the maple strup ration ends maple sugar and maple syrup in the home will no longer be contin gent upon the availability of cou pons anyone who likes a generous smearing of the latter delicacy over his hot cakes in the morning can now pour it on for all hes worth a long as the supply holds out the price board announced sat urday that effective feb 17 all hello homemakers when a long j hot put the mold in the oven for a products would be removed i from rationed preserves and no absent commodity finds its way few minutes before rimming back on the grocers shelves it with the apricots it receives an enthusiastic welcome so it is not surprising that with the appearance of rice homemakerj are writing to us for ways to use it some find the price high and want to know ways to use it wisely others have thrown away prewar rice recipes today therefore we refresh your memory with rice recipes for soup main course or dessert rice is a starchy food which should be cook ed in plenty of hot liquid quickly to prevent rice forming a sticky mass during cooking sprinkle rice slowly into rapidly boiling water cook without a cover keeping the food constantly boiling until rice is soft about 0 mins then drain and pour a cup of cold water through the rice in a sieve and place in a partially covered dish in a warm place lefore serving rice soup for each quart of brown or white stock use two tablespoons rice soak onehalf hour in enough stock or water to cover it bring remain der of stock to simmeringpoint add soaked rice and simmer in closed saucepan onehalf hour curried rice 1 cup rice 2 tbsps fat 1 tsp chopped onion 2m cups boiling water 1 to 2 tbsps currey- powder 2 tbsps salt 4 tsp pepper wash the rice well place fat and onion in a stewpan and cook them until the onion is yellow add the rice and stir the whole over a hot element for five minutes draw the pan off of the heat season with the currypowder salt and pepper stir well and pour in the boiling water cover the stewpan and boil rapidly for ten minutes then cook very slowly for forty minutes curried rice is appropriate with any kind of meat dish that has been prepared with a sauce rice crown with apricots cook rice in milk and put in a buttered ring mold when cool turn into a fruitdish cook dried apricots and place halves around the top of the crown strain the remainder of the fruit through a fine sieve and pour in the hollow of the crown if this dish is desired rice muffivs cup sugar cup boiled rice 1 egg 2 tbsps shortening 1 cup milk 5 tsps baking powder 2v4 cups flour 1 tsp salt mix sugar boiled rice egg melted shortening and milk sift baking- powder salt and flour together longer would be subject to ration regulations board officials said the removal would not engender any change in validating of sugarpreserves cou pons but industrial users still would be required to obtain per mission in writing from the sugar administrator before acquiring or i using any maple syrup or maple i sugar in the manufacture of any favor deduction of 3c per hog a directors meeting of the ontario county hog producers was held in the department of agricul ture office uxbridge on february isth with a good attendance mr harper newman president was in charge of the meeting there was a general discussion on ways and means f improving the quality of hogs in ontario county it was decided to hold the annual meeting of the ontario county hog producers association in the sun derland hall on march 21th at 130 pm an outstanding spcaker will be arranged for there was considerable discus sion regarding the two cents that is being deducted from each hog sold at the present time it was generally felt that the 2e deduction was not sufficient to give the cen tral association and the various county associations sufficient funds with which to promote a vigorous hog improvement program meeting concurred with a resolution bv the j hounds running at large taking heavy toll deer hounds as well as wolves are i taking a heavy toll of deer in the haliburton district according to i game overseer fred walton of the i lindsay branch of the dept of j lands and forests he reports that several hounds are at large in that section and that evidence of their deerkilling activities i accumulat ing last friday he found a slain deer north of fenelon falls which in vestigation disclosed had been kill ed by two hounds game overseer walton says the owners of the hounds have been warned that he will shoot on sight any hounds found running at 1 ge he cites another incident of hounds molest ing deer which occurred northwest of norland in the oak lake district he says that he found evidence ber reached canada during the past g coumv pl a year and greater supplies will be and add bafce in greased muffin- food or other pdua pans in elect ire oven 100 degs io rt available 12 degs i for thirty minutes j l nuantities of natural nb- creamy rice pudding i- qun111 luautai u 3 tbsps rice 1 tbsp sugar 1 quart milk i tsp sal tsp j vw iation that the deduction per hog f available to rubber manufacturers iuhnihvmnl cinnamon or nutmee snoulu oe laiseu nom 2c to oc i in the near future it was announc- tu rniitni ii wash the rice thoroughly add t1 r p- tne following delegates were the other ingredients and pour into p 0 t goodvea tire a t0 the ho producer a greased bakingdish bake from v a womeai i ire meeting in toronto u march 7 0 udiiijsuimt caw iiura rubber companv of canada limit- r w no ii one and onehalf to two hours in j jl mpptin- nf iko eau howsanl r oxbridge electric oven 250 degs to 300 degs romlmhsldere lhe harper newman gamebridge stirring several times the mixture c e iheber down rl brooklin wm s not botl e 1 h heron rl blackwater russel declared large amounts of natural winriiit n r p this is the oldfashioned creamy nlmlp wi rinrin mtr ulnciatt oeayerton fcanest pudding which has such a delicious leceived during 1910 cd r2 ciaremont walter j ig uhch hasuch a delicious am an ever increasing supply is groat r3 0s anson gerrow expected from now on this will r 3 p p permit a blend of crude and synthei flavour because of the cooking onehalf cup may be added if desired or cold long slow of raisins serve hot take a tip 1 to make broiled cube steaks you can use either round steak or tenderloin cut into individual serving pieces to tenderize it pound each piece with a wooden mallet or potato masher preheat the broiling element place steak on lightly greased rack of broil ing pan two inches below the hot element brown for 10 mins then turn and broil on other side sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve 2 meat sandwishes are attractive cut canned meat in thick slices spread one side with prepared mustard or chili sauce whip mashed potatoes with milk and put in between slices of meat heat in a covered casserole 3 a souffle can be made on top of the stove put 2 squares choco late with 1 cup milk in top of double boiler cook over boiling water until chocolate melts beat until smooth with egg beater add onethird cup sugar dash of salt 1 tsp vanilla and 3 unbeaten tic in all articles of rubber manu- diseased rabbits fairly facture including tires which will common expert declares produce qualities unexcelled in pre war days eggs beat vigorously one minute cover and cook 20 minutes with out peeping remove from elec tric element serve warm with cream or top milk 4 february salad mix 2 cups shredded carrots 1 small minced onion and 2 cups diced apples mix with french dressing just before serving sprinkle with paprika anne allan invites you to write to her co the tribune send in your suggestions on homemaking problems and watch this column for replies mcmullen electric we are prepared to attend to orders for electric wiring on fairly short notice expert workmanship by qualified day in less time than that it takes a warning to hunters to watch for disease in rabbits that may be killed between now and the end of the season on feb 28 was issued by a county game and fisheries offi cial last week diseased rabbits have been more plentiful this year it is learned al though rabbits have been found in large numbers despite passing the peak population period in the seven- year circle that governs their kind right in stouffville a lot of people with gardens are hoping that the cycle has turned against the rabbit because this winter they have de stroyed many fruit trees in the vill age by debarking them at night time announcement that the cycle wipes the rabbit population almost out every seven yearswill therefore be good news to many people the writer lost some fruit trees to the bunnies yet he rather likes the rabbits so long as they do not be come destructive we watched one race over a 10 rod field the other 432 workers phone 3204 stouffville want more milk then use a feed thats scientifically built for that purpose purina mills has been manufactur ing feed for over 50 years and for a good part of that time has been test ing its cow feeds on a big experi mental farm herd that certainly gives purina cow chow a real back ground of experience and experi ment you can see the results in the results you get from mixing cow chow with your chop or rolled grain a ration that really rolls out the milk without running down the cow carry a full line of purina chows and sanitations products figg stiver bros your feed advisor of this district 6ec6 t64e chick supplies just 2 bags thats all the purina chick startena you need for 100 chicks then change to purina chick growena before chicks come spray brooder house with purina chekrfect drop a purina chekrtab in each quart of water metal feeders flock fountains are always handy to wink an eye evidence of the disease will be found in boils between the flesh and the skin white livers and pus in the intestines hunters who de tect these symptoms are advised to destroy the game actually there is little chance of any infection if the rabbit is properly cooked but as the official pointed out some people are not too skilled in cooking rabbits can be transmitted the common rabbit disease and it is found in all species of rodents is tularemia it can be transmitted to human beings and cause an undu lating fever conclusion of the current hunting season ends one that has been ex cellent from the standpoint of game this official states besides rabbits foxes have been killed in increasingly large numbers on the other hand a check with police court officials indicates that there have been more presecutions for minor infractions of the hunting laws than any previous season most of the charges have to do with hunting on sunday failure to obtain hunting licenses and carry ing loaded guns in cars despite a strict ontario law against this last- named practice many hunters still persist in this dangerous habit it is 1 learned march blank month there will be no hunting of any sort permitted in march but april 1st brings around the issuance of licenses which apply until fall these are good for hunting ground hogs crows starlings and other ver mini but any kind of game is pro tected throughout the sring and summer during the past two vears the fox population has been at the top of its cycle and at present game offi cials believe that there are more- foxes than ever the new queen automatic oil burning brooder stove 2990 1000 chick capacity stouffville coop phone 260 there of a yard of deer having beb scattered in all directions by hound running at large the overseer calls the attention to the lands forest fish and wildlife division act section 30 subsection three which reads as follows no person owning har bouring or claiming to own a dog shall allow to run at large during closed season for deer in a locality which deer usually inhabit or in which they are usually found daly oram pus tea massey harris implements we have our quota of machinery for this year come in and see us now about your requirements for this summer and also have a look at our new show room and parts department henry ogden son stouffville onf phone 25402 bus truck and tractor seats rebuilt and recovered dunlopillo for truck bus and tractor seats now available with so many accidents occuring the seat of the trouble may be the seat of your truck comfortable seats are more essential than ever for almost 20 years we have been rebuilding and recovering bustruck and tractor seats and backseats keeping thousands of city and rural drivers comfortable pickup and delivery service in suburban area service truck cushion company phone orchard 9355 227 oakwood ave toronto ont leave stouffville standard time to toronto to uxbridge a 715 am a 350 pm b 925 am b 820 pm a daily excent sun hoi b sun hoi only b 1225 pm c 240 pm 705 pm b 1140 pm c sat only bus connections at toronto for buffalo detroit chicago north bay new york montreal fares are low round trip tax included toronto 180 buffalo s 7jj0 montreal si730 detroit 12ti new vork s20jtf chicago s2095 tickets and information at ratcliff pipher stouffville motors stouffville phone 170