the tribune stouffvlile vrt- thursday november 4 1948 ifiinuaiiuiiiiiiaiiihiiiauuiiimiauiiiuiiiiaiuumiiidiiuuiniiainiurabaa new store now open come and viii u- in our newly remodelled store you will enjoy shopping in the bright spacious urroundinns we expect the work to be completed by next week so watch next weeks paper for our sjrand opening specials for thursday friday and saturday just arrived for this week california grapes tomatoes iceberg head lettuce buy a poppy saturday nov 6th ratcliff co bethesda miss r rence barkev of toronto spent the iveekend with miss margaret emmersos at her home mr and mrs a emmerso attended the brownstover wedding jlast week the groom mr deios brown is a nephew of mr emmer- son the wms will hold its regular meeting on wednesday nov 10th at 230 at the home of mrs chapin mrs wood of stouftville the vice- president for the north district of the east presbyterial will be the guest speaker all are welcome on nov 12th in the bloomington christian church the girls fall rally of the whitchurch sunday schools will be held at 745 boys young peoples union will hold and girls are all welcome on friday evening nov 5th the their meeting in the church the young people of tottenham will provide the program mrs mason of leaside the former miss mary ross a teacher at our local school some years ago visited with mrs c burkholder last week editors mail mr editor irsg a law 9th line markham the farm forum met on monday bight of this week at the home of mr and mrs fred wicks jr a uplendid attendance was recorded imter listening to the radio broad cast groups were formed for the purpose of discussing the topic of the evening games were then enjoyed after which a delicious luncheon was served by the hostess jthe next meeting of the forum will be held at the home of mr and mrs herb thomas next monday night nov s mr darius clendenning is not his usual active self these days and as under the doctors care his many friends sincerely hope that he may be quite recovered soon uakis depend on brake un1ngs 1 for white rose garage goodwood the goodwood baptist church now has a resident pastor one that i is brand new for only last week rev george f gorman of coati cook quebec was inducted into j the pastorate at uxbridge and goodwood churches our old friend and former pastor who came back to us to fill in the break rev caleb harris conducted the indue- i tion at uxbridge during the anni- i versary of the northern church another old friend of goodwood rev c g schutt took part the goodwood church ladies assisted in serving the luncheon that fol lowed this delightful event we regret the omission of a notice intended for last week con cerning the toxoid clinic however while it did not appear in the tribune the attendance was good and the newspaper takes the blame for not passing on the information sent in the goodwood united church is holding anniversary services on november 11th at 11 am and 730 pm the rev robinson of scar- boro will preach at both services the music in the morning will be supplied by the atha trio and led by the choir in the evening the combined choirs of siloam and goodwood will supply the music we sympathize with the friends of the late mrs wm henderson who passed away on saturday morning at her sons in oshawa mr and mrs henderson were residences of goodwood until about a year ago when they went to oshawa on account of il oalth to reside with their son mr henderson passed away about three months ago mr fred marshall has returned home from his two weeks trip to vancouver in all his travels he thinks ontario is still the best mr j f reid has returned home after spending a week in montreal with his son and daugh ter altona f r fi rover ill 193 whales and sea lions will play together miss audrey baker of mcmaster university was home with her parents over the weekend mis doris baker and miss jean hodgson jeft on monday morning to take a business course in tor onto miss eileen baker entered in september the young peoples class meeting was held at the home of miss grace lehman on tuesday evening last the christian endeavour met at the home of mrs f mcnair on thursday afternoon mrs david crosier and miss doris baker attended training school at uxbridge on thursday and friday of last week around fortyfive junior farmers of ontario county met at vincent bakers on saturday last to receive extra coaching on judging horses before they attend the royal winter fair the horses were decorated up with their ribbons for the occasion and looked very attractive the boys had a busy time as each one had to judge individually and mark the points on their score card they had been to other farms judging cattle and hogs previous to coming to judge horses several pictures were taken before leaving for uxbridge f l fair agricultural representative of ontario dept of agriculture uxbridge accompanied the boys the womens institute are having a family and visitors night in the school house on friday evening nov 12th at s oclock motto nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm their will be a competition of vocal selections by the schools in the area also read ings and musical numbers and refreshments the community and social committees are in charge silver collection anyone welcome the fortysixth convention of central ontario area womens institutes will be held in the royal york hotel toronto wednesday thursday friday november 10th 11th 12th theme one in thought word and deed for world security and peace mayor h e mccallum will extend a civic welcome mrs r couperthwaite is appointed dele gate and mrs c hodgson alter nate anyone is welcome to attend this convention sourviie for a uje of years and being proud of our town 1 wonder if other descent citizens felt as i did in walking through the streets on sunday morning des truction everywhere to property railings broke on church steps eavetroughs smashed broken win dows steps torn from houses cement blocks hard to get as are other materials smashed to pieces surely this is not what some of our young men who have arid do attend l high school call fun and also vouch they come from resiectabe families j then to go to a mans place and hake good work horses out of a warm stable and tie them out in the cold and wet for several hours and to tear gates down and turn his cattle into a turnip field leavhv doors open of stable resulting in the loss of nearly all of a litter of small pigs from being chilled this in itself is a criminal offence not a halloween prank several citizens have voiced their opinion that if the council does not take drastic steps to stop this they will have to resort- to gun law as in pioneer days then parents you will know- exactly where your boy or boys were until 4 in the morning a taxpayer almira mrs geo french and mrs chas conner have been on the sick list but are improving the last few days hope they will soon be able to be around again mr and mrs a j- sherfer of stayner returned home after hav ing spent over three weeks with their daughter mrs peter stickley mr and mrs allan wideman and family had dinner sunday with mr and mrs joseph wide- man- mrs m hutchinson had dinner sunday with the conners mr and mrs peter stickley had dinner sunday with mr and mrs geo hoover of peaches they also called oft the wideman family sunday evening mrs will wideman has been spending some time visiting friends on the sth line and on sun day had dinner with mr and mrs isador wideman stouffv1 lle v btkka s remembrance day service stounvillo united church sunday nov 7 1948 rev d davis preacher service at 3 pan veterans fall in at the fire hall at 2 pm all veterans whether members of the legion or not are invited to attend dress parade men want pes normal vitality 1 thousands regain vigor easy way quit feellnt weak pepless wornout rundown oliler than your years try a little iwpiilng up with stimulating invigorating revitalizing blood- regenerntluk ostrex especially uilvlsed for men women or 40 60 or 60 costs little new set acquainted blie only 50c try ostrex tonic tab- leta to renew pep vigor vitality and reel years younger thla very lay 4t all drugglbt quickly relieves distress of n a little vatronol up sp flatf each nostril promptly ftmibi relieves sniffly stuffy the church s ervices st james presbyterian church stoufffv1lle rev dr a m cnrrie ma bd phd sunday november 7 1ms 945 am morning worship mr donald mckilliean will be the guest minister on nov 7 and 14th a special meeting of the congrega tion is to be held on wednesday nov 10 at 2 oclock bahai world faith the essential purpose of faith and belief is to ennoble the inner be ing of man with the outpourings of grace from on tiigh tune in chum 1050 on your dial sunday 1215 pm second markham baptist church rev norman rowan pastor sunday november 7 1948 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship mr a yielding from toronto will use at this service a large drawing board illustrating his bible theme come and see 730 pm young peoples meeting in charge of our younger young people tuesday s pm at the home of mr j a clarke our prayer praise and fellowship meeting faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god romans 10 17 distress of head colds- makesbreathlng easier also helps prevent many colds from developing if used in time try it i youll like ltl follow directions in package vicks vatronol 33f w- f red emperor grapes 2 lbs 27 iceberg lettuce large heads 2 for 25 carrots 2 lbs 09 messina lemons 6 for 21 california oranges 344s doz 21 get a bagful of good buys matches 3 boxes 25 pumpkin 28 ox tin choice quality 2 for 25 corn syrup 5 lb tin 59 pink salmon 1 lb tin 49 hillcrest toilet paper 3 for 25 royal york peanut butter 16 oz jar 35 choice tomatoes 28 oz tin 21 tide package 38 kleenex 2 packages 35 heinz infant foods 3 for 25 carnation milk tall tins 2 for 29 fab package 38 aurora belle pastry flour 25 lb bag 125 vita b cereal large package 29 champion dog or cat food 2 tins for 27 fruit cake fruit 1 lb package 45 fruit cake fruit vz lb package 25 glace cherries 8 oz package 43 aylmer cut mixed fruit 8 oz pkg 19 ontario no 1 potatoes 75 lb bag 159 ontario no 1 cooking onions 50 1b bag 189 stouffville united church rev douglas davis minister sunday november 7 1948 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 300 pm community service of remembrance lest we forget the evening service will be with drawn monday 730 pm the cgit tuesday 4 pm explorers wednesday s pm the wms will be meeting in the church devotional by mrs r gove soloist mrs d chadwick colored slides illustrating the study book wednesday s30 pm the official board will meet thursday 830 pm choir friday 5 to 7 pm the cgit will serve a light supper in the sunday school room choice of hot or cold plate little children cared for pray when the morning is break ing pray when the noon is bright pray with the eves declining pray in the hush of night with mind made pure of passion all meaner thoughts away low in thy chamber kneeling do thou in secret pray green river union ss wm duncan supt sunday school every sabbath day at 1030 am in room the former hall our new s s green river stouffville christian church minister f h muir it is no time to swap horses when you are crossing the stream lincoln i have fought a good fight 1 have finished my course i have kept the faith paul sunday november 7 191s 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship the unjust steward 730 pm congregational singing guest speaker mr wm pape welcome and bring your friends friday nov 5 the wms annual rally 230 pm business follow ed by mrs percy 000 pm pot luck supper s00 pin mr and mrs d percy a warm welcome to all and bring your friends bloomington ringwood christian churches rev g w brown pastor sunday november 7 191s j 1100 am bloomington i 730 pm ringwood sunday school at 10 am classes for all ages monday s pm ringwood ce wednesday s pm altona prayer meeting friday 230 pm and s pm annual wms in stouftville christian church speakers rev and mrs d c percy all are cordially invited to attend these services plan to come carload groceteria united missionary church pastor p r barley bkthesda sunday november 7 1948 1000 am worship speaker rev l k sider gormley sunday november 7 1918 1015 am sunday school missionary program 1115 am worship 700 pm evangelistic special services continue each night at 8 pm except saturday to nov 14 speaker rev lk sider hear his bible messages for this perplexing hour soloist mrs w j purdy her spiritual singing will inspire you welcome melville bethesda and peachs churches rev r t chapin minister sunday november 7 1918 j 1000 am peachs 1130 am melville 300 pm bethesda melville wa bazaar thursday evening bethesda yp entertain totten ham on friday nov 5 the visitors will give the program melville yp social in church on monday the sth peachs yp meet tuesday even ing nov 9th at mrs kirtons peachs wms tuesday nov 9 at mrs hoskins bethesda wms wednesday nov 10th at the manse lemonville united church a politician thinks of the next election a statesman of the next generation james freeman clark a hypocrite ians faults a christian remedy sunday november 200 pm sunday school 315 pm service wednesday nov 10 the wa will meet at the home of mrs s h foote at 230 pm urgent business thinks of a christ- thinks only of the 1918 stouffville baptist church rev j k pequegnat pastor sunday november 7 1918 1000 am bible school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm evening service united missionary church rev cyril berry minister mount joy sunday november 7 1918 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship 700 pm evangelistic thursday 8 pm prayer meeting dicksons hiii sunday november 7 1958 1000 am worship 11 am sunday school 730 pm young peoples wed s pm prayer meeting stouffville united missionary church rev h s hallman pastor wednesday 8 pm altona prayer meeting thursday 8 pm stouftville prayer meeting sunday november 7 1918 1000 am sunday school rally special program 1100 am and 730 pm annivers ary services rev cn good of kitchener will be the guest speaker for the day stouftville young mens quartette will sing at both services monday 8 pm young peoples rev denzil raymer of toronto will show pictures on the inside life of the toronto bible college this is your invitation to attend christ church anglican rev f herman rector sunday november 7 1918 21th sunday after trinity 1130 am morning prayer 200 pm sunday school 230 pm united remembrance day service in the united church if ye love me keep my command ments st john 1113