v -v- iz v v st vt y ysy sir sfs7 a-p- leading weekly for whitchurch markham pickering and uxbridge twps vol 56 no 48- the tribune stouffville ont april 12 1945 eight pages congratulations are extended british and indian troops i who captured mandalay burma by their chief lord mountbatten who uses a captured jap gun as rostrum parking bylaw okayed by department is now law notice that the use of the sal vage collection depot on main street opposite the baptist church will be discontinued forthwith xhe lions club by ivhom the phicc has been oper- atcd are planning large scale milvagc pickups and will dis continue using this building a by law passed some- weeks ago j nfpot restricting the hours of parking in salxaue dbpoj stouffville has been approved by jiiscoajiauu the department cihjghwaysd mjrxie 1ub kindly takc is now in force the bylaw was designed to re strict the use of the town streets as permanent parking lots for weeks and even months at a time it also requires everyone to park in a manner not dangerous or as an obstruction to traffic while the bylaw restricts the hours of parking on the street to five hours at any one time if one parks their car out of the way of traffic and does not attempt to use the street as a garage it is unlikely that they will be hampered by the law so far as we can learn this is the first bylaw stouffville ever had to regulate motor traffic and it may be enlarged at some future time to deal more specifically with the manner in which cars shall be parked few towns are without a motor traffic bylaw and the wonder is that we have gotten by so long without one it will enable the constable to handle his business with more authority in respect to offenders who unthinkingly would block the street for long periods tixcax day morley brown will conduct a tin can day throughout the town on monday and tuesday next week april 10 and 17 tin cans and other scrap will be accepted but no vegetable matter householders are requested to place the stuff for the dump in old cartons or other containers con venient to the street mr brown will make the usual assessment on each householder yet it is hoped that everybody will avail themsel ves of this opportunity to rid the premises of old tins wire bottles etc- lions hear from junior farmers four bright young men from the unionville junior farmers group told of their group achievements in short interesting speeches on mon day evening following the supper hour at the mayfair restaurant of the stouffville lions club the speakers were wallie reesor douglas myles bruce yeamans and sam gough in addition reeve charlie hooper of markham spoke briefly and in an interesting way these young men are certainly en thused with farm life and are doing a splendid work in making farm activity more interesting and bene ficial than town or city life unionville junior fanners boasts a membership over 200 and 78 of these have made a blood donation while 75 others arc in the armed forces married 45 years i mr and mrs alfpughof stouff- vlllev were receiving the congratu lations of their friends this wed nesday it being their 45th wedding day h mrs john brown passed away aprils the death- of mrs john j brown on the jcarm just east of stouffville on the well known homestead be ing lot 2 on the 10th concession removes one whose long life rather served as a link between the pre sent generation and the early pioneers of ontario deceased was born s2 years ago in the uxbridge district a daughter of the late john ijunter well know butcher of his day in uxbridge after her marriage to john j brown the couple settled on the brown iarm sixty years ago and where she spent the remainder of her long life she had been a widow for nineteen years and is survived byan only daughter cora mrs leland johnston on the home stead and one son ross e brown member of the municipal council in town and a prominent vegetable dealer she was predeceased by a sonmorley in 1920 father of sub- lieut ijarry brown of stouffville and whose mother is mrs n v byer also by a daughter mary l brown who died in 1925 mrs brown was the last of a family of five children and her mother died when she was young she was a devoted woman to her home and enjoyed the respect and admiration of a goodly circle of friends her long illness was a try ing ordeal and the faithful help of her daughter was an outstanding contribution to the comfort of the aged mothers declining years the funeral on sunday afternoon was attended by relatives from toronto midland uxbridge and other places rev d davis of the united t church- preached the ser mon and reve morton v offered the prayer- pall bearers were messrs levi forsyth cecil brown lloyd turner floyd fairies fred winn and howard st john inter ment was made in stouffville ceme tery floral tributes were beautiful tokens of remembrance interesting comment by local soldier in hospital overseas below is- the contents in part of a letter just received by miss grace bell of stouffville from her brother claire who has been overseas now for several years just another letter from one hos pital patient to another on this se cond day of spring a fine morning it is too bright and sunny with cool breezes coming through the open window i have spent twelve days in bed and as my trouble is now clearing up the mo said i could get up this afternoon the familiar dress blue suit white shirt and red tie has- been neatly piled in my little stand all along today we shall see how it looks both of us must be eager to slip back into the old workaday world as amended but we must re member that the times will be very transitional with socialism making a strong bid for public support to whom do the resources of the world rightfully belong to small groups or to the people as a whole if the latter then there lie ahead much earnest thought and careful labour since it will require time to effect transfer of ownership from private to public capifal unless your childrens birthright includes a share hi the countrys resources how can you know they will find employment to support life as it is now they must sell their labour to private capital for what it will bring while the real cream of the results of their labour namely pro fits is skimmed off by the owners i hope within the next twenty years to see society so organized that each- baby born in canada is automatically heir to an interest in the total- wealth of his country this would ensure among many things proper maintenance during early life education to the limits set by his own capabilities and certain employment at suitable work everyone fit to work must work in order to produce the wealth necess ary to support such a society a properly socialist society is on ly attainable through a high stand ard of citizenship and superior thinking when opponents talk of socialism being a mere greed on the part of the lower classes for things which do not properly belong in their hands that is- a- boomerang- for who set them up to portionout the worlds wealth well it is a long story and a pretty serious one so let us start to creep first and then to walk a bad figure that lest we fall and lose confidence i have been out in the sun chatt ing and looking at the mountains very good to be dressed again though i found i had less strength than i thought it seems that even a few days in bed soften you up still the fatfree diet keeps on which involves chicken every day tough eh see how selfcentred i have become writing about my self all the time there are no visi tors except for the odd chap dropp ing in to see a chum thank good ness it is not an italian hospital as we make less of company among ourselves here most of the chaps being british with a sprinkling from the rest of the commonwealth no need to be lonely you see then there are the waafs and the red cross which help fill our needs for little extras claire bell clergy and businessmen lay plans for victory day here big scrap collection in town monday stouffville residents arc asked to place their bundles of sal vage newspapers magazines old iron bottles rags etc in a convenient bundle in front of their house for collection on monday this is the opening day of the drive which will take in a considerable area of the four surrounding townships everything is acceptable with the- exception of broken glass and tin cans a massed open air thanksgiving service for stouffville and district in memorial park is expected to mark the day of victory in europe if the carefully considered plans of a body of business nien and minis ters of the town are carried out as it is now arranged nobody knows when the day will arrive but the committee will work fast to be ready for the great occasion that so many people pray may come to pass soon- rev d davis will head the local program committee with rev c montgomery and rev e moyer harold spofford the war veterans and reeve nolan messrs l c murphy and cedric watson were appointed in charge of the schools who will be expected to parade to the park for the thanksgiving ser vice councillor r e brown will be in charge of decorating and ar ranging for a large truck as a plat- just as soon the architect ahd councillor e a button in engineer make their survey of thei of the electrical equipment school building which will be some- ind rev p montgomery will be time this week and plans are res for securing the sound board oi education general business moving to uxbridge harvey elson who resides on the townline west in markham moved this week to a 185 acre farm just south of uxbridge town and known as the joe kennedy place on the stouffville road mr elson will continue to buy old horses fit for turning into glue orfox meat bought in goodwood mr and mrs chas alsop who live at corner of stouffer and mon treal streets have just purchased a property in goodwood the former r ashenhyrsl place one door north of dr darlings residence they will move immediately were off says kindergarten group drafted then tenders will be called for the new heating extension which will be located in a separate building adjoining the southwest corner of the big building mr don chadwick intimated to the board in session on monday evening that he had been in touch with the architect and assurances were obtained that plans would be drawn at once for this extension chairman agthompson told the board that letters of approval had been received from the dept of education for this work also for the setting up of a fund for post war expansion and which amounts this year to 2200 the money has been sent to tor onto and is on deposit with the dept of education bearing interest at 3 per cent it will be the first of a nest egg for the building of an auditorium when such an under taking can be proceeded with and which is counted out at this time because of labor and material scar city and unduly high cost of ma terials the secretary of the board h o klinck stated that he had received a cheque remittance from the dept of education totalling 3800 which is about onethird of the liberal grant the government is making this year to all schools in ontario a discussion on the proper charge to be made for use of the school building lor other than school pur poses resulted in a fee of 5 being asked from such organizations as desire the use of the building the charge was considered just some thing to pay expenses light heat and janitor are furnished and this should about meet the cost it was stated system mr f l button was ap pointed to secure the members of the band to head the parade the program to be developed will be purely- of a thanksgiving nature and the people in the surrounding school area are invitedto join in if time permits a suitable mem orial program will be printed and it is expected that the service will be an v afternoon affair because v day will no doubt be a public holi day when all business will come to a standstill as we mark the cessa tion of hostilities in europe lloydbrook team auctions for 360 that attractive farm team on the lloydbrook farm at claremont sold at the farm auction there last week for 180 each alex doner new market purchased the pair which have beenadmired around the local show ring on more than one occa sion one of the largest crowds to attend a sale this season gathered for this auction which took from the pockets of the onlookers some 9200 for the goods they bought the tractor on rubber brought 1600 and was bought by gillespies from orillia the manure spreader went for 330 hay loader 246 while the threshing outfit sold to clarence mcdowell for 855 auctioneer farmer again estab lished a record for rapid selling since he opened this big sale at 1230 and sold the last article at 530 new president charles cooper prominent claremont merchant was recently elected president of the retail implement deal ers association at uxbridge western business change pending councillors on speed urge war ers in lown a very well foundedrumor about town reports that william pitman is about to sell his butchering busi ness known as the west end butcher shop and located in the lawson block to mr earl hisey of toronto former stouffville boy ill health compels mr pitman to consider this change and if the deal is completed this week he will give his time to his farm just north of town and where he now livest red cross promises to pass last years mark surely there must be something we can do to stop the speeding through the westend of town said councillor john smits at the regu lar session of town council on thursday evening its a crime the way some people go raring through town on satur day night when the streets are crowded added councillor button councillors stated that there were numerous complaints about the dangerous speeding of many motorists when passing in and out of town reeve nolan stated that const able rusnell handed out more summonses last year for speeding than in five years previous and it looked as if that was the only way motorists could be curbed constable rusnell stated that the court had a tendency to soft pedal speeding charges it seems funny said councillor smits the law is there and why should the court place obstacles in the way of enforcing it constable rusnell said that he twentyone kiddies wee boys andl was giving considerable time to girls opened their academic course tracking down these law breakers street names are here the street signs have arrived and will be erected right away the white lettering with green background should be easily read with so many strangers travelling names on our streets will certainly be appreciated may be his 15th year v day at ringwood a thanksgiving service is being planned to be held at ringwood christian church on v day it was decided this week rev gibson brown is in charge of the affair for which a suitable programme will be arranged iw red cross correction h saunders should have read mr and mrs h stouffer 500 on monday- morning in stouffville by enrolling in the kindergarten class organized by a small group of mothers and under the tutorship of mrs charles montgomery tem porary quarters in the united church basement have been secured and the accommodation is now taxed to the limit morning class only is being held but much will be learned about dis cipline and construction we ven ture to say by these young stu dents whose ages range around four and five years here arethe names on the roll gal rennie bruce smith betty scott patricia barry carol skinner bradley elson joe greenwood joan chadwick billy daniels margaret lintner noreen epworth donnie jackson barry- wilkes eddie san particularly during the weekends the suggestion was made that a larger and more attractive sign be placed at either end of town an- noucing more forcibly of the speed limit and that it be rigidly en forced all members agreed that the constable should go the limit in enforcingthe law in this regard and that conviction would be forth coming if motorists continued to flaunt the speed limit mrs j cobb of toronto spent tuesday with mr and mrs levi grove mrs jack todds has just returned to montreal after spending a few weeks here with her parents mr and delbert holden p ders margaret curtlsvennabrown omrsrri stevens obrien avenue shirley mcmuuen barbara scott- left on tuesday for washington david baker jimmie mcconnochie dc to spend a couple of weeks earl cook who fifteen years ago left the st georges oba baseball team in toronto to join the toronto maple leafs is still at his home in lemon- ville north of stouffville pend- ing an adjustment of contract with the toronto pros earl t61d the tribune- that he may not join the team until the opener in toronto on may 2nd he is a very busy man right now with seeding operations on the home farminwhitchurchj but has not from- the ij game as has been rumored- about town in recent weeks red cross receipts up to wednes day totalled 4400 for stouffville and the south part of whitchurch included with the town there are still some canvassers to report and the grand total is now assured of 4500 or over which will equal or pass the givings of last year collected by miss baniicrmnn and mrs v miller misses b ewinn 10 mr and mrs w greenbury 5 mrs muri- son si mrs stapleton 1 mrs w d parker 1 mrs p lageer 50c mrs s warriner 5 mrs m cross 2 rev and mrs goudie 2 mrs d wv lennox 10 mr and mrs- m tait 2 mr mrs e williams betty 7 mr mrs j madill 2 mrs w h shaw 25 miss l waters 5 mr gar -lehman- 10 mrs f gostick 1 mr mrs cd pipher25 miss m moyer 35c mrs w porter 2 rev d davis 5 mrs s shankel 1 mrs- d j william son 2 mr n forsyth 2 mr mrs g gunn 25 air and mrs h odgen 5 mrs jas turner 10 mrs f wagg 2 mrs d davis 1 misses e g slack 3 miss grice 50 mrs j silverthorn 3 mrs d cook 50c mr- and mrs davey 1 mrs r young 6 mr g p hait 7 mr and mrs d e wagg 2 mrs m williamson 2 mr mrs kitching 10 misses m j lemon 2 mrs allen goudie 2 mrs alma wetheral 5 mrs e wagg 1 mrs r bone 1 mrs bruce winterstein 51 mrsh shuttleworth 3 mrs r- storry 5 mrs f jackson 1 mrs w ratcliff- 2 mrs fred johnson 1 mrs- r elson 25c dorothy moyer 1 mrs m b lee 15 mr pointonl mrsd lewis 50c miss m kellington 1 mrs w g scott2 j collected by miss g todd and mrs i forsyth mrs john castle 2 miss o hutch inson 3 miss mildred barkey 1 mr e j jarvis 1 mr j cober 1 mr dsmales15mr j dougher ty 2 miss m urquhart 1 miss m crossen 1 mrs jess tindall 1 mrs gowland50c mr h burgess 1 mrs g harman 2 mrs j mil ler 1 mrs f gibson 1 mr fh walker 1 miss h percy 10 mrs m barthman s5 a friend 1 mrs everton smith miss gertrude todd 10 mr john marshall 1 mr fred marshall 15 mr jas morin continued on page seven births stiver at peterboro on friday april 6th 1945 to mr and mrs gordon stiver mary harvey peterboro a son kenneth gor- don taberat thebrierbush hos pital stouffville- on friday april 6th 1945 to mr and mrs gordon taber whitchurch twp thegift of a daughter burnettatthe brierbush hos- pital stouff ville on wednesday t 1945to mr and mrs elmer burnett bloomington the gift of a- son v- 3r 4vkyifefe