k i ll w m u by staff correspondent xozao local dealersrmowders store and overlands store russel proiise landed at bis home on sept 19 taking everybody by complete surprise russel expects his discharge right away and then intends to continue his course at toronto university the goodfelldwship class and russ crelghton and his hand will surprise arrival their families of tko united ehurch be playing for the big dance in the enjoyed a social evening and cornt hall this friday night roast on friday at the home of mr mr and mrs jack morgan and and mrs melville johnson family of brooklin spent sunday rev i b kennedy motored to with the formers parents and sister beamsville last week and returned celebrating his birthday with a nice load of peaches- mrs morrison of toronto has j tt- srusisssross mbstatemeiif delegates from the baptist church here attended the opening of a new church in oshawa last week mr and mrs giles have been im proving their home here with the addition of a new rcof mr and mrs chas hardy have returned to their iome after visit ing at the home of their daughter mr and mrs b gibson of oshawa mr and mrs wid miller of osh awa formerly of claremont cele brated their 31st wedding annivers ary last week at their home mrs clarence pengelly of brook lin and miss jessie patterson of by s pickering assoc the charge made at the ratepay ers association of south pickering that the township is dependent on one police officer is a misstatement that will be apparent to most rate payers the fact is that in addition to constable irwin they liave avail able the county and provincial po lice officers stationed at oshawa and whitby and in addition to this there is a parttime officerconstable jack norton at claiemont this setup would indicate that mi tiu pickering township is perhaps bet- toronto called on friends here one ter policed than any other township family of four share barn with 6000 chicks day last week mr and mrs dave pugh spent last week at their cottage in the north country the army show is coming to claremont under auspices of the community park board in october mr and mrs dick johnson of toronto visited at the home of mr and mrs david pugh on sunday mr and mrs james coates and mr and mrs evans ward attended in the whole county of ontario medical man was claremont native a medical practitioner at 21 carl ton st toronto for 53 years dr ie 1acrvounedeodlesgathenng james edward forfar s8 died sat- amrai hom t obstetrician rev templeton of toronto and child specialist he had been mr appleby and son of wingham active until recent years when he v sited last week at the ward was stricken with blindness ka homes here mrs alan fryer of toronto visit ed last sunday at the home of her parents mr and mrs evans ward a baptismal ssrvice will be held nexi sunday evening in the baptist church under the leader ship of the green river baptist church mrs gordon ratcliff of stouffville visited at her home here on friday m douglas and brother bruce now at orangeville were back in town one day last week robt lcggitt of aurora visited with his mother mrs jas leggitt on sunday mr and mrs stanley robbins of peterboro were visitors with mr and mrs thos gregg during the weekend y the regular october meeting of pickering township cquncil will be held in the township office on mori- day 0ct 1st operations werehalted for about an hour at the claremont canning co plant on monday morning when a water pump failed but service was soonrestored and work re sumed there were nearly i thirty peelers keeping the line moving on monday with another half dozen on the capper and packing the plant began putting through this years crop last friday and canned over 400 cases the first day dr forfar was born at claremont he graduated from uxbridge high school and taught school for six j the ajax markoteria ajax own years for some time at glasgow by ross murison of pickering continue to urge larger police force in pickering twp work of constable jack irvine is highly praised it is monstrous to think that in a township of this size with a pop ulation of over 11000 people our only protection rests on the should ers of a lone police officer it is up to this group to work for greater police protection so declared horace brown re elected president of the pickering ratepayers association at the annual meeting this week he praised the lone work of officer jack irvine and suggested to rate payers there should be three full- time police officers under him we should have a centrally located police headquarters also he said the president stated the aim of the association was to abolish sec tionalism in the township he urged the group to work for every part of the district instead of for their own individual sections two rob beries in as many weeks took place in 1ss9 he graduated from victoria college and the following year from the university of toronto later taking postgraduate work in new york he served two terms as a trustee with the toronto bcrd of education a great lover of music dr for far compiled a system of teaching music which became known as the forfar kindergarten system he was a staunch supporter of the tem perance cause and was a member of sherbourne st united church his first wife phoebe ann for syth forfar died in 1929 surviving are his wife hester nicols whitney forfar and two daughters mrs frank bowden and mrs chancey johnson both of toronto brougham fc v is a visits old home after many years marion maxene love daughter of mr bert love who recently visited i the village after many years ab- sehce dropped into claremont her self the other day and viewed for the first time since she was an in fant of some six months her old home where she was cared for by her grandparents mr and mrs nicholas burton marion loves mother died when she was a baby and her father was overseas fighting in world war i the house is that now occupied by mr and mrs jas briscoe plumbing trouble closes school a plugged drain from the girls washroom in the claremont school forced the institution to close down last week from wednesday to fri- day fletcher- goudie who operates a plumbing business at altona re- paired the trouble claremont footballers final test saturday claremont soccer boys who com- prise most of the ajax team will meet the canadian general electric toronto- team in a sudden death semifinal game at earlscourt park in the city on saturday ajax team finished in the third- place with cgeat the top okaiser trophy won by oshawa the kaiser trophy was won by an oshawa contestant mr mc- millan in the tournament of mens doubles played on the local greens winners were 1st high for 3 wins mr mcmillan of oshawa 2nd high for 2 wins mr goodman oshawa 3rd high for 2 wins mr fred ward claremont 4th high for 1 win mr whiteoshawa mrs lloyd white of the 7th con enjoyed a few days visiting with her sisters- at their- summer home on portage island georgian bay mrs w e holtby has been some what indisposed during the past few weeks her many friends hope soon to see her around again in her usual way mr and mrs wm ellicott and miss p brrctt were sunday guests at the home of mr murray barrett of pickering mr and mrs c p dobson of beaverton were recent guests of mrs geo philip miv albert harvey of toronto is spending a few weeks with lus par ents mr and mrs bert harvey mr and mrs wilson and daugh ter of glen sutton quebec have been holidaying with mr and mrs gilman mrs thos n sr does not improve but remains in a serious condition mr russel grayhas completed his work at research inteprise and is now ready to serve the public at his home here in radios etc give him a call the friendly bible class are holding their next meeting on mon day evening oct 1st at the home of mr and mrs ralph holtby the womens institute are spon soring a dance in the hall en fri day evening sept 28th barrets orchester inattendance lunch pro vided i miss dorothy harlock and friend miss m beck of the stouffville teaching staff accompanied by mr and- mrs m- harlock attended lindsay fair last week mr and mrs m hamilton were recent guests of mr and mrs c balsdon of pickering ah kindsof fruit appearsto be scarce in this district but mr lloyd whiteinforms us he market- edover one hundredand fifty bas kets of plums this year lac wm moore rcak son of mr harvey moore has returned from the west coast and is getting his discharge right away mr harry knox of toronto spent the weekendwith his parents mr and mrs wm knox mrs wright of georgetown called on her brother albert beer on sun day early in the morning of august 12 thieves stole from there goods valued at 233 and then led police on a merry chase from ajax to whitby and back to near the scar- boro high school on the second occasion two men entered the back door lata tuesday evening but took only a few cigarettes 4 on sunday september 9 a pony belonging tc lawrence davis the third horse stolen in this township m three years disappeared from his field andturned up about a mile away meyer ellison of toronto was locked up by chief irvine and remanded by w c murkar jp the following night a third attempt was made to steal the coupe belong ing to mrs dolmage but the cul prits wore frightened away in time other officers- elected were r white of rouge mill first vice- president askidmore rouge hill second vicepresident e hannah dumbarton recording secretary mrs t jacobs of dunbarton secre tary and mrs w hume dunbar ton treasurer w payne mrs r white mrs e hannah w mc lean and j skidmore were elected to the executive committee going to bed with the chickens is almost literally true for a family of four near hamilton ont who share a barn with 6000 chickens after buying a farm tenants in the house refuse to move two members of the family are shown feeding their bedmates ing from whitevale this is a worthy cause worthy of your supreme support miss anna percy of markham gave a missionary talk to the pupils of the first baptist church sabbath school when the school held mis sionary sunday on sept 23 in the church service that followed mr heauchose his text from acts the second chapter all are welcome to sunday school and church iser- vices mrs a e fleming entertained at a birthday dinner on sunday last there were weekend guests at the fleming home who were mr and mrs charles nevin of toronto miss betty nevin of montreal and miss jean fleming guests in whitevale over the past weekend were miss virginia tmajor of oshawa and miss audrey sel- way toronto little walter and shirley smythe who have been residing a tthe home of mr and mrs n randall for nearly three years bade goddbye to all their friends here and left for montreal where thry will make their new home everyone will miss walter and shirley miss peggy tweedie visited with her sister mrs barclay of clare mont on sunday we wish to ask those who give news for printing to your corres pondent to write the same on slips of paper and sign the slips with your name please have all names and dates correct as this will avoid a great deal of embarrassment we have been given several wrong items and dates of late which have caused confusion to all concerned we are glad to have as much news as possible for it shows that white- vale is a wide awake town but please have all information correct the whitevale united church ser vice will be withdrawn on sunday sept 30 in respect of locust hill united church anniversary world wide communion sunday will be observed in locust hill cherrywood and whitevale church es on sunday october 7th ings will be held in the homes of our people under the leadership of rev mr j mclachlan features of these fireside meetings will be the singing of old time hymns brief prayers and a series of talks given by mr mclachlan on the bible how we get our bible when and where was it written why and for whom it was written etc the first meeting will be held in the home of mrs wm michell a community corn roast was held on saturday evening sept 22 on the property of mr campbell an thony when f o bob buckles and his friends entertained there was a singsong around the camp fire and then the crowd gathered in the foof hall where they danced commencing on wednesday oct i until midnight about seventyfive 2nd at 8 pm semimonthly meet- people- were present buckwheat wanted contact us for best prices reesors marmill ltd phone 96 markham n still good cook after four ykaks ix atkforce william moore son of mr harry moore who resides just west of brougham off no 7 highway has been discharged from the rcaf after serving for four years and one month in the fire fighter service billy and father reside alone on fifty acres and this son who has been away so long is back again to handle the culinary duties of the house which he is said to do with a deftness hat would nut many a blushing bride to shame billy is reputed to be one of the best cooks in the neighborhood he has just returned from six weeks at the pacific coast arid has served at centralia borden and trenton a brother jack was re cently discnarged from the army whitevale by mrs k parks xoe aoi xoexoe xoe aoi high prices for live poultry v further notice we are paying the following prices for live poultry delivered tf our pjaiit inwhitby topgrkbeiheavyfowl- lii- 23 top gjb fos lte top grade under4 y topgrade broilers 24o 3 lbs v top grade roastingchiekeas over 4lbs topgrade roasting chickens under 4j4- lbs- 1 top grade heavy capohsover slba 23c lb 21c lb lsfclk 28c lb 28c lb 26clb sognfc v whitbyjvjtelephone vhitby s3jsf k01ari6 vf xoemx many whitevale residents atten ded the corn roast held last satur day evening in wilsons parkgreen river rev mr and mrs j mclachlan welcomed home their son john from oyerseasservice recently mr mclachlun and his young wife and son brian were here visiting for a while mr and mrs arthur heal and little daughter donna are staying with mr and mrs j heal and fam ily miss barbara buckles entertain ed guests at a birthday party on saturday sept 22 there were six teen guests present mrs robert melrose miss kath- ryn turner and mrs jas griffin may be congratulated on their birthdays too mr and mrs w a hilts visited recently in port perry mrs charles hilts enjoyed a visit from her father mr raymer of cedar grove mr and airs stanley evans were out of town for a week twentyfour persons were pre sent at the home of mr and mrs draper green river on friday evening sept21 forcottage prayer meeting under the fellowship of the green river baptist church and thefirst baptist church white vale this coming friday evening sept 28 cottage prayer meeting will be held in markham at the home of mr andmrs w j turner mlssjruth hutchings green river will be the devotional leader come bring a friend and your blble and increase the attendance at these evenings of worship jv any good used t and blankets you have for thena- ttonal cloihingcolfectlori will be gratefully- received by mrs n- ran dall who is looking after the cloth- even through your hydro- makes electricity available to you in ontario at a very low cost it is important that you pay only for the amount of power- that you actually use the electric meter on duty in your home is your protection against paying for more than you consume every one of some 800000 meters in ontario is tested and certified by a dom- inion government- inspector at regular intervals to assure complete accuracy electric meters are among the finest of jewelled precision instruments av constantly true as the fine tt watch flyourproiectioii hydro installs a separata meter exclusively for your own l y rl household ha vinga meter of your own is the only possible way to be sure thai you only pay for the electricity which you use imagine buying food from a mer chant who weighs several peoples orders at the same time and splits tke cost evenly regardless of thesizeof the ordersl you want your orcler weighed individually when you buy food when you use electricity your meter assures accurate individual measurement low cost hydro service in offers amazing comforts and jlif0 i o ontario eonven- iencesfopyour protection so that you will pay for only the amount of hydro you actually use a government inspected meter is installed for your own household exclusively the hydro electric power commission of ontario k7mri v tkh igsfecfisc- jvrt jm vi graawsjaeaes