the tribune stouffville ont thursday july 24 1947 3 business directory dental stouffville monument works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone 8103 fuller brush products markham pickering lxbridge and scovt townships phone g502 stouffville svrite to vic psnnanen stouffville or call a house on main st e near 30th concession mail orders cod or express collect lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family shoe repairing womens hosiery gloves shoes socks boots and mitts stouffville phone 4301 opposite the town clock neil c smith l-ds- dds graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 10t stouffville sunday school lesson lesson for july 27 golden text wisdom i the prin cipal thing therefore set wisdom and with all thy getting set urnler- taiidis- pro 17 ontario facing serioas lack of farm labour e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal coliegt of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office over marie lacks beauty parlor phone 27402 t markham every tuesday medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and mai phone 196 coroner for york county the whole brierbush hospital government licensed member of the allied private hospital association main street east stouffville maternity medical and surgical day and night service auctioneers sellers atkinson ph ag 201 w2 ph stouff 290 licensed auctioneers 25 years experience sales conducted anywhere special lzing in farm stock furniture and property sales all sales per sonally listed and advertised bills prepared and posted t prompt service reasonable rates phone 290 stouffville dr f j button stouffville ontario telephone 371 hours daily 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday evenings 79 pm and by appointment office over button blk a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffvlli monday and friday 9 to 12 am insurance ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario iarm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual services for the price of one millikenopo ph agincourt kw3 markham po ph markham s06 no sales too big or too small prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 a s farmer licensed auctioneer torh county uxbridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 7312 address gormley po birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies a reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 stoufevmt in the book of proverbs we see the widom of god giving direction for all the details of human life this is marvelous grace to think that he who created the univere and who upholds all thing- by the word of his power heb 13 would stoop to concern himself about the happiness and welfare of the lowliest of his creatures as they pass through the wilderness of this world this book touches every phase of life and experience it instructs the ruler and the sub ject the master and the servant the learned and the ignorant the hus band and the wife the parent and the child the businessman and the laborer the aged and the young and points out the path of wisdom that all should and must take if they would enjoy the blessing of god upon their plans and make the best of life both for this world and the next christ is the wisdom of god 1 cor 124 so when we hear wis dom speaking it is really he who is thus presented to us this book is full of christ anointed eyes see him throughout and anointed ears hear his voice on every page in him are all the treasures of wis dom and knowledge col 23 justin martyr wrote long ago christ is the wisdom of god so in every age he who honestly sought after wisdom was seeking christ as we study the book of proverbs we should remember that the voice of wisdom is his voice and in obeying wisdoms instruction we are yielding ourselves to him this comes out very clearly in chap ter s 1231 which connects with john 115 and hebrews 113 wis dom and the word are one and the same the eternal son through whom god speaks to men verse by verse prov 1 1 the proverbs of solomon the son of david kin reports from agricultural repre sentatives in nearly every section of old ontario indicate that th shortage of farm labour has reach ed very serious proportions with grave danger that a large part of the abundant hay crop will go to waste unless there is labour avail able to harvest it this situation is particularly serious thi- year be cause of the certainty of reduced grain crops for feeding purposes owing to the unfavourable spring weather on this account it is of major importance that every pos sible ton of hay be harvested cured and stored for fall and winter feeding to supplement the smaller amount of grain which will be avail able the labour shortage in ontario has been accentuated thisyear by the fact that the movement of farm labourers from western canada has fallen far short of expectations and is much less than it has been in the last two years the numbers com ing from the west have been far short of the requirements of ontario farmers and unless addi tional help can be secured in the immediate future hundreds of farmers will be unable to harvest their hay and other crops in view of this serious situation an urgent appeal is made to all men in the towns and citie with some farm experience to help the farmers with their harvest work there are thousands of retired farmers whose services at this time would be very valuable in the har vest fields h- o klinck phone 3307 stouffville fire auto burglary sickness anc accident fidelity bonds the standard life assurance co the pioneer of canadian life insurance a mutual company with 117 yeart experience strength and service unexcelled considers he is beyond the need of counsel a truly wise man is ever ready to consider what other thoughtful men may have to put before him this is true especially in connection with the things of god chap 3 13 happy is the man that findeth wisdom happy and of j blessed are synonyms and both israel this gives us the name of are true of the man who finds wis- the author or perhaps more cor- dom and receives instruction the rectly the editor of this great book source of all wisdom is god ilini- of wise maxims solomon was the j self as revealed in christ who is only son of david who ever called the wisdom of god reigned as king of israel that is of verse 14 it is better than all the twelve tribes silver and than fine gold no verse 2 to know wisdom and j material treasure can be compared instruction the words of under- 1 to wisdom it is of greater value standing wisdom is the ability to than all the wealth that earth can use knowledge aright instruction afford stouffville machine tool works j telephone 253 i rear of cnr station merfric and acetylene welding i farm machinery f g alsop life auto fire sickness and accident insurance phone 5002 stouffville om machinery repairs f m pugh phone 3805 stouffville insurance fire auto burglary in the last twenty years the mutual life of canada has paid their policyholders twentytwo dividends a record equalled by no other canadian company prompt and courteous service d a beer insurance of all kinds 16th year in business is here used to translate a hebrew word frequently rendered chasten ing it is to educate by discipline understanding as here usee verse 15 all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her if men only realized this they would not spend their lives might better be rendered intelli- heaping up wealth but would seek gence or discernment verse 3 wisdom justice and judgment and equity the wis dom of this verse is really the understanding that comes through sorrow or bereavement it is a word seldom used in scripture justice has to do with behavior it is equi valent to righteousness of life it is the ability to try things that differ as in philippians 1 10 margk equity refers to prin ciples rather than conduct it is really moral integrity verse 4 subtility knowledge and discreption subtility is sometimes rendered prudence it however suggests the ability to detect craftiness in others know ledge is information of a sound character discretion is thought- fulness or consideration verse 5 a wise man will hear and will increase learning it is only the fool who resents any attempt to instruct him and who phone pickering 5 r22 address brougham ont barristers r g clendening funeral director ambulance service markham ontario phone 9000 office phone residence phone 3160 3514 arthur w s greer kc barrister solicitor notary publie 6 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch office wcpollardkc port perry uxbridge ontario phone 2i hollinrake bartrem barristers solicitors 49 wellington st east toronto el 6196 money to loan on mortgage stouffville office saturday morning by appointment taxi service telephone stouffville 37903 for prompt taxi service all our passengers are fully covered with insurance for passenger hazard passengers carried anywhere k laushway stouffville ontario consult j a willoughby sons for complete real estate service head office toronto 156 yonge st city and country homes farms small acreages industrial business properties harvey moyer is your local representative phone s309 stouffville l e oneill stouffville funeral director embalmer residence phone mo 6235 office phone elsin 7021 samuel d borins barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 62 richmond street west toronto ontario continuous telephone service day and night phone stouffville 9s01 albert brett co accountants and auditors toronto markham erin phone markham 211 28tfilo the true riches which wisdom alone can impart verse 16 length of days ismn her right hand and in her left hand riches and honour wisdom is here personified and is represented as offering life wealth and honor of the enduring kind to all who are ready to be instructed by her verse 17 all her paths are peace he who seeks after wisdom and obeys her behests is lifted above the turmoil of this world and the strife of tongues and find rest of heart and peace of mind as he walks in her ways verse is she is a tree of life to every one that retaineth her it is plain that it is not mere human wisdom that is here in view but it is the wisdom that cometh down from above to direct men aright as they go through this world chap 9 9 give instruction to a wise man and he will be yet wiser the wise man is never self- sufficient nor does he conclude that he no longer needs instruction he is ready to learn from any who can impart that which is for edification and so he increases in wisdom from day to day verse 10 the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom this is the wisdom that this book sets before us apart from reverence for god all men are fools it is when we come to the knowledge of the holy one that we begin to under stand and so to subject our minds and wills to the word of gocf jas 15 if any of you lack wis dom let him ask of god and it shall be given him god the i 0605 innnitel wise one is the source of all wisdom which he delights to impart to those who seek his face he does not upbraid us for our ignorance or lack of understanding but gives freelv to those who seek him the heart of the lesson the book of proverbs has been called the young mans book in it the wisdom that brought the universe into existence deigns to mark out a safe path through this world for those who own allegi ance to god their creator and re deemer it is a book that trans cends all dispensational limitations nd therefore is applicable in every age none will go astray who follow carefully the instruction it gives it does not consist of doc trinal teaching but is made up of wise maxims and pithy aphorisms designed to warn against wrong behavior and point out the path of rectitude solomon gives his reasons for writing it in ecclesiastes 12 d and records fail to show 40 days rain after july 13 if you care to believe st swithin who wasnt a saint at ail bu merely a weather man with a good press agent it is time to man the pumps mev- according to tradition if i rained on july 15 st swithins day it would rain for 40 days thereafter but dont worry the old boys bat ting average is strictly for the minor leagues no one is quite sure how the tradition all started but they do know st swithin was really a bishop of winchester and he was never canonized and weathermen record that since weather data has been filed july 15 has been just another day sometimes it rains the day aster or maybe even two days after as for 40 days rain that was in noahs time local weather records show that it seldom rains on july 15 it did this year however measurement of the downpour was c2 inches the last measurement listed locally for july 15 was in 1910 when 46 inches fell there was rain on eight of the remaining 1 days in july and on 13 days in august the august precipitation was unusually heavy at 0h0 inches only parfmet loo li packed by daly thats why dalys b dolldcta next time you ihob your grocer for dalyi tea excess profits tax act standard profits claims notice recent amendments to the above act provide that all standard profits claims must be filed with the depart ment of national revenue before 1st september 1947 all applications are required to be in such form and contain such information as may be prescribed by the minister and the minister may reject an application that is not made in such form or that does not contain such information the prescribed forms spi are available at all dis trict income tax offices of the dominion government all pertinent information required on the form must be included or attached thereto in schedule form ten tative or incomplete forms or those filed after 31st august 1947 will not be accepted department of national revenue ottawa james j mccann md minister of national revenue milk profits are bigger when shes free of insects insectridden cattle cant do their best for you so take the easy safe sure way to keep them free of insect pests morning and night at milking time clear the air of flies in an instant with shell livestock spray and for best results spray it directly on the cattle too before putting them oui to pasture and again before bedding down repels insects round the clock beore they bite yet shell livestock spray is absolutely harmless to man and beast get a can from your dealer 160 an imperial gallon and use shell ddt barn spray at the height of the fly season for a longlasting film of death dries hard stays put wont blow away spray it on inside surfaces manure piles kill bugs where they breed 225 an imperial gallon shell livestock spray and ddt barn spray i