Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 8, 1945, p. 7

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1 v1fi23 iness fci- 2 vdehtae sf barker uda wujh o wmyscuool estftarnovaaber pgufemswu ewulprmtaeitmeljoid wttkqjaayjs whole v neartpbu the awhiiwyafrthe aprigjittanfn the l u otto ttessoaiamfai whole i- fcisjunfortunate in selectingjles sow- material y that no distinction snttemaderat times between israel gods covenant people oi oldjcanov the i church the body of entitsiirgeonaandjol th zifimfasse opwgb lombbi block 3 v phone 27 mavlcnanr everytwfday ftpficeftni wea iblocfe 4 medw7al bbs slbafcfc pbyilttak ana bargeoa xray obrien ilyianctuaryijwherohe had gone up tosworship intaccordwithithewill of godatthatftjne v3ix tverse 2xhe sraphlms i each one hadsjxwingsne seraphim j4liaf- v jljoldfawwrcmiirch thebwiy of honoteduate of royal coue gg m thepstontdisp i office cor npkontf-lw- and main coroatr stor toxs coatjr a cjkbnnbdy chiropractor church street t mondayr-and- friday i ftol- stouffvill insurance ithomas birkett k general insurance agency stouffviue- ontario- batabushedli insurance in reliable companies at i i reasonable rates- j prompt service phone 25902 stouffville mo klinck phonp3jw7 stouffville pireamo burglar sickness and accident fidelltybdndsc rhe standard life- assurance vgo the pioneer of cariadlari lifeiinsraiicek mutual companyiwith il7 yearn strength j5onofgracatbe difference vitally affects thewmesticnof worship be- lorei the- cross fgodi recognized ai typicalvritualistlc- system the care ful observancet ofuwhich d6tha prescribed worship conected pvithithe sanctuary at jerusalem jesus told of a new meaning which yh worship oftgod was to take on asthe new- agacame fully- into hvlew there- are novc no sacred shrines of wood or stone nor do we havea special ordrof priests- to come between the people- and- god gorgeous- vestments- and sensuous services have no real place hvthe jworship of the church all is now spiritualthe true worshippers are those who have baen born from above aridso- are- enabled to wor ship god in spirit and in truth john 42324 that which lis merely of- the flesh though cultured and esthetic has no real place in such worship phii33 which lis the overflowing of grateful hearts as the lord jesus himself is before the soul and a realization of the glory and majesty of god over whelmsthe spirit worship should be distinguished from prayer in the sense of peti tion and from the ministry of the word though these may be definite ly connected with it for as we approach god our father in prayer our hearts go out to him in adora hon and praise and all truespirit ual ministry leads to worship in spirit and in truth verse by verse isa 6l in the yoar that king uzziah died i saw plso the lord uzziah died a leper because of his rashness in seeking to intrude into priestly functions from which the law definitely debarred himi 2 chron 261621 isaiahs vision tookplace mthe templethe earth- d atbeer v insurance ofcall kinds lethfcyiai inbusiness pbonepickerlng 5r22 experienceo snd-serviee- unexcelled v address brougham ont barristers t office pnonei v 3160 residence phone 3514 george coltham ontario land surveyor municipal and farm surveys and general engineering box 443aurora ph- 8q42 lveu oneill istoltwrvhillb funeral director and embalmer contindoua telephone service day nd night -stouffville- 9801 v arthur wsi grteeh- warter- solicitor k6tarpiiww 1- v a king- street kttt oshawaionmyy ftmentpartnervi office 0pouardkcli og p clridgevontariorr- phone office phone- residences phone 7 jelglrf7021 mot 6235 samuel d borins t-i- jz barrfsterrsoucttorrietcr- r c eoteidrtiebmi 62 richmond street weat rf go a elendinmo jg funtral olrwtor kmhjulancils4ifyjc wkhcimr qntorio rmwim9qata brierbush hospital government licensed under new management member of the allied private hhspital association main street eaststojiffyille i maternity medical and surgical day apdrnightservlce avs farmer licensed auctioneer york countuxbridgeandpicker ing tosshipsvfarnvstock ariufurnitufe sales a specialty y telephone stouffviue 7312 atdnatt taoctlerrsio areariofderof angelicministers of the grace ofrgodvas the cherubim are the executorsofhis judgment see ezeki 12 these gloriousibe- iigsjhave six wingsrrtwo tohide their faces as they worship before the throne two to cover their feet as they stand before the eternal majesty r and two- to fly as the representatives of the lord himself to carry the word of his grace to mankind i yerse 3 holyi holy holy is the lord of- hosts in their- song of praise- the seraphim express their adoration of the triune j god as they ascribe threefold holiness to him yho sits on the- throne of the uni verse and- fills the earth with his glory- verse 4 the posts of the door moved the house was filled with smoke the entire sanctuary was swayed by the manifest presence of the lord as the fragrant incense ascended heavenward typical of the united prayers- of the people of god psa 1412 ail of this oe- speaksacondition rend ing of the veil by which the way has now been opened into the holiest ofallheb 101923 verse 5 woe is me for i am a man of uncleanlips a sud den realization of the holiness of god- broughfwlth it a sense of isaiahs own for the divine presence he feltin hisinmostbe ing thathewas deliled and unclean even as long years- afterpeter the fishermanfeltiwhenconsciously in the- presence of the creator iricarn atekluke58 and as job felt when- a sense of the maiesty of jehovah burst upon his soul job 42 5 6 it is always thus when one comes tosucha recognition of the holiness power and majesty of god unclean lips eomefrom an unclean heait and this is part of our inherit ance from adam isialv confessed his own sinfulness and- that of all the peopleamong whom he moved for all hav esmed and come short of thfeglory of god rom 3 23 t versee a- live coal- from off the altar this spoke of- the con- sumedsacrifice asacrificethat pre figured tliepropitiatorywork of our lord jesus christ verse 7thineiniquity is taken away and thy sin purged when thei seraphim appkkl the glowing coaltothe seers lips he gave him the assurance of iniquity pardoned arid sin- cleansed away this assur- ance have now whorest in faith upon the fnished work of christ verse 8 her6am i send me after assurance- cf pardon and cleansing comes trueservice isaiah heardtheeah for one woarry qods message tp the people rejoicing m theconsqiousnessof acceptance bej foregodheresponiedgladly to the question put by the- lord himself nvhojwiuiofotrus eph5 15 work circumspectly our english word circumspectly means tolook in a that is to watch carefully where the feetare beingplaced in a world filled with pitfauvandsnares on every side how particular one needs tobe as to where he walks and how 4 verse 16 redeeming the time that is buying up oportunities for service the days are evil indeed and the christian should ever be on the lobkoutfor occasions of service for god aridin behalf of his fellow men verse 17 understanding what the will of the lord is it is only as we familiarize ourselves with the word of the lord that we shall understandhisrwill it is by patient study of the scriptures that we learn the mind land purpose of god and so areenabledto act in accord ance thsrewith verse 18 be not drunk with wine but be filled with the spirit a man under the influence of the spirit that dwells in the wine cup is takenout ofchlmself and acts contrary to his ordinary habits and behavior this- is- always iha de grading way- pro 233135 ima higher andholysehs the man who is under the cohtrollwgipower of the holy spirit isliftedaboye him self and enabled to do and say what he could not do or say in a merely natural state this should be the abiding experience- of all believers verse- 19 speaking singing and making melody in your heart this verse brings to us what is called congregational worship of course it may be applied to the individual as such buthis a fuller meaning when a number of christ ians come together at that time they express real worstup as they give utterance to the praises that well up intheir psalms may refer definitely to those found in holy scripture though not necessar ily so any ascription of praise is a psalm hymns are expressions of worship addressed directly to the deity spiritual songs are those that relate to spiritual experiences notice that themelody is to be pre eminently in the heart verse 20 giving thanks always for all things the true worshiper recognizes the goodness of godin ivery- detail of life and therefore can thank him- even for those things that are hard to endure and harder to understand for he knows that all are working together for good rom 828- verse 21 submitting your selves one to another- there can only be true fellowship in worship and service as we seek the good of all and sejfishnes ts judgedin the light of the grace of god as seen in the cross jxhe heaitolhajieasojlt both srthe passages s4fisci emphasizedfitness forservicetbul also suggest the importanceoof spiritual worship wfcichisyiin it self something far higher andjnuch more important that the most de voted service irifactll trueser vice shouldspring from thersplrit of worshi pi t is as we are occupied with godihimselfiasreyealecvln christ that wearefittedtodohls will in a scene of s5 contrariety where the flesh andthe devilare all arrayed against us y io meat market a jt sutherland v phone 1 clircmont r send toetribune to absent friends vresb indfcubjadmbats fresh i fish tin season -5- ld pls- s haveourtruckcalljon you inj goodwbodt andsdistrlctf on j wednesta3fc tfsm xwsatetovs 4 hg commercial tires madeoto- government regulation by responsible tire manufacturers 60016 1725 50020 1220 s 55017 1550 50019 rn75 55018 1410 44021 1125 double trumpet homes 695 fog lanips t 595 driving lamp3 w 595 tractor lights 495 leatherette cushions v i10 fibre cushions v i 95 shock absorber exchange service for carsfrom 1929to 1942- paris auto supply richmond hhiti ontario new wedencb gwice sfoufi ville meat market the once popular meat stand conducted bj mr- wm pitman is again open for business in the lawson block with new and experiencedbutchers ready to serve you with choice fresh and curedmeats -jv- wcwillappreciate ihosame liberal patronage that this enjoyed intlic past and promise the best possible service in retumt messrs miskelly ouellette we deliver telephone 279 x f t v mflfc pwy sellers atkinson ikfairj2pr-w2- phstouff 290 4 licensed auctioneers 25 years experience sales conducted anywhere special tzlngnn farm tockvi furniture and property sales all sales personallyflistedandjadvertlbed bills prepared arid posted promptsbrvlceiireason- able rates phonsrtse 8tonstlie clarke prentice phbnei aglncourtisa w3 mlulken v licensed auctioneer jor the of york and ontario successor- for- corpl ken preritlce of easpandofrthe late jhprenticeu formers prentice preritice farmland farni stock sales a specialty atfalrand-reason- awerates- ot- v siwdfpwhjb vox 1 f jrcmartjagrwaiwork p- j- l iilordewprwnpttir at i i if ecuur ii- i i i if fra t j riptelwhoae 7001 tow k c fg voj t- 1 nl hl sand and gravel i lf v choicest sand and gravel for u your t cement work delivered to your job nihitons j oravbeiptf 49tf phone 700 or 9 rtl i i m 4w fj- tfii lonc and hard s itzt p sr v t housands of 1 men arid- wpmen who- gave the ties t yearsof theiplives fighting 1 forusare nowlgoingioiit into the world as normal peaceloving canadians t j butthe road llackto civilian lire is long and t haidl the transformation of a man trained 48 i ti idt science of killing mrofapeaceruirciti- 1 to i lent cftnnot be accomplished overnight the period of j s readjustment and reestablishment is extreinelydifficult j i thafrii8iwny carrying on an exnsiyere jzjffltfl haltatipn programme it will better equipoui returned- ij- 1 men and women to open thedoors to opportunity in a wpttf- 3 j world at peace- but ourrehabilitation programme costs moneyalotofcmoney s canada must borrow this money from people like yourselvestloyal hardworking patrioticcanajiansout ofc incomes- ahdsavings yotw itorchase of bonds carries withit the highest prestige it places youalongside the fighting menwho baversignedthelr iname for victory buytwof instead ttonffandput your dollars to work ouevi fighting men along the long road back i v- thls by t0 c- i yv sigh your name for victory r j rv f v

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