editors mail feb is 1947 toronto 0 ont- i the stoufltville tribune former stolffyiilk rr it ka a resident hies ix toronto mary lunau wife of isaac a parkinson passed away at her homs in toronto on tuesday feb i isth in her 71st year she was a dear sirs sister of the late reuben lunau of j j am im thautne j i markham before moving to toron- to some vears ago mr and mrs i lss of l parkinson resided in stouffville for printed a picture and history of the manv vears- besides her husband old null at altona ont mrs parkinson is survived bv one i am indeed interested beins the daughter hilda mrs w a eldest son of the late oliver barrett robertson the funeral was held mentioned in the article thursday from the chapel of me- j might say that i spent some of dougall and brown danforth ave with interment in bethel cemetery 5th concession markham town ship markham economist las week we pictured a foal also sired by the fam us stand pat near now dead and now ik at this hem m ther know wi ar count youii- i- w r- j paolita a king pia on the hemstead stables richmond kih charkc tead is of course well 11 in horse circles and manv friends around whv akk they letting pricks kisk by edna jaques why are they letting prices rise thats the sh question today women are writing in to the wptp scolding about price in crease- here we are they say workihg our heads off to help the board keep prices from rising and you turn around xnd let them rise why so weve set ourselves to explain the reason why some price adjust ments are necessary and we hope the faithful people who have stood by the wartime price control policy will see where canada stands in the light of the postwar world first canadians have done such a good job of price control that were out of line with world prices ever hear the story of the woman who watched a thousand soldiers marching by and remarked to her now you simply two almost identical irons on the same shelf selling at different prices so the price of canadian made irons were set in line with the american ones and we might say not without warrant as canadian manufacturers were bare ly clearing themselves under the ceiling price then theres canned chicken which has been allowed to go up in price slightly during the war manufacturers of canned chicken came to the prices board many times with figures to prove that they couldnt can chicken at pre vailing prices nothing hapueneti the happiest day of my life in al tona i recall with fond recollection the little red school house when john tran and john yates were i principals and those boys and girls cannot have wnom i attended school the atha annual picnic the general store and post office operated by the late john monkhouse and later by willis monkhouse the black smith shop operated by boothleys the hotel operated by mr brown the little dutch church where i at tended sunday school i still treas ure a small book presented to me for regular attendance i hope you will excuse and for give this preamble of fond mem ories i am enclosing one dollar for which if possible i would like very they went home disappointed men much to have three copies of the they were told that they were above mentioned issue if one dollar markham the filly shown here may be famous in her own speed some day- certainly so if breeding will do it neighbour proudly and do you know tiiev were all out of step but johnny well johnny canuck is a bit out of step with world prices right now and there are some goods we can not import because their wholesale prices are higher than our selling price i take cotton dress goods for instance the us price for cotton became so high that if we were toj have any print in our stores at all 1 we had to bring it in at much higher prices than weve been usedj to paying the only alternative would be no print and you know what would happen if little anne had no crisp print dress for school when warm weather comes or mother no apron or dad no shirt then electric irons thousands of canadian women had been working with old outworn irons during the war xow they feel they need a nevt one and here in canada we just dont make enough to go around so we have to bring irons from j across the line practically the same iron to sell at one price while our canadian made irons were sell ing at a much lower price clearing themselves on other goods and the price of canned chicken was to stav put after the war many veterans wanted to go into the chicken cann ing business for themselves start ing on a shoe string those lads had only the one line it was costing them more to produce it than they could sell it for after careful con sideration of many things the board allowed the ceiling price to be raised to meet production costs thats just one story behind a planned increase in price control canadian supplies go to every part of the world but we just cant keep on selling our stuff and buy nothing in return trade is a two- way road so we buy woollens from britain cottons from the us raisins from australia citrus fruit from california vegetable oils and fats from the argentine all of those are essential for out living we neither grow nor pro duce them ourselves we want to sell our wheat bacon beef eggs farm machinery and so forth to other countries then we must buy their goods and bring them into canada at a fair price to them if our ceil ing price is too low then the price will have to be raised to permit them to be sold over our counters and in our shops we hope this will make it a little clearer to canadian people how price increases must be allowed when necessary to meet world prices is not sufficient please advise yours respectfully wm r barrett hydro 1500 hour lamps cost no aiore obtain them frojav our hydro office auction sale 1917 pontiac hertfs our picture for 47 we are proud to present for 1947 the finest car pontiac has ever produced in the new 1947 pontiac now in production all of pontiacs traditional quality dependability stamina troublefree operation ease of handling and downright goodness have been retained these are the qualities that have made more than a million friends of more than a million pontiac owners added for 1947 are appearance changes to en hance pontiacs beauty mechanical refinements to uphold pontiacs known reputation for dependable troublefree performance for 1947 pontiac again offers four outstanding series the thrifty fleetleader and fleetleader special lines proud leaders in the lowpriced field and the torpedo and streamliner long luxurious both of them built to house a smoothrunning six or an economical eight millions have learned to expect an outstanding value from pontiac and the 1947 pontiac ful fills their expectations the 1947 pontiac is a fine car made finer twi chas cooper reg grade jerseys horses implements hay grain the undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at east half lot 31 cox 9 markham twp one and a quarter miles south of stouffville thursday march 6 1917 the following property belonging to elmor bentley horses cattle bay mare 8 years bay mare 9 years bay mare g years black gelding 11 years jersey cow due time of sale jersey cow fresh calf by side reg no 140412 jersey cow due march 9 jersey cow full flow reg no 140410 jersey cow bred jan 4 reg no 144g50 jersey cow bred dec 15 reg no 140411 jersey cow bred jan 25 jersey cow due march 30 reg no 148532 jersey cow due may 30 reg no 148533 jersey cow due april 27 jersey cow full flow reg no 140 118 jersey cow full flow jersey cow full flow jersey heifer due march 12 jersey heifer due march 15 5 jersey heifers about 18 months jersey heifer 1 year reg no 179544 2 jersey heifer 5 months 2 jersey heifers 4 months jersey heifer 3 months jersey bull 3 vears reg no 110721 poultry v about 100 pullets 3 geese gander implements mh binder 7 ft cut with fore carriage deering mower 5 ft cut near new dclaval magnetic milker 2 single units nearly new mh stiff tooth cultivator disc harrow outtlyow seed drill isee drag harrows hay rake 10 ft scuffler oliver corn cultivator walking plow no 4 wilkinson rubbertired wagon sloop seighs hay rack cutter 2wheel trailer gurney scales 2000 lb fanning aliil with bagger lister chopper 9 inch wheelbarrow root pulper water trough cutting box draw rope 100 ft set sling ropes work bench crosscut saw colony house 100 ft snow fence coop electric fencer woods electric fencer number cow chains 5 horse collars 2 sets breeching harness 2 brooder stoves electric brooder ihc gas engine 3 hp melotto cream separator 500 lbs nearly new vega cream separator 350 lbs good strainer plunger doubletrees neckyokes forks shovels numerous other articles hay grain roots quantity hay quantity ajax oats quantity ensilage quantity turnips furniture coleman gas range bedroom suite complete 2 glass top cupboards extension table 2 rocking chairs metal ice box manv other articles slip 31 1 pm term- cash xo bcserre a s farmer auctlonre r fuller brush products markham pickering uxbridge am scott townships phone g502 stouffville write to vic pennanen stouffvill or call at house on main st e near 10th concession mail orders cod or expires collect 41- rumacaps the 2 way treatment j kidneys v9 flvck relief from rheumatic pains storeys drag store stoufiviue ontarl wanted by the j m dealers canadian buyer there is an urgent market at good prices for horse hair bagging wool feathers metals scrap tires tubes batteries orders taken for dunlop tires and vulcanizing j hutton claremont phone 23 clqrcmont best prices paid 6tt i0e30z i0e30s for your requirements in baled hay and straw see maple lodge farms phone 4707 stouffville rri aonoc iod claremont ontario send the tribune to abgent friends wanted 3000 raspberry can es we will take your surplus viking or latham quote price per 1000 f hogg nursery co 8 cornish rd toronto 12 wo grow all kinds of nursery stock send for lists eggs faster greater returns for your eggs vvc are now in a position to give you 48 hour grading service which means u higher grade to you and increased revenue by handling your eggs faster it assures the consumer a fresher and sweeter egg market your eggs through pickering farms ltd for bigger and faster returns grading station whitby oosoooooassas