js rf v v si ssjj sfediiffyilfe 5c to supply ore mailest ramily numbers nine in this quebec town may his hove forever light each step along your way just as the star of bethlehem shines on christmas- day i canadian record for large families in canada is held by plessisville que a town of 4600 most prolific is omerif tardif 83 he has fathered 25 childrenhere he shows his second wife mother of 16 of- them a record of the first childs birth in 1882 thursday night is foto nite offer 275 mink pelt prices soar trap lines yield many removal of united states ceiling on mink pelts has boosted the local price to 30- and ls setting traps on district waters all the way from lily- lake and chemong to the halibur- the sign of quality agency for goqpiuniyersal milkers md- of inflations tons mink hides of the best quality are bringing to trappers 50 per cent more than ayear ago and seconds up 40 per cent spreading the local quotations from 20 to 30 it is re liably reported the streams throughout the county of haliburton are yielding a few minks one trapper brought in several from the west end of chemong lake in early december three of these pelts grading at the top level will net thettrapper close to 100 and if there are any women in the district conjuring mink coats at the new prices they cvrm understand that after the another substantial item ftefore they reach the hands of the furrierwhbwill make another sub stantial income-therevis- also gov ernment tax to add on should i wecarry a complete line of coopquality poultry hog feeds together with s monarchfebairy and cafeteria poultry- feeds bop jpnauncement stonffvlilo cooperauvii association arc now condncung bnslnessfrom the oldtstand ofjnmcs gooinll limited wholesale pkice on turkeys legal if delivered in bulk following the practice usual at this time of year- many office and factory workers are pooling their orders for christmas turkeys tur keys are also often used as gifts by firms to their employees and are commonly used as prizes in raffles and bingo games under some-con- trapper has been paid for hte dltions thewholesairptice max the raw pelts have to be- processed obtained on turkeys t purchased in i- old homet cti ncw-she- fef u s flmm by stanley all new busiriessphoiie 269 ph1802 residence phone 1802 the town of plessisville quebec has 4600 souls and boasts that it has the largest number of big families in canada families witk iewer than nine children just arent thats all there are 167 couples who have 1856 children among them none fewer than nine and ranging up to 25 offsprings what a harvest ol government cheques for family allowances mayor has 10 children all our citizens are industrious godfearing lawabiding people and- their children are many and well cared for all are living com- fortably whether as farmers fac tory workers or merchants said mayor theodore fortier he works for no salary and is serving his second term he has 10 children who include two priests a christian brother and two nuns he is a well- todo farmer leading numerically with the largest family is 83yearold omeril tardif father of 25 children 18 now living after 43 years of working in the foundry here he was retired spry as ever he has never been ill my children most of whom are scattered across canada and the united states write me once a month 1 have 50 grandchildren and 15 greatgrandchildren points out omeril his second wife bore him 16 children omeril always chose our child rens names hes the boss laugh ed the attractive grayhaired woman who doesnt look 65 we still have the book in which omeril started to record in 1882 the birth of his first children there are 25 entries in it in his own hand she added her husband is the uncle of mayor fortier nine sisters have 106childron a unique record is held by the iuine married marcoux sisters here we have 106 children among us all goodlooking and healthy re marked mrs emile malvina paris mother of 14 children her sister atrs alphonse miehaud two farms away has 9 children there you have 33 children between two happily married sisters the major ity of the children are born at home the town has a modern weilslaffed hospital gasoline rationing winter vehicle in snowbound que bec does he come down the chim ney of course not exclaims little deiuse cote agednine one of 15 children ot air ahu mrs albert cote who own a farm a couple of ldnges away from town lie car ries 256 gifts just for papa and momma and 15 children thats if each of us giygat least one gift to every one- in the family said the bright little girl who had figured it all out set 17 at one table we have ten boys and five girls we- all sit down at one table not in shifts remarked mrs germaine cote- she lias six neighbors and there are 10 to 18 children in each family moris alfred boule cure of st calixte church has been here 10 years he says there is no juvenile delinquency in plessisville the average age for marrying couple is 21 years the groom either has a good job- in town or is taking over his fathers prosperous farm with the father retiring and moving into town the cure takes an active interest in the towns civic affairs police have easy time we have baptized 192 babies so far this year there are as many boys as girls baptiseld but few multiple birth as twins or triplets remarked the venerable ipriest in all the many marriages in thepast 22 years there has been only one separation the parish has given 34 youths to the priesthood and three times as many girls to the convent as nuns chief of police john pomefleau his son pauland willy daigle con stitute the police force crime does not pay in plessisville not that any lawbreaker tried to find out the stalwart minions of the law here have an easy time and probably play checkers most of the time there just is no crime herec a little rowdyism perhaps on saturday night but shucks farmer brown whats that for the record here is how the towns big families are listed ac cording to size 41 families of nine children 41 of ten 25 of 11 16 of 12 v 13 of 13 11 of 14 seven of 15 five of 16 two of 17 and one of 18 19 with- gasoline rationing over 1 20 22 23 arid 25 children a record irere noel as santa claus is known on the other hand can be boasted here dispenses with his sjqigh and by the older generation for its anflves in a snowmobile a popular- longevity this manner if the turkeys purchased under any such pooled arrangements are delivered in bulk to one address the maximum wholesale ceiling price will prevail stated f l j seldoii prices and supply repre sentative of the wartime prices and trade board on the other hand if deliveries are made separately to individual homes then the retail price will apply he further stated that continuing the practice of past years any contract made previously wltha producer is illegal maximum wholesale prices for central ontario either boxpacked or loose for deliveries madelbe- tween december 15th and the end of the year are special grade 32c grade a38v6c grade b 36c grade c 33c retail maximum prices are special grade 47c grade a 46c grade b 43c grade 8 a 40c- iox sand arid gravel choicest sand and gravel for your cement work delivered to your job 49tf 10 nortons gravel pit phone 700 or 9 rll xqexoiaono electric wiring dependable firstlass electric wiring also alterations addi tions or repairs made at reasonable rates phone eugknelwinterstein 322 stouffvllle 8612 k fsys sis feimkwajkvftuim