the tribune stouffville ont thursday july 17 1947 lb jytmrffmlle urribunr established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations paidinadvance circulation as of march 1st 2553 issued every thursday at stouffville ontario subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa s2o0 a- v nolan son publishers notes and comments contributory pensions when senator arthur roebuck told the senate last week that a contributory payment over ones working days should be provided for old age pensions he took a wise stand it is something this paper and many others have advocated for years a contributory old age pension takes awav the provision of poverty as being necessary to gain it- it assures persons that there will be a pension waiting them and that is what we like about contributory pensions it is insurance in a wise form why are its provisions de layed so long- farm wages up scarity of labor and the maintenance of a high level of farm income have pushed the wage rates for farm work ers to their highest level since comparable statistics became available in 1940 the high point for farm wages is usually in august this year wages in many provinces were ap proximately the same as those prevailing at aug 15 1946- except in the case of monthly wages with board bri tish columbia led the dominion rates in prince edward island being the lowest the average rates for canada as reported at may 15 were 359 per clay and 7701 per month where the employer provided board as compared with rates of 325 and 7136 respectively at the same date a year ago where the employee provided his own board the average rates were 455 per day and 10396 per month respectively as against 415 and 9627 at may 15 1946 eggs were 10 cents a dozen boy those were the days with canada 30 years ago the trade and commerce de partment took time out at ottawa to compare exports and imports of today with the figures for the first year of con federation canada imported and exported a total of 120000000 worth of goods in the first year of confederation during last year there was export and import total of 4239000- 000 one reason for the difference the department points out rather sadly was the difference in prices now and then beef bacon and ham cost nine cents a pound eggs were 10 cents a dozen maple sugar was 10 cents a pound and pork was eight cents a great work underway by going from farm to farm making appointments for free chest xrays members of the womens institute lions club and other public bodies in the rural districts of york and ontario counties are playing a large part in making tb surveys of the national sanitarium association in these acres a fine success in the rural areas of york ontario and muskoka the national sanitarium association hopes to xray at least 68000 during the summer months the average womens institute member makes at least 20 calls in her community arranging appointments for all members of the families she visits the surveys are now in progress at newmarket july 18 port mcnicoll july 21 midland july 24 woodbridge july 28 penetang and schomberg august 1 nobleton august 5 king and stayner august 7 creemore and kettleby august 11 and alliston august 13- with the last month chest examinations given at the associations gage institute have revealed 42 cases of tb requiring sanitorium treatment the institute is at pre sent attempting to purchase additional miniature xray equipment to handle more quickly surveys of small indus trial plants where employees are fewer than 200 the association finds it impractical to take the equipment to the plant new facilities for farm loans improved facilities for making farm housing loans are now available following announcement of proclamation of section 14 of the national housing act in the house of commons on june 30 the announcement stated that there would be some delay before loans could be made on any type of farm in saskatchewan or on graingrowing farms in manitoba and alberta until a better debt adjustment is arrived at in that province in fact early in the year discussions had been held with the governments of the prairie provinces to use this new mortgage form it was stated cer tain adjustments in provincial legislation in all three pro vinces were considered necessary while there was a great deal of interest shown in the propossls the required amend ing legislation was not passed at the last sessions of the three legislations negotiations are continuing with the governments concerned however in an effort to complete arangements for using flexible payment mortgage under the provisions of section 14 of the national housing act loans may be made to farm owners to assist in the construction of modern attractive and comfortable farm houses such joans bear interest at 4 per annum and are payable over a period of up to 20 years after the date of completion of the house the maximum loan available to the owner of a farm on which there is no existing mortgage or other encum brance is limited to the least of 5000 the cost of building the house or twothirds of the appraised value of the farm however if there is already a mortgage or the encum brance on the farm section 14 of the act permits a maxi mum loan amounting to the least of ss000 the aggregate of the cost of building the house and the amount necessarv to pay all encumbrances or twothirds of the appraised value of the farm to assist the farmer in repaying a loan arrangements have been made for payment in annual semiannual or monthly instalments depending on the tvpe of farm he operates and the frequency with which he receives his income during the year western kudi hkip arriving the minister of labour hon humphrey mitchell reported today that over 500 western harvesters have arrived from the three prairie provinces to assiit with haying in ontario several hundred more it our capital correspondent written exclusively for the stous- ville tribune by mlschwartz selling on extensive credits to europe and buying in everincreas ing degrees from the united states for cash the canadian government is now facing an exchange crisis which must be solved as quickly as possible it is hinted in ottawa though it is no secret to observers here that the reimposition of war lime restrictions or controls as a means of solution is known to be quite unpopular even if such rum ors have been circulating in thi capital as a distinct possibility in addition it is held that much de pends on the success or failure of the socalled marshall plan to aid europe through united states economic assistance because it is believed that canada closely tied up with various countries in trade dealings especially the united states and the united kingdom would benefit from the marshall plan being carried out since this might ease considerably her own exchange crisis in any case cur rent rumors about drastic action such as the reimposition of certain wartime controls on exchange does not seem to be backed by officials in ottawa as a likely course which will follow shortly though it is hinted in wellinformed quarters tht some action is coming but it would be a broad overall nature tied in with other nations efforts to solve their shortage of us dol lars it is noted that the dominionpro vincial taxation agreement bill has allowed any provincesincluding ontario and quebec to sign an agreement granting the federal government the use of the income corporation and succession taxes in return for compensation with definite clauses in that bill permit ting such future arrangements and no new legislation being required if this should occur significantly for instance both ontario and que bec are included in the possible minimum payments under such an agreement which would end in 1951 ontario being mentioned for 67 15s027 and quebec 563s2127 bachelor lake about 100 miles north of rouyn in the chibou- gaman area of quebec where the search is on for gold may have to change its name its not for bachelors only any more mildred kin jourdin former wartime wren and strictly feminine at 97 pounds invaded bachelor lake when she flew in with her fiance deke orr veteran bush pilot and caught a 10pound pike while orr unloaded prospectors supplies believed the first white woman to enter the bachelor lake area miss jourdin lives in rouyn with her father one of the pioneers of the rouyn north country fj rriiuij a vuuniav julv is i sfifarf meet the navy f lawless breed grant kns friday a saturday julv is 19 y knight the proposal that labor unions in this country should purge com munists from their ranks through laws forbidding such men to hold office seems to have considerable approval as a principle but there are questions being asked if this can be done in a practical way since labor unions in canada carry on under provincial as well as federal laws with many difficulties being foreseen for its practical applica tion though it is pointed out that early in world war ii an order-in- council did make the communist party illegal in this country until russia entered the war and became an ally so that this orderincouneil was withdrawn at the time it is possible that several aus tralian doctors may come to canada in an exchange plan tourists spent 221000000 in canada last year and they are ex pected to spend even more this year suggestions are heard here that more money should be used by the national gallery of canada to buy paintings and these suggestions have reached parliament with the emphasis in the house of commons being that more paintings by cana dian artists might be included a contract has been awarded here for the supply and installation of an automatic and supervisory fire- alarm system in the parliamentary library justice minister ilsley has slated there was little possibility of the government paying the legal expen ses of persons acquitted oh charges arising out of the espionage investi gation agriculture minister gardiner has made it clear that the british- russia negotiations for a wheat agreement would have no effect on the fouryear anglocanadian wheat pact remove rust spots is lemon juice and salt rubbed on the stains then place the article in the sun how can i decipher faded in scriptions and dates on coins a heat them and gradually the inscription will unless entirely effaced make their appearance q how can i treat clothing to make it fireproof a pour one ounce of sal ammon iac or alum in the last rinsing water for muslin or cotton goods and the goods will not burn or will burn without flame q what kind of potatoes should be served with baked fish a with baked fish serve mashed or sweet potatoes cooked in southern style plain boiled po tatoes should be served only when they are new 3 how can i mend scratches on kid gloves a apply liquid court plaster to the scratch and it will be hard ly visible q how can i take away the flat taste from water that has been boiled for drinking and cooking purposes a if the water is poured from one pitcher to another several times before using it will take away the flat taste mondav tuesday julv 28 29 the big sleep 9 humphrey bogart and lauren bacaff is learned are on their way the services of these men will greatly assist ontario farmers with their summer work in view of a heavy hay crop which has matured rapid ly during the recent hot weather mr mitchell taied that a large number of additional hands will be this knowledge q how can i make brass shiny a- before cleaning brass with any kind of solution or polish rub it with a cut lemon q how can i carry down particles of food that have become lodged in the throat a by swallowing an unbeaten raw egg q how can i remove fresh paint odour from a room a slice three or four onions and put them into a bucket of cold water leave the bucket in the center of the room for several hours q how can i remove rust spots a a remedy that seldom fails to heeiled to save this valuable crop mr mitchell joined in an urgent request made by hon thos l ken nedy minister of agriculture for ontario to all available workers throughout the province especially l those with previous farm experi ence to oiler their services at once it is especially important that the hay crop be saved because of the smaller harvest of rtain crops ex pected in ontario this fall mm what next whats scarce now lumber nails plumbing or wiring equipment ihc lil ll endless no sooner is one problem solved than another comes along the scarcity of materials has delayed the completion of many new hydro projects this combined with a greatly increased demand has limited the power supply never has ontario used so much electricity as now not even during the recordbreaking war years another half million horsepower could be utilized almost immediately if available hydro plants to generate that much and moro have been planned and are under construction some additional power will be delivered this year more in 1948 but it will be 1950 before the big new hydro plant on the ottawa river can start to pour its 360000 horsepower into the hydro system why so long its because of the shortage of building supplies a tre mendous quantity of construction materials and elcctricol equipment must be sought and bought to build such a plant the ottawa irivcr development alono requires a concrete dam nearly half a mile long in oddilion to the power house and the thousands of items of electrical equipment small and large building a new power plant often creates an entirely new community it tokos a long time especially when materials are as scarce as they are now few places in the world have as much electricity ovoiloble per person as ontario hos however it must be conserved so that new homes and industries will all receive their share so that the wheels of our factories will be kept turning and maximum employment and production maintained use hydro wisely ond there will be enough for oil txttt mtak insulatots euat- ughtj the hydro- electric power commission of ontario