m 1 1 1 l in r 3- rv- a k i 12 1 j it v i 1 row m j 1 thetribune stouffville i r- is ci first peacetime honeymoon season is swinging into its stride at niagara kails ont americans by thescore like pte and mrs vic roventini brooklin ny cross the bord er officials believe this will be the biggest in five years of honeymoons no time during the war servicemen are now having their honeymoon at the falls pte bob mccallum wallace- burg ont about to hoist his bride into a surrey times may change but you can always pick out the honeymooners story about sugar the problem of how to provide mankind with enough sugar pops up from time to time in human his tory and usually some satisfactory solution is found napoleon offered a prize for the extraction of sugar from native products and sure enough one of his scientists came through with the answer sugar from beets more than a hundred years after napoleons time we have answered the sugar shortage by pooling our resources inter nationally true that does not pro vide all the sugar we could use but it gives everyone enough for their basic needs so the united states great britain and canada divided up the available sugar supply and on a manforman basis canada was given 5 of the worlds supply for her share now it has been urged that if we increased our best sugar crop there would be plenty of sugar for all canadians but since we are pool ing all our sugar on a share-and- share alike basis with other countries such an increase would only give us a tiny amount per person more something like l50th of it pound per year at the most furthermore even if the labor was available for the sugar beet indus- have you registered your children for v4 xj as s1- ft i 1200000 families have already registered for family allowances approximately 100oooiamiiieswhoare entitled to register and who will benefit ba ve rtotyet registered family allowances cheques will be mailed in july if you want to receive your first cheque register now if you delay your registra tion any longer it may not be possible to deal with your application in time to send you the first cheque if you have children under 16 and if your income is under 3000 a year you will benefit from family allowances if you have not registered and intend to do so please act at once family allowances registration forms have been mailed to every family they can be obtained at the nearest post office or by writing to ithe regional director of family allowances in the capital of your province familv allow finczz income tax the family allowances act was passed parliament approved the principle that there should be no duplication of benefits by way of famir and income tax credits for the samecbild wsyi jfamily allowances cheques will be paid in full eirerjmbnth but for the last six months of 1945 an adjustment will be made to avoid duplication of benefits the table below shows the effect of this adjustment and will enable tax- payers to determine the extent to which they will benefit from family allowances table showing effect of adjustment for 1945 v amount of taxable income nol over 1200 over 1200 but not over 1400 f 1400 1600 1600 1800 lj0o 2000 20oo 2200 220o 2400 24004 2600 r 2600 2800- percent by which taxpayers will beneficfrom family allow aoces in addition to present income lax crediu for 1945 7 2800 3000 i 3000 100 90 80- 70 60 50 30 20 10 0 of he- actual family allowances rocolved in ho year 1945 the benefits the family allowances act was passed to help equalize opportunities for children the monthly allowances will assist in providing medical dental and nursing services better food better clothing and shelter family allowances are additional to dependents allowances for servicemens families and military pensions furthermore family allowances are not taxable you do not add these monthly payments to your total income when computing your income tax in the column at left is an explanation of the relationship between family allowances and income tax deductions for children from the table given you can determine quickly the extent to which you will benefit register now if you intend to apply for family allowances but have not already done so please act at once in the interests of your children remember thefirst cheques will be mailed in july but only to to those who have registered and are eligible to receive family allowances notrttli table applies i r a persons for u i i tmatl nambtr of aincle persons nnm ttf me o be obtained from the regional director of family allowances in each protfodal capital or m i v scale of monthly allowances for the first four children for each child under 6 500 from 6 lo 9 inclusive i 600 00 800 where there ate more than four children under 16 in the family the monthly allowance for each child after the fourth will be reduced j accordance with the prorisioos of the family allowances act from 10 to 12 inclusive from 13 lo 15 inclusive puhmwuitrit4aorbjaf bmooncuct0mwsrsr otpartemsfnoheksomewelhotim uvav vjxiifr i ts if j try whldyifapnarentlyisnt in the large numbers necessary toinm i crease the production substantially i we kept what we produced then our exports of cane sugar would be cut down- accordinglybut cine sugar in many respects is a necess ity the shortage of sugar is world wide but with the problem being handled as carefully and fairly as it is we may be certain of one thing the amount of sugar allotted to each canadian is as much as can possibly be allowed at the present time after all- we are all in it to gether nation by nation with our belts pulled in exactly the same number of notches dance at sunny valley east side musselmans lake opening evening saturday june 9th ever- saturday thereafter popular and old ty me music good prizes w l mcintosh 64 management john wilson of toronto ont has been named to the ontario high court of justice to replace mr justice a w greene who has been moved to the court of appeal at 44 mr justice wilson is the youngest judge on the supreme court bench a former newspaper man he studied law with the late hon n v rowell then chief justice of the province talk man to man sectionalism must be ended the ottawa jouiiuil may 17th no one will accuse john bracken of from both sides of his mouth at the same time in ottawa on tuesday night may 15 he declared that sectionalism must be ended and went on to say everyone regardless of racil origin must be regarded as a canadian sharing equally the rights and obligations of citizenship both in peace and war earlier on the same day mr bracken speaking to pro gressive conservative candidates in quebec who met him in montreal said tell them the nation will expect from them all to he canadians after june 11 tell them each of us will be equal in canada equal in the rights we enjoy and equal in the responsibilities we share tell them their constitutional rights of religion and language and civil code will be scrupulously respected tell them tkey will be denied no rights enjoyed by other canadians tell them the nation will expect from them no more either in peace or war than it expects from others but that it will expect as much tell them we mean to preserve confederation tell them it can be preserved on a basis of equal rights for all and equal responsibilities for all in time of war as well as in time of peace tell them that on the basis of such a policy they can face the world and the future and their child- reris future with confidence and without fear and that is no other just way by which the objective of orderly progress for us all in canada can be achieved what bitterness strife misunderstanding and distrust might havebeen saved in this country if more leaders of- our political parties had spoken thus honestly during the past 25 years instead of appeal to quebecs canadianism and selfrespect to her sane and moderate elements there was catering to her baser elements appeasement of her extremists crucifixion of those saner frenchcanadians who realized that quebecs place was by the side of thd other provinces in equality of rights and responsibilities v worse there was failure among english canadians to punish those among them who to prosper their political fortunes appealed basely to quebec it was politically pros perous to mislead and deceive quebec to preach disunity or what was more reprehensible a unity that was false and so we had the spectacle of englishspeaking canada placing a premium on racial appeals to quebec by support of the political party which more than any other- made such things its stockintrade to get an overall majority in all of canada through a solid bloc in quebec was good partybusiness mr tbrackens rejection of such discreditable tactics his straight honest talk to quebec comes like a breath of fresh air for that talk alone for what it tells of his integrity as a man- he deserves the suport of the country compare with the muddling and double talk of mr mckenzie king consider the confusion and disunity created by- mr king when pressed for a forthright manpower policy he said he would have a plebicite to determine the wishes of the people the plebicite costs the people of canada a tremendous sum every province but quebec voted yes but mr king ignored ihv wishes of the people except in quebec and said no during his regime he appointed a defence minister and a commanding officer overseas when the commanding officer genmcnaughton failed to fit into the overseas picture he was let out following disclosures by major smythe and colonel drew the defence minister was sent overseas and when he returned with constructive recom- mendationshe was let out and the commanding officer who had previously been let out was installed- in the position of minister of defence when the people of north- gray voted against mcnaughton mr king continued to ignore the wishes of the people he insisted on keeping a yesman in this highly important post mr king gave the people nothing constructive before the war and permitted pitiful conditions to exist among the labouring class and the unemployed- these are just a few of the many cases which could be mentioned to show the manner in which mr king has ignored the wishes of the people of canada he has been in power so long that he has pretty well absorbed the old liberal party and does just about as he as an individual selfish politician pleases under a progressive conserva- tive- government the newest party with a new leader and a new policy these unnecessary conditions disunity con fusion junemployment bread lines and the blocking of the peoples wishes will be dpne away with and in their place we wilf have social securityprosperity full employment and freedom of action on june 11th in north york vote earl toole published by the north york progressive conservative ja vi m tit v j j y ivv j v im m