the carrying away of many thousands of the people of judah into captiv ity jeremiah continued to give the word of the lord by sending a letter to all those who had been dispersed among the gentiles in this letter he urged them to accept their captivity as the will of the lord for the time then present but he assured them that god had won drous plans for their blessing and restoration in years to come verse 4 whom i have caused to be carried away no power could have prevailed against judah if god himself had not permitted it the captivity was his rod of chastisement inflicted upon them because of their willful disobe- ernest ridout b real estate ltd we have clients wanting farms resi dences and business properties in this area if you are considering selling your property give us a call for prompt efficient service if you are contemplating buying pro perty in this district get in touch with our office we may have just what you are looking for call thos j wignall main st markham phone 90j head office 1172 bay st phone princess 3324 w c mcdonald ro optometrist at stouffville every saturday 200 pm to 900 pm complete visual service at rear of marie jack beauty salon phone 176w ttsftsss8ssssssss5sssssss3 sssss4ssss eggs wanted by reg grading station cases supplied and picked up at your door for a reference ask your neighbors about our grade price and prompt weekly returns eggs in small lots may be left at carload croceteria for our pickup write or phone p hutton grover 8970 40 kenworthy ave dience and with a view to their j future blessing verse 5 build ye houses and dwell in them false prophets had i risen up who pretended to foresee a speedy return to the land and the end of their captivity but instead of this jeremiah made it clear that for at least seventy years they must abide among the gentiles in view of this he counselled them to settle down as contentedly as poss ible and make proper provision for the care of their family verse 6 take ye wives and beget sons and daughters that ye may be increased there and not diminished in view of gods purpose for their future blessing he would not have the nation die out under chaldean domination nor would he have them so discouraged that they would lose all concern about the preservation of their national life j verse 7 in the peace thereof shall ye have peace instead of giving way to a spirit of resent ment or even hatred toward their conquerors they were to pray for them and seek the peace of the cities and the nations wherein they dwelt their own peace and pros perity depended to a very large extent on that enjoyed by those who had become their captors and masters verses 8 9 let not your pro phets deceive you neither- hearken to your dreams i have not sent them salth the lord it is so easy to give way to wishful thinking and to ignore facts in stead of facing the realities of life even though facts are disagree able it is far better to recognize them and act in accordance with gods revealed word than to rest upon an unfounded optimism which can only result in disap pointment verse 10 after seventy years i will visit you causing you to return the seventyyear period coincides with the actual duration of the babylonian empire god foresaw the triumph of cyrus the persian and the overthrow of chaldean power after which the way would lie opened for the re turn of his people to their own land this as we know was fulfil led at the appointed time verse 11 i know the thoughts that i think toward you saith the lord even when conditions de mand chastening gods heart is ever toward his people his judg ments do not mean that his thoughts of love and kindness are no longer toward those who are called upon to pass under the rod all will work out for their bless ing eventually rom 828 verse 12 then shall ye call upon me and i will hearken this is in accordance with his pro mise as given in psalm 5015 call upon me in the day of trouble and i will deliver thee and thou shall glorify me verse 13 ye shall seek me and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart god is always waiting for opportunities to manifest himself and his grace and power on behalf of his people but he maintains a holy reserve at times until they realize their own helplessness and feel their need of him when in the hour of distress they turn to him in repentance and faith he is always ready to meet their need in his lovingkind ness verse 14 i will be found i will turn i will gather i will bring you again note the definite declarations of the divine will in response to the cry of his own when they humble them selves before him and look up to him for deliverance this promise had only partial fulfillment when a remnant returned in the days of bzra and nehemiah it will be ful filled completely in a future dav jer 313 i have loved thee with an everlasting love with lovingkindness have i drawn thee he who took abram into covenant relationship with himself and pro mised that in his seed all nations should be blessed will never forget or retract his word no failure or defection on our part can alter the love of his heart like himself it is everlasting and has been mani fested to the fullest extent in the person and work of his beloved son 1 john 49 the heart of the lesson the faithfulness of god demai the fulfillment of every pron he has made regarding both earthly and his heavenly peoj his dealings with israel and juc may well be taken as the great ample of his unfailing interest those who in this age of gra constitute the church the body christ we too are called to t path of obedience to turn from is to bring down upon ourseh the disciplinary rod but as c hearts are exercised by his de ings with us we shall find ri blessing as we turn to him in c trition and seek renewed fello ship no waywardness on our p can change his love toward x his counsels of old are faithfulne and truth and nothing can ev turn aside his purpose of grace stole gas from hearse ix village of ayr william ball undertaker in tl waterloo village of ayr ne kitchener has not yet discoven the culprit who took the gas fro his hearse he went out to take the vehic out of the garage one day la week and found that it was nea ly out of gasoline he had a fu tank last time he used it he figures that it must have bee someone with a queer sense of va lies who would remove gas froi a funeral coach it could ha proved embarrassing had he n discovered the theft im giving you a well trained maid for christmas shell work for you for many years and you wont have any trouble with her how would you like to say that to everyone on your christmas list today you can give such a gift by giving an electrical servant electrical appliances make daily activities more pleasant for everyone in the fam ily an electric shaver for dad kitchen applances for mother a new study lamp for sis and of course servants like radios phonographs electric clocks etc that the whole family will appreciate its easy to choose electrical gifts this year for we have on hand the biggest and best selection at lowest prices in years be sure to see our wonder land of electrical servants km toronto 13 attention farmers we are paying the current market price for dead or crippled farm animals horses cattle hogs telephone collect for immediate service gordon young limited toronto ad 3636 stouffville 255 uxbridge 27 stouffville radio electric markham radio electric