the tribune stouffville ont thursday april 8 194s the stouffville tribune established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations paidinadvance circulation as of september 30 2575 issued every thursday at stouffville ontario subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa s25c a- v nolan son publishers notes and comments the farm improvement loans act recently extended by the dominion government could be of vast import ance to the canadian farmers in aiding them to modernize their premises buildings and equipment according to the president of the canadian institute for heating under the act more than 31000000 has been loaned to farmers for repairing and remodelling perhaps this sounds good but why have not the farmers been able to save enough in the lucrative years we have just had to provide this money from their own accounts instead of going into debt for it the government that loans the money should see to it that farm prices are at a level that will ensure the farms themselves being maintained to our way of think ing it is too bad that right at the end or perhaps before the end has been reached of the best times in history the farmers have to borrow millions for repairs no tax relief here if and when the dominion government ends its amusement tax the news will be purely of academic interest to ontario citizens they will go on paying just the same on their theatre tickets only the collector will be the provincial government instead of ottawa already the machinery has been set up for an automatic changeover the same thing happened when the federal wartime levy on gasoline was abolished it didnt save the consumer anything in the night while the dominion authorities were vacating the field provincial authorities all over the country were moving in the motorist went on paying sky- high wartime taxes on his fuel this sort of thing is getting us exactly nowhere in tax reduction if the provincial and municipal governments are going to grab every bit of special war revenue ottawa releases then there is no hope of tax relief you may ask why should persons who go to the theatre have to support hospitals more than other people why should persons who smoke cigarettes have to pay an enormous tax for the privilege well it is assumed the persons who go the theatre and who smoke cigarettes have spare money and and can best afford to carry the burden of hospitals and other things that call for public expend iture perhaps the idea is correct who do not smoke have to stand up to the inconvenience of those who blow smoke in their faces and so the tax may be all right from that score too didnt have a chance little jimmy was hit by a car the other day one moment he was playing gaily on the road the next he was lying quite still the driver who hit him said he didnt have a chance to avoid the child he didnt think that the little fellow romping with his pals on the left side of the road would scamper the entire width of the road at the sound of his horn but he did this man a father himself simply does not understand children otherwise he would not have manoeuvered his car into a position which made it impossible to prevent the accident he would have known that a childs actions are unpredictable and he would have kept his car under control at a safe distance until he was certain it was safe to proceed this would have cost him a few extra seconds the time he tried to save cost jimmy his life safety experts point out that children are carefree rather than careless they naturally look to adults to look out for them a child is a poor judge of speed and distance and his thoughts rarely take into consideration his own danger when he is intent at his games he resents the intrusion of the motorist who rouses him from his world of imagination to one fraught with danger it is hard for him to react safety in that split second which the motorist allows him constant efforts are being made in ontario schools to teach children to be careful when walking or playing in the vicinity of motor traffic but records show that most child accidents occur on holidays when children are most prone to ignore the safety lessons such information should be significant to those who drive the old home town by stanley j browvs corners to j lost esteemed couple last friday evening about thirty friends and neighbours gathered at ithe home of mr and mrs gus i prince of browns corners for a i farewell party they presented mr and mrs prince with a lovely occasional chair on the eve of their departure for gorrie ont where ii s3 behind the latest nationwide increase in railtransported freight rates is the belief in informed sources along parliament hill that the costofliving for the average canadian will not rise by any sub stantial degree though here and there minor price boosts of certain commodates will undoubtedly appear in time boosts ranging according to the extent of the rail haul and the bulk of the articles in fact it is even forecast here that as far as the costofliving is concerned any extensive buyers resistance against higher prices of many articles and seasonal declines in others particularly some food stuffs would quickly counteract such increases as involved in possible higher costs of railtrans ported freight when these boosts are passed along to the consumers with freight rates generally esti mated to account for about 3 per cent of retail prices this means that in the end the effects on the costofliving of this freight rate increase will not be enormous in face of the flaming headlines judging from the view point of an observer along parlia ment hill moreover there is a strong hint in the judgment of the board of transport commissioners here that should be known by the average canadian since it states that this freight rate influence on the cost- ofliving may not involve a permanent condition in regard to the higher rate or present new rate when costs of transportation are materially reduced the board can of course direct a reduction in rates in other words the structure is not by any means something that cannot be altered wrote the com missioners that is the majority of them in the 163page document of about 64000 words obviously the board reserves the right to rescind its order at any time if it should decide the railways in canada are obtaining more than enough revenue to keep them operating efficiently with the decision stat ing that these companies will have to furnish the board monthly statements of their operating notice revenues operating expenses and net income should the board at any time be of the opinion that a greater amount of money is being paid to the railway companies than is actually necessary to enable them to maintain a reasonable degree of operating efficiency the board reserves the right at any time on notice to readjust the rates to meet conditions then existing the judg ment said on the other hand it added should the amount of the advance in rates authorized prove to be insufficient the railways can always apply again it is reported in this capital that immigration authorities in both the us and canada are now keeping a very close checkup on the move ments of communists or those suspected of being engaged in such activities in either of the two countries with a recent meeting here between such top officials said to have had a bearing on this though there has been no official confirmation nevertheless it is deemed to be highly significant that an announcement here of canadas policy to exclude us union officers suspected of being communists followed closely a meeting here of american and canadian immigra tion officials in recent days a rumor has been circulated widely that since the government had some close shaves in voting in the house of commons lately a general election may be called in 1948 probably in the fall whether any such appeal to the people of canada will or will not occur cannot be reported but it can be reported that its cause will most certainly not be based on the close shaves in voting it is quite true that vote margins have been narrow sensationally narrow prior to the easter recess however experienced observers know that the house of commons was halfempty on these occasions since many mem bers had left for the holidays and still the government forces man aged to win by comfortable major ities over the combined opposing forces to all growers of beets carrots cabbage and pumpkins for processing in ontario the ontario farm products marketing board has received a request from growers of beets carrots cabbage and pumpkins that the provisions of the ontario vegetable growers marketingforprocessing scheme be amended to include these additional crops a mail vote by ballot of the growers primarily concerned has been arranged so that the board may determine if the growers making this request are fairly representative of all growers marketing these crops for processing a ballot with return envelope has been sent to all growers who sold beets carrots cabbage and pumpkins for processing in 1 947 you are urgently requested to mark your ballots for or against the scheme and to mail them at once in the envelope provided for the purpose vote as you likebut please vote ontario farm products marketing board parliament buildings queens park toronto ontario the good neighbour talks be tween prime minister king and president truman are becoming more and more like those which used to take place between the head of the canadian government and the late president franklin d roosevelt leading on each occasion to some momentous or allimportant decisions consequently the latest visit between mr king and the president both in washington and williamsburg vt is presumed here to be of more than passing interest especially in view of current world conditions and the threat to peace as well as canadas dollar position there is a missionary field in this country for our churches that they never touch said judge allan j fraser in ar address hre stress ing that the reason over 75 of our prison population are repeaters is that canadians are too intolerant to give these people a fair chance to reestablish themselves it is understood along parliament hill that there is a strong view that canadas exchange position might be helped but probably would not be cured if farmers were allowed to export their products to the united states now rather than to the united kingdom italians in canada are being urged by church leaders of their roman catholic faith to write air mail letters to their relatives and friends in italy that the canadian and american democracies are superior to communism so that they may warn them not to be led astray by communist propaganda it is believed that he butter shortage in fastern canada may disappear within two or three weeks though the situation is acute at the moment more and more talk is being heard backstage in this capital about the need for establishing a parliamentary committee to study the national film boards opera tions in the same way as the cbc reproduction prohibited 1048 federal features syndicate they have purchased a 50 acre farm mrs mary snyder from church- bridge sask sister of gus prince spent several weeks in the prince home lately nearly s000 people read the tribune each week thats what makes advertising in this weekly so valuable most everythings up in pricebut ask for it either way iotk itradcmarks mean the same liitg port perry bottling works port perry phone 47 ct9 see your favorite picture first at the stanley theatre sfilfyf friday and saturday april 9 10 genius at work alan carney roll on texas moon roy rogers monday anil tumlay april 19 20 the hucksters clark gable deborah kerr mtw