the tribune stouffville ont thursday september 18 1947 make these classified advs your market place live stock pigs for sale 20 chunks and i suckers jack morgan claremont phone 2410 25 barred rock pullets for sale also 50 leghorn pullets starting to lav c peckhover ph 7809 stouffville black cocker puppie for sale male registered eight mos old price 2000 will be delivered i g iaw ballantrae rr3 new market 9 young pigs for sale 8 weeks old apply towse cih line south of cash ph 4115 butch er cattle and hogs wanted phone claremont 3501 articles for sale sale register real estate medium sized coalburning ran for 2e witrwithout thursday sept is entire i sf iarrn stock and implements the dauar water front warming closet ex cellent condition dr e s bar ker stouffville sept is entire farm to rent 100 acre good m at gormlev fully property of ross raine at lot 23 con 6 pickering mile west of j brougham owner has sold the wood for sale limbs slabs farm sale at one no reserve and body wood cut and deliver- terms cash a s- farmer auc- ed forfar bros phone stouff- tioneer ville 9212 19tf saturday sept 20 household furniture at lot 2 con 4 ux- chesterfield suite for sale blue valleur and occasional chairs good condition g f minns gormley 2 holstein heifers for sale and one cow due to freshen cecil storey phone 3017 claremont male deer hound 8 mos old ready for training free to respon sible party phone 19703 jersey bull for sale 8 mos 7000 a r staddon goodwood 250 pullets for sale hampshire leghorn thos hastings phone 1901 stouffville about so yearling hens for sale barred rock and leghorns 1 each also 5 pigs chunks mrs louis hoover claremont ph claremont 1501 buffet for sale oak also mahog any love seat parlor rug kitchen range climax mrs will grove ph stoutfville 5505 hot water boiler for sale no 3 eight radiators pipe fitt ings price 7500 apply lerron- ville store good preserving pears for sale mrs fred c pugh clare mont ph 4102 f1ndlay range for sale wood or coal cream enamel witn waterfront like new phone 6815 stouffville brown tailored suit size 12 also winter seed onions phone 2110 100 yearling hens for sale leghorns on range fred nighs- wander ph 9010 bicycles joy cycles and baby carriage repairs and accessories all sizes tires and tubes lloyd mason markham phone 208 miscellaneous for sale cocker spaniel pup pies black healthy reasonably priced e wright lot 3 con 7 whitchurch live poultry wantedphone uxbridge 9sr4 or write to d c charles rr4 uxbridge fox terrier pups for sale also work horses lome johnson claremont phone 3603 clare 200 pullets sussex and hamp for sale five months old laying s170 each phone 8411 22 weaning pigs for sale phone 2503 stouffville boarding accommodation for one or two elderly ladies mrs george dalton gormley rri phone stouffville 4203 order now for immediate delivery hard body and limb wood dry soft wood and slabs lageer bros phone 4120 mt albert 202 whites mill goodwood chopping monday wednesday saturday until further notice r white phone 8712 stouffville 400 hens for sale yearold white leghorns 60c each phone 8803 200 pullets for sale rock and new hampshires 5 mons old 140 each h bunker goodwood phone stouffville 5907 wanted wanted cheap car in fair con dition up to 1935 sanders ser vice station eastend stouffville work wanted preferably in town handy man apply to n chester lincolnville or the tri- bune wanted old worn out horses for slaughtering also pick up dead or crippled horses and cattle phone stouffville 7203 or markham phone llr3 h elson uxbridge phone 95r21 166 wanted babys crib large size phone 6505 stouffville wanted a small house cottage or 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms near stores or on bus line- for one lady mrs maedonald claremont rr2 192 apples for sale we are now taking orders for fall and winter apples all well sprayed fruit of highest quality spy mc intosh snow sweet blenhein etc d lennox 204 phone pickering 35rl4 one mile west of pickering village on no 2 highway custom plowing discing and cultivating grant morley phone stouffville 5112 ltf radio appliances complete repair and servicing by expert technician all work fully guaranteed 20tf bell son phone stouffville 281 tractor repairs we are equipped to give you prompt service on tractor repairs henry ogden son masscy harris dealers 4tf stouffville phone 25402 bridge just north of claremont the property of the late geo redshaw terms cash sale at two oclock a s farmer auc tioneer saturday sept 20 extensive auction sale of 150 acre farm gootl merium clay loam bank barn 50xs0 steel hip roof modern stable beatty equipment tie up 35 head cattlebull penscalf pens 10 room solid brick dwelling all modern conveniences hydro in all buildings hot and cold water this farm is nicely situated on lot 9 con 3 king twp second farm south of eaton hall farm also at the same time and place complete herd of fully accredited registered holstein cattle hor ses pigs and implements com- bine tractor and modern imple ments propertv belonging to capt frank mesley sale at 1230 see bills ken carke prentice auctioneers ed kvle clerk tuesday sept 2350 head purebred holsteins accredited listed and vaccinated also farm implements belonging to r l cookman son blackwater lot 20 con 3 brock twp sale starts at 12 noon terms cash ted jackson auctioneer 192 wednesday sept 24 farm stock implements ihc w30 tractor on rubber ihc thresh ing machine new 2240 including tractor implements at lot 7 con 4 king the property of mr john dew no reserve as farm sold sale at one terms cash a s farmer auctioneer wednesday sept 24 house and lot house furniture electric refrigerator etc on main st north markham the property of mrs david graham the lot is large with brick dwelling 2 bath rooms furniture cash no re serve property terms announced at sale and subject to reserve bid ken and clarke prentice auc tioneers equipped high class property the owner is prepared to leave to a reliable suitable tenant apply on premises to albert heise or phone 6315 stouffville salada farm for sale150 acres at lot 6 con 7 twp of reach 4 miles south east of uxbridge at epsom 125 acres of nice light clay loam gently rolling in good state of cultivation all of which can be worked with tractor bal ance bush and good pasture good 10room brick house insu lated furnace new water pres sure system and new 3piece bath large cellar with cement floors two barns one 4s x 75 with hip roof steel staunchions and water bowls other barn is 35 x 50 with wood stabling good well at each barn good milk house hen house pig pen with hydro except small barn and garage good roofs for further particulars apply to o d meculloch on premises or by mail to rr1 port perry ont o 6roomed frame house for sale in lemonville fruit trees near school barn chicken houses 3300 down payment 1200 possession phone 9306 births mowat at the brierbush hospi tal on sept 16 1917 to mr and mrs william mowat stoutfville a daughter heather ann lawson mr and mrs donald lawson claremont wish to announce the birth of a son donald eric at the brierbush hospital stouffville on thurs day sept 11 1917 williams to mr and mrs g henry williams of oakridges ont nee reta mclntyre at markham nursing home on sat urday september 13 1917 a son garry george in memoriam implements for sale wanted living quarters 3 or 4 rooms heated conveniences elderly couple references will pay 25 or 30 monthly apply to box h tribune wanted quantity horse man ure preferably fresh old if well rotted contact wm h miller goodwood ont excavating and grading work done veterans construc- tion co phone stouffville 6503 47tf keys we are prepared to duplicate all types of keys prompt service stoaffville radio electric phone 366 ltf old horses 15 we will pay you s 1500 for your old horse at your farm chas cambell phone agincourt 18j12 collect agincourt rr2 ltf semisolid buttermilk 75 barrels of semisolid buttermilk now in stock order supplies promptly ideal for fattening poul try and hogs altona feed supplies phone 9706 174 dairy cows wanted we are on the market to purchase good dairy cows fresh close or backward springers cows or- heifers spang btttw phone 6715 stouffville former j oboyle place 192 used delaval milker complete with century motor and magnetic unit with stainless steel pail bar gain price 200 as good as new and worth over 500 immediate delivery on new milker and cooler holstein cows hay and straw taken in trade toronto radio sporttj ltd 241 yonge st toronto help wanted truck driver wanted aoplv rennies transport stouff ville experienced stable man vanted to care for light horses living accommodation on prem ises apply to dr r k hodgson todmorden rr1 lost and found lost 2 hounds one black and tan smaller one black and white pickering twp midaugust tele- phone oxford 2971 reward 19 lost mans suede jacket name on inside between stouffville and shadow lake reward a h williams phone 9210 hay and grain for straw or hay baling requirements call claremont 2803 frank ward 192 baling we are prepared to do your custom baling standard and pickup edgevale farms stouffville 7906 w timbers son 204f for sale gilson furnaces immediate delivery electric shallow well water systems fairbanksmorse pump jacks electric fencers fencer batteries waterloo double disc 7 and 8 ft 1 belle city grain thresher 24x42 delivery in one week gilson woods milk coolers e- j stickley phone stouffville 7513 washing machines over hauling and repairing done by experts on any make of mach ine for further particulars ph stouffville 281 bell son coming events anniversary services of the whitevale baptist church will be held on sunday sept 21 at 230 and 730 rev i e kennedy of clare mont will be the speaker in the afternoon music will be rendered by the junior choir of glenforesi baptist church toronto the even ing service will be in charge of the melvir bible class and orchestra of the temples church toronto furniture repair all classes of furniture repaired by experienced mechanic lawn chairs made to order also other pieces f jackson church st stouffville phone 2204 thursday sept 25 auction sale of farm stock implements hay grain roots beef cattle etc on lot 8 con 8 pickering twp 4 miles south east of claremont property of arthur arbuckle termscash no reserve sale at i pm ken clarke prentice auctioneers friday sept 26 garden tools buggy cutter the property of mrs wm neal at lot 24 rear con 8 pickering mile and half west of claremont no reserve sale at two oclock terms cash a s farmer auctioneer saturday sept 2740 head cattle including milkers fresh cows springers steers and feed ers pigs at lot 25 con 4 whit church 2 miles north of vandorf on saturday sept 27th the property of ivan kay terms cash no reserve sale at- one leslie harper clerk a s farm er auctioneer saturday sept 27 extensive auction sale of farm stock im plements 1020 ihc tractor threshing machine surge milk ing machine woods cooler fur niture on lot 16 con 4 north york twp east of yonge st at osullivans corners property of wm j nichol sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers monday sept 29 alex segal lot 13 con 3 reach township 3 miles north of myrtle 712 high way will sell by public auction his accredited herd of reg hol steins together with horses hens grain and feed implements and furniture terms cash sale at 100 pm sharp ted jackson auctioneer saturday sept 27 piano household furniture cushions rugs etc the propertv of e b leavens main st stouffville sale at 130 terms cash sellers atkinson auctioneers tuesday sept 30 farm stock and implements durham cattle horses pigs and poultry furni ture at lot 2s con 4 scott pro perty of seth mitchell terms cash sale at one a s farmer auctioneer tuesday oct 1 farm stock and implements hav and grain poultry and furniture at lot 35 con 9 markham on the lownline the propertv of jos mertens terms cash lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer tuesday oct 7 farm stock implements hay and grain pis poultry geese furniture at lot 6 con 4 markham mile north buttonville property of joseph jones terms cash no reserve as farm sold lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer wednesday oct 8 extensive auction sale of good dairy herd of cattle ihc farmall trac tor threshing machine farm stock implements hav grain com in the field at lot 35 con 6 pickering twp on no7 high way just east of locust hill property of ross carter sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve as owner giving up farming ken clarke prentice auctioneers 16tf thursday oct auction sale i farm for sale 225 acres 200 acres in the 7th con of reach 25 acres in township of uxbridge 3 miles south east of uxbridge sroomed brick house and good summer kitchen barn 50x90 steel roof silo straw shed steel roof hen house steel roof driving shed steel roof pig pen steel gar age 2 cisterns hydro available 7 acres of good bush spring creek on south end and north end of farm possession march 1st 194s 202 wm armstrong port perry rr1 epsom village charles armstrong whitby ontario box 276 7roomed solid brick house and two vacant lots for sale in town house well located west end 2 fire places sun porch electric hardwood floors down stairs a fine estate quick posses sion apply on premises to mrs barnes owner ensilage cutter for sale 12 inch mccormack deering over hauled last vear marcus jarvis ph 3610 stouffville international stifftooth cultivator for sale tractorhitch with power lift geo constable ph claremont 700 for sale having purchased a new corn binder i am prepared to cut your corn also massey- harris corn binder for sale in working condition clarence mc dowell ph stouffville 2124 192 new and used farm equipment cockshutt stifftooth tractor cul tivator new kid kangaroo gang plow new cockshutt grinders and hammer mills new fairbanksmorse hammer mills new rubber tired wagons new potato digger used woods gilson milk coolers new delaval and conde milking mach ines new gasoline washing machine new electric washing machine 60 cycle new deep and shallow well electric pressure system pump jacks hand and power pumps etc bell son farm equipment dealers ph stouffville 281 implements for sale 2 masseyharris plows 10 in bottoms one 14000 the other s12500 also 2 woods electric grinders 1 hp motor 25 cycle complete 150 each this equip ment is practically new ring- wood farms ph 37613 203 cutting box for sale inter national austin yake ph stouff ville 3703 fordson tractor for sale in good running order price 10000 fred wilson gormley mile north of gormley lee in memory of a dear friend albert lee claremont ont who passed away sept 21 1916 and while he lies in peaceful sleep his memory we will always keep the denby family bell in loving memory of a dear mother and wife emma jane bell who passed away on sept 13th 1946 upright and just in all her wave faithful and true to the end of her days in silence she suffered in patience she bore till god took her home to suffer no more remembered by thelma and earl and family maud and gordon and husband wm bell beach in loving memory of a dear husband and father john beach who went to be with jesus on sept 20th 1945 dearest husband you have left us and we greatly miss your love but we know that you are happy in that peaceful world above and when this dark life is over we shall come and meet you there and we never shall be parted in that home so bright and fair sadly missed by wife and son stewart in loving memory of my dear husband kenneth stewart who passed away sudden ly september 20 1916 just when his years were brightest just when his life seemed best god took him from this world of sorrow to his eternal rest his smiling ways and pleasant face are a pleasure to recall he had a kindly word for each and died beloved by all always remembered by his wife eleanor 2furrow tractor plow for sale oliver in good condition price s40 fred wilson half mile north of gormley on the 4th stationary bailer for sale good running condition phone 5012 stouffville tonoc for your requirements in baled hay and straw see maple lodge farms phone 4707 stouffville rr1 cockshutt tractor plow for sale 3furrow m j lewis phone 6008 case cutting box for sale equipped with rubber tires in al condition athaview farms ph claremont 2202 ic30i aob of complete herd of good dairy cattle milkers and springers on the north half of lot 25 con 5 pickering twp 1 miles west of brougham and mile south of no7 highway property he- longing to macelety sale at 2 pm sharp terms cash no re serve ken clarke prentice auctioneers friday oct 10 farm stock and implements pigs horse cattle hay and grain at lot 13 and 14 con 9 pickering 1 mile east of claremont property of fred mowder terms cash no reserve a s farmer auctioneer friday oct 10 auction sale of dairy herd ihc tractor farm stock implements hay and grain etc at lot 30 conl vau- ghan twp mile west of thorn- hill on no7 highway propertv belonging to wm mcdonald sale at 1 pm sharp terms cash no reserve as owner giving up farm ing ken clarke prentice auct ioneers saturday oct 11 auction sale of farm stock implements hay grain furniture on lot 13 broken front pickering twp south of pickering village terms cash no reserve as farm is sold property belong to irving white sale at 1 pm ken clarke pren tice auctioneers tuesday oct 14 auction sale of 40 head of dairy cattle regis tered yorkshire pigs farm stock implements hay and grain etc at east half of lot 2 con 1 scott twp property belonging to ross mcguckin sale at 1230 noon sharp terms cash no reserve as proprietor is giving up fanning ken tt clarke prentice auction eers for immediate delivery no26 2furrow tractor plow with rolling land side 202 bottoms com bined rolling coulter and skimmer 126 8 ft 20tooth springtooth power lift cultivator with tractor hitch a no509 6 ft 1way disc with 24 standaid discs or with cast wheels 2 no 102 rubbertired trailer gears on 616 6ply passen ger type tires we also have avail able for immediate delivery a pulp- er and 1 noll 10 grinder separ ators and motordrive attachments for same on 25 or 60 cycle right- way milking machines water pres sure systems and a complete sup ply of massevharris parts marton bros masseyharris agent mtalbert ont phone 5920 card of thanks mr and mrs kenneth klinck wish to express their sincere appreciation to the many friends and neighbours who so kindly con tributed towards the lovely gifts received by them at the shower last wednesday evening also many thanks to those who helped in any way to make the evening so very enjoyable the family of the late walter dickson wish to thank his many friends and neighbors the nurses the rev mr morton and the rev douglas davis the wa of the united church the womens insti tute also the many beautiful floral tributes and acts of kindness in the past sisters and brothers i wish to thank the members of the altona wi and the members of claremont wi and also the wa and the goodfellowship class for their lovely boxes of fruit also the neighbours and friends for the lovely cards sent to me while i was in hospital mrs wm wallace cars for sale 1928 chev for sale 4 new tires ed fockler ph stouffville 6805 mom and pop tom and wife fly down from their ranch in alberta and knock on door pop come in well tom and lucy all the way from alberta mom when blubbering subsides tell us about the family lucy why mom what a lot of peaches and pears you have done up mom prices have skyrocketed and we have to save as much as we can lucy what about sugar mom oh that doesnt bother us we use bakers sweetner its cheaper and easier to use lucy say mom it tastes like sugar you say no coupons mom yes 500 worth of bakers swbetner is as sweet aa 1400 worth of sugar 20 ozs 35c 40 ozs 50c gal s100 one gal 175 we pay shipping charges in ontario general but only north to north bay an pro ratio when cash accompanies the order for 6 or more gallons no shipment 1939 pontiac for sale central ess nan gallon positively no 1937 2ton truck for sale stake body in al condition henry dyck stouffville ph 6507 1938 dodge coach for sale can be seen at wilsons garage jack castle stouffville phone 6503 1939 oldsmobile delux 6 cylinder sedan for sale in mar vellous condition with heater and new 6 ply tires prefer cheaper car and cash ashton calvert lot 17 con 4 markham phone agincourt 21j3 feed store phone 277 stouffville cars for sale 1916 hudson sedan and 1937 hudson sedan chas ward phone 16s 1936 ford for sale in al condi tion can be seen on saturday afternoon at the pennock resid ence stouffville corner of main and fair streets garden tractors we have on hand 1 and 3 horse empire garden tractors also boh alawn lawn mowers come in and see them henry ogden son masscy harrl dealers 4tf stouffville phone 25402 wanted cts rabbits -cats- frogs j kjtctt aaiaik ud pusji rf j mkfm ifiimt frfmt i i refund on containers geo e baker phmb pharmaceutical chemist stouffville ontario wanted dead horses cattle telephone for free pick up telephonea stouffville 255 claremont 41rl4 markham 43 rt uxbridge 27 tb- vj- we pay phone charges gordon young ltd toronto ad3630