Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 12, 1945, p. 2

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j v sfpp5p the tribune stoufifville ont thursday april 12 1945 a- established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario subscription kates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan son publishers five out of every ten in rural areas another four to five in urban centres and onetotwo in settlements of less than 1000 at once it is evident that the nature and occupation of the country the settlement it offers will always take a large share of humanpower and of the wealth which it produces in- the very costly task of merely servicing the nation just the maintenance of roads railways transport and communications cannot but be heavy in a land whose physical features will always keep population widely and sparsely settled notes and comments the canadian federation of agriculture discussions seeking to explore the possibilities of some form of international federation of farm producers will take place in canada during the next few weeks when a party of six representatives of british producer organizations now touring the dominion will confer with canadian pro ducer organizations under the auspices of thev canadian federation of agriculture the british group will also con- fer with leaders of american farm organizations in a meet ing to be held in washington april 19th in his first public statement in canada made at mon treal mr turner head of the british visiting party said we are confirmed in the belief that a wellplanned and prosperous world of agriculture accompanied by the dis tribution of the worlds primary products is the foundation for world prosperity and peace we hope by this visit to effect a much closer understanding between the primary producers of canada and ourselves and are seeking com plete collaboration in approaching the problems facing us in the postwar era in our visit we are discovering that problems which to us several thousand miles away seem insurmountable by complete frankness and exchange of views have almost melted away the speeders again the constable is urged to put on the pressure against motorists who persist in speeding through stouffville at a reckless pace or over the limit of thirty miles more offend ers are reported travelling into town from the west than anywhere else if warnings are not sufficient a deluge of summonses may be expected to issue last spring more people were fined for speeding in town than in any five years and it appears that such action on the part of the constable is the only thing that will be heeded once it was considered smart to drive fast and beyond the limits of- the law but we are firmly of the belief that it takes more brains to move carefully than to speed in an irresponsible way not all offenders are outoftown people hence a word to the wise should be sufficient may we dare to hope that sunday speeders and week day offenders will consider this matter and act wisely- how the nation is divided so few people care to read statistics especially of a national scope such as we have been surveying for a purpose recently yet here are a few simple statements that are speaking of canada and the working adult obligation contained in the over all total of eleven million people we arrest your attention this way really statistical yet so very interesting that you may well take the two minutes or less to read on to the end eleven and a half million we are with nearly 30 per cent under 14 years of age exactly 4 per cent over 70 years a sixth of the latter of whom are still working in other words there are over a third whose work has not begun or whose work is done and therefore under 8 million in the contributing age range of 14 to 70 years of these how ever nearly half a million even in wartime are still students though over 14 years of age and another quarter of a million mostly young girls would be living at home v there are about 2 million home-makers- over 900000 of them rural so our working potential comes down to 4 to 43j4 ofwhom 300000 were on active service at the last census june 1941 this would not appear to be an unreasonable total at which tfo keep our armed forces for some considerable postwar period the canadian population will dwell and work four to nazis postwar organization as the great armies battle on the fronts of europe in a determined effort to bring to an end the tragedy which devastated the world the curtain is already beginning to go up on the next act in the horrible nightmarish nazi play writes raymond a davis in saturday night the nazis know now they have lost this war but even now they are preparing for the next one and this preparation is something that must be taken into account traces of it can be seen everywhere wherever the germans have been or wherever they have succeeded in establishing open or secret agencies their black hand can be seen sensed or felt but in germany and in all formerlyoccupied countries and on ostensibly neutral soil in such countries as spain argentina and possibly sweden nazi groups of assassins and saboteurs will continue to operate the- nazi virus has become deeply imbedded in the body politic of the world and if the world doesnt act ruthlessly to exterminate it it will gather fruits which will disturb the normal life of man kind for a long time yugoslavia is a good example during recentweeks the yugoslav government has unearthed a widespread con spiracy inspired by gestapo agencies and operating through intransigent chetniks and followers of nedich etlyotich which aimed at disturbing the peace of serbia and making worse the economic and political situation in every way investigation revealed that terrorist groups had been prepared in special schools to enter liberated yugo slavia arid work for civil war andprepare for the german spring offensive itwas their task to disrupt communica tions to blow up factories to disorganize supply routes and by all means possible provoke discontent iv i- sunday school lesson lesson for april 15 golden text by faith abraham when he was called obeyed and he went out not knowing whither he went hcb 118 the lesson as a whole approach to the lesson the story of abraham occupies a large part of the book of genesis including most of chapters 1126 to 2511 he is referred to again and again throughout other portions of the word of god and two designa- tions are given him which distin guish him from all others he is called the friend of god jas 2 23 isa 41 8 and the father of all that believe rom 411 16 god has thus put signal honor upon this man whose memory both christ ians and jews revere and vhom mohammedans reverence as the father of ishmael the progenitor of the arabian tribes abraham was born in an idola trous home josh 24 2 3 in a pagan city and landi ur of the chaldees gen 1128 to him when a young man god revealed himself and commanded him to leave his parents and native country and go out- to a land yet to be shown him note that this com mand came before he dwelt in haran acts 723 evidently upon making this known to his father terahhedecided to go along and- so took allhis household to haran a halfway house as it were from which no further move was made to obey in full the divine command until after terah was dead then abram as he was called at that time obeyed and went on to canaan here he dwelt- among the people as a stranger he was characterized by two things a tent and an altar speaking of pilgrim- age or strangership and worship gen 128 133 4 tohim god jtgavethepromlse that in him and in hlsseed which was christ -f- gal 316 tells us all nations should be blest gen 22 18 in due time isaac- was bbrh arid he became the fathefiof jacob from whom came the twelve patriarchs- the projenl- tors of the nation of israel famine drove them down to egypt until in- process of time god raised tup moses to lead them out of- that land of bondage and on to the borders of palestine into which they enter ed under the leadership of joshua verse by verse gen 121 now the lord had said unto abram- note the expres sion had said it was before not after they left ur of the chaldees that this word came to abram he was commanded to leave not only his country but all his kindred to go to a land which god would show to him it is evident that in the beginning there was not sufficient fajth or understanding- to enable him toactupon this so he allowed his father terah to take the lead and as a family theyleft tlie land of their nativity and went on to haran where they remained until after terahs death when the original instruction he had received was remembered and acted upon and abram led the way to the land of canaan verse 2 i will bless thee and thou shalt be a blessing mar- velously have these words been fulfilled after the lapse of nearly four millenniums abrahams name is a household word in every civilized land and through him un told blessing has come to innumer able people who have profited through the revelation and fulfill ment of the promise given to him- acts 74 from thence when his father was dead he removed him into this land these words and those that follow from the part of stephens historical sketch of gods dealings with the patriarchs and with israel when he made his great defense before the jewish sanhedrin he emphasizes the fact that it was not until after terah had passed off the scene that abram fully obeyed the command of god verse 5 he gave him none inheritance- in it yet he prom ised that he would give it to him and to his seed after him it is not as though gods word has failed the promise shall yet be made good god gave the land to abram and his seed and that un conditionally the day will come when they shall dwell in it in peace never to be driven out again verse 6 his seed should sojourn in a strange land and theyshould bring them into- bond age four hundred years to abram the lord revealed the course thatwould be taken with israel his children their descent toegypt the evil days that would come uponthem until four cent uries would elapse this covers the entire period from isaacs birth to the exodus for- during all that time the seed of the promlsehad known nm persecution and borne- the ill will of those who knew not the plan of god regarding them verse 7 the nation to whom they shall be in bondage will il judge and after that they shall come forth arid serve me in this place all- had been foreseen by him to whom the future is as the present and all was duly fulfilled verse 12 jacob heard that there was corn in egypt it was this that resulted in the whole family leaving palestine and immi grating to egypt where joseph was waiting to greet them and give them a goodly inheritance verse 13 at the second time joseph was made known to his brethren like our blessed lord of whom he is a type joseph was disowned and dispised by his brethren even on their first visit to egypt they did not recognize in the prime minister of that land the brother whom they had treated so basely but the second time he re vealed himself to them so will it be when a greater than joseph jesus christ the rejected one appears the second time and they will look in amazement arid in deep penitenca upon- the face of him whom once they spurned v verse 14 then sent joseph and called his father jacob to him and all his kindred their blessing came through the brother they had set at nought and sold to the ishmaelites even as israels future blessing will come through him whose messianic claims they once denied verse 15 so jacob went down into egypt arid died he and our fathers s gods word to abram was fulfilled literally and the way for the rest of the prophecy dealing with the affliction of israel was prepared god always fulfills his word exactly as given verse 16 laid in the sepulchre that abraham bought it was the will of god that the patriarchs who had dwelt in tents in canaan should be buried there to await the hour of resurrection when their seed shall inherit the land and dwell in it throughout the years of the kingdom of christ on earth verse 17 when the time of the promise drew nigh god has a definite time for the fulfillment of every promise israel became a nation of slaves suffering under ilji jt x stanley theatre box office opens daily 630 pm two showing each night children matinee sat 5c regular admission 20c and 3se friday and agr3 astory of the greatness of just foiks don ameche- frances dee harry carey ann rutherford also iii k sthr11ust 011 the 5 gei1e hutrv smiley burnette bill henrt cdith fellows louise currie seorqe ernest kiomiiinvitnj vs monday and tuesday april 16 and 17 vvednesda and thursday april 18 and 19 c jtheyre watching sarongs go by in paramounts musical xvs- ralph murphy 7sctftfc0wr starring dorothy lahour- eddie bramtj- svm gil umb v wilh barrysulliym the cruel taskmasters set over them by a new dynasty of pharaohs who knew riot joseph jexod 18 every effort was made to- destroy them but the more they were afflicted the more they multiplied and grew exod 1 12 until the hour struck which god had foretold to abraham his friend and so their deliverance effected so ifshall be in connection with the termination of their present long- drawnout agony the time of the promise draws nigh deliverance will come with messiahs second advent- in gods appointed time the heart of the lesson the lives of the patriarchs furnish us with wonderfurillustra- tions of the power of faith and of thefaithfulness of god not one of these men lived absolutely sinless lives but all valued the things of the spirit and were more concerned about the favor of the lord than earthly prosperity jacob may seem during part of his life to have been an exception to this but actually the- birthright as heir of the promise was valued by him even though he sought it in the wrong way his was a long life for self and a short life for god but his closing years declared the real ity of his faith to moses the re proach of christ meant more than all the honor and wealth that egypt could offer- him heb 11 24- 26 we shall be blest indeed if we imitate the faith of these men while seeking to shun their fail- ures seed potatoes kok france canadas diseasefree seed potatoes are in big demand in the liberated countries france has just placed her second order for 15000 tons of them another thing that makes canadian seed potatoes popular is that thanks to our con- trolled prices other countries can acquire their shipments at ceiling prices ioi free eye advice if you are suffering from ap- parent eye strain- and head- aches we will gladly check vision free of charge and advise you whether your symptoms are from faulty vision or other severe eye symptoms as a re suit of improperly fitted and poorly adjusted eve glassesl we will be pleased to expertly adjust and straighten your pre sent glasses to ensure maximum comfort there is no charge for this x vice mcm anus and stronach prescription opticians 1211a bay stat bloor toronto complete optical service 454 phone midway 1462 a forbes stronach ioe aoi 30ei r iivrrf bookkeeping auditing income tax returns g o t gamble rr 2- markham 5w ph stouffville 5503 dependable efficient radio repairs for all makes yonr home or car radio will bcguaranteed with onr 1 special overhaul bring to reliable radio co 454 nlghiwaridvr bid markham ont the ftttf a eolm issj6 m ed0otion which has been appointed to enquireinto and report upon the system of education in ontario will hold its first sessions in the senate chamber of the university of toronto at 10 amand at 2pm on april 11 and on april 12 1945 under the chairmanship of the hon mr justice j a hope such briefs as are submitted onor before april 10 1945 wiil be given preliminary consideration at the first sessions briefs submitted after april 10 1945 will be considered at subsequent sessions of the commission the sessjonsare open to the public s ah organizations interested in any of the problems related to public education are invited to submit briefs to r bf brjschon secretary a royal commission on education parliament buildings toronto i mm cmj i ui v fjvkial

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