nffvihaatiryyv is- k i -p- i- ccf 6- j w- is- loo- la- wit labour the c c f with the assistance of hepburn formed the now famous social stcommumsthephurn block interfered to the st withthe progressive conservative labour plans and finalbr sesrn stionf they offer government monopolyand regi- contrary to the best interests of labour the farmer here again this socialist group frightened of good legisla tion delay and hampered as much as possible theconstruc- t s of the government theyjffer government mono- contrary to the best interests of the farmer credit the ccf government in saskatchewan tried for thirty davs to dispose of one million dollars in bonds of their own crea tion thetime had to be extended after another thirty days they managed to dispose of them within the limits of that prwieby methods best known to themselves- but quite well known to others under the ccf ontarios credit would be destroyed contrary tothe best interests of labour the farmer and -industry- promises v the c cf will offer every thing and anything in order that thev may set up a system of state socialism under which labour the farmer small business and industry will be handed ofev to a- central bureaucracy no amount of camouflage or double talk should be permitted tofool us about it socialism f in ontario cannot work ial fnj labour vr hepburn fought labourthe unions throughout his several j years as premier of ontario he knows that ladour contnbu- ted to histovertlirow and will notforgetr 1xfwxrmer v had all those years in office todo the things he nowpromisesttfthefarmer he hindered and gave no help h and hv knows the farmer contributed- to his overthrow he ptwwill not forget george drew labour the progressive conservative party under george drew has passed more good labour legislation in 18 months than the hepburn party hasever passed social reforms social security social welfare holidays with pay limits on working hours bet ter wage standards and- many othter highly desirable acts too numerous to mention herein all have been passed by your government headed by georgie drew despite the mterference and blocking attempts of the socialistcommunisthepburn arrangement the progressive conservative party is labours west friend and with a clear majority for the next term there is substantially more that this party will be able to do for labour the farmer here again the ccfhepburncommunist block did they could to interfere but the progressive conservativteparty haskept faith withthe farmer and will continue to do so with a clear majority for the next term the progressive conserva tive party under the leadership of george drew will accom plish much more in the interests of thte farmer credit under the progressive conservative government the peo ples government a fifteen million dollar loan was recently and qiiicky refinanced in new york at an interest rate of l per cent this is the kind of credit necessary for a government pledged to social reform social security and social welfare and to an extensive rehabilitation program for our war veterans do not confuse social reform social securityand social welfare with socialism- on the one hand with a progressive conservative- government we retain our frieedom of action on the other hand under a ccf socialist group we lose our freedom of action j t- promises tke progressive conservative government under the leadership of gfeorge drew substitutes policy- and action for promises and assures the people of ontario that there will be no discrimination against any class or race discrimination iin europe led to unthinkable crime and disaster we dont want it here to support a common sense program and workable reform we in north york must back the progressive conservative government and on i pp credit i-bi- hepburn did not seriouslymnterfere with ontario s borrow- ing power althdughhe was treadingon very thin ice hedid v injure the credit of individual farmers rivpromises v hepbur is great on promises he muddles and when j3vf lying back and forth from one camp to another reminds one of ili the battle the birds arid beasts m f vsublished by thenerth york progressive conservative association pr v- r v y y4 ftp wm ify tvrvvv its tvv- i st vairfbrce usedlandvnew equipment was held in the aurora arena- on friday anda crowd wason notvwiaelyad- consequently only local peoplearound aurora had a chance tobuy p f ryan toronto and gordon philips were the auctioneers and they- had no difficulty finding cus tomers prices were generally thought to be bargains folding tables went for 50 cents as did folding benches and most local church and club organizations are now well stocked for the future large granite stewj- kettles brought 75 cents rubber ground sheets 25 cents- large winter bags 37 up tents 6 4 there were many buyers and in view ofthe fact the town council has made the arena premises avail able to thercoc depot free of charge until next fall it is thought likely several nioie such sales will orother businesses- through the t ammb hgtro hppn pvfivi3 nf sapllrifv thftv half vcart efwjgaruekjisaa former x ployeeji of j the 1 bankof toronto heretisa digest ofjhis fightor mdepndencedespiteterriflei physicjainandicapsvirepriritedin digest f form froin the globe and mailtoronto yil weigh 50 pounds my 3iands ate crippled with arthritis i navevno legs no means of locomotion except a wheelchair and a motor car yet i run my own business and make asuccessof it my gripe the doctors tell me is political indigestion it is directed at all these longhaired socialists running up and down the country with plans for this and plans for that and a master plan for every- body my gripe concerns ccf attacks on banks railroads packers big business and the little business euphemistically called monopolies and the inability or unwillingness of these institutions to speak up in their own defense a what i want my neighbors at every back concession and any fellowveterans of the last war to realize is that i am alive today and a successful farmer and stockman because one of these ccf-cursed- profitproud monopolistic instito- tions a bank for which i worked until i became incapacitated stud with me through thick and tfiinlj i am a former bank employee whose health was shattered asa result of woundsintheastwar have had nine j attacks of pheumoniaci courit the blood transfusionsby the score- i pperatea550acre farm near- cobden oht not as a hobby but as a business and i makeitpayi have a herd of 60 shorthorn cattle and i am going to have more if i can succeed hd- i have succeeded with no legs crippled arms and a wasted body what is there that cannot be done by an- ablebodied man in tms country ours provided pur system goes oii- without revolutionary changes r the ccf attacks everythingthat has helped me in my- success- it says so many things that oughttos be answered about banks and the other monopolies as it calls them just why the banks dont give the answers i dont know but i have some of the answers and i am going to make them when 1 my war wounds finally caught up with me and resulted in a series of illness the banktbok care w of me- i dont supposethe bank t would like me to say how much lthas spent on me during the iongyearsof my manysurgial operations andf heavy medicalreacil penses -suffice- to say that iwas- treated handsojnelyvand am alive j today chiefly because of the banks consistent determination to help stawby v if i know something about farm- ing i know alottob about bank ing andmyblood pressure rises every hear ccf talk about 1 nationalizing the banks we have in canada the best bankingsystem in the world but just let the socialists get their hands on it and we wilt soon have the worst to hearccf spokemen you would thiiilt all bankers are fisheyed gents with a perpetual no on- their lips biit i know that is a lot of twaddle not onlyare banks full of human menthey are headedbymenwhd started at the bottom and climbed to the top- during my years with h and i refer particularly to those black depression yearsi 193233 it was my dutyto call on farmersand others who were indifficulty not v because they were not doing their job but because bf shrunken foreign markets 1 came into con- tact with many farmers and nessmen where weheld security which if- exercised could jthrow thorn but in the road did we do this 1 tell you honestly not in one instance- i- s at this time being an inspector i consulted myl principals and asked them ifthejrwere desirous of going into the farmingbusiness be held no- figures- have been issued as to the a realized attack on the institutions that have made it possible for me to be inde pendent and a business success i am not a rich man and my farm is not a show farmr i have never- borrowed five cents from the bank for farming operations the opportunity to succeed and in greater measure- is open to any one any one can do this without state planing from ottawa i succeeded riot because i was a former- banker but because i was determineduo succeed arid be independent that has beeftthe glory of canada in the pastva r rv v exercise of security they held here was tlieir short reply gartley if you think these nvehare honest and- you are looking at them with h eyes do everything within your power co keep them on the landor in business and- we will stand by your judgment arid this was done j i dont want a bunchofprofes- sors economists and statisticians in ottawa deciding whether i can plantmyback 50 acres in alfalfa or oya bedrisi want to run myown life despite riiyphysicarhandicaps all this talk pfplansand planners government c6mrriissi6risyriatioria- lized industry andzfinancertleaves me coldndjmaditjsjust a bunch of hooey dangled jinifrbntrpfthe ithecanadian ysyl oflife hasvptersljwith ithehopeithatsoriie without farming experienceandisjbvereverythirigthanas a complete physical cripple to build ed toimy business independence 1 in eight andstandsreadjtpfserveeyery years jsgood eriouglitokeepiwlth- svnsible 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