army tank autiionecl off at milliken sale ldeal arid fer soiiai hajpipeiiiiigs a demobilized army tank wassold at an auction at milliken corners stripped of armor and with a fordv8 engine installed the tank hadalready had a years service with another farmer and was sold this time for 490 to be used as a bulldozer auctioneer is clarke prentice many youngsters attended the auction a typical spring consignment sale of farm implements and power machinery bill knowles 10 5172 yonge st perches in an auto trunk compartment loaded with iron pots gasoline tins a chair and an applepeelers linton timbers right 17yearold son of a milliken farmer grins over his purchase a churn a saw and a a scythe purina calf will you have any calves born between now and may 15th if so come in and let us tell you about purina calf startena the new dry calf feed everyone is switching to- we want to give 2500 to the owner of the calf that shows the best percen tage of gain up to 4 months of age we also are giving away free jme weigh tape to every customer purchasing calf startena this tape when put around the heart girth of v calf wiii give you the estimated weight in pounds ask us- more about thecalf startena the tapes and the contest whenyou are in i y bros phonh 4501 remember this is the week of boadways big rexalls 1c sale mr and mrs f hicks of hamil ton and mr and mrs don moyer toronto were easter guests in town with mr and mrs harvey moyer after spending the winter here dr and mrs- l s klinck left on tuesday for their home in vancou ver taking with them the best wishes of a great host of friends donald rowbothara is home from the east coast on a two weeks fur lough he has been at petawawa for a short time on instructional duty with the artillery division following a visit extending over three months with mr nathan forsyth and other friends and re latives mrand mrs george hughes left on tuesday for their home in watson sask their son bob accompanied them hon brooke claxton minister of national health and welfare who is responsible for the administrat ion of the baby bonus was one of the first to fill out sucfilin appll- cation in ottawa claiming allow ances or two dependent children david 15 and helen jane 12 regular meeting of the stouff- ville municipal council this thurs day evening for the month of april mr and mrs william reaman moved this week from rr2 stouff- ville to gormley where they have rented the wilton farm of 100 acres just vacated by bert smith many people tell us they have a piece of garden planted hence with no serious weather reverses towns people and others will have early lettuce onions and potatoes- this year miss muriel oakes left on wed nesday for her home in new west minster bc miss oakes located in stouffville just a year ago and has been employed here at the gold fish supply plant while residing with mr and mr wm simpson an interesting ceremony was per formed at the united church on easter sunday morning when nine teen young people were inducted into church membership by rev douglas davis stouitviltc war branch wishes to thank the following for donations received a friend 5400 miss chapman 1 miss daley 1 mrs lickorish 2 mrs sinclair 2 and material bloomington school quilts mrs i boadway mrs mc- leod quilt top and batts mrs bro- die quilt top you are requested to hand in all knitted articles or cloth ing you can by april 12th for ship ment m davey sec dogs are forbidden to run at large and it is a good thing to see that so many dog owners are obey ing the bylaw in this behalf thus preventing a lot of trouble for those charged with enforcing the law one man disposed of his dog be cause such animals have to be so closely confined and many other people would not own a dog for the very same reason however people who do own dogs for the most part find it hard to think of parting with the family pet as anyone who ever owned one can readily realize for many it is a case of when this one is gone ill never own another harry lintner recently returned from the battle front expected to enter military hospital last week for further operation on his injured foot however the institution- was so crowded harry was returned home for a further period when the ontario legislature voted themselves out of office they overlooked the factthat they were voting themselves out of 1480 each because they failed by four days ffo sit the statutory time to draw the full 2000 sessional indem nity instead the members must be satisfied with 20 a day for the 26 days the legislature was in session this time the taxpayers can enjoy the laugh while members jibe the premier for unbending and refus ing to sit another four clays so the boys and the girl could pull down the full allowance timid and peaceful as a lamb the month of march ended practically as it started rain throughout sat urday ceased toward evening for a perfect spring- evening the weather throughout the month was most umjsual and rates as the warmest on record since records have beenkept in toronto it makes the old proverb in like a lamb out like a lion unreconcilable good friday was a quiet holiday in stouffville as usual yet there was plenty of travel on the main high ways and a great number of city people came out to enjoy a quiet day in the country two cnr trains sunday night toronto bound were packed all subscribers to the tribune whose subscriptions are three months in arrears will this week receive their expiration notices kindly check your label and attend to this matter so that it will not be necessary for you to miss any issue there are several mainstreet building lots available in the east end and convenient to the school that should be picked up by intend ing builders the best located lots for allyearround use probably lie in this section because of not only school conveniences- there is bus service past your door a clear road all winter for your own car and extra good drainage outlets at the christian church on sun day evening an impressive easter service was in charge of the christ ian endeavour with a girls choir trios and duets miss nora staple- ton and miss evelyn dougherty were at the organ and piano and mrs j silyerthorn read the easter story from the bible presented in tableau form by other members of the group- miss isabel collard of toronto was a visitor in stouffville for the holiday weekend at the harry brillinger home the easter thankoffering meet ing- of st james auxiliary of the wms will be held friday april 6th in the presbyterian church at 230 pjn guest speaker will be mrs- john williams toronto past pre sident of the provincial board of the presbyterian wms- mrs k g tarr obrien ave was in receipt of a lovely bouquet of flowers for easter the blooms were grown out of doors by mrs tarrs brother in victoria bc and flown here for the occasion the first real spring- rain of the season fell on saturday when a steady downpour fell for hours seeding operations were held up but that was not serious since the seed is going in weeks ahead of the average year mr chas robinson miss isabelle robinson mr and mrs leslie williamson and miss betty williamson were holiday visitors with mr and mrs chas nolan mr isaac barkey and mrs frank williamson- i the big spring salvage campaign sponsored by the stouffville lions club is scheduled to get underway on april 16th keep the date in mind and haveyour bundle ready when the truck calls everything will be collected with the exception of tin cans and broken glass purchase obrien ave home mr robi snowball local barber has bought the former nendick residence on obrien ave more recently occupied by mr and mrs ii johnston who purchased thc home several years ago on retiring from the farm the johnstons will move to claremont where they have bought the former sherman rumohr residence one of the two town reservoirs was cleaned out last week and the trees trimmed surrounding the reservoir which is known as the east one or the original reservoir which served the town alone for many years the cleaning process consists of running out all the water and washing down the deep floor which emits a great deal of vegetable matter such as dead leaves while these are not injur ious to health theyare not allowed to accumulate in any quantity dur ing the cleaning process the water supply is drawn from the remain ing reservoir which this year for the first time was augmented by water from the emergency supply installed two years ago another big ducking v hear that the town cop in charge of operations cleaning the reservoirs last week fell into the big tank fne men were cleaning out since the former reeve aeweldon took a similar ducking last year it seems that the two hundred pounds and over class are prone to go down and under when they reach the source of our town water supply j pass on lie school grants the town of aurora despite the big addition to school grants has struck the same tax rate which has prevailed there for ten yearswhich is 40 mills the town of uxbridge reduced its tax rate from 56 to 52 mills when aurora struck the same rate as in 1943 one is led to ask what became of- the big grants toward education j costs which should have given the tax payers of aurora five or six mills of a reduc tion uxbridge did better than aurora when they passed back four mills which at that is less than half the increased grants -passed- to the northern town if municipalities fail to turn back the extra grants pro vided by the drew government the purpose for which they are being paid will be defeated and maylead toa whittling down of thesegrvnts in the future on the ground that the municipalities do not play fair and pass on the cuts mhtended for the individual tax payer mrs robert clossen who is living with her daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs robert johnson be tween the 8th and 9th concession of whitchurch has riot been enjoy ing very good health this winter despite her great age of 83 years however mrsi clossen looks for ward to the warm soothing summer sunshine to cure her ills and per mit her to get about once again mrs harold spofford mrs a v nolan and mrs c griffiths motored to mount albert on thursday after noon to attend the funeral of violet oldham wife of the late charles brooks who for many years before her marriage lived in the town of uxbridge with mrs j f browns- conibe and the late mr browns- combe deceased was an aunt of miss gladys brooks of-the-stouff- ville public school staff- when a renewal of his drivers license was not forthcoming with out a test of his ability to drive be cause of his great age one of our townsmen mr e j davey respond ed to the challenge by taking that test and as he says i went through with flying colors e j may be over 80 but hes quite an active man and while he does not do a great deal of driving he finds the car most convenient now and then one week from today- thursday april- 12 mrs lemon baker will reach her 88th birthday she is now living on obrien avenue and en joys walking down town- almost daily her eyesight is not good any more and she regrets that she cannot remember the things she once could mrs baker is probably the oldest living person who attend- ed the hillcrest school on the 6th concession of whitchurch for she was born on the old mcclintock farm on the 7th concession mrs courtney loses a sister mr and mrs george courtney former residents here yhen mr courtney was employed by the late w j mather were- in town for a short- time on good friday as they travelled to their home hear wes- tonafter having attendedthe fun eral of mrs courtneys sister the late mrs david pgourlieiwho died suddenly av the toronto east gen- eral hospital on wednesday march 28 mfsgburllewas a daughter of the late robert hardy of ljxbridge and is survived by an only daugh ter flossie mrs frank higgins whose husband passed away not so long ago also surviving are three brothers and three sisters including mrs courtney the funeral on good- friday was from the late homeat highland creek tcux bridge cemetery- for interment cannells purple king cs j4 sk- vf- g 0 ftjt turnip growers and shippers genuine cennellspurplc king turnip seed now read for 1945 season already known to thousands of shipper exporter farmers and stockmen u the finest and mo c reliable purple top swede erer pro- duced fine lobular shapesmalfc neck single rap root deep yellow flesh slightly bronze purple cop i grand shipper and keeper easy to harvest perfect cable or nock turnip always reliable it costs no more to produce the best genuine gannells purple king h available only through our firm or our appointed representatives order oow pound pack- ages bearing cannell signature 9103 postpaid or 954 by express not prepaid warminfv tominis0umuiofci1 fflfuimnu ontmioj sr sot4 north ammusm tit- tribwtort sppointsd 1930 fee csmdlt pmrpl kmw turnip smltbis sd is pckttf owtr btk smnlw smd ndvhtlj mtt fota lamucc tttuf u sou on1y in this package freeour bio194s seed and nuksert cataioo- n0w ready dominion seed house georgetown ontario vvv-