the tribune stouffv ont thursday july 24 1947 make these classified advs your market place live stock fresh jersey cow for sale also jersey calf black 12 year old gelding good scuffler ph ivio claremont s j duafllrig one holstein cow for sale fresh 6 years old also 1 dark red durham bull 7 months old geo hill ciawfflonl ph 2002 articles for sale sale register miscellaneous eight pigs for sale 7 weeks old brute foote ph stouffville 7s14 350 leghorn pullets for sale 5 months old hollywood strain also 200 hybrid roosters weigh ing from 5 to 6 lbs milton gill- ham cedar valley 122 number leghorn pullets for sale 3 mos old s a stouffer ph stouffville 1706 hereford bull for sale one year old verne hoover phone claremont 1501 50 pigs for sale 6 to 10 weeks old 2row scuffler cockshutt tractor power lift cockshutt manure spreader gar lehman ph 374 75 leghorn yearling hens for sale also a number of rock pullets six months old laying well albert brown stouffville phone s209 woods coolers 6can autom atic dropin type s2s4 delaval milker with double unit s170 m and hp centurv motors 63 and s2 electropail heaters 1675 holstein cows hay and straw taken in trade toronto radio sports ltd 2u yonge st toronto electric stove for sale four hole with high oven also annex good as new for coal or wood apply phone stouffville 100 any time after thursday gasoline iron for sale like new mrs o t harding phone stouffville 9920 bray hatchery has plenty started chicks immediate delivery espec ially 3156 week pullets think what these will be earning in a few months they also have dayolds and if you want augustsept chicks order now agent stiver bros automatic furnace coal stoker for sale in perfect condi tion 12500 4 bundles gentrv asphalt shingles 25 some bc plywood two wheels and three inner tubes for s00 cwt armv truck 2500 phone clare mont 21 rl2 large size quebec heater for sale excellent for heatng large area also quantity of good pipes mrs h lintner phone 377 stouffville auctioneer saturday july 26 extensive auction sale of registered fully accredited herd of holstein cattle new farmall m tractor on rub ber new favorite steel thresh ing machine farm stock imple ments hay grain furniture poultry etc on lot 14 con 5 1 mile north of wilson ave on 6th line north york twp west of yonge st property of harvey m usher sale at 1130 noon dst terms cash no reserve as farm is sold and proprietor is quitting farming ken clarke prentice auctioneers handle your custom threshing expert work reasonable rates sam barkev pjione claremont 1512 112 salam ags help wanted help wanted would party who answered my adv 2 weeks ago please call again mrs dunn phone 195 tenders wanted 20 pigs for sale 6 weeks old fred harwood ph 3709 stouffville seventeen pigs for sale six weeks old also a building 1sx24 and 200 cement blocks donald mccullough claremont ph 1613 old horses s 15 we will pay you 1500 for your old horse at vour farm has cambell phone agincourt 18j12 collect agincourt rr2 1tf 3burner coal oil stove for sale ivanhoe cream and black good with oven phone stouff ville 9911 electric beatty washing machine for sale 25 cycle in good condition foster wagg stouffville fairbanksmorse gasoline engine for sale 3 hp in good running order albert brown phone s209 babee tenda for sale good as new mrs wilmer ham ring- wood county of ontario applications will be received by the county of ontario for the office of county treasurer or the office of treasurer clerk applicants to state age and qualifications salary to be set by the county council applications should be clearly marked and mailed to mr j a hawtin chairman of the commit tee beaverton ontario on or be fore august 15th 1947 r donald ruddy county clerk court house whitby ontario another development of the past war made specially for the armed services water-proof- it is now available for civilian use waterproofs all clothing fabrics textiles from dress shirts to heavy canvas in 3 minutes total time its invisible when applied use with spray brush or dip comes in pints half and full gallons n w byer son 94 gojf in memoriam tractor repairs we are equipped to give you prompt service on tractor repairs henry ogden son massey harris dealers 4tf stouffville phone 25402 excavating and grading work done veterans construc tion co phone stouffville 6503 47tf custom plowing discing and cultivating grant morley phone stouffville 5112 fisher in loving memory of my dear parents alice e fisherwho passed peacefully away july 20 1930 also john fisher who enter ed into rest april 28 1932 deep in my heart is a picture worth more than silver and gold its the picture of my dear mother and father whose memory will never grow old fondly remembered by daughter gertrude summerfeldt real estate itf holstein cows and heifers wanted for export fresh close and backward spring ers highest prices paid roytindall 64 phone 365 stouffville cars for sale 1926 open durant car for sale in good running order 6000 ph markham 49 r2 112 193s ford ton pickup truck for sale excellent 1932 chev coach motor good 20 acres timothy hay in cock 5 acres mixed hay standing w apple by myrtle station rr 1 ph claremont ss r23 rwoburner hot plate for sale 3way switch also electric heater electric toaster and a feather filled comforter apply tribune office coal oil oven for sale large size mrs lloyd moyer church street stouffville implements for sale for sale we have two more dion threshing machines to sell equipped with straw shredders if desired be sure and see these machines before you buy mas- seyharris repairs on hand john l gillmari brougham ont ph pickering 9s rl2 coal tenders one carload of eureka egg coal or equal quality wanted delivered to claremont school tenders close august 1 1947 send tenders to miss a forgie secretary clare mont garden tractors we have on hand 1 and 3 horse empire garden tractors also bob- alawn lawn mowers come in and see them henry ogdex sox massey harris dealers 4tf stouffville phone 25402 wagg in loving memory of our dear daughter and sister ethel may bunker wagg who left us three years ago july 23 1944 how we miss the welcome footsteps of the one we loved so dear oft we listen for her coming fully sure that she is near jthou art gone but not forgotten fresh our love will ever be for as long as there is memory we will always think of thee ever remembered by mother father brothers and sisters for sale gilson furnaces immediate delivery electric shallow well water systems fairbanksmorse pump jacks electric fencers fencer batteries waterloo double disc 7 and s ft 1 belle city grain thresher 24x42 delivery in one week gilson woods milk coolers e j stickley phone stouffville 7513 best offer accepted on a six- roomed 2 story house 25x25 to be taken down or can be moved as is from property win tayloc lot 27 con 5 markham noble in loving memory of our dear dad who passed away julv 22 1946 and while he lies in peaceful sleep his memory we shall always keep ever remembered by daughters louise lenora and eleanor washing machines over hauling and repairing done by experts on any make of mach ine for further particulars ph stouffville 281 bell son 192s chevrolet ton deliverv in phone stouffville 6505 coming events for sale 1way disc 5 ft good i condition geo constable ph for sale half j 700 claremont ood condition m h binder for sale 6 ft cut in good condition to be seen at ross hoods phone mount al bert 1615 tenders tenders will be received up to august 4th for daily transportation of puoils of ss no- 6 whitchurch township to and from ss no 7 for- the school year 1947194s ad dress all tenders and apply for par ticulars to garnet evans rr nol gormley lowestor any tender not n accep tenders for wiring tenders are being called for wiring the school house at ballantrae ss no 11 whitchurch for hydro electric work to be done during holiday season lowest or any tender not necessary accepted send tenders and see plans from h simpson 112 secretary ballantrae hay and grain about 20 acres of timothy hay to be taken off on shares or at very low rate per acre also pasture r martin rr no 1 goodwood for gooseberries raspber ries and other fruit in season phone c davis 3802 stouffville 122 hay for sale in field con 7 lot 15 whitchurch twp ringwood farms phone stouffville 37613 street dance wednesday july 23 markham main st rainbow gardens in case of rain russ creightons band dancing 25c lucky draws games bingo free entertainment sponsored by mark ham veterans proceeds for build ing fund an ice cream social will be held at the home of mr and mrs albert taylor on wednesday july 30th under the auspices of the wa of the united church a good mixed program is being arranged cemetery notice take notice that a meeting of the plotholders of bloomington chris tian cemetery will be held in the church there on the evening of wednesday july 30 start at 830 general business all interested please attend 112 vince wagg chairman hp garden tractor for sale needs repairs 2500 also large meccano set 20 and cider press 20 reg mackay phone claremont 2412 corn cultivator for sale horsedrawn good condition reesors machine shop mark ham phone mark 184 3250 grain separator wood for sale sawyer massey with new ebersol steel feeder c g holman myrtle station phone claremont ssrll power duster for sale for vegetable dry dusting fits ford son and johndeere tractors w dyck ph 4709 tenders for bus transportation tenders will be received until july 2s 1947 for bus transporta tion of high school pupils from zephyr black river and sandford to uxbridge high school for the school year 19478 all tenders to be addressed to j r pickering box 39 uxbridge lowest or any tender not necess arily accepted good timothy hay for saleo to 20 acres reasonable d r mcintosh gormley phone rich mond hill 48r23 k e v s we are prepared to duplicate all types of keys prompt service stouffville radio electric phone 366 1tf farm for sale 150 acres huron county located two mile from town on good gravel road in fordwich there are 3 churches high school grocery and general stores hardware bake shop bank feed mill 3 garages and doctor also 4 mile from local school farm has abundant water supply and hydro through out good 10 room brick house with pressure system for hard water and cistern with pump furnace and telephone good l shaped barn 50 x 75 and 36 x 50 stable accommodates 2s cattle with water troughs in front ofi manger 6 horses box stalls and pig pens housing for 600 hens upstairs and litter carrier imple ment shed 24 x 40 and garage good tractor farm 115 acres cleared excellent soil 10 acres hardwood bush and remainder softwood cedar swamp and pas ture price s50 terms 4000 cash 4500 mortgage at 4 fall possession sider wilson fordwich phone 50rl3 good building 2gixls and lot for sale in west end suitable for converting into house water installed allen clossen phone 309 stouffville 7u baled oat straw 6004 stouffville for sale ph 122 certified raspberry plants for sale write box 754 camp- bellford ont for illustrated fol der and growing know how dont delay supply limited wanted adjourned sheriffs sale aeriater milk cooler for sale all in good condition phone stouffville 4913 wanted dcnd horses and cottle telephone for free pick up telephones stouffville 255 markham 43 r3 claremont rl4 uxbridge 27 we pav phone charges gordon young ltd toronto ad3636 new and used farm equipment for immediate deliverv cockshutt stifftooth cultivator with power lift and tractor hitch new kid kangaroo gang plow new cockshutt 2 and 3 furrow tractor plows new cockshutt no30 grain grindersnew cockshutt and fairbanks morse hammer mills new otaco rubber tired wagons new masseyharris 6 ft binder no 5 used chorroy garden tractor near new potato digger used fleurybissel tractor disc harrows new woods gilson mlik coolers new delaval milking machines and cream separators new woods shur shock electric fen cers gilson snowbird gasoline washer dominion washwel electric wash er 60 cycle new good stock of both direct and belt drive pressure pumps hand pumps pump jacks etc in stock bell son farm equipment dealers ph stouffville 2s1 i for sale scan woods milk cooler al condition bargain for quick sale mccormackdeering mower 5 foot cut used deering binder 7 foot cut mccormaekd thresher on rubber international motors stouffville phone 290 card of thanks we wish to take this opportunity of expressing our appreciation to the many friend- and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and ex pressions of sympathy during the recent passing of a beloved hus band and father mrs win redman and daughter a nnie mrs w t byam and ethel wish to thank their neighbors and friends for the birthday card shower also for flowers and gifts the occasion being mrs byams s3rd birthday and a special thank you to the one- who helped mother into the church sunday mornings i would like to take this nopor- ttinity of thanking all the neigh hours for their kindnes shown u- also many friends for the lovely cards and enquiries made also the flowers sent by the w m s and the mbc church especially the prayers of gods people during my stay in the hospital and at home mrs fldn bolender mrs vincent wagg wishes to thank mr glen ratcltff and staff for the lovely table lamp which they presented to her when she left their employ cordwooi slabwood logs mill waste by virtue of writ of fieri facias issued out of the county court of the county of ontario against the goods and chattels of james j skeffingtox at the suit of roy coppins i have seized and taken in execution quantity of mixed rough lumber 2000 more or less random lengths and widths and shorts quantity of savmill trim block and edgings quantity of mixed slabs 100 cords more or loss log lengths 1 slabs mixed 100 cords more or less quantity of mixed and pile bottoms 2000 more or less squared and flattened two sides quantity of mixed cordwood 50 cords more or less limb and body wood quantity of mixed and softwood cordwood 100 cords more or less top and limb wood 4 100 logs more or less on skidways mixed hardwood all of which will be sold by public auction on fri july 25 1947 at the hour of 130 pm dst al the properly west half of lot 12 and ttrh in the th concession oi the townhip of uxbridge terms cash sheriffs office whitby july 4th 1917 h bascom sheriff co sod wanted we do our own cutting and hauling apply to lorefice bros ph evenings to agincourt 130 j3 113 calves wanted for vealing holstein or heavy breed phone 5802 stouffville wanted good piano state make and price to box a tribune office stouffville driver wanted for bread truck married man preferred apply h r davis phone mount albert 1312 licensed and experienced young man would like position driving truck ph stouffvlle 2709 house flat or several rooms wanted to rent in stouffville reliable couple phone 7315 attention farmers and horsemen get in the money now raise colts in big demand inspect at your convenience cricket beautiful bay 16 hand hunter stallion standing at the white picket farms claremont ont cricket is the first stallion pro duced in canada from registered hunter stock under the plan which the light horse improvement society have been carrying on for a number of years to produce a dis tinct breed of canadian hunter he has been inspected approved and regitered by the society and is also registered in the live stock records stud book he was pro duced by the sifton stables toron to his manners are good and dis position wonderful imp his sire nougat imp 157 an imported french coach stud has sired many good hunters throughout canada his dam iona g thoroughbred 3533 was a preformance jumper winning events of international importance cricket is himself an excellent mom and pop accept a dinner invitation pop is served some swell looking cherries for dessert after a couple of spoonsful pop starts coughing choking sweating his eyes bulge out mom slaps his back pop- still gasping says gosh i thought i was a goner mom sav neighbors if you use bakers sweetner it takes the chokiness out of cherries its good diabetics like it no bitterness stout people like it very particular people like it sugary taste easy to use no coupons 500 worth bakers sweetner is as sweet as 1400 worth sugar 20 ozs 25 25 ozs 30 40 ozs 45 so ozs 80 1 gallon 150 5 gallons 725 10 gallons 135c 25 gallons 3125 52 gallons 6300 106 gallons 12650 no refund on containers prices subject to change without notice transportation prepaid on cash with order shipments of 10 gallont or more up to 100 miles to nearest express or transport office george e baker phmb pharmaceutical chemist stouffville ontario under new management bells radio fr electrical appliance repair shop prompt and efficient repair service on all makes of radios home appliances etc radio cabinets refinished only genuine parts used and all work guaranteed pick up and delivery if desired at reason able rates wesley wright mgr phone 281 stouffville ont farm for sale with or without crop good grain land brick house bank barn hydro newmarket 2v miles possession anytime apply l e ewart east half lot 28 con 2 whitchurch newmar ket po 103 farrs elevator claremont ph res 3si office 3sw we have molasses order early two cars of pig grower on hand oat and wheat chop scratch feed 16 dairy bo sure and start your hens on the right laying mash master feeds are proven and guar anteed hardwall plaster insulating wool and batts roofing b c shingles and asphalt shingles prepared feeds master and maple leaf binder twine come to claremont field day august 1th wbob ioe for your requirements in baled hay and straw see maple lodge farms phone 4707 stouffville rjll 301 births tindall at the brierbush hos pital stouffville on friday july 18 1947 to mr and mrs john tindall leaskdale a daughter nesb1tt at the brierbush hos pital stouffville on friday july 18 1917 to mr and mrs archie nesbitt rr3 stouffville a son donald john moore at the brierbush hospi tal stouffville on wednesday july 23 1917 to mr and mrs george moore uxbridge a son oe 30e30e ao lotaot aon and how do you know its the same robin that comes every year jumper and on several occasion and steals your cherries we asked has hunted with the hunt club of an irate orchard man the other to owners of sound health day well said he i think it is mares anv breed the fees are s1000 the fellow at any rate he looks like i at time of service with return afield inspector for a canning privileges mares boarded 50c a dav company desired tractor service anything from a set of plugs to a major operation t at the first sign of an ailing tractor call on us and get expert professional care farm machines arc our busi ness and we do our best to keep the greatest possible number of them in good running condition call on us for anything from a set of plugs to it major operation international w i atkinson mcprer agent motors storhviiik ioc 30doc ioe iocxoi